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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 125, Issue 14 Friday, March 24, 2017

Pressure to cut weight can be harmful

Wrestlers have greater
risk for eating disorders
By Blake Richardson that was very startling to me.
Assistant Sports Editor
J remembers sitting in an
elementary school cafeteria, Jeff Reese was pedaling
surrounded by friends who a stationary bike when he
were devouring chicken nug- collapsed, suffering kidney
gets and french fries. failure and heart malfunction.
He ate carrots and lettuce He died on Dec. 9, 1997. He
from the salad bar. was 21 years old.
J, a former North A wrestler at Michigan,
Carolina wrestler who asked Reese was wearing a sauna
to remain anonymous, suit shirt and pants made
weighed 70 pounds and was from trashbag material that
dieting to make a 65-pound expedite the process of sweat-
weigh-in for a wrestling ing out water weight. He
match. Cutting weight was was completing a two-hour
a part of his life for most of workout in a 92-degree room,
his career. trying to lose 12 pounds.
Its just the sport in Reese was the third col-
general, he said. I mean, legiate wrestler in a month to
everybody does it, and its die from cutting weight.
just like to get the competi- Before Reeses death,
tive edge. sports medicine experts and
NCAA regulations and coaches conflicted. Coaches
improving attitudes among encouraged unsafe measures
coaches have made wrestling to have wrestlers compete at
safer, but problems persist the lowest weight possible; a
with cutting weight. Studies 1994 study found that in the
have found that male wres- 20 hours between the weigh- DTH PHOTO ILLUSTRATION/ALEX KORMANN
tlers have a higher risk of in and the match, wrestlers Studies have shown athletes have a greater risk of developing eating disorders, and weight cutting heightens this issue in wrestling.
developing eating disorders gained 7.3 pounds on average
than other men the same (mostly in water weight). scientists, they refused to classes, moved weigh-ins to in the responses to his story. Though regulations paved
age. Brian Hendrickson, the heed warnings of the dangers one hour before the match and What I was surprised by the way for improvements,
This trend concerned Anna executive editor of NCAA of sauna suits. banned sauna suits. Weight was how much they embraced problems persist. J saw wres-
Bardone-Cone, a UNC pro- Champion Magazine who What was really kind of certifications testing hydra- having the story out there and tlers use sauna suits in high
fessor who researches eating wrote the story Wrestling behind the scenes was this war tion, body fat percentage and were glad to have the conver- school. UNC wrestler Troy
disorders. Away From a Troubled Past, going on, Hendrickson said. other variables set a minimum sation he said. I think they Heilmann said he can tell
This kind of yo-yo from said coaches were attached to After the three wrestlers weight that players cannot fall felt like they could show how when a wrestler is cutting
weight gain, weight loss, unsafe weight cutting practic- died, coaches complied with below during the season. much they changed. weight unsafely.
weight gain, weight loss, es because they believed the reform because the future of One of the biggest changes They have a what you
isvery unhealthy, very measures gave a competitive the sport was in jeopardy. is in attitude within the sport. ***
unhealthy, she said. And so advantage. Mistrusting sports The NCAA raised weight Hendrickson saw this manifest SEE WRESTLING, PAGE 7

Concealed carry bill UNC has plan to rebrand stores

proposed in House The plan for Student
Stores includes study
space and food option.
The bill would allow concealed should be allowed to protect themselves,
even while on our college campuses. By Nic Rardin
carry on UNC-system campuses. Nine states currently have legislation
allowing concealed carry on college cam-
Staff Writer

By Kylie Marshall puses. Only two of these states Colorado Buying blue books and scan-
Staff Writer and Utah allow all concealed carry permit trons and taking the escalator
holders to have guns anywhere on campus. to dodge the stairs UNC
Concealed handgun permit holders The North Carolina chapter of Moms Student Stores is functional, but
would be allowed to carry handguns on Demand Action, a pro-gun control group, it wants to be fun.
UNC-system and N.C. community college is working on building relationships with Because of the upcoming
campuses if a March bill passes in the on-campus organizations in order to renovations to Student Stores,
General Assembly. create resistance to the bill, said Christy the University held a town hall DTH/ASHLEY CRAM
N.C. Rep. Kyle Hall, R-Rockingham, Clark, the chapters leader. Thursday to ask students one Michelle Gretch Carter and Brad Ives discuss future floor plans for the
said in a statement he proposed House Legislators should listen to the college question What would make Student Stores renovations on Thursday afternoon.
Bill 251 after an Appalachian State stu- students, administrators and law enforce- you stay awhile?
dent expressed his concerns over being ment officers who dont want this and We really want to switch the Student Stores into a place The inside of the store is
forbidden to carry a gun and protect him- know that guns on campus is a dangerous store to be a destination, said where students want to go to being reshuffled, with Bulls
self on campus despite having a con- idea, Clark said. They should be the voic- Student Stores Director Michele hang out and study, instead of Head Bookshop moving to the
cealed carry permit. es we listen to when determining whats Gretch Carter. We want the just somewhere to buy supplies. top floor and doubling its inven-
Constitutional rights should not have best for their campus community not community to come and to be a We will be putting in mul- tory up to 70,000 books. The
to be checked-in simply for walking onto a the gun lobby. part of whats going on around tiple study spaces, with group square footage will increase by
college campus, he said in the statement. Ninety-five percent of college presi- campus. tables as well as soft seating and 50 percent.
I believe law-abiding citizens who go She said Barnes & Noble personal seating for students to
through our states very thorough process SEE GUNS, PAGE 7 College wants to turn the study, she said. SEE STORES, PAGE 7

Without FAFSA retrieval tool, tax information harder to locate

A tool to streamline senior associate director for
the Office of Scholarships and
students at UNC were affect-
ed by the change since many
will be held in the fall until
the office gets the copy of the
complicated, said Cassandra
Davis, research assistant pro-
FAFSA. She said as an only
child filling out the form
the FAFSA process was Student Aid at UNC.
Turner said the tool is a
had already filed the form.
Students who had filed
financial aid transcript.
This gives them a few
fessor at the Education Policy
Initiative at Carolina.
manually with her her single
mother, the form was very
removed this month. more efficient way to access the FAFSA form and were months to get that (informa- Theres these extra steps unclear, and they had no
tax information than directly selected for verification tion) instead of holding up in a process that should be instruction.
By Jordyn Connell requesting an IRS tax tran- when income information their financial aid package, straightforward, Davis said. The level of difficulty for it
Staff Writer script a paper form that is checked for accuracy Turner said. FAFSA applies to students was sky high, mostly because
would be sent to the family would also be affected by the The University uses FAFSA at universities, community it required a lot of tax infor-
The nationwide IRS data and then to the school. tools removal, she said. to determine eligibility and colleges, as well as others mation that we did not really
retrieval tool for the Free Any student who had not It delays students from amounts for federal financial looking to earn educational know about, she said.
Application for Federal yet filed for FAFSA for the getting financial aid rewards, aid, Turner said. certificates, Davis said. State aid programs and
Student Aid commonly 2017-2018 school year would Turner said. The financial aid office uses Its typically geared for a funds are also available to
known as FAFSA is unavail- be affected by the DRT tool The Office of Scholarships a separate and more detailed certain population of students students, Turner said.
able until further notice. being down, she said. and Student Aid can make form, the College Board CSS people who are more likely Just because a student
The tool, removed in Since UNCs FAFSA form financial awards based on a Profile, to award aid from to not be able to afford these doesnt apply by the deadline,
March, is used to obtain tax became available in October signed copy of a parent and University funds. Unlike the opportunities, Davis said. doesnt mean the money has
information from the IRS for and its deadline is two students tax return. FAFSA form, the CSS costs Michala Patterson, a run out, she said.
student financial aid eligibil- months earlier than most But she said the disburse- money to fill out. first-year student at UNC, @jmconnnell
ity, said Tabatha Turner, the other states, Turner said few ment of financial aid funds FAFSA is notoriously receives financial aid through

I live for myself and I answer to nobody.

2 Friday, March 24, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

The Producers to premiere Friday Established 1893

124 years of editorial
By Alexandra Blazevich much work we put into it and
Staff Writer how much dedication and JANE WESTER
bonding has gone into build- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Its springtime for Hitler ing a show thats so big, Rice EDITOR@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
once more. said. HANNAH SMOOT
The student theater group The company rehearses six MANAGING EDITOR
Company Carolina is per- days a week, for at least three
forming the 1968 musical to four hours at a time, with DANNY NETT
comedy The Producers the dress rehearsals leading ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR
this weekend at the Historic up to the performances last-
Playmakers Theatre. ing up to seven hours. JOS VALLE
The show is about a pro- It has been a lot of work, VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR
ducer and accountant who and it has been very reward-
decide to put on the worst ing, but I think itll be even ALISON KRUG
show ever and have it close more rewarding to share NEWSROOM DIRECTOR
in one night in order to make that with the audience, she
money. Eighty students audi- said. SARA SALINAS
tioned for the show and 22 Moseley said producing a INVESTIGATIONS
were cast. classic show puts a lot of pres- SPECIAL.PROJECTS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
The Producers is the sure on her as a producer.
second show of the spring Its such a big spectacle UNIVERSITY EDITOR
semester, and the cast has of a show, Moseley said. Its UNIVERSITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
been working on it since very costume-heavy and its a JANE LITTLE
classes started in January, very flashy, big dance number CITY EDITOR
producing artistic director kind of musical. And so there CITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
Elizabeth Moseley said. is a lot of pressure to get all DTH/PEGGY MULLIN COREY RISINGER
Sophomore Gillian Rice of that together and to bud- Company Carolinas production of The Producers will be at Historic Playmakers Theatre this weekend. STATE & NATIONAL EDITOR
plays the part of Ulla Inka get everything. Its hard to STATE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
Hanson Benson Yanson do on the theater companys shows, Koehler said. Were money. this time of year with finals SARAH VASSELLO
Tallen Hallen Swadon budget. just trying to do something All three company mem- approaching and everything, SWERVE DIRECTOR
Swanson. Its Rices first show As a stage manager, different so its not the same bers said the show is incred- Koehler said. SWERVE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
with Company Carolina, but junior Erik Koehler is at old thing over again. ibly funny, which is why This is a great way to C JACKSON COWART
she said shes had formal act- every rehearsal. He said he Rice said her favorite scene Koehler said it would be a remember everything fun and SPORTS EDITOR
ing training since she was in is thrilled to put on such a involves the cast perform- great break for anyone feeling not to take anything too seri- SPORTS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
fourth grade. famous show. ing an awful and offensive stressed right now. ously. ZITA VOROS
Im excited to get on stage Its exciting because Broadway show that the main Its a great way to lighten @alexablazeDTH DESIGN & GRAPHICS EDITOR
and show the audience how people know these kind of characters hoped would make the mood, especially around


Someone reported a Hill police reports. according to Chapel Hill Someone committed E. Franklin St. at 6:10 p.m. COPY CHIEFS
loud noise at the 700 block police reports. damage to property at the Monday, according to Chapel
of Martin Luther King Jr. Someone reported fraud The person used the vic- 400 block of West Franklin Hill police reports.
Boulevard at 3:20 a.m. at the 400 block of Sharon tims credit card information, Street at 4:02 p.m. Sunday, The person concealed two VIDEO EDITOR
Sunday, according to Chapel Road at 9:10 a.m. Wednesday, reports state. according to Chapel Hill basketball jerseys, valued MULTIMEDIA@DAILYTARHEEL.COM
police reports. at $150 total, in their pants
CORRECTIONS The person threw a rock at and exited the store, reports
a glass door, causing $1,000 state. Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St.
The Daily Tar Heel reports any inaccurate information published as soon as the error is discovered. in damage, reports state. Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Someone committed Jane Wester, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086
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printed on that page. Corrections also are noted in the online versions of our stories. Someone reported loud drug violations at the 700 News, Features, Sports, 962-0245
Contact Managing Editor Hannah Smoot at with issues about this policy. music and a party at the 500 block of Martin Luther King Distribution, 962-4115
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Tuesday, March 28
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@uncucs // #ucsinfofair
The Daily Tar Heel Opinion Friday, March 24, 2017 3

Established 1893, 124 years of editorial freedom

Carrboro has, for a long time, valued the
Jacquelyn Gist, on why Carrboro cares about Earth Hour
The damn pinkos at the DTH must be flat
wrong, since the standard of reporting at The
Alison Krug Washington Times is so much higher.
Copy Chief Emeritus
Ty, on the DTHs greatest rival, The Washington Times
Senior journalism major from
LETTERS TO Kvetching board
You dont need a
v.1 (Yiddish) to complain

If you are going to bury
degree to succeed your head in your phone
walking across campus,
dont blame me when I buzz

In response to Opinion:
your tower on my bike.
We generally love college,
but not at this moment: I Hey March, become two

believe the timeless adage months. Because between
You can be anything you student work, March Mad-
want to be when you grow ness and return/leave/
up is a reasonable truth, break social schedule, I just

p until just a few but should be followed by cant
weeks ago, Id never as long as you work hard Hey Lord, warm it up please.
traveled outside the
United States. The farthest
COLUMN toward your goals.
I disagree with the edi-
Spring Break tans are fad-
ing, and I need masturba-

Case for reparations

Id traveled is Austin, Texas, tors belief that one has to tion material.
which is essentially a satellite spend several years at a
Man, this winter break
colony of Carrboro and there- prestigious institution in
seemed a lot shorter than
fore doesnt count. order to make it far in life. I
the last one.
But this Spring Break I
had a wonderful opportunity
History clearly shows the debt owed to Black Americans. know many people who did
not attend any schooling The SBP election going to

through the UNC School of after high school and are a runoff because nobody
Media and Journalism to go lmost 250 years of be the creation of a series of content with their lives, and got 50 percent is yet further
with the UNC School of Media slavery, 100 years of programs designed to bolster others who have prestigious proof of the inconsequenti-
and Journalism on a trip to legal segregation and the black American commu- degrees and high incomes ality of the office.
London with the UNC School discrimination and over 50 nity. These could include a who are very unhappy.
years of redlining and other fund to provide scholarships Seeing as I got in an
of Media and Journalism (Im Yes, some occupations argument with my dental
hoping that if I say it enough, forms of institutional rac- to prospective black college such as that of an astronaut
ism beyond that. All of these students, low-interest loans hygienist about House Bill
Ill get a free T-shirt) and then require extensive years of 2, Im kinda glad to be back
spent a few days in Paris. factors have led to the dis- Claude Wilson for black-owned businesses competitive, grueling edu-
proportionate poverty found and a small universal pen- on campus.
I am A Person Who Doesnt First-year undecided major from cation, but shouldnt we
Go Places, so this was an in black communities in Chapel Hill.
sion for black Americans, hold certain occupations to The globe sculpture in
incredibly Cool Thing for me. the United States, and all of all of which would be put in higher standards? front of The Daily Tar Heel
And as the week went on, them are cause for the need place for several decades. The route to success does has two Africas instead of
for reparations. Email: Needless to say, reparations a South America. Because
I became all the more aware not have to include college
that this was a Cool Thing Not This idea is not without arent going to happen soon. and grad school, and if it obviously the Southern
precedent: in 1952, Israel would have to demonstrate Every two years since 1989, Hemisphere is all the same.
A Lot Of People Could Afford, does, then thats great. The
and West Germany signed that at least ten years before Representative John Conyers Enough with the reflexive
You Know? truly important things in
an agreement that West the onset of the reparations has introduced House contrarianism, sheesh!
I spent 99 percent of my life are family, health and
Germany would pay repara- program, they self-identified Resolution 40, which only
undergraduate experience float- happiness, regardless of Show some love for flash-
tions to Jewish people from as black, African American, would create a commission to
ing in a cloud of schoolwork education and income. lights on smartphones.
Germany in the aftermath of colored or Negro on a legal investigate how, potentially,
and work work, somehow man-
the Holocaust. Reparations document. This is only one of some form of remedy for the The class b4 mine always
aging to meet the majority of Sam DeSantis
are not unheard of even with- many possibilities. damages caused by slavery leaves notes on the board &
ConnectCarolina deadlines and First-year
in the context of the United How much is owed in might be implemented. Every today one bullet point said
check on my academic eligibil- Computer Science
States. The Civil Liberties reparations? Well, if we take time it has been introduced, sexy coconut farms.
ity now and then. So taking the
Act of 1988 compensated all into consideration all slave the bill has stalled. Congress
time out to peruse what finan- Embrace and debate A girl is gnawing at corn on
survivors of the Japanese- labor from the late 1700s to remains so firmly opposed to
cial support options were avail- conflicting opinions the damn cob at 9:34 a.m.
American internment camps 1865, the black American reparations that it refuses to
able for international travel was next to me; please deliver
with $20,000 each. But community would be owed even investigate the possibility
never something at the front TO THE EDITOR: me from this supremely
despite over 400 years of $6.4 trillion in 2015 dollars. of reparations.
of my mind. Well, Im graduat- The decision for UNC unique hell.
oppression, the black commu- That calculation is courtesy These reparations would
ing in the spring and things Students for Justice in Im terrified of those spinny
nity in the United States has of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther go a long way to improv-
are winding down, so let me do Palestine to cancel a speech things in front of Davis go-
never received reparations for King Jr., by the way, who ing conditions for the black
some of the legwork for you: by Rania Khalek because ing away; Ive become very
the damages done to them. advocated for reparations American community but
Let the UNC Center for her beliefs about the Syrian attached to them.
Given the existing precedents, for slavery in his 1963 book, even then, its not a cure-
Global Initiatives be your war are too controversial
it is not unreasonable for rep- Why We Cant Wait. These all. Alleviating the eco- I asked out a girl through
new best friend. CGI offers a is a nonsensical outrage
arations to be demanded. calculations do not take into nomic effects of centuries of the kvetching board a few
compilation of undergradu- especially as she is an
So, who would receive account other forms of legal oppression does not prevent weeks ago, and she said yes.
ate, graduate, faculty and staff effective advocate for the
these reparations? Well, oppression since that time. future economic oppression, Thanks print journalism!
funding resources. Embark Palestinians who have lived
William Darity, a public It must be admitted nor does it do anything to
Carolina Funding Finder is a with Israels heavy boot on Obligatory why isnt there a
policy professor at Duke that this is most certainly alleviate other forms of sys-
great tool where you can find their necks for over seven closer Cook Out kvetch.
University, and Dania Francis, a hefty sum, and certainly temic prejudice and discrim-
funding tailored to you. decades. The best #GDTBATH is the
an economics professor at the one which the United States ination. Just as important
Check inside your major for A University is where day when its a #BDTBAD
University of Massachusetts- government could not pay as material solutions to the
funding opportunities. I kept conflicting opinions can be (bad day to be a d00kie).
Amherst, proposed two off all at once. An immediate effects of racism is sustained
an eye out for the School of debated openly without fear
requirements for eligibility: lump-sum payment to each work in advancing anti-rac- I sometimes feel like all of
Media and Journalisms annual of censorship. Otherwise,
First, an individual would individual is probably not ist education and activism. my friends just assume I go
scholarships. If anything, just it is where brainwashed
have to provide reasonable the ideal form of compensa- It is imperative that people home, put on Mad World
settle down and tuck into UNCs automatons spout whatever
documentation that they had tion in this case. So, how recognize and work to dis- and journal about Marxism
undergraduate scholarships doctrine they believe they
at least one ancestor who was would reparations be imple- mantle and destroy systems in front of a rainy window.
page, which anticipates all total- are allowed say. I hope this
enslaved in the United States, mented then? The best solu- of oppression in this country Honestly, I wish this was
ly relatable questions you might chapter of SJP is atypi-
and, second, an individual tion to this problem might and worldwide. true.
have, like Are there scholar- cal of the chapters here in
ships for Episcopalians? California which are very The Golden Girls BuzzFeed
Heres hoping youll get to active and forceful by rais- quiz said I was a Dorothy
do a Cool Thing like this too. EDITORIAL ing awareness of Israels when I am clearly a Rose.
After all, I learned a lot criminality in maintain-

An SBP for the people

When I first heard of the
on this trip. If you show that ing the Occupation and food truck rodeo in Chapel
youre trying very hard to Apartheid system, as well Hill, I assumed it would
Google translate Can I get a as to bring attention to the be a real rodeo like from
fork? into French, the waiter Boycott, Divest, Sanctions my hometown. It really
might give you free dessert,
but they will also 100 percent
The SBP election is We want to be clear
you should still vote in this
them to invite applicants
from these teams and from
movement which (is) a
peaceful program to send a
wouldnt be my first time
at a rodeo but Im glad I
laugh at you. ending, but what election, but lets make campus as a whole. While message to the Israeli gov- was mistaken. Wot in food
If you order the smallest, our current situation the we recognize that some of ernment that it must obey
driest, pinkest wine in a pub, will change? benchmark of whether we the issues with our student international law or conse-

the bartender will find it, but quences. Mandatory attendance
oday marks the should continue support- governance are systemic, for out-of-class events
they will also 100 percent Use this opportunity
laugh at you.
(hopeful) finale of ing this system and the we also have faith that it shouldnt affect our grades!
as students to really seek
If you watch Moana on maybe the most legacy of inaction that is can rebuild. The best way the truths that are being I cant help that I have a job
your flight and cry because shes dramatic student body plaguing our current form to do this, we think, is to protected by our compli- that I unfortunately have to
crossing an ocean, and youre president race in UNCs of governance. bury the hatchet from this ant Press. (But) banning a like, work, every day of the
crossing an ocean, and you just history. From the early The moment we see election and put in a good- speaker because their mes- week.
get Moana, youll have a beauti- disqualifications to the a new student body faith effort to break down sage is controversial is I miss my dog more than my
ful moment, but everyone else appeals to the violation president, we hope to see the loyalties from cam- truly an exercise in cutting family, is that bad?
will 100 percent laugh at you. complaints, this race will people lobbying our new paign season and create a off ones nose, to spite their
So go chase some travel remain a blemish on stu- leader to reject the model student government that face. Send your one-to-two
funding so you can find your- dent governance on this of leadership that they are represents its students. sentence entries to
self in a similar predicament to campus for a while. Before inheriting. From the very We encourage whoever Joseph Tillotson,
mine: not exactly coping well Class of 66 subject line kvetch.
the end of March we first day in the office, there is elected to please speak
with being back in the States.
First of all, Im still calling it expect to have a whole new will be the question of boldly and candidly with
cast of characters in the who the SBP serves. If our the students as often as
the States.
Ive been banned from say- high-level offices of stu- new elected and appoint- possible. We will criticize SPEAK OUT
ing Its blah blah in ~Paris dent government, but will ed leaders act in a way you for what you say if WRITING GUIDELINES
anything actually change? that indicates their prior- we take issue with it, but Please type: Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
time~ in my apartment. I
Sign and date: No more than two people should sign letters.
started a paper with Ya girl is By casting a vote in ity is anything other than wed rather criticize a real
Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
jet lagged the other day. todays election, you are the student body, then we statement than criticize Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
And Im treating my poor, placing your confidence have concrete information you for saying nothing. Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
poor feet on which I averaged in the system we currently that we need to radically This editorial may letters to 250 words.
20,000 steps a day all week have. Every completed rework our current system come off as pessimistic,
like little baby ducks people SUBMISSION
ballot is a sign of confi- of student governance. but we are sincerely wor- Drop-off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
clean and swaddle in Dawn
soap commercials.
dence and care about stu- Our board maintains ried about the future of N.C. 27514
dent governance at UNC genuine hope that the new student voice on campus. Email:
and ideally, we would SBP, whoever he or she is, We as a community must
have no reservations about seeks the best and bright- rally together and fight for

3/27: Kvetcher in the Rye EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
Benji Schwartz writes on telling you to exercise your est talent from all the other our right to organize and resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
American politics. opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 11 board
right to vote. campaigns; we implore govern as students. members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.
4 Friday, March 24, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Summer School

Registration is Now Open!

May 17-June 2, 2017
Earn 3 credits in 3 weeks in Maymester. Check out
the listing below for courses, professors and Gen Ed
requirements. Find a complete course description at
AAAD 201 African Literature: Contemporary EDUC 309 An Examination of Quality and MEJO 157 News Editing (3), Andy Bechtel.
Short Stories (3), Donato Fhunsu. LA, BN the Pursuit of Betterness (3), Bobby
MEJO 376 Sports Marketing and
AMST 225 Ethics of Stand Up Comedy (3), Advertising (3), John Sweeney.
Michelle Robinson. PH, NA EDUC 390 Learning on the Edge: Theories of
MEJO 475 Concepts of Marketing (3), Heidi
Experiential Education (3), Cheryl Bolick.
AMST 278 Crimes and Punishment (3), Seth Kaminski.
Kotch. HS, NA, CI EDUC 617 Introduction to Teaching in the
MUSC 239 Introduction to Music
Middle Grades (3), Suzanne Gulledge. SS, EE
AMST 292 Special Topics: The Unexpected Technology (3), Allen Anderson.
Lives of American Indians (3), Dan Cobb. EDUC 871 Dewey, Democracy and the Many
PHIL 155 Introduction to Mathematical
HS, NA Meanings of Progressive Education
Logic (3), Matthew Kotzen. QR
(3), Brian Gibbs.
ANTH 147 Comparative Healing Systems (3),
PHIL 165 Bioethics (3), Jonathan Anomaly. PH
Michele Rivkin-Fish. SS, GL ENEC 306H/BUSI 490H Business and the
Environment (3), Carol Hee. PHIL 185 Introduction to Aesthetics (3),
ANTH 318 Human Growth and Development
Thomas Hofweber. PH
(3), Amanda Thompson. PL ENEC 490 Special Topics in Environmental
Science and Studies: The Future of PLAN 575 Introduction to Real Estate
ANTH 423 Written in Bone: CSI and the
Energy (3), Greg Gangi. Finance, Investment and Development
Science of Death Investigation from
(3), Emil Malizia. EE
Skeletal Remains (3), Dale Hutchinson. PL ENGL 265 Literature and Race, Literature
and Ethnicity (3), Jennifer Ho. LA, US PLCY 101 (PWAD 101) Making (American)
ARTH 251 Art in the Age of the Caliphs (3),
Public Policy (3), Daniel Gitterman. NA,
Glaire Anderson. VP, BN ENGL 292 Depictions of Childhood in
Literature & the Visual Arts. (3), Laurie
ARTH 551 Introduction to Museum Studies
Langbauer. EE, LA PLCY 210 Policy Innovation and Analysis (3),
(3), Lyneise Williams. VP, NA, EE
Christine Durrance. CI, SS
ENGL 345 American Literature Since 1900
ARTS 106 Core Concepts (3), Hong-An Truong.
(3), GerShun Avilez. LA, NA POLI 100 Introduction to Government in the
U.S. (3), Pamela Conover. SS, NA
ENGL 347 The American Novel (3), Florence
ARTS 343 MAKE: Arts in the (NEW) Age (3),
Dore. LA, NA POLI 150 (PWAD 150) International Relations
Roxana Perez Mendez. VP, EE
and World Politics (3), Mark Crescenzi.
ENGL 443 American Literature Before 1860.
ARTS 364 The Walking Seminar (3), Mario SS, GL
The Experience of Reading Melvilles
Marzan. VP, EE
Moby Dick (3), Philip Gura. LA, NA POLI 270 Classical Political Thought (3),
BIOL 455 Behavioral Neuroscience (3), Hollie Mann. PH, NA, WB
EXSS 288 Emergency Care of Injuries and
Sabrina Burmeister.
Illness (3), Meredith Petschauer. POLI 432 Tolerance in Liberal States (3),
BIOL 474 Evolution of Vertebrate Life (3), Donald Searing. CI, NA, PH
GEOL 226 Introduction to Field Geology (3),
Keith Sockman. PL
Kevin Stewart. PSYC 222 Learning (3), Todd Thiele. PL
CHEM 430 Introduction to Biological
GERM 279 Once Upon a Fairy Tale (3), Eric PSYC 501 Theoretical and Empirical
Chemistry (3), Laura Benton.
Downing. LA, NA Perspective on Personality (3), Patrick
CLAS 122 The Romans, (3), Luca Grillo. HS, Harrison. SS
HIST 234 Native American Tribal Studies
(Lumbee History) (3), Malinda Lowery. PSYC 503 African American Psychology (3)
COMM 140 Introduction to Media History, HS, NA, GL Enrique Neblett. SS, US
Theory and Criticism (3), Michael Palm.
HIST 245 The United States & the Cold PSYC 566 Attitude Change (3), Steven
COMM 422 Family Communication, (3), Kumi War: Origins, Development, Legacy (3), Buzinski.
Silva. US, GL Klaus Larres. HS, GL RELI 140 Religion in America (3), Brandon
COMM 690 Advanced Topics: Media HIST 277 The Conflict over Israel and Bayne. HS, NA, US
Production and Counter Radicalization Palestine (3), Sarah Shields. HS, BN RELI 246 Supernatural Encounters:
(3), Cori Dauber, Mark Robinson.
HIST 432 The Crusades, (3), Brett Whalen. HS, Zombies, Vampires, Demons and the
DRAM 170 Improvisation: The Actor at Play NA, WB Occult in the Americas (3), Brendan
(3), Julia Gibson. Thornton. SS, GL
HNRS 353 Silicon Revolution (3), James
DRAM 245 Acting for the Camera (3), John Leloudis. HS SPAN 255 Conversation I (3), Malgorzata Lee.
Patrick. Prerequisite for 255: SPAN 204, 212 or 402.
ITAL 241 Italian Renaissance Literature in
DRAM 260 Advanced Stagecraft (3), David Translation (3), Ennio Rao. LA, WB
Navalinsky. VP, EE SPAN 293 Spanish Service Learning (1).
MASC 220 (ENEC 220) North Carolina
Available to students enrolled in SPAN 255.
DRAM 290 Special Topics: Writing Half-Hour Estuaries: Environmental Processes
Comedy for Television. and Problems (3), Marc Alperin.
Includes one full week at the Institute of SPAN 361 Hispanic Film and Culture (3),
DRAM 300 Directing (3), Julie Fishell. CI
Marine Sciences (IMS) in Morehead City. Samuel Amago. VP, GL
ECON 468 Principles of Soviet and Post- Separate program fee and application SPAN 377 Grammatical Structures of
Soviet Economic Systems (3), Steven required. EE, PL Spanish (3), Bruno Estigarribia.

Nothing could be finer.

The Daily Tar Heel News Friday, March 24, 2017 5

Students spin over interactive art exhibit

By Lorcan Farrell
Staff Writer

An exhibition of brightly
colored kinetic sculptures
have popped up around cam-
pus, giving students a new
way to interact with art.
The exhibition is called Los
Trompos Spanish for the
tops and is a collabora-
tion between two Mexican
designers, Hctor Esrawe and
Ignacio Cadena.
The sculptures, which
were designed to look like
oversized spinning tops, were
created by weaving fabric in
a traditional style by Mexican
artisans. They are set on bases
that allow viewers to sit on
and spin the sculptures. The
exhibit consists of four tops on
the front lawn of the Ackland
Art Museum and four more
spread across campus.
Planning for the exhibit
began over the summer when
Katie Ziglar was named
director of the Ackland Art
When I arrived last
summer one of the things I
noticed was our front ter-
race was very empty and our
building is set off from the
road quite a bit so it can be
invisible to people, Ziglar
said. We looked at ways to
enliven our front yard and
put something intriguing out DTH/BARRON NORTHRUP
there that will catch peoples First-year dramatic art and journalism major Amy Cockerham (left) and first-year psychology major Madison Robertson spin on one of the new structures outside Davis.
She said one of the main Carol Folts Arts Everywhere associate director of Arts The Los Trompos exhibit performances. it can be so many things.
goals of the exhibit is to intro- Initiative and the Ackland. Everywhere, said. There is the first thing Arts Students have found the First-year biology major
duce people to a new way of The museum paid for the are two definitions we think Everywhere has done on Los Trompos exhibit to be an Liana Kostak said she likes
interacting with art outside of sculptures in front of the about. One is the literal defini- campus, but the initiative exciting way to interact with how the bright colors are
the traditional hands-off style museum and the Chancellors tion and trying to increase the has more plans. One of these art. something new on campus.
people associate with art. The office paid for the ones physical presence of art on is the campus wide Arts I feel like you can appreci- They are really cool. I
sculptures invite students to installed around campus. campus. The second is more Everywhere Day that will take ate the art more, because its think it is a nice way to liven
use more than just their eyes by Arts Everywhere is a new of a figurative definition and place on April 7. Ash said more interactive, Benjamin up campus and they are relax-
interacting with the structures. campus wide arts initiative that is about making the arts the day will have events and Chilampath, a first-year ing too, she said.
The exhibit is a collabo- supported by the Chancellors a central part of the Carolina hands on activities at 22 cam- student, said. It shows how
ration between Chancellor office, Rachel Ash, the culture and experience. pus locations with over 30 there isnt just one type of art,

Trustees say goodbye to student body president

By Jamie Gwaltney, Leah signed by Gov. Roy Cooper parking permit fee in 2019, said.
Moore and Colleen Moir will decrease the membership said Haywood Cochrane, vice While no pledges of
Senior Writers of the UNC-system Board of
Governors from 32 voting
chairperson of the board.
The board unanimously
research contributions have
been made at the moment, Walk to campus, affordable,
The Board of Trustees members to 24 by 2019, and approved motions to add Folt said she believes people
presented Student Body the trustees need to prepare 5,000 square feet to Rams understand the value of new in downtown!
President Bradley Opere with for these changes. Head Dining Hall and new research conducted at UNC.
a resolution of appreciation
at its meeting Thursday, and
My hope is that each of us
as trustees will continue to
stands for the soccer and
lacrosse teams.
We want to give them the
information that may be pow- Rent Includes:
3 or 4 Bedroom Units Available
Opere gave a farewell speech
as he prepares to graduate.
place a high priority on main-
taining the existing relation-
A presentation by fac-
ulty, including Hans Paerl
erful for them Folt said.
Weve had several visits from Rent
4 private Includes:
bedrooms (and 4 full
Opere thanked the board, ships and starting new ones and Mike Piehler from the both senators whove come All bathrooms in each unit!).
Utilities (Electricity, Heat/AC, Water),
Chancellor Carol Folt, the as needed, Stone said. UNC Institute of Marine to campus, gone to visit the Wi-Fi,
Full Parking Spotspacious cabinets
kitchen with
student body and his student Stone praised UNCs fac- Sciences, highlighted the research areas, talked with
government team among ulty for attracting funding, coastal research the institute our faculty. Private bedrooms
Washer and dryer andin-unit
bathrooms in each unit
others for their support such as money provided in has conducted into topics Louise Toppin, chairper- Full kitchen with
Dishwasher andspacious
and acceptance. the 2016 bond referendum. including denitrification by son of the Department of Washer and dryer in-unit
In many ways it is because We need to help everyone oysters. Music, spoke in front of the Refrigerator with ice maker
of that acceptance that I understand what is at stake Folt said North Carolina board about the recently Dishwasher
Microwaves and garbage disposal
believe and knew I was a here, he said. plays home to some of the completed renovations to Refrigerator with ice maker and microwaves
Tar Heel born, even though Trustees also approved the most important coastal Hill Hall and the Kenan Complimentary recreation room (TV,
Pool Table &recreation
Wi-Fi) room (TV, pool
I wasnt a Tar Heel bred, I fee for parking on campus at research in the United States. Music Scholars Program.
sure as hell will be a Tar Heel night. I think many people dont Toppins presentation includ- table & wi-fi)
Parking spot in garage
dead, Opere said. The biggest issue for understand its about fisher- ed performances from cur- Parking spot in garage
The meeting opened with discussion and presentation ies, its about building new rent music scholars. Security entries at elevator & stairs.
Security entries at elevator & stairs
remarks from Dwight Stone, was the parking permits and industries, its about getting The board went into closed
the boards chairperson, fees, which included a one rid of toxins in the environ- session at 11:30 a.m. for an FortoMore
Call or email Information,
see this amazing property!
about legislation that will percent increase for the first ment, and most of these pro- hour and 39 minutes.
affect UNC. three years, the years 2017 to grams are very deeply embed- 919-968-7226
Stone said a new law 2020, in addition to the night ded in local community, she Visit:
6 Friday, March 24, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

UNC cancer researcher to speak at TED conference

By Madeleine Fraley Its huge, because for TED tive way to transport drugs Waynes mentor in the
Staff Writer to choose me, it means they through the body. This could pharmacy school and direc-
think I have an idea worth potentially cure cancer and tor of UNCs Center for
At this years global TED sharing, she said. Ive always stop metastasis the spread Nanotechnology in Drug
conference, a UNC postdoc- liked ideas and I believe in of cancer that causes most Delivery, said Wayne is very
toral fellow will deliver a talk the power of ideas and I deaths from the disease. skilled in her area of research.
about how to cure cancer. believe in the power of sci- Immune cells are already Kabanov also directs the T32
TED Fellows chose ence communication. able to go across the blood- program, which is funded
Elizabeth Wayne, the first and Wayne said through brain barrier, which drugs by the National Institutes of
only fellow in the T32 pro- studying imaging, cancer have a hard time doing, she Health.
gram at the UNC Eshelman and metastasis, she became said. They can go through I am the director and
School of Pharmacy, as one interested in drug deliv- tumors, they are found in essentially the founder of this
of 15 people from all over the ery and how immune cells tumors and so for me, this program, so I am happy for
world to present at the con- already found in the body seemed like a pretty neat the program and the ability
ference in Vancouver, Canada, could might be used as a drug idea. for Liz to excel, Kabanov
this April. delivery technique for metas- Wayne said as a graduate said. But more so I am happy
Wayne will discuss her tasized cancer. student, she worked on mak- as a mentor. I am very proud DTH/SARAH REDMOND
research in using immune I like to say that who knew ing drug particles that would of her; I wish her success. Elizabeth Wayne, a postdoctoral fellow in the Eshelman School
cells as a drug delivery tech- the best delivery vehicle we bind to immune cells, target Shoham Arad, TED of Pharmacy, will present at the 2017 TED conference in April.
nique for curing cancer. have wouldnt be an Uber or the cancer cells and go into Fellows deputy director, said
She said she always knew a Lyft, but an immune cell, the tumor. She found that the TED Fellows program to have Wayne discuss her tant, he said. She is working
she wanted to be a TED Wayne said. using the cells was more effi- seeks out young innova- breakthrough research on on making the science com-
Fellow and was excited and At the conference, she cient, increasing circulation tors who demonstrate both cancer therapy. munity better, not just the
humbled when she found out will explain how attaching time of the drug and reducing exceptional achievement and Her science is innovative science itself.
in December she was chosen drug particles to immune the amount of metastases. strength of character. and the work she does outside
for the program. cells could be the most effec- Alexander Kabanov, He said they are excited of the lab is equally impor-

Representatives propose higher cap on craft beer production

The bill would permit with wholesale distributors.
N.C. Rep. Pricey Harrison,
BY THE NUMBERS the quality of it when it gets
there, Harrison said.
They have got a lot of
money, and they write a lot of
brewers who want to expand,
expand, and gives them the
increased production D-Guilford, who co-sponsored
the bill, said the current cap 200 Some distribution laws date
back to prohibition, she said.
campaign checks, and thats
the main reason why we cant
freedom to do it, she said.
According to the N.C. Craft
and self-distribution. infringes upon a brewers right Approximate number of The way our current laws get this bill moving, Harrison Brewers Guild, the state has
to free enterprise. breweries in North Carolina read, theyre very antiquated, said. the most craft breweries in
By Camille Vargas You cant even keep the she said. Franchise laws work in the South, with over 200
Staff Writer first 25,000 that you had
been distributing with your 1North Carolinas ranking David Larsen, the owner
of YesterYears Brewery in
favor of small craft breweries
because the limits on self-dis-
breweries and brewpubs.
And Larsen said many
The N.C. General Assembly own drivers and salesmen, Carrboro, said the brewery tribution prevent big brewers of the states craft-brewers
proposed a new bill that Harrison said. You have to among Southern states for is not currently producing from being their own distrib- would benefit from the legis-
would allow the craft beer turn over your whole distribu- number of craft breweries 25,000 barrels but that utors, according to the N.C. lation becoming law.
industry to increase its pro- tion to another party whether House Bill 67 would allow his Beer and Wine Wholesalers The fundamental thing is
duction by more than double
without going through a
wholesale distributor.
you want to or not, and it just
seems very unfair.
Harrison said while some
Proposed cap on barrel
business to grow.
It wont affect us now,
but down the road it will,
Association website.
While Harrison said she
agrees there is a need for a
it just seems undemocratic
to force brewers to turn over
their beers to be distributed
House Bill 67, presented brewers like wholesale dis- production in House Bill 67 Larsen said. Its a good thing cap on production, she main- by somebody else and stick
Feb. 9, would increase the tributors because it can be because it allows people to tains that the current law you into that lifetime contract
number of barrels North more convenient, others pre- I think its more about self-distribute longer. must be adjusted. Removing even if they dont do right by
Carolina brewers can make fer self-distribution in order self-determination about The N.C. Beer and Wine the cap entirely would create you, Harrison said.
from 25,000 to 100,000 to more closely maintain where your beer is going to Wholesalers Association a competitive disadvantage.
before requiring interaction quality control. be sold and consumed and opposes raising the cap. Lifting the cap is letting the

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The Daily Tar Heel From Page One Friday, March 24, 2017 7
WRESTLING cut a bunch of weight or get
him to do something that he GUNS House Bill 251 yet, said Eddie
Caldwell, executive vice presi- STORES signed a ten-year agreement
with the University and will
FROM PAGE 1 physically cant do Scott FROM PAGE 1 dent and general counsel. FROM PAGE 1 be providing money for need-
say in the wrestling world said. Im here to promote a dents and 94 percent of col- Were still evaluating, The new space we are based scholarships on a yearly
sucked out, Heilmann said. healthy lifestyle and make lege faculty indicated they Caldwell said. creating might be used for basis.
They look skinny. You can sure that the kids are doing oppose concealed carry on Despite controversy sur- author signings and book Weve got a million dol-
see their cheekbones and stuff the right thing and educate campus, according to surveys rounding the bill, Pomeroy readings, or even student lars as a signing bonus which
like that. them about their body. conducted by Everytown For said he expects it to pass. events like live music, she we gave directly to student
Research studies have found The team meets with UNC Gun Safety Research in 2012 These are good measures said. scholarships, he said. We
high school wrestlers are more nutritionists at the start of the and 2013. that help make the campuses Associate Vice Chancellor have a guaranteed income to
likely to have an eating disor- season. Scott meets with them Advocates of the bill say safer, he said. I think a lot for Campus Enterprises Brad scholarship contribution of
der or engage in disordered regularly, too, along with it will increase the safety of of the legislators understand Ives said this space will come $2 million each year.
eating than other men of simi- researching online and talk- state campuses if passed. that, and so while there will with a place to relax and even Student Body Treasurer
lar ages. Bardone-Cone said ing with outside nutritionists (Advocates are) trying to probably be some interesting a place to grab a bite. Harry Edwards said the offi-
some wrestlers will restrict and to hone his knowledge. remove university campuses debate around this, I hope Lenoir Hall doesnt have cial agreement has Barnes &
then binge eat in the offseason. The frequent meetings with from being gun-free zones they stand a good chance of enough space and this cafe Noble College down for $3
Theyre very irritable, you Scott have made it easier for so they are not the target or passing in this session. wont just be for coffee it million a year, but roughly
know, when theyre in this UNC sports dietician Rachel magnet for active shooter sit- UNC-Chapel Hill declined will have meal options, he $1 million is being spent on
kind of restricting their Stratton to work toward a uations, said Don Pomeroy of to comment on the bill. said. operating expenses for the
food and trying to lose weight, safer competing environment Grass Roots North Carolina. Im the most recent gradu- He said Barnes & Noble store and the transition.
Bardone-Cone said. And we for UNC wrestlers than there To obtain a concealed hand- ate of the UNC system (UNC College has agreed to fund I think its having a very
see that with anorexia. was in the past. gun permit in North Carolina, 2012) serving in the General the expansion project and positive effect on student
Athletes as a whole are I only have positive things applicants must be 21 years Assembly, Hall said in his plans to integrate the Student costs already, he said. This
more likely to develop eating to say about Coach Scott, old, pass a background check, statement.While I was a Stores with the Pit and the has always been about schol-
disorders, but this risk rises Stratton said. He is an advo- a mental health check and student at Carolina, I never Student Union. arships, and whats blowing
for sports that emphasize cate for long-term health and complete a training course, understood how someone They will be putting $3.8 my mind is that we are going
slimness in conjunction with an advocate for safe nutrition among other criteria. could have more rights on million into the project, he to have $1.75 to $2 million
success, like running, gym- practices, so Id say that our The N.C. Sheriffs Franklin Street than at the said. every year, regardless of sales.
nastics and wrestling. values of nutrition align. Association, which reports on Old Well. As part of the contract for Its fantastic.
While most eating disorder bills affecting public safety, privatizing the store, Ives said
research focuses on women *** has not taken a position on Barnes & Noble College has
and girls, a 2004 study pub-
lished in the Clinical Journal For wrestlers who are strug-

Learn How to
of Sports Medicine found that gling, Bardone-Cone ponders
eight percent of male athletes one question: Then what? Saturday, March 18, 10-11:30 a.m.
exhibited the symptoms of Bardone-Cone is concerned
an eating disorder, compared with life after wrestling for Composting Demonstration Site

Make Compost
with 0.5 percent of male non- those who engage in disor-
athletes. dered eating. While some Solid Waste Administrative Office
Males are not immune, wrestlers, like J, can transition
Bardone-Cone said. And this back to a normal diet, she 1207 Eubanks
Saturday, March Rd,
25, Chapel
is a thing that happens, and said others might struggle to
it causes them physiologically quit the issues that stem from Composting Demonstration Site Community
and psychologically the same unsafe weight cutting. Tuesday, March 21, 3-4:30 p.m.
kind of problems. As researchers, we want to Center Learning Garden (behind the rose
know who takes which path, Carolina Campus Community Garden
garden) Estes Drive, Chapel Hill.
*** Bardone-Cone said, so we
can help figure out who do
Wilson St, Chapel Hill.
When Heilmann lost the we need to intervene with
Taught by Orange County
Solid WasteMarch
Saturday, 25, 10-11:30 a.m.
141-pound spot his sophomore to make sure that someone
year at UNC, he had to drop whos probably going to keep Managements composting
to a lower weight class 133 with those behaviors doesnt. Composting Demonstration
expert, Muriel Williman. Site
pounds if he wanted to start. Heilmann has seen
I went down for the team, improvement in the sport first- Community Center Learning
basically, Heilmann said. hand. Hes noticed an empha-
Head coach Coleman Scott sis on education and healthy Garden
No (behind
registration the rose
is necessary garden)
and children
walked him through the pro- weight loss; his younger
cess to make sure he was safe. brother, a high school wrestler are welcome
Estes Drive,with an adult.
Chapel Hill.
Scott took Heilmann grocery in New Jersey, has benefitted

shopping to show him healthy from access to a nutritionist
foods and recipes and consult- and information about how to Taught
For more byCall
info: Orange
968-2788 or
safely manage weight.
ed a dietician who works with
MMA fighters. Heilmann, My brother does it the
Solid Waste Managements
Learn how to COMPOST composting expert, Muriel Williman.
who struggled with weight in right way Heilmann said.
high school because of a lack Ive heard a lot of other kids

indoors using worms, or

of knowledge and resources, are doing the same thing No registration is necessary and
said he learned how to bal- I think that the problems
children are welcome with an adult.
ance making weight and being
healthy through Scott.
becoming fixed because people
are learning more about it. outdoors using a variety of For more info: Call (919) 968-2788 or
As a wrestling coach,
Im not here to make a kid
@rblakerich_ containers and recipes.

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Across 54 Block in a barn 1946 think of it first: Oscar

1 Device used with a 57 Whats left by an ace 13 Slowly, to Salieri Levant
planchette investigator ... and in 18 Point Pelees lake 42 Prom rental
6 Hail in old Rome each of the four longest 19 In the future 43 Many an off-campus
9 2000s Israeli prime puzzle answers 24 Jag model local

Get Your Grad On! minister Sharon

14 Rip out stitchwork in
15 The Louisville __:
60 Mischievous
61 Gloucesters cape
62 The Heart of Georgia
26 Dossier shorthand
27 Squawk Box airer
28 2016 FedExCup winner
44 60s Batgirl portrayer
45 At an angle

Student Stores General Alumni Association nickname for Ali

16 Five Weeks in a Balloon
63 MS. enclosures
64 Strings for Israel
29 Came up
46 Some North Sea
novelist Kamakawiwoole 30 The Daily Show host 47 Name on a historic B-29
* Cap & Gowns * Carolina Young Alumni 17 Last line of Dale Evans
Rogers Happy Trails
65 Legislative assemblies before Trevor
33 Chanel offering
48 Squawks
52 Genesis brother
* Diploma Frames * Rams Club 20 Puget Sound swimmer Down 34 Whack a mole? 53 Blockhead

* Grad Gifts * Yackety Yak

21 Bull pen locale
22 Sci. subject
1 See 59-Down
2 Combined, in Cannes
35 Lyft competitor
37 Deprived (of)
55 Coming Home singer

* Class of 2017 rings * Senior Campaign 23 Recipe directive

25 Cat of many colors
3 Capital NW of New Delhi
4 Type of cat in Cats
38 Whiskey barrel wood
39 Highbrow
56 Krabappel of The

* Grad Announcements * Carolina Club

27 Got laughs, hopefully
31 Stately
5 How cute!
6 Marzipan staple
41 The lowest form of
humorwhen you dont
58 Add-__
59 Caller of 1-Down
32 Tomato type 7 Competed
33 Bird __ 8 Parriers tool
Fun Photo Booth | UNC Registrar | Public Safety and Parking 36 Scottish countryside
9 Clarks Mogambo
Professional Cap & Gown Photos | Accessibility Resources 37 Northern Kentucky
10 Entertain lavishly
11 Tabriz native
39 Complain 12 Giant Brain unveiled in
and Service | UNC Graduate School | Student Accounts 40 Dancer
41 Stew veggies
42 Kid around

For more info, visit

43 Alternative
for beef
46 Prepare for
cooking, as
49 One getting
under your
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50 From the top
51 Time server,
The Daily Tar Heel Friday, March 24, 2017 8

Marcus Paige comes home for a night
Former different.

locker room, fans clad in
Carolina blue made a tunnel.
At the end, a young girl held

Tar Heel On June 23, Paiges dream

came true. The Brooklyn Nets
up a sign that read Marcus,
you are my favorite Tar Heel!
Paiges first 3-pointer came
returns to selected him with the 55th
pick in the 2016 NBA Draft.
from the right corner with
nine minutes left in the first

state with Real life quickly interjected,

though, as he was traded to the
Utah Jazz for the 42nd pick
quarter. And the result was
the same as it was so many
times in Chapel Hill swish.
D-League and cash considerations
welcome to the world of profes-
He found time to sneak a
glance at the crowd. He had
sional basketball, young fella. plenty of faces to find: friends
By John Bauman As nice as it was being from Chapel Hill and even his
Assistant Sports Editor drafted, second round picks fiancees family. Yes, Paige is
dont earn guaranteed con- engaged, but he only shared
GREENSBORO, N.C. tracts. Paige would have to the details of the wedding
Marcus Paige couldnt help fight his way onto a roster. when prompted by a reporter.
but smile. Utah liked what they saw Theyll be married in
He stepped on the court in the Summer League and August. They picked Chapel
Thursday night for the 42nd signed Paige on August 22. Hill for the venue it had to
time in the 2016-17 season He went through training be. Thats home.
in a navy Salt Lake City Stars camp, was waived on October
uniform. He wore No. 4, 13 and finally found himself ***
clean white Nike shoes and with the Salt Lake City Stars,
black leggings. He looked like the Jazzs D-League affiliate. On March 7, the Los Angeles
the Marcus Paige that North With each transaction, Clippers designated Brice
Carolina fans know and love, Paige felt further and further Johnson for assignment to the DTH/TARYN REVOIR
just in a different shade of away from home. Part of D-League, and because the Former UNC guard Marcus Paige (4) returned to the state of North Carolina with the Salt Lake City
blue. whats kept him going is the Clippers dont have an affiliate, Stars to take on the Greensboro Swarm on Thursday. Greensboro defeated Salt Lake City, 104-99.
Through 41 regular season support from friends, family they sent him to Salt Lake City.
games in the D-League, Paige and the Tar Heel faithful. Brice and Marcus, team- ously, Paige joked. To get coach Noel Gillespie said. Its Many of them were young,
has averaged 12.5 points, 2.3 Its been pretty cool this mates, roommates and broth- together in the D-League, it good that he got a chance to maybe up past their bedtimes.
rebounds and 2.3 assists. year, Paige said. We go to ers at North Carolina, were was still cool, but down the start tonight. All of them wore Carolina
There have been highlights, some random cities in the reunited once again. road we might get another Paige fed off the energy of blue and relished the oppor-
but there havent been any D-League well be out in Paige and Johnson played chance. the Tar Heel-heavy crowd. tunity to meet their hero.
phone calls from an NBA Sioux Falls, South Dakota, or together three times before Place to place in the One asked about Paiges
team about a 10-day contract. Northern Arizona, and wher- the latter was called back up *** D-League, you can get a cou- double-clutch shot in the
Its been a long journey ever we go, theres always to the Clippers on March 13. ple empty gyms throughout national championship, and
since Paige took the court been two or three people after Joining up in the Paiges Salt Lake City Stars the 50 games, Paige said. So why he leaned so much.
for the Tar Heels in the 2016 the game who will come up D-League wasnt the future lost 104-99 to the Greensboro to have this rocking like this, Marcus Paige answered all
national championship game. and speak to me. Paige and Johnson dreamed Swarm on Thursday. He fin- it was pretty cool. Youve got the questions with a smile.
A lot of games, a lot of com- of in Chapel Hill, but it was ished with 10 points on 4-of- to appreciate it, because some Tonight was different
mercial flights, a lot of cities, *** awesome all the same. 11 shooting. places are pretty bare. tonight, he was home.
a lot of basketball. The plan was for us to be Hes improving, and hes After the game, he had @bauman_john
But tonight? Tonight was As Paige ran out from the on the same NBA team, obvi- got a chance, Swarm head a meet and greet with fans.

Butler up next for North Carolina UNC mens lacrosse

The Tar Heels and
Bulldogs will play for a
set to face Maryland
trip to the Elite Eight. North Carolina will take lar success in Saturdays game.

on the Terrapins at 11:30 Crossroads

The top-seeded North Carolina
mens basketball team will look to a.m. on Saturday. Much like last season, North
keep its redemption tour rolling Carolina started this year off slowly.
against No. 4 seed Butler in the By Jeremy Vernon Through the first month of the
Sweet 16 at 7:09 p.m. tonight. Assistant Sports Editor 2015-16 season, the Tar Heels were
Fridays game marks the third 3-3 and having a bit of an identity
year in a row North Carolina will The No. 14 North Carolina mens crisis. The struggles led to a team
play in the Sweet 16. Butler hasnt lacrosse team takes on No. 10 meeting in a hotel in Amherst,
made it this far since its magical Maryland at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Massachusetts, where the players and
tournament runs in 2010 and 2011, Fetzer Field. coaches convened to decide what the
when the Bulldogs went to back-to- Both teams are looking to right rest of the season would be for them.
back national championship games. the ship after tough stretches. The UNCs next game after the meet-
Tar Heels have lost three of their last ing was an 18-2 dismantling of
How do they play? PHOTO COURTESY OF JIMMY LAFAKIS five games, while the Terrapins have Manhattan. The Tar Heels had an
Butler first-year Kamar Baldwin (3) celebrates with fans. North Carolina will dropped back-to-back contests up-and-down regular season, but
Last years national champion face Butler in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA tournament Friday evening. each by a one-goal margin. caught fire in May and won the title.
and Butlers rival in the Big East Here are three things to know This years team faces a similar
Villanova lost just three games hasnt halted Martins success this this season. On the other side of ahead of Saturdays matchup. dilemma. The reigning national
in the regular season. Two of those season, as he showed with a 19-point the table, the Tar Heels are the best champions started the season 4-3,
defeats came at the hands of the performance in the Bulldogs offensive rebounding team in the Rematch dropping back-to-back home games
Bulldogs, and each highlighted second-round win over Middle country and have 473 more boards over Spring Break before demolish-
what they do to succeed. Tennessee State on Saturday. than their opponents this season. UNC and Maryland met in the ing Dartmouth on March 18.
Over the course of both games, Another name that sticks out If the Bulldogs turn the ball over 2016 national title game after taking How the Tar Heels handle the
Butler shot a combined 35-for- is Kamar Baldwin. The first-year more than usual, scoring chances very different roads to get there. The early adversity will likely be the key
59 (59.3 percent) from inside the point guards assist-turnover will be few and far between and Tar Heels overcame a nightmare to the rest of their season. A win
3-point line. The Bulldogs have been ratio hangs right around 1.0, but they will likely exit the tournament. start to make the Final Four, while over Maryland on Saturday would
able to keep up this clip throughout his impact cant be understated. the Terrapins won 16 games in a row be a step in the right direction.
the season, as its 54.4 2-point per- Baldwin has put up some gaudy How could they win? heading into the matchup.
centage ranked 23rd in the country. shooting numbers in his first year But records and reputations Triple digits
In its first game against the of collegiate ball (49.3 percent from UNC has survived two poor were thrown out the window in
Wildcats, Butler turned the ball over the floor and 37.8 percent from games from a hobbled Joel Berry so Philadelphia on May 30. A victory against the Terrapins
just eight times en route to a 66-58 three), and he leads Butler in steals, far the junior guard is a combined North Carolina opened up the would give head coach Joe Breschi
win. The team has been among the tallying 30 more than any other 3-for-21 from the field in the tourna- contest on a 4-0 run. Maryland was his 100th and could be the kickstart
nations best at protecting the bas- player on the roster this season. ment but a third could be what able to settle down, however, scoring UNC needs to save its season.
ketball all year, ranking 10th in the Butler needs to pull off the upset. the next four goals to tie the game. And he is exactly who UNC wants
nation in turnover percentage. Whats their weakness? If the Bulldogs limit Berrys impact UNC trailed by two goals with leading the turnaround. Before he
while playing to their strengths of less than five minutes to go, but came to Chapel Hill in 2009, North
Who stands out? The Bulldogs are among the maintaining possession and finding clawed back to force overtime. In Carolina had only gone to the NCAA
nations worst at hauling in offensive good looks, they could easily control the extra period, Tar Heel attacker Tournament four times in 12 years.
Butlers top scorer is junior for- rebounds, bringing in just 27.3 per- the tempo of the game and earn Chris Cloutier scored to give North Since his arrival, the Tar Heels have
ward Kelan Martin, who averages cent of its own misses this season. themselves an Elite Eight berth. Carolina its first title in 25 years. gone to eight in a row.
16 points per game off the bench. Overall, Butler has grabbed just 34 @jbo_vernon Cloutier now a junior and @jbo_vernon
Starting the game on the sidelines more rebounds than its opponents the Tar Heels will hope to have simi-

Weekly walk-up: Tar Heel first-year right-handed pitcher Luca Dalatri

Dalatri will start for The song novel, but that didnt stop him
from selecting a solid tune.
better song. Its like a pre-
workout, I like it.
too much input when choos-
ing it. He found the one that
taking the phrase, Practice
how you play, to a new level.
UNC against Miami on Dalatri chose a song that
invokes personal drive. The
I try to look at the song in worked best for him and went
the gym or weight room, he The superstition with it, regardless of the opin- The Verdict: B+
Saturday afternoon. song Warriors by Imagine said. The song that comes on ion of his teammates.
Dragons has strong lyrics and and gets me going. The one The first-year intends to Im glad they do (like it), Dalatris song has intensity
By Will Bryant a memorable beat that can that gets me to that next level stick with his tune no matter but its my song, he said. Im and a pump-up vibe. It evokes
Senior Writer get anyone in the zone. in the weight room. Warriors what. the one going out there to pitch emotion, allowing fans to feel
I feel like its a song that, did just that. Im not one of those guys to it ... its what I like to walk his passion for the game as
Similar to the hitters on when I listen to it, it gets me thats superstitious, he said. out to. Its definitely a hit in the he toes the rubber. It may not
the North Carolina baseball to that next level and gets me The meaning Im not gonna change it just clubhouse, I guess. create the feel-good ambiance
team, each pitcher gets his pumped up, he said. for one or two bad outings. I of other Tar Heel tunes, but
own walkout song while Dalatri uses his walkout to like the song, honestly, I just The values Dalatris song means business.
warming up before their The process help him gather all his energy. like it. Its gonna be my song. Catch Dalatri and his walk-
first inning of work during a Pitching is an art, and Dalatri Dalatri treats his walk- out this Saturday, when he
game. This week, first-year Dalatri didnt have music uses his song to help get the The opinion out as a vehicle for energy. will start Game 2 of UNCs
pitcher Luca Dalatri spoke when warming up on the dia- juices flowing. Whatever song he finds get- weekend series with Miami at
with senior writer Will Bryant mond in high school, so the That was the song that The first-year has received ting him ready when hes Boshamer Stadium.
about his song choice and process of choosing a walkout kind of pumped me up, and I dazzling reviews on his song doing work off the field is the @WBOD3
what it means to him. song this year was relatively figured why not, he said. No of choice, but he didnt gather one he uses on the field. Hes

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