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Class Acts: Fighter

By Mike Mearls
Illustrations by David Rapoza

The School of Twenty Blades is a small, unassuming Heroic Tier Fighter Feats
building nestled on the edge of the civilized world.
Most passersby mistake it for a private residence or
the workshop. The old man who sits on the buildings Weapon Master
front stoop looks unassuming. Few would guess that Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, Weapon Expertise
he is Crelden Varn, one of the greatest living weapon Benefit: You gain the benefits of Weapon Focus
masters. and Weapon Expertise with all weapons you are pro-
Crelden has taught dozens of young warriors the ficient with.
art of battle. His ethos is simple. A warrior who relies
too heavily on a single weapon is doomed to eventu- Level 1 At-Will Exploits
ally match his technique against a foe who can exploit
his styles weakness. No single school of martial arts Resolute Shield Fighter Attack 1
is perfect. Thus, he seeks to teach his students a broad As you slash into your foe, you pull your shield into a defensive
range of tactics. He encourages them to carry several position between the two of you, guaranteeing that it absorbs
weapons and use the right one based on the situation. at least some of your enemys attack.
Creldens teachings form the basis of the most flex- At-Will F Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
ible approach to the fighting arts. His students learn
Requirement: Shield
a variety of stances to react to an enemys tactics. Target: One creature
They incorporate ranged weapons into their strategy, Attack: Strength vs. AC
engaging an enemy from a distance before closing to Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you gain resist
equal to your Constitution modifier against the targets
attack. They turn a shield into an offensive weapon, attacks until the end of your next turn.
sending an enemys attacks careening into their other Increase damage to 2[W] + your Strength modifier at 21st
foes. Most importantly, they learn simple attack tech- level.
niques that, when matched with different weapons,
produce wildly different results. A fighter who studies
the School of Twenty Blades is unmatched in his abil-
ity to react to his foes tactics.

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Class Acts: Fighter

Level 2 Utility Exploit Level 6 Utility Exploit

Multiple Stances Battle Fury Stance Fighter Utility 2 Bodyguards Stance Fighter Utility 6
You throw your full weight into each attack, ruining your de- You stand poised, ready to block attacks made against your
This article introduces a number of stances fenses but scoring a crippling blow with each strike. allies with your shield or, failing that, your body.
that you can use each encounter. A good way
Encounter F Martial, Stance Encounter F Martial, Stance
to track your stances is to either print power Minor Action Personal Minor Action Personal
cards for them or note each on an index card. Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls with weap- Effect: Whenever an ally adjacent to you suffers damage, you
Arrange them in a stack, with your current on attacks but suffer a 2 penalty to AC. You cannot end reduce that damage by 5 as a free action. When you do so,
stance face up. When you swap stances, simply this stance on the same turn that you enter it. The bonus you suffer 5 damage. You cannot opt to avoid reducing the
put your new stance on top and put the other damage from this stance increases to +4 at 11th level and damage unless you are unable to use free actions.
+6 at 21st level. Special: You can end this stance as a free action during your
at the bottom of the stack.
Special: This stance ends when you spend a healing surge. You turn.
can end this stance as a free action during your turn.

Level 7 Encounter Exploit

Weapon Masters Strike Fighter Attack 1
Level 3 Encounter Exploit
You shift your tactics to match your weapons strengths, maxi- Weapon Masters Gambit Fighter Attack 7
mizing its advantages to gain an edge against your foe. Deflecting Shield Fighter Attack 3 As a master of many weapons, you use this simple attack form
At-Will F Martial, Weapon As you hammer your foe with an attack, you move your shield as the starting point for expressing your weapons nature.
Standard Action Melee weapon to deflect its counterattack. Encounter F Martial, Weapon
Target: One creature Encounter F Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before making this attack, you may sheathe a weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature
and draw a different one as a free action. Requirement: Shield Effect: Before making this attack, you may sheathe a weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Target: One creature and draw a different one as a free action.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Attack: Strength vs. AC Attack: Strength vs. AC
Axe: The target takes additional damage equal to your Con- Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. The next time the Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. In addition, the target
stitution modifier. target attacks you before the end of your next turn, one takes an additional effect based on the weapon you wield.
Mace: You slide the target 1 square. other enemy adjacent to you suffers damage equal to your Axe: Up to 2 creatures adjacent to the target take damage
Heavy Blade: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +1 Strength modifier. equal to your Constitution modifier.
power bonus to AC against the targets attacks. Mace: The target is knocked prone.
Spear or Polearm: Until the end of your next turn, the target Heavy Blade: You gain combat advantage against the target
provokes opportunity attacks from you when it shifts. until the end of your next turn.
Spear or Polearm: You slide the target 2 squares and shift 2
squares to a square adjacent to the target.

December 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 2
Class Acts: Fighter

Level 10 Utility Exploit Level 16 Utility Exploit Level 22 Utility Exploit

Martial Redoubt Fighter Utility 10 Warding Shield Fighter Utility 16 Martial Supremacy Fighter Utility 22
You sink into a broad fighting stance, whirling your weapon in You twist and move in your current space, your shield held Your fighting expertise and experience allow you to use your
an arc that disrupts your foes line of sight and allows you to ready, as you prepare to block your foes attacks. most familiar attacks with unmatched accuracy.
knock aside your enemys attacks. While you protect your foes, Encounter F Martial, Stance Encounter F Martial, Stance
this stance forces you to compromise your own defenses. Move Action Personal Minor Action Personal
Encounter F Martial, Stance Requirement: Shield Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever you use a fighter at-will
Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses and are im- attack power or basic attack, you may reroll an attack that
Effect: Until the stance ends, your allies have cover when adja- mune to forced movement. misses.
cent to you. Your enemies gain combat advantage against Special: This stance ends if you move during your turn. You can Special: This stance ends if you spend a healing surge. You can
you. end this stance as a free action during your turn. end this stance as a free action during your turn.
Special: You can end this stance as a free action during your
Level 17 Encounter Exploits Level 23 Encounter Exploits
Level 13 Encounter Exploit Weapon Masters Tactics Fighter Attack 17 Battering Shield Fighter Attack 23
You shift to a new weapon, catching your enemy off guard as You hack into your foe, leaving it defenseless for a critical mo-
Entrapping Shield Fighter Attack 13 your tactics make a dramatic transformation. ment. As another foe closes to attack, you ready your shield to
You tangle your shield with your foe as you lunge to attack. Encounter F Martial, Weapon deflect the attack into your target.
While it struggles to escape, you use your shield to deflect at- Standard Action Melee weapon Encounter F Martial, Weapon
tacks against you into it. Target: One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Encounter F Martial, Weapon Effect: Before making this attack, you may sheathe a weapon Requirement: Shield
Standard Action Melee weapon and draw a different one as a free action. Target: One creature
Requirement: Shield Attack: Strength vs. AC Attack: Strength vs. AC
Target: One creature Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target is dazed
Attack: Strength vs. AC Axe: All enemies adjacent to you and the target take damage until the end of your next turn. The next time an attack hits
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of your equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. you before the end of your next turn, the target is also hit
next turn, each time you are attacked, the target suffers Mace: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. by that attack if it is adjacent to you. This benefit does not
damage equal to your Strength modifier if it is adjacent to Heavy Blade: The targets attack penalty due to your mark apply to attacks that target both you and your target.
you. This benefit does not apply to attacks that target both increases to 4 until the end of your next turn.
you and your target. Spear or Polearm: You slide the target to any other square
adjacent to you.
About the Author
Mike Mearls is the Lead Designer for the Dungeons & Drag-
ons roleplaying game. His recent credits include H1: Keep on
the Shadowfell and Players Handbook 2.

December 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 2

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