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to take
Only 500 permits
will be issued for
November season

New numbers from the
Illinois Department of
Natural Resources show
that the number of people
applying for the states first
legal bobcat hunt was 13
times more than the num-
ber of available permits.
The Southern Illinoisan
reported that nearly 6,500
hunters applied for 500
The recipients will be
chosen through a lottery in
about two weeks and noti-
fied by mail. Permits cant
be transferred to other
people once theyre award-
Gov. Bruce Rauner
signed a law last year al- Taking the time to teach a young hunter the simpliest tasks, such as tying snaps and strings onto duck decoys, helps create the knowledge and know-how that

A grandfathers gift
lowing bobcat hunting becomes part of the hunting heritage. | H-W File Photo
after the department de-
termined the current
population of about 5,000
bobcats is stable. The ani-
mal was removed from the
states threatened species
list in 1999 and being put
on the list in 1977.
The recovery of the bob-
cat population in Illinois
is a conservation success
story for everyone, Illinois
Teaching how to tie snaps for duck decoys helps link generations of outdoorsmen
Department of Natural Re-
sources spokesman Chris daughter, Michelle, picks up a right hand and tried to mimic
Young said. drake decoy, runs his small hands
I want everyone of his grandpas move-
Management of bobcats over the beak and the head and him to ments.
through a regulated hunt- turns and points the decoy at his have It wasnt so easy, but he wasnt
ing and trapping season grandpa. willing to give up.
is the next step in its long- Quack, quack, he says with
the I can do it, Grandpa, he said.
term conservation. the typical high pitch of a 9-year- knowledge of how Ill show you.
Animal welfare groups MATT SCHUCKMAN olds voice. to do things right. It took a couple of tries, but Wy-
opposed the plan because The 76-year-old Wear picks att pushed the string through the
My wife might tell

Senior Writer |
they argue the hunting up a hen decoy and points it in loop without letting it slip back
could harm the still-recov- harlie Wear pushes Wyatts direction. you Im not all that out and followed every instruc-
ering population. two stools close to his Quack, quack, he bellows wise, but what tion Wear gave in order to tie it
Illinois Bobcat Conser- work bench, knowing with a gravely, deep voice of man tight. By the fourth or fifth string
vation encouraged their his 9-year-old grand- who has worked outdoors most of
wisdom I have, I he picked up, Wyatt had figured
members to apply for per- sons feet will dangle his life. want to make sure out how to hold both pieces and
mits to keep them away above the floor because of the Back and forth they went, car- I pass it along. not fumble either away.
from those who would use height of those stools. rying on a conversation of that It didnt take long to tie off
them to hunt or trap bob- But he has no other choice. might seem like silly jibberish Charlie Wear a dozen snaps and then tie the
cats. The abundance of space the to most. It was a connection for other end to the decoys. Within
I decided to enter the work bench offers provides an these two, young and old showing an hour, everything was done.
lottery for a hunting permit ideal spot to lay out everything you can have fun no matter youre he was going to grow to be this Making homemade weights
because I felt that was the they need spools of string, age. big. would wait for another day, but
only way for me to exercise brass snaps and a dozen mallard After the playfulness subsided, Wear just laughed. Wyatt didnt want to wait that
my right to continue to op- decoys. Plus, its the ideal time to Wear pulled a pocket knife out Youre going to get bigger than long to see the snaps and the
pose this legislation, stat- teach his grandson, Wyatt, how of his pocket and asked Wyatt that, he said. strings in action. So Wear found a
ed Illinois Bobcat Conser- to prep for waterfowl season, to help him measure lengths of Wyatt climbed back to the top couple of old crusty weights, snap
vation founder Jen Kuroda especially if the youngster intends string they would use to connect of the stool and began asking them on the string and loaded a
in an email. to spend weekend mornings in a decoys to their weights. There questions about the snaps. handful of decoys into the back of
Spokesman Harmon duck blind with his grandpa. was no ruler to measure with What do they do? Why do we his truck.
said he will decide during I dont know if he will still and no defined length needed, need them? Theyre awfully shiny, They drove out a farm where
the General Assemblys fall be hunting when hes 15, 20, 25 so Wear taught Wyatt how to use arent they? Wont the ducks see Wear had access to a pond that
veto session if he will move years old, Wear said. But if he his arm to get roughly the right them? wasnt too wide and not too deep
the bill or wait for a future is, I want him to have the knowl- length for each piece of string. He asks a thousand questions, and tossed the decoys into the
opportunity. edge of how to do things right. Wyatt would measure. Wear Wear said. When you answer water. The weights sank, the
Im committed to revis- My wife might tell you Im not would cut. those, hell ask a thousand more. decoys rolled from their side to
iting the issue, Harmon all that wise, but what wisdom I My arms pretty long, isnt it? These were good questions, sitting straight up and Wyatt
said Monday. have, I want to make sure I pass Wyatt said. These are big pieces ones Wear had an answer for enjoyed knowing he had a part in
Each of the 500 permit it along. of string. that allowed him to impart some making that possible.
holders will be allowed to So the two sit together, one They were just the right size. knowledge and know-how on his We did that, Grandpa, he said
take one bobcat, either by with his feet planted firmly on the You cant grow any bigger, grandson. running around the pond. We
hunting, trapping or sal- ground and the other swinging Wear told Wyatt, or I wont know Wear took a piece of string in did that.
vaging roadkill, during the his legs about a foot off the floor. how to measure my strings any his caloused hands, picked up a Indeed, they did. But what
season, which runs from They are separated by nearly longer. snap and laced the string through Wear did that afternoon will have
Nov. 10 to Jan. 31. 70 years in age, but not a day in At that moment, Wyatt slid off the loop. At the same time, Wyatt a more lasting impact.
Illinois outlawed bobcat spirit. the stool, raised his arms as high fumbled with a snap in his left He linked generations and cre-
hunting in 1972 Wyatt, the only son of Wears as he could and told his grandpa hand, loosely held a string in his ated a hunting heritage.

Wisconsin duck hunters enjoying early start to waterfowl season

By PAUL A. SMITH seized the moment like a thor- shared by all 13 members of the and their Labradingers (cross of but the principles have remained
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel oughbred with an opening on the group assembled for the Sept. 24 Labrador retriever and springer the same.
rail. start of Wisconsins north zone spaniel). Bennett is a breeder of For Bennett and the group, the
GRANTSBURG, Wis. The Got my limit, Kell replied. duck season. the sporting dogs. opening of duck season is every
2016 Wisconsin waterfowl hunt- Show me your spot, Elfelt The 2016 gathering marked Saturday dawned gray and bit as significant if not more so
ing season was off to a fine start said. the 42nd annual duck camp for warm with a light southeast wind. as the start of deer season.
in Jim Bennetts duck camp. Kell pointed to his tent. Bennett. We slept in tents, ate Leopard frogs jumped across the Weather is nicer, too, Bennett
And the first shotgun had yet to You probably heard the duck around a campfire and hunted wet roads outside Grantsburg as said.
sound. calls, Kell said, imitating the in the marshes of northwestern our caravan of vehicles ventured The group places a premium on
How are we doing? asked snoring of a contented camper. Wisconsin. from campsite to hunting spots. camaraderie. It also prides itself
Ben Elfelt of Stacy, Minn., to the You cant blame a hunter for If its not heaven, its close, Bennett started the duck camp on hunting in wild, remote spots
group early last Saturday. His dreaming big, especially on the said Bennett, 65, of New Rich- tradition as a way to share his not easily accessed if at all
words were as much a greeting as eve of the opener. mond, Wis. reverence for waterfowl hunting by motorboats.
a question. The size of the imaginations I hunted last Saturday and with friends and family. Killing lots of ducks is not a pri-
But Dave Kell of Hudson, Wis., varied, but high excitement was Sunday with Bennett and Elfelt Members have come and gone, ority.

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