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Activity/length: Year/Gender Resources: (Specific to the challenges reference to equipment, teaching and learning resources (e.g.

Hockey task cards), and ICT equipment)

6 weeks/12 hours Year 7/ Mixed Criteria check lists, white boards and pens, bibs, hoops, variety balls, cones,
Gender goals, flat spots, hockey sticks, hockey goals, task cards, whistles, after
school and local club information sheet.

Curriculum Aims: Aims/objectives:

(Specific the purpose of Physical In this unit of work pupils will engage in activities that will develop their confidence and
education and the which of the 4
aims this unit supports)
competence in a variety of hockey techniques, many activities as well as techniques and
strategies can be transferable to other invasion games, the pupils will be able to use
technique learned in actvities and take them into small sided games. The pupils will also be
-develop competence and given a basic introduction to the principles of how to make an effective performance and apply
confidence in an invasion them to own and others work.
styled activity.
Perform a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and
-are physically active for individual games.
sustained periods of time
1. Pupils will learn and develop skills with in hockey such as, sending and receiving, travelling with the ball,
attacking, defending and shooting with different invasion game scenarios.
-engage in competitive
2. Students will be able to select and use tactics and strategies effectively in different invasion game scenarios -
sports and activities applying them with confidence and competence to overcome opponents.

3. Students will be able to apply basic strategies and tactics whilst being able to explain why this application can be
successful to the activity.

4. They will analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve more
success whilst exercising safely and effectively.

Curriculum aims:
Use a variety of different strategies and tactics to overcome opponents
Identify and appreciate the improvement and progress of own and others performance
Develop knowledge, skill and understanding of hockey and invasion games
Aims contributing to Language and Literacy:
Literacy- read and understand written scenarios and instructions to apply to different
Follow instructions and key terminology through various visual, audio or kinesthetic learning
Work in groups to share ideas, evaluate and build on strategies and tactics created
Calculate scores and understand distances for pitch markings and penalties
Understand timings for the game and various card offences
Health & Safety: Inclusion Strategies: (Link to National curriculum inclusion statement categories specific to unit)
People: staff: plan and risk
assess activities in advance. Setting suitable learning challenges:
Pupils: correct clothing and Every pupil given the opportunity to experience in success through differentiated and progressive activities.
footwear. Hair tied back/ no Opportunities given to pupils to experience a range of roles through invasion activities. (referee/ player in a range of
jewelry. positions/ coach).
Context: build on prior
learning to ensure all Responding to pupils needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils:
activities are within the
A range of learning resources to assist alongside different teaching strategies to target all learning styles (VAK).
pupils abilities to execute
Assessment strategies to track pupil progress and ensure needs are being met.
Organisation: guided Communicate effectively with TAs
learning, observation that Make use of the Inclusion spectrum where applicable.
activities are completed Be prepared to adapt activities to fit all individuals learners and their needs.
safely, mixed ability groups,
progressive activities
building on prior knowledge.

Outcome/Process: (Specific Core tasks: Weeks 1-3 Compelling / irresistible

learning outcomes aligned to specific (specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that learning: (What environments,
aspects being taught in the unit aims phase of the unit)
teaching styles, interactive
and objectives using the language of
the end of key stage statement)
Core task- opportunities, Out of hours learning,
extension / enrichment , themes will
Dribbling and ball control be used to make this unit motivating
Pupils will develop ball Passing and exciting for the learners?)
control and skills through a Creating space
series of practices and Dribbling Peer Assessment:
games and start to Relays: Slalom style relays dribbling in and out of cones (Can be: Success criteria on a
effectively integrate these Reflective & Competitive) successful pass
skills into a competitive DEV: Only left foot/right foot
situation. Pupils will also DEV: Use different size balls Errorful to errorless
develop effective decision DEV: Make it competitive environment through
making about what skill King/Queen of the ring: Pupils must dribble a ball around a designated guided discovery
would be most effective to area, keeping the ball under control. While doing this, they must also
outwit their opponents. try and intercept/kick another pupils ball out the area. If their ball is hit Q & A e.g. what makes a
out, they must move to the pitch beside it to carry on the same game. successful pass/ when
DEV: If the ball is hit out again then get that pupil to rejoin the first pitch that certain ass should be
without a ball and act as a defender to knock the ball out
used/ what makes
DEV: Add in time limits, specific defenders, a skill condition e.g. do a
dribbling effective/ when
Bulldog: Start with one defender stood in the middle of area (without a should you dribble/ what
ball). The rest of the pupils with a ball must dribble to the opposite side decision is best (the use
of the area without being tackled. If a pupil loses the ball or goes out of of open/closed
the area, they join and become another defender. questioning and Blooms
Attacking play
Pirate Treasure Game: Have 3/4 defenders stood in the middle of the Establish roles to
area (without a ball). Similarly to the bulldog rules, attackers need to encourage knowledge
dribble past the defenders to reach the other side, however if they are e.g. referee and coach
tackled they must go back to the start. The aim is to get past the
defenders, knock down a cone (treasure) and take it back without
Use a range of teaching
losing the ball. (Can be: Reflective & Competitive)
DEV: Add more defenders
styles to satisfy all learner

Use a range of equipment

with lesson (e.g the use
of football, rugby, netball
instead of hockey balls

Making effective use of

resources, for example
task cards or technology
to show and emphasise
technique and comparing
it to pupils technique

Promote extra-curricular
clubs and community
clubs within the area

Passing and ball control

Cone Count Down: In pairs, pupils must perform 10 effective grounded
passes between them. Once they have done this, they take a step back
so the distance is bigger and repeat. They must do this until they
completed the final 10 passes on the last distance/cone (Can be:
Reflective & Competitive)
Possession Game/End ball: Get pupils into teams of 4/5. The aim is to
keep possession of the ball in your team for as long as possible. If the
defending team gain possession, they then become the attacking team.
DEV: Give a target zone for each team to get the ball to in order to
score a point.
DEV: Overload play (e.g. 3v5) (Can be: Reflective & Competitive)

Possession: 4v2 shadowing games

Small games of 4v2 in areas, to emphasis the importance of possession
and how numbers in attack matter. Starting with basic rules then
introducing conditions, such as five passes equals one point. Building
on ball skills and decision making regarding correct pass and timing.

Finding and Creating Space:

Chase the tails as a warm up; getting players used to moving around
and away from opposition. Bibs for tails tucked into shorts or tags.
Moving around an area with small number of catchers. Incorporate a
ball once caught you are stuck, your team must pass you the ball
successfully to become unstuck and move off into space.

4 corners of boxes. Two teams, two balls. Playing to get both balls in
their two scoring boxes. Most pupils will all gather around their team
ball and then just run to the next one. Introduce the idea of marking
and getting into space to receive the ball quicker. Remove a ball and
analyses how they can keep the ball and get into that space quickly.
Outcome/Process cont. Core tasks: Weeks 4-6 Compelling /
(Specific learning outcomes showing
progression from weeks 1-3, linked to
Core tasks- irresistible learning
the specific aspects being taught Channeling attackers cont.:
outlined in the unit aims and objectives 3D Skills What environments, teaching
using the language of the end of key styles, interactive opportunities,
stage statement) Attacking vs Defending Out of hours learning, extension /
Channeling: In groups of 2 or 3 make a good sized square and within enrichment, themes will be used
to make this unit motivating and
the square have 2 gates in line with each other, have a defender and exciting for the learners?)
Students will develop attacker if there is a pupil spare can be an official or coach for the other
knowledge over the players. The task is whilst the defender who is situated in between the 2 Establish roles to
importance of tactics and sets of cones, their job is to channel the attacker towards one of the
encourage knowledge
team strategies. They will gates however because you want to channel the attacker to the weaker
side there is a point system where one gate has a higher scoring points
e.g. referee and coach
be able to make decisions
than the other.
to overcome challenges Assign different roles
such as spacing in order to Channeling game- make a small pitch with 3 grids in the middle, in to develop
be successful and beat groups of three, two teams per pitch. Have one defender in each grid independent learning
their opponent. Pupils will (the defenders arent allowed to leave their grid, the attacking have to and encourage natural
be able to use the skills get from one side of the pitch to the other without get tackled each grid leaders.
they have learnt in co- equals a number of points, the idea of this is for the defending team to
ordination with the tactics work together to channel the attackers into an area that enables them to Team evaluation and
and strategies involved in tackle. peer assessment
team invasion games to be about what is working
successful. 3D skills (lifting) - 3d skills simply means when the ball is lifted off the
ground. Activities for this could be dribbling around and having to lift the and how they can
ball over obstacles and each obstacle represents different number of improve using prior
Pupils should be able to knowledge. How can
points. To transfer in to a game on a small sided pitch play attack vs
organize themselves as a they be more
defense and in each corner of the pitch have obstacle that the attacking
group or team and apply team have to lift over before they can score. successful?
strategies effectively from
one game to another. Attacking vs Defending Use of errorful
Numbers: Split class into equal teams and get the pupils to label environment into the
Pupils should start to be themselves numbers (teams of around 5). Teacher calls a number and
able to channel attackers successful and more
the pupils from each team with that number must run into the middle,
into certain areas of the controlled activities.
receive a ball and score a goal.
pitch where tackles are DEV: Call more than one number- end on all number to also encourage
easy to make. passing and stimulate an actual game. Can use overloads for more Add points for team
success/ make it progressively work or skill control
harder for Star= Attacker defenders. (Can not just winning. Add
be: Reflective & Triangle= Defender Competitive) points for
Circle= Cones sportsmanship,
Arrow= Direction attacker knowledge, creativity,
needs to go effort and
communication. (BFL)

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