Freelance Graphics 2.1

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Anderson Soft-Teach


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Table of Contents

Getting Started ...'.'o.1

lntroduction ............. .............2

What You Will Need """'.."'.2
Prerequisites .......,.. .'.."'-.-"--2
Course Components.......... '.."'.."..'.'..'2
Self-Study '..."......3
Classroom ".."..'.'.3
Practice Disk lnformation .."'.."'."'.."'.'4
Using the Practice Disk .."'.--4
lnstalling the Practice Files .."'...'..."'.-.4
Special Note ....... ."'...".""."4

Lesson One: Understanding Freelance Graphics ...............5

lntroduction ".."'.."....'..7
Lesson Objectives ".."'.."...'....'7
Before YouStart ."..'.8
1-1 Defining Freelance Graphics Presentations'... "..... "'. ".. ".... "'. 9
1-2 Graphics
Starting Freelance .."..'.'.."..'." 10
1-3 Choosing a Presentation .,..... ...".."..."'..12
1-4 ldentifying Freelance Graphics Window Elements "'..."--"-..'. 14

ln Practice: Accessing the Help Menu ...' 15

1-5 Exiting Freelance Graphics .....;."'...... ..... 16

Table of Contents

Lesson Two: Using SmartMaster Sets ............... 19

lntroduction.............. ............... 21
Lesson Objectives ..................21
Before You Start
2-1 SmartMaster
Choosing a ........23
2-2 Choosing a PageLayout ........25
2-3 EnteringText........ .................. 26
2-4 Box.........
Creating a Text .......27
2-5 ........
Editing Text ....29
2-6 .......
Saving a Presentation .....31
2-7 .......
Closing a Presentation ....32

Additional Exercises ...............33

Lesson Three: Working with Pages ............. ......35

lntroduction.............. ............... 37
Lesson Objectives ..................37
Before You Start ..... 38
3-1 Opening a Presentation........ .................. 39
3-2 Creating a Title Page ..............40
3-4 Browsing a Presentation ....... .................42

Additional Exercises ............. ..............,...44

Table of Contents

Lesson Four: Formatting Text ............ 45

lntroduction ............. 47
Lesson Objectives 47
Before You Start 48
4-1 Changing Typeface and Point Size........ 49
4-2 Changing Text Styles ............. 51
4-3 Sizing Text Blocks ............. 52
4-4 Moving Text Blocks ............. 53

Additional Exercises '.""."'.'..' 54

Lesson Five: Working in Page Sorter View ....'.. 55

lntroduction ...............57
Lesson Objectives ......57
Before You ..... 58
5-1 .............
Understanding Views ................ 59
5-2 View
Changing to Page Sorter ............... 60
5-3 Pages
Rearranging ................ 61
5-4 Pages
Deleting .-..'..62

ln Practice: Editing Page LaYouts 63

Additional Exercises 64


Table of Contents

Lesson Six: Working in Outliner View ...............65

lntroduction............. ................ 67
Lesson Objectives ..................67
Before You Start ..... 68
6-1 Changing to Outliner View ...... 69
6-2 Adding Text Using the Outliner... ............7O
6-3 Demoting and Promoting Topics ............71
6-4 Collapsing and Expanding an Outline ....72

Additional Exercises.............. ..................74

Lesson Seven: Completing a Presentation ......... .............75

lntroduction ................77
Lesson Objectives.:.............. ..................77
Before YouStart .....78
7-1 Presentation
Spell Checking a ...............79
7-2 Changing a Palette to Black andWhite ..................81
7-3 Presentation
Printing a ...........82

Additional .................. 84
Congratulations .......85

lndex ......87

Getting Started
Getting Started

Introduction Course Components

Welcome to Volume 1 of the Anderson There are five components to this course:
Soft-Teach video training course on The Videotape is divided
Freelance Graphics for Windows.
into seven lessons. Each
lesson includes explana-
This course was videotaped using Freelance tions and demonstrations
Graphics for Windows, Release 2.I of skills covered in the
software. However, the course was
designed to work with Freelance Graphics
for Windows Releases 2.1,2.0I, and2.0.
Any software variances have been The Student Workbook
identified in the Student Workbook. provides you with step-
by-step instructions for
hands-on practice. Each
The information in this Student Workbook
lesson also includes extra
is presented in an easy-to-follow format.
tips and shortcuts that you
Its modulardesign gives you the flexibility
can practice on your own.
to pick and choose the order in which you
want to learn or present the information.
The Practice Disk
contains sample files you
What You WiIt Need need to complete the
hands-on exercises.
1. The Anderson Soft-Teach video
training course
The Skills Test contains
multiple choice questions
2. A VCR with monitor
and hands-on exercises to
make sure you understand
3. A computer with: the software before you
begin using it on the job.
. Freelance Graphics 2.1,2.0I, ot 2.0

After successfully com-

Prerequisites pleting this course, you
will receive an Anderson
Before beginning this course, you should Soft-Teach Certificate of
have completed Volume 1 of the Anderson Completion.
Soft-Teach Windows 3.1 course, or be
familiar with the basic operation of
Freelance Graphics
Lesson One

Introduction Lesson Objectives

bill when you need to
Freelance Graphics fits the By the end of Lesson One, you will be able to:
inform, persuade, motivate, or educate. You'll o Define Freelance Graphics Presentations
have the confidence of knowing that the tools to
create impressive presentations are at your
. Start Freelance Graphics
fingertips. You can choose to present printed o Choose a Presentation
information such as handouts, slides, oroverhead
transparencies in color or black and white. You o Identify Freelance Graphics Window
also have the capability to create colorful Elements
computer-based presentations that can include . Exit Freelance Graphics
o Access the Help Menu
will start the Freelance Graphics
In this lesson, you
program. You will then take a look at examples
of Freelance Graphics presentations. Through
these examples you will be able to define what
the Freelance Graphics program can do for you
and how you might use it. From there, you'll open
an existing presentation, and explore its window.
After exploring, you'll exit the program. At the
end of this lesson you will see how basy it is to
access the Help menu.
Lesson One skiil 1-1

Defining Freelance Graphics Presentations

Whether you want a simple chart or the most complex presentation slide show, Freelance Graphics
allows you to creatively present information. Freelance Graphics uses a page metaphor to allow
you to build your presentation. Each complete thought or idea can be placed on a page. Several
pages make up a presentation or theme. In the illustration below, the annual sales meeting sets the
overall theme for the presentation.

l.lur rlx uf

Illustrations, graphics, animation, and sound can all be part of a Freelance Graphics presentation.
Freelance Graphics has built-in tools that help you to create charts, tables, graphic images and text
right within the program. Elements such as these can be imported from other programs as well.

Once your presentation is complete, you must consider how you will show it to your audience.
Freelance Graphics has a feature called I'Screen Show" that will display your presentation page by
page on your computer screen. Animated transitions
can be included to take your presentation from one
page to another stylishly. You can also display your
presentation in printed form. Service bureaus and
certain printers have the proper devices to help you
print your presentation to slides, transparencies,
paper, or posters.

Lesson One skill 1-2

Starting Freelance Graphics

To start the Freelance Graphics program, simply double-click on the Freelance Graphics application

Double-clicking on the Freelance Graphics application icon loads the Freelance Graphics program
into memory and then prompts you to choose whether to open an existing presentation or a new

In this skill, you will start the Freelance Graphics program.

Step by Step Double-click: on the Lotus Applications program group

(if it is not already opened)


Notice: The Lotus Applications program group window is open.

Note: The Lotus Applications program group might include
other icons. lf you do not have a program group titled Lotus
Applications, you will need to modify this step accordingly. lt
could mean that your copy of Freelance Graphics was installed
in a different program group.

Double-click: on the Freelance Graphics application icon

(to start the Freelance Graphics program)


Notice: The Welcome to Freelance Graphics dialog box appears.


Lesson One skiu 1-2

Starting Freelance Graphics

Step by Step Note: The first time you run Freelance Graphics, following installation, you are presented
with the "Welcome to Freelance Graphics" dialog box. This dialog box let's you view a
QuickStart Tutorial of the Freelance Graphics program. To stop the QuickStart Tutorial,
click on the Quit menu and choose Quit QuickStart. Then Choose File, Open and skip to
step 3 of skill 1-3.

Lesson One skiu 1-3

Choosing a Presentation
If you choose to work on an existing presentation, you need to specify which presentation you want
to open.

In this skill, you will choose the presentation titled LESSONl.PRE.

Step by Step Select:

Note: An Option button is used to select an action or item.
When you click once on an Option button a black dot appears
in its center S denoting it is selected.

Notice: The Choose Presentation dialog box appears.
Note: The current directory should read C:\FLMWORK. lf it
does not, then type C:\FLMWORK (in the File Name text box)
and press ENTER.
The current directory


Lesson One skill 1-3

Choosing a Presentation

Step by Step 3 Double-click: ffi a*r (in the Directories list box)
(continued) Notice: A list of files in the "AST" directonJ appears in the File
Name list box.

4 Select: lessonl.pre (in the File Name list box)

5 Unoose: l.r#fi]}iip=El'itltiiiri

Notice: The LESSONl.PRE file is opened.

Tips and O 0"r,." outlinecl *itt", u tti.t border. such as ,n" O* Uurion in ,r"p 2 |--..-.EHRH3, can be

Techniques chosen by pressing the Enter keY.

Try double-clicking on an option button Q to select it and activate it all at once. In a small
number of instances this tip does not apply.

liindq $

You can open existing files by clicking the Open Fite icon lkj in the Smartlcon palette, or
choosing thi Open command from irre File menu;

At the end of the Fi le menu, Freelance Graphics also displays the names of the last five opened
files. Choose one of these files to open it. Choose:Tools. Uger Setup and maik Recent files to set
;;;.;;;;i.;;;,.li,pruy' .''
When in the:Presentation window, positioning the mouse pointer over u S.*,t.on and pressing

Lesson One skill 1-4

Identifying Freelance Graphics Window Elements

The Freelance Graphics window is comprised of elements that help you to create, edit, preview, or
play presentations.

The Page area is the white area in the center of the screen.

The View buttons on the right-hand side of the screen, enable you to change from one view to another.

The Current Page view displays one page only (as seen in the illustration below).

The Page Sorter view lets you view the entire presentation.

The Outliner view gives you a view of the text in your presentation in outline form.

The Message line tells you what operation you are performing and displays the number of the current
page when in Current Page view.

The Smartlcon palette contains buttons (Smartlcons) that enable you to conveniently carry out

The Balloon help is a description that appears when you rest the mouse pointer on a Smartlcon.
(Balloon help is not available in Releases 2.0 and 2-01-)

The Tool bar is the box of icons seen along the left side of the screen in Freelance Graphics. These
tools give you everything you need to draw and edit objects in your presentations.

The Status bar is at the bottom of the screen. It displays the current page number and important
settings that can be changed to enhance your presentation.

Title bar signals

Balloon help current action

Title bar)
Menu bar)
Message line { View buttons
Smartlcon f
palette Current Page
Page Sorter

Page area

Status bar{

trn Pructice: Accessins the Help Menu

Whatever you are doing in Freelance Graphics, "Help" is not far away. The Help menu contains a
search function that allows you to look for a topic alphabetically and obtain written instructions on
that topic. The Help menu also offers a constant way to access the QuickStart Tutorial which is an
animated collection o[ short lessons covering five of the most common topics in Freelance Graphics.

You can press the Fl key and Freelance Graphics witl display written help on the topic with which
you are currently working.

In this skill, you will access the Help menu.

Step by Step Select: the Help menu

Notice: The hetp menu provides help in eight categories. For
example, you can access the contents of the Help directory, search
for a tapic, ar simply get infarmation on using the Help funclian.

Choose: Using Help

Nstice: The Freetance Graphics Help window appears witlz
written informatian on how to use the various Help functions. i

3 Double-click: the Help window's Control-menu box ffi

4 Choose: Help, QuickStart Tutorial
5 Click: Take a Quick Tour
Notice: The animated tour begins.

Ghoose: Quit (as in the illustration below)

Choose Quit

7 Choose:

Lesson One skiu L-s
Exiting Freelance Graphics
You can leave the Freelance Graphics program by choosing the Exit command from the File menu.
When you exit the program, you return to the Windows Desktop.

In this skill, you will exit the Freelance Graphics program.

Step by Step 1 Select: the File menu

Notice: A tist of file commands appears.

2 Choose: Exit
Notice: You have exited the Freelance Graphics program.

Tips and You can,aiio,use the keyb-oard co-inmand,Alt*p+:io exit the orosram,' ..' ':: -':

Techniques yd ath also exit ttre prografi by ObuUie:Cticking on,the Control:menu Uoi for ihe Freelance

ft; W eiitine,rhe trogram without:ntri rauing youi pr"i""tuiion, Freelance

save. "h*g"*ito
Graphics prompts ybu to

Frbelance Graphics contains over 100 different Smartldons. Youriicreen will display a defautt
set. To change youi Smartlcon palette, choose Smartlcons fiom the Tools menu. Scroll through
the aVailable icons list and select the Smartlcons of your choice. Choose to either edit an icon,
iave or delete an iion, or change icon size'

Lesson One

Additional Exercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are
some suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with some questions to
check your comprehension of the material covered in the lesson.

1. Start the Freelance Graphics program and begin the QuickStart Tutorial.

2. Complete the QuickStart tour and at least one topic in the Quickstart Tutorial.

3. When you have finished, quit the QuickStart Tutorial.

4. Name at least five Smartlcons by using the Balloon help. (If using Release 2.0 or 2.01, use
the Right Mouse button to get a description of Smartlcons.)

5. Exit the Freelance Graphics program.

1. What new features did you learn about when using the QuickStart Tutorial?

2. How will you use Freelance Graphics to improve what you do on your job?

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 1 on the videotape
and in this Student Workbook.

Using SmartMaster Sets
Lesson Two

Introduction Lesson Objectives

A SmartMaster is a predesigned presentation. By the end of Lesson Two, you will be able to:
Freelance Graphics provides you with more than . Choose a SmartMaster
10i SmartMasters. After choosing a o
SmartMaster, all you'll have to do is insert text, Choose aPageLayout
graphics, and pictures to complete your o Enter Text
presentation. Ifyou are not artistic, your audience
will never know it, because SmartMasters are o Create a Text Box
creatively designed in a myriad of colors and . Edit Text
layouts. If you are artistic, you'll appreciate the
time you save using SmartMasters. . Save a Presentation

This lesson takes you through the process of o Close a Presentation

creating a basic presentation beginning with
choosing a SmartMaster set and a layout. You
will enter information into your Freelance
Graphics presentation, edit the text, and save it.
- Lastly, you will close your presentation.

Lesson Two Before You Start

Before You Start

To begin practicing the skills in this lesson, follow the steps below.

Step by Step lf necessary:

1 Start: the Windows program

Lesson Two skin 2-1

Choosing a SmartMaster
A SmartMaster is a predesigned presentation. Freelance Graphics provides you with more than 10i
SmartMasters. After choosing a SmartMaster all you'll have to do is insert text, graphics, and
pictures to complete your presentation.

In this skill, you will choose a SmartMaster.

Step by Step Start: the Freelance Graphics program

(by double-clicking on its Application icon)
Notice: The Welcome to Freelance Graphics dialog box
appears allowing you to create a new presentation or work on
an existing one.

2 Choose: L il (to create a new presentation)

3 Scroll: down through the SmartMaster set list
(shown in the illustration below)

SmanMaster title

Notice: You are able to view a sample of each SmartMaster.


Lesson Two skiu 2-1

Choosing a SmartMaster

Step by Step 4 Press: M

(continued) Notice: You have advanced to the first SmartMaster whose tiile
begins with the lefter "M."

5 Press: g (to move to "medical.mas")

6 Choose: INN
Notice: The Choose Page Layout dialog box appears.

Tips and $iffi

idr.$etiid,ia*b6.iF ]'idifi$tii$s$,1*l$bd w_he-n-, ,,ngwrg i{$$tiii
setup for Fieelance:Graphics hai bben Changbd,,to make,,ar blankpge diatlat firai:' If tbu see,a
Techniques blank page without the SmartMaster,sel dialog boxl chooie:S-Ele, Choose,$maryl{aster Set to
, i

display: the SmartMaster set dialog,box,, You-,can,then,selebia S,m@aster se1, .., ,

Lesson Two skill 2-2

Choosing a Page Layout

The Choose Page Layout dialog box provides you with the choice of 11 standard layouts. Since
each layout is sampled in the dialog box, you won't have to guess how each layout will look.

In this skill, you will choose aPage Layout.

Step by Step Select: Basic Layout (as shown in the illustration below)
Notice: The Basic Layout is sampled to the right of the dialog

|ffi. ffi

1'l:iiiiiffi *;$r*'i*ii#iill*
l:,,,,,,,,1 Title
i,,,,,'ll Eutl*trd Ll*t
l,,rlljj,,l Z-Column B ullets
ir:::, lt ctrart
l..i....'12 Charts
lii:. ,;l{ Charts
i,,: ,,.l Eullets & Chart
C.l k k lr d'ri{ri+it'F..di s.rx i :

Notice: The Basic Layout appears on your screen.

Tips and it-oUUtarttiat on.ibuf,bh iie:of,,page.Uliout t0 fiavt it ab,pe :bn..$buriscieenr,immediaiely,

Techniques Uag;ilutdiitiffi$$iEffiffill ;n ttre Status 6ur 6 6e;,o'ottom or,, 'our,,screen
iolCIhoose::Ardif fdfit::lay.Out.::,ii.i.,,,.ii...,,., l;.,ii.,...l,..,.. ii,

Lesson Two skiu 2-3

Entering Text
To add a title to a presentation page, click where you see "Click here to type page title" and begin
typing. Choose OK and the title is entered.
In this skill, you will enter a title.

Step by Step Click: "Click here to type page title"

Notice: A text box appears with a flashing cursor on the right-
hand side.

Note: The llashing cursor will be the point of origin for text typed
in this text box.

tffilffi lffiffiL n

Flashing cursor (insertion poinq -J

Type: TO YOUR HEALTH tEnter=l

Notice: You are stillwithin the title brt box.

3 Type: Statement of Purpose

4 Click: anywhere outside the page area
(to deselect the text block)
Notice: The title text box is closed and the text that you typed is
displayed as in the illustration below.

Lesson Two skiu 2-4
Creating a Text Box
A text box is a unit of type. It can either be created using the text tool as you will do in this skill,
or it can come with a SmartMaster set. A text box can be moved or resized. The text within it
can be edited or formatted.

In this skill, you will create a text box. You will then edit the text within the text box.

Step by Step 1 Select: the rext tool lffil

2 Click & drag: diagonally across the page
(as in the illustration below)

Click and drag diagonally

Notice: A text box appears.

Type: TO YOUR HEALTH provides convenience
in nutrition. We prepare, package and deliver
products approved by doctors
across the U.S. as being healthy. tEn6r'-'l
So, from nature to us, and to you, there is
Note: Don't worry if your text wraps differently than the above'


Lesson Two skilt 2-4

Creating a Text Box

Step by Step 4 Deselect: the text (by clicking anywhere outside the page area)

Tips and yOu Can'asO create a teit box by choosingithe,Text tool and'elicking once instead of clicking and
Techniques aJgng;'..rrowavei,.a.t.*tboxcreatedin,rttris]waiwiit..noi*raauiomaticaily

i . ... ': ".. ... , ,. . .

Titlb: Us-ed as the first page of a ptegentarion, shows large type for title and

, iitows you to ehteii heading and lineS of text for bulleted items
:: :, ,
Z Coiumn gutibts: tets you enter a heading and two columns of bulleted text.

t Ctrart; '
, ,,, Provides a heading and an outline for a chart you create.

z Cnu*,
i prouiJes u t'"uaing and butljnes rot i*o nJi-pug".r,utt".
a Cf,-rr, Shows a heading and space for four charts.

erif;rr & Charts: Allows you to entei i heading, a half-page cfrart, inA bulleted text.

gutt"t. * rr*0",
- ,,*t*,o Uullets & anun. ,""""s space for a heading, ,rtbt,,
" ^"0
bulieted text.

Organization Chart: I ;aves space ro, u neuoing and an orgunirution .hurt.

Tabie: Leaves space foi a title and tabular information.

Basic Layout: prouides a title (the rest is blank).

Lesson Two skill 2-s

Editing Text
Simple text editing such as correcting typos, small mistakes, and inserting text into an existing
sentence can be accomplished using the Text, Edit command. When editing text, remember five
steps; select the text box you wish to edit, choose the Text, Edit command, position the cursor at
the point of edit, make your changes, and choose OK.

In this skill, you will edit text.

Step by Step 1 Select: the paragraPh

Note: Click anywhere in the paragraph text to select it.
Notice: Eight boxes (called handles) surround the text as in the
illustration below. Handles indicate that an obiect is selected.
To vorrR HEAUITI provides convenience
in nuhitisn. prepare, package, flnd
deliver products approved by doctors across
dtre U.S. asbeing healfty.
So, from nature to us, and to you, there is
Hanote I

2 Choose: Text, Edit

Notice: The brt box appears.

3 Double-click: the word "doctors"

Notice: The word "doctors" is selected.
Note: Double-clicking on a word selects that word.
4 Type: PhYsicians
Notice: The word "physicians" replaces "doctors."


Lesson Two skill 2-s

Editing Text

Step by Step 5 Click: to place the cursor after the period following the
(continued) letter "U" in U.S.

Click here to place the cursor

Press: t=BCtl
Notice: The period is deleted.
7 Type: nited
8 Press: F acem
o Click: to place the cursor after the period following the
letter "S"

10 Press: t= Bkspl

11 Type: tates
Notice: The brt now reads'United States.'

12 Deselect: the text box

(by clicking anywhere outside the page area)

Tips and ,ffiFifislffiq:F,2ifuiioiionl*e, iii$11ffie.ftf$o*d.,e$fiXvalefit1ofi.$e*1,'p$6


Lesson Two skiu 2-6
Saving a Presentation
When you create a presentation, it exists only within the computer's temporary memory. If you wish
to save it to a permanent file on disk, you must give it a file name and location. To do this, you can
click on the Save icon in the Smartlcon palette.
File names can be no longer than eight characters and they cannot contain spaces. The Freelance
Graphics program automatically adds the ".PRE" file extension to your files.

In this skill, you will save your presentation.

Step by Step 1 Click: the Save icon

Notice: The Save As dialog box prompts you to specify a file
name and location in which to save your presentation. The
extention ".pre" is highlighted in the File name box.

2 Type: lesson2 (no sPaces)

Note: Below Directories in the dialog box, the path leads to the
open subdirectorytitled "work." (ffi work)

This is the default directory specifically setup for your saved

Freelance Graphics presentations. However during this course
you will save in the subdirectory titled "ast."

3 Double-click: fr a*t
4 Choose: l. g

, Notice: Freelance Graphics saves the presentation to a file titled

LESSON2.PRE, and the Title bar displays Freelance Graphics'

Tips and ..ihatyO'u aie..curtefitly:,ih,when you save a presentation;b,ec'i;mes, b:page

and view that will appear when the presentation is reopened.
l=ite nam.s cannot include spaces ol" p"rioOs, other than tft" p"rioa belore the exlension. You
;;;1i, ;;;;;;:;; ;;;;;'rr""i-i"',t'e rryptren t-) characters in prace or a space.

Next time you click on the Save icon (or use the Save command from the File menu) you will not
be asked for a l'ile name and the tite witt immediately be upOateO'

Lesson Two skill 2-7

Closing a Presentation
When you have completed your work on a presentation and have saved it, you should close the
presentation. Closing a file when it is not currently being used will make computer memory avail-
able and keep your workspace from becoming cluttered. Closing becomes particularly useful when
you have several files open at once.

In this skill, you will close your presentation.

Step by Step 1 Choose: File, Close

Notice: The LESSON2.PRE presentation closes.

Tips and ..mioh.h ..iibt.,o*eeil..Sanedf..a.uiai $.'bux...wnl.:ruF9irr..askin$,.if:;o'u.,,want

Techniques to save changes to the document. To save changes, choose OK. To close without saving
changes, choose NO. To cancel the Close command and continue working on your presentation,
choose CANCEL

You can close a document by double-clicking on the Document Control-menu box. Double-
clicking on the Application Control-menu box will exit the program.

Tne ikeybbaid::eouival
- fof :,el osihg,is,,€t1$F4;

Lesson Two

Additional Exercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are
some suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with some questions to
check your comprehension of the material covered in the lesson.

1. Start the Freelance Graphics program (if necessary) and select a SmartMaster set.

2. Choose the "Basic Layout" page layout.

3. Enter a title.

4. Create a text block and type a long sentence.

5. Save this presentation as "ADDEX2.PRE."

6. Close the Presentation.

1. Explain why you would save a presentation? What does saving do?

2. What is the difference between a SmartMaster, a Smartlcon, and a Page Layout?

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 2 on the videotape
and in this Student Workbook.

Working with Pages
Lesson Three

Introduction Lesson Objectives

Once you know the fundamentals of working By the end of Lesson Three, you will be able to:
with pages, you will possess the knowledge it . Open a Presentation
takes to create a standard presentation. It is from
this point forward that creativity can really take
o Create a Title Page
flight. But, first let's address the basics. o Create a Page with a Bulleted List
In this lesson you will add a title page and apage o Browse a Presentation
with a bullet list to your presentation. You will
then browse through your presentation.
Lesson Three Before You Stqrt

Before You Start

To begin practicing the skills in this lesson, follow the steps below.

Step by Step lf necessary:

1 Staft: the Windows program
2 Start: the Freelance Graphics program
3 Choose:
Notice: A presentation is not opened or created at this time.

Lesson Three skill 3-1

Opening a Presentation
After closing all open presentations, you are left in the Freelance Graphics program window. To
open an existing presentation you must use the File, Open command or the Open icon.

In this skill, you will use the Open icon to open an existing presentation.

Step by Step 1 Click: the Open icon ffi

Notice: The Open File dialog box appears. The current
directory is displayed below the word "Directories."
Note: lf it reads "C:\flw\work\ast" skip to step 3.
2 Double-click: fr a*t (in the Directories list box)
3 Double-click: lesson3.pre (in the File name list box)
Notice: Freelance Graphics opens the presentation and the Title
ba r disp I ays F reel ance G rap h ics - /ASflLESS ON 3. P R El.

Tips and AnotherwaytoopenafileisbychoosihgtheopencommandfromtheFilemenu.

- Techniques Freelance Graphics keeps track of rhe last four presentations you worked on and displays;them at
the bottom of the File menu. You can quickly open a iile listed here by selecting it from the
bottom of the File menu.


When you open a preSentation, you are returned to the page and the view in which the presenta-
tion was last saved.

Lesson Three skiu 3-2

Creating a Title Page

A Title page is used as the first page of your presentation. Freelance Graphics provides a title page
that contains a presentation title in large type and a subtitle in medium type.

In this skill, you will create a Title page.

Step by Step Click: I'Nffiffi| (in the Status bar)

Notice: The New Page dialog box appears.
Select: Title
Notice: A sample of how the Title page willlook appears on
the right side of the dialog box.

3 Click & drag: across the text in the Page name box
Notice: The text is now highlighted.

4 Type: Title
Notice: 'Title' replaces the text that was previously in the
Page name box.

5 Press: GnterJl
Notice: The Title page appears.

6 Click: "Glick here to type presentation title"

8 Click: "Click here to type subtitle"
I Type: Annual Sales Meeting
10 Deselect: the text (by clicking anywhere outside the page area)

Lesson Three skiu 3-s
Creating a Page with a Bulleted List
The bulleted list page allows you to enter a heading and lines of text that are preceded by bullets. A
bullet is usually displayed as a heavy dot or graphic and is used to call attention to a particular
phrase or passage.

In this skill, you will create apage with a bulleted list.

Step by Step 1 Click: Li!i+l€i$lfru$$\\iil

2 Double-click: on Bulleted List

Note: Double-clicking selects a layout and confirms the
selection in one step. You do not need to press OK.

3 Click: "Click here to type page title"

4 Type: Product Categories
5 Click: "Click here to type bulleted text"
6 Type: Juices tEn6r.-l
Breads tEntt=l
Healthy Snacks tEntera
Organic Produce
Deselect: the text (by clicking anywhere outside the page area)
Notice: Your page should look like the illustration below.

Lesson Three skiu 3-4

Browsing a Presentation
The term "browse" means to look through, as one might browse through a magazine's pages.

In this skill, you will browse through the pages in your presentation.

Step by Step Examine: the Page status box in the status line
(at the bottom of the screen)
Notice: You are currently on the last page of your presentation.
Note: The functions of the Page status box are shown in the
illustration below.

Page status box

Previous page -J LNext page
Current page

Click: twice on the Previous page button ffi

,Notice: Page 1 of 3 is currently displayed.

Click: the Gurrent page button |i. ffiffifi

Notice: A list of pages in your presentation appears.

2. Title
3. Product Categories

Choose: 3. Product Gategories

Notice: The Product Categories page appears.


Lesson Three skiu 3-4
Browsing a Presentation

Step by Step Closing and saving a presentation:

5 Double-click: the Document Control-menu box

No Selection

Notice: A message box appears prompting you to save changes

before closing.

!!!!!!! ! ilillllluu::t i!:l

Choose: l-iill-j-l
Note: Changes made to your presentation are saved.

You can move lrom page to p'age in Current page view by pressing Page up or,Page;down.
Tips and
Techniques Choose File. Close:from the menu to close a presentation':

Vou.can..*Isa..nruss.i t*ni..O-li.ffi i.eio-se.a.' {5tion

Lesson Three

Additional Bxercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are some
suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with a question to check your compre-
hension of the material covered in the lesson.

l. Create a new presentation.

2. Your presentation topic is "Famous American Singers." Pick a SmartMaster that you think is
appropriate and include a title page with the same title. You may use the first example illus-
trated below or choose your own SmartMaster title page.

3. Create a page with a bulleted list naming five or more Famous American Singers. The singers
can be from the past or the present. The illustration below offers an example.

4. Save the presentation as ADDEX3.PRE

5. Browse the pages of your presentation.

6. Close the presentation.

1. What Freelance Graphics feature will be most helpful to you in creating presentations?

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 3 on the videotape and in
this Student Workbook.

Formatting Text
Lesson Four

Introduction Lesson Objectives

The way your text is formatted can convey a By the end of Lesson Four, you will be able to:
mood that can set the tone of your presentation. o Change Typeface and Point Size
For example, bold text suggests importance.
o Change Text Styles
This lesson will show you how to change the
look of text by making changes to the way it is o Size Text Blocks
formatted. This includes changes to the font, o Move Text Blocks
size, alignment and position of your text blocks
on a page.

In this lesson you will change font and font size.

You will also discover how several text styles
can be changed at once. You will also size and
move blocks of text.
Lesson Four Before You Start

Before You Start

To begin practicing the skills in this lesson, follow the steps below.

Step by Step lf necessary:

1 Stad: the Freelance Graphics program

Open the lesson file:

2 Open: the LESSON4.PRE file
(located in the "C:\FLMWORI(AST" directory)
Notice: The current page is 3 of 3.

Lesson Four skill 4-1

Changing Tlpeface and Point Size

The word font, refers to a particular typeface. When you change fonts, the look of your presenta-
tion can take on a new mood. For example, a bold typeface can symbolize strength or solidity,
while an italicized font might convey action. Choosing a suitable typeface and point size can
enhance the look of a presentation.

In this skill, you will change typeface and point size of text in the presentation.

Step by Step Changing the font of a text block:

1 Select: the bulleted text block
Note: Click anywhere in the bulleted list to select it.
Notice: The text block has handles surrounding it.

2 Examine: the Font and Font size in the Status bar

Point size

Typeface (Face)

Click: the Face button

Notice: A list of fonts appears.

Choose: Arial (or a similar font of your choice)

Notice: The font of the bulleted text block has changed.

Deselect: the bulleted text

Changing the font size of a text block:

6 Select: the text block at the bottom of the page
7 Click: the Point size button m
Notice: A list of sizes appears.

8 Choose: 18
Notice: The font size changed to 18.0.


Lesson Four skill 4-1
Changing Typeface and Point Size

Step by Step Ghanging the font size of text within a text box:
9 Press: F2 (the Text Edit shortcut key)
Notice: The brt box appears for the selected text.
10 Double-click: the word Organic (to select it)
11 Click: the Point size button h'rswl

12 Choose: 24
13 Deselect: the text

chan$e othei'attributes of your text, choose Teit, Font,
rfni{Qpens the Font dialbg box:
Tips and
Techniques Type fonii,are ,uppbrt"O in Retease Z. t of f'reetance Graphics. Pleaie refer to the Lotus
lif$iffufer,thatr,shii$$ed]iwitH]yr'rt.u i$of{wffe t:{nsireii "'[i

Lesson Four skill 4-2

Changing Text Styles

Freelance Graphics makes it easy to change text attributes, such as typeface, size, color, bullets,
paragraph and line spacing, and indents. The Paragraph Styles dialog box contains a myriad of
attributes. From the Paragraph Styles dialog box you can pick and choose the attributes you want,
changing the look of your text instantly.

In this skill, you will change the line spacing of your text.

Step by Step Double-click: the bulleted text block

Notice: The Paragraph Styles dialog box appears.

Notice: The Spacing & lndents dialog box appears. Spacing
options appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the dialog box.

3 Click: the arrow beside the Line box ffi

4 Choose: 2 (double) (as in the illustration below)

Choose: f,'lrir-ili
Notice: The Spacing & lndents dialog box closed.

Choose: ffiffi
Notice: The Paragraph Styles dialog box is closed. The bulleted
text block is now overlapping the bottom paragraph.

Deselect: the text block

Tips and nt.Ut*et: {].dstiiieati'ohii ;ie*tiali meniliicanlbe.bhm$ediusil1 :thqP $gra$h::SttLerdinlog

uoxl+ffie::ffiuir.iy$e$i'of.j:usfifib+ii nld b.iilefi..fiig$ffienii1.$efifetirali$ffiml',r.i$hti:alisnf6hti:::6i.:'tull){
Techniques ustified'

Lesson Four skilt 4-3

Sizing lbxt Blocks

Think of the boundary of a text block as its margins. Text will wrap within its margins. It's margins
are determined by the size of the text block. The tools that you will use to size a text block are called
handles, and they are described below.

You can size a text block by dragging one of its handles. The text within the block will readjust
according to the new text block size.

In this skill, you will size a text block.

Step by Step Select: the text block at the bottom of the page
Notice: Eight handles appear surrounding the text block.

Position: the mouse pointer on the top, center handle

Notice: The mouse pointer becomes a double-headed arro* (#)
Click & drag: the handle down, below the words "Organic
Produce" (as in the illustration below)
Notice: When you release the mouse button the text block is

F Organic Produ ce r\
1t? T
T0 YOUR HEAUIfi pr:rchrsei poitrce gru'rn natrrally. Thet nrans noa
jesticides, gu+fhhmrnmes, u genetic eS,ireerir€ is usetl.

Deselect: the text block

Tips and

Lesson Four skiu 4-4

Moving Text Blocks

You can move a text block around on a page or move it from page to page.

In this skill, you will move a text block.

Step by Step 1 Move to: page 1 (TO YOUR HEALTH Statement of Purpose)
2 Position: the mouse pointer on the paragraph
3 Click & drag: text block down and to the right
(as in the illustration below)


4 Deselect: the text box

Save and close the LESSON .PRE file.

Tips and move a text block by onei,pixet (ohe computer bit), select the teii bloCk and press a directional


Lesson Four

Additional Exercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are
some suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with some questions to check
your comprehension of the material covered in the lesson.

1. Open the LESSON4.PRE file and change the title's text to a font and font size of your choice.

2. Type a text block on the same page with your narne, job title, and brief job description. Did the
text wrap in your text block? Why did it (or didn't it) wrap?

3. Center align the text in your text block.

4. Insert your company name at the end of the text in the text box.

5. Close the presentation without saving your changes.

1. What do you drag when you want to resize something?

2. Name a reason you might want to boldface or italicize type.

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 4 on the videotape and in
this Student Workbook.

Working in Page Sorter View
Lesson Five

Introduction Lesson Objectives

The Page Sorter view provides you with a big- By the end of Lesson Five, you will be able to:
picture view of the presentation. Functioning like . Understand Views
a lightboard, the Page Sorter lets you see your
entire presentation on one screen. This view is
e Change to Page Sorter View
helpful if you want to see what is on each page, or o Rearrange Pages
check the order of your presentation. It is also
helpful in checking for duplicate pages or checking o Delete Pages
the consistancy of Your work. o Edit Page Layouts
In this lesson you will learn about the three views
available in Freelance Graphics. You will work
in Page Sorter view to rearrange and delete pages.

Lesson Five Before You Start

Before You Start

To begin practicing the skills in this lesson, follow the steps below.

Step by Step lf necessary:

1 Start: the Freelance Graphics program

Open the lesson file:

2 Open: the LESSONS.PRE file
(located in the "C:\FLMWORK\AST" directory)
Notice: The current page is 1 of 7.

Lesson Five skiu s-I
{Jnderstanding Views
In Freelance Graphics, views were designed to give you optimum flexibility when designing and
editing a presentation. The three most often used views are defined below.

In this skill, you will examine how each view is used.

Step by Step 1 Examine: the view icons

Current Page
Page Softer

Current Page: This view displays a single page. lt allows you

to work on your page in detail.
Page Sorter: ln this view you can see all the pages in your
presentation at a glance. You can review, copy, or delete
pages, as well as rearrange the order of your presentation in
Page Sorterview.
Outliner: This view presents the text in a presentation in
outline form. lt allows you to enter and edit text in an outline
fashion. Graphics are not displayed in this view.

Lesson Five skiu s-2

Changing to Page Sorter View

Viewing one page at a time is fine for working on your presentation in detail. However, to compare
your pages side-by-side, you should change to Page Sorter view.

In this skill, you will change to Page Sorter view.

Step by Step Click: the Page Sorter icon ffi

Notice: You are now in Page Sorter view as in the illustration
below. The last page displayed in Current Page view has a gray
line around it. The contents of a page cannot be altered unless
you return to Current Page view.


Returning to Current Page view:

2 Double-click: Page 2 (Title)
Notice: The Title page is displayed in Current Page view.

Lesson Five skiu s-3

Rearranging Pages
Page Sorter view makes reorganizing a presentation easy. You can copy, move, and delete pages in
Page Sorter view.

In this skill, you will rearrange your presentation pages'

Step by Step 1 Click: the Page Sorter icon ffi

2 Position: the mouse pointer anywhere on page 2, Title
3 Click & drag: page 2 to the left of page 1
Notice: A dark gray line shows the location to which your page

Dark gray line showing new location of page

lr_r r-r-

Notice: When you release the mouse button the page is moved
and all of the subsequent pages are renurnbered sequentially.

you are able to See youi entire:pqesentation at a glance in Page Sorter view, therefore it is the
Tips and
obti*u* view in wtrich to mate a gtOUat bdit such as changing your SmartMaster set. To do'this,
Techniques .hoor" Siyrte, Choose Smarttvtaster Sei. firen select a new:SmartMaster. Your SmartMaster
baeu$ioiiita,]*iltlichafi $el|aff ,.}l,dd iffi *itd,,.btlg

Lesson Five skiu 5-4

Deleting Pages
Page Sorter view is ideal for removing unwanted pages. When you remove a page, the remaining
pages are renumbered automatically.

In this skill, you will delete one page.

Step by Step Select: page 6 (Percentage of Business)

Notice: The Percentage of Business page is deleted and the
subsequent pages have been renumbered sequentially.

Click: the Current Page icon ffi

Save and close the LESSONS.PRE file.

Tips and

In Practice: Editins Pase Invouts

Each SmartMaster comes with eleven page layouts (Title, Bulleted List, Bullets & Charts, and so
on). Youcanmodilytheselayoutsbyaddingyourowntextandgraphics. Forexample,ityouadda
graphic to the Bulleted List layout, allBulleted List pages willdisplay the graphic. The text or
graphics you add become part of the edited layout and can only be changed or deleted while in Edit
Page Layouts mode.

In this skill, you will acld a text block to the Bulleted List page layout.

Step by Step Open: the IPLESSS.PRE tile

Notice: The presentation opens in Page Sorier view. This
presentation contains one title page and three bulleted list

2 Choose: Edit, Edit Page Layouts

Natice: Each page represents a different page layout (TItle,
Bulleted List, and so on). You will edit the page layout of all
Bulleted Listpages.

Double-click: page 2 (Bulleted List)

4 Select: the Text tool I

5 Click: at the bottom of the page to ereate a text box

(as shown below)

6 Type: TO youn HEALTH (1e95 CONFTDENTIAL)

7 Choose: NFffi
8 Change: the text block's Boint size to 18
I Choose: 1,.ff'bliirn,ii.f,
Notice: Yau have exited Edit Page Layouts mode.

10 Browse: the presentation

Natice: The text you added appears an every buletted page, but
not on tlte title Page.

Save and close the IPLESSS.PRE file.

Lesson Five

Additional Exercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are
some suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with some questions to
check your comprehension of the material covered in the lesson.

1. Open the LESSON5.PRE file.

2. Edit the l-Chart page layout to contain your name, in a size 24bold font, in the lower left
corner of the page.

3. Rearrange the presentation so that page 6 appears before page 3.

4. Delete the New Product Category page.

1. Name two advantages to using the Page Sorter view.

2. List some instances when you have had to change a presentation or speech. What Freelance
Graphics features could have helped you?

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 5 on the videotape
and in this Student Workbook.

Working in Outliner View
Lesson Six

Introduction Lesson Objectives

Outliner view displays the text in a presentation By the end of Lesson Six, you will be able to:
in outline form. From the outline you can easily o Change to Outliner View
review the way information flows through your
presentation. In a sense, the outline serves as
o Add Text Using the Outliner
your blueprint for checking the logical . Demote and Promote Topics
progression of your topics.
o Collapse and Expand an Outline
In this lesson you will change to the Outliner
view and add text. You will demote and promote
topics in your outline as well as collapse and
expand your outline topics.

Lesson Six Before You Start

Before You Start

To begin practicing the skills in this lesson, follow the steps below.

Step by Step lf necessary:

1 Start: the Freelance Graphics program

Open the lesson file:

2 Open: the LESSON6.PRE file
(located in the "C:\FLMWORKAST" directory)
Notice: The current page is 1 of 6

Lesson Six skiu 6-1

Changing to Outliner View

The Outliner view gives you the option of creating or working with pages in an outline.

When you create pages and enter text directly in Outliner view, Freelance Graphics writes that same
text into the text blocks provided by your SmartMaster set. Changes made in Outliner view are
reflected in Current Page view and vice versa.

In this skill, you will change to Outliner view.

Step by Step Click: the Outliner icon ffi

Notice: You are now in Outliner view. Only text within your
presentation is displayed in the Outlinerview.

Examine: the illustrations below

Demotes line Expands current page
Promotes line Collapses current page

Expands outline
Collapses outline

Page number and icon

followed by page title

First level topic
Second level topic

Lesson Six skiu 6-2

Adding Text Using the Outliner

You can add, delete, copy, paste, or edit text while in Outliner view. To add text in the Outliner,
move the cursor to the end of an existing line and press Enter. A new line appears just below the
existing line. You can then type new text.

In this skill, you will add text to your presentation using the Outliner.

Step by Step Adding a new page using the Outliner:

1 Click: anywhere in page 2 (as in the illustration below) to
place the insertion point

Notice: A new page 3 icon appears. The other pages have
been renumbered. The cursor is positioned to type the new

Adding text:
3 Type: Consulting Physicians lEnteil
Notice: The cursor is positioned to type a first level topic.

Type: Dr. Miriam Jones f Enter=l

Notice: You are automatically given another bullet at the current

Tips and

Lesson Six skiu 6-s

Demoting and Promoting Topics

In the Outliner, you can have three levels of indents under a page title. These levels correspond to
the three paragraph styles in the presentation. For example, text indented to the second level in the
Outliner appears in the second paragraph style in Current Page view.

Moving a topic from one level to another level is called promoting (moving up one level) or demot-
ing (moving down one level) the topic.

In this skill, you will promote and demote topics in your presentation.

Step by Step Demoting a topic:

1 Click: the Demote icon ffi
Notice: The cursor is positioned to type a second leveltopic.

Type: Valley Research Center tEntt=l

Notice: The cursor is positioned to type another second level

Promoting a topic:
3 Click: the Promote icon lffil
Notice: The cursor is positioned to type a first leveltopic as in
the i ll u stration below.

Type: Dr. Jason J. Phillips

g|driil*$ iidloutlili$]:}'.idwil$slatt1,{1,$'g,eliffi|
Tips and ]:6n]i]}€ii0b,$r]ffiiffil ;{p$iiB
the,iiruiritionl incttreo,presi rna neieie k'ey :,,,,,,
..,::: ,,::' ::::, :. , , .
Techniques ,,,, "
,, ,. .,:. : ' , , "''
: .,. .,: :..:. ,,.

It you select a topic Cbniaining a qubtopicr both ttre toplC and:subtopic will be deleted
io delete u *otd ot charaptei, sele.t it unO press the Detete key'

Lesson Six skiu 6-s

Demoting and Promoting Topics

In the Outliner, you can have three levels of indents under a page title. These levels correspond to
the three paragraph styles in the presentation. For example, text indented to the second level in the
Outliner appears in the second paragraph style in Current Page view.

Moving a topic from one level to another level is called promoting (moving up one level) or demot-
ing (moving down one level) the topic.

In this skill, you will promote and demote topics in your presentation.

Step by Step Demoting a topic:

1 Click: the Demote icon ffi
Notice: The cursor is positioned to type a second leveltopic.

Type: Valley Research Center {Entt=l

Notice: The cursor is positioned to type another second level

Promoting a topic:
3 Click: the Promote icon lffil
Notice: The cursor is positioned to type a first leveltopic as in
the illustration below.


Type: Dr. Jason J. Phillips

Tips and l:'dfir* $ $i ii$tiilriiti r $,iiitiiibut;1tiu$]5{[u*ln$,$s;,itsip ii$CI$ii\bfllati($$1ifi

Techniques ffi ..ixifi $trioiilii[nd.:ffi e$ipf,$$$,,,ffi ;D"iil€rc,lt(€yiiii]tl

It you ieteCt a topic coniaining a subtopic, both ihe topic and subtopic will be deleted

Lesson Six skill 6-4

Collapsing and Expanding an Outline

Step by Step Expanding an outline:

6 Click: the Expand All icon liffii
Notice: The outline expands, and the rearranged outline is
displayed in its entirety.

Save and close the LESSON6.PRE file.

Tips and tw0'cb1umnbu]Ietedlist.position.te.:9sor::iinthe.pacevou

Techniques want ro change and ctick the Page Layout buiton in the status bar. When the Page Layout dialog

You can also create a two column layout by positioning the cursor at the point aiter wtricfr you
want to adJ the second column of bullets. piom tne Outline menu choose tfte "Mute Second
Column" command. Freelance Graphics adds the second-column icon to the beginning of the
li*-il vou run the bullets to, tt-re second column *,n.."rr*y.
"*"r ':
The Outliner uses a font called Arial to disptay text. You .unnot Change the font shown in
Ouitin"t vieW, however you can change to Current Page view and aitei ihe iont. i ,

Lesson Six

Additional Exercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are
some suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with some questions to
check your comprehension of the material covered in the lesson.

1. Open the LESSON6.PRE presentation.

2. Using Outliner view, add a new page titled "Testimonials from Customers."

J. Add subtopics with the following text.

. "It was the first time I got juiced and my doctor said it was healthy !" -- Edna June,
Macon County
. "Never felt so good to drink-up! I finished off a whole six pack in one sitting." --
Bertie Albertson, Great Neck
. "My cup runneth over with HEALTH! TO YOUR HEALTH." -- Rev. Ben Johnson,
Sioux Falls

4. Save and close the LESSON6.PRE file.

1. What are some advantages to working in Outliner view?

2. Describe what each of the following icons does. NN l ilNl il

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 6 on the videotape
and in this Student Workbook.

Completing a Presentation
Lesson Seven

Introduction Lesson Objectives

Once you have completed the first draft of your By the end of Lesson Seven, you will be able to:
presentation, you should spend some time . Spell Check a Presentation
reviewing your work. It's often helpful to print
a paper copy of your presentation for review.
o Change the Palette to Black and White

If you are printing to a black and white printer,

. Print a Presentation
you might want to change your color palette to
black and white before Printing.

You can also checkthe accuracy of your spelling

using the Spell Check command. It's a good idea
to spell check your work before printing.

In this lesson you will spell check your

presentation, change your palette to black and
white, and Print the Presentation.

Lesson Seven Before You Sturt

Before You Start

To begin practicing the skills in this lesson, follow the steps below.

Step by Step lf necessary:

1 Start: the Freelance Graphics program

Open the lesson file:

2 Open: the LESSONT.PRE file
(located in the "C:\FLMWORK\AST" directory)
Notice: The current page is 1 of 7.

Lesson Seven skiu 7-1
Spell Checking a Presentation
A simple spelling mistake can become a huge embarassment when it is exhibited before an audience.
Using the Spell Check command is easy. So, take a few minutes to spell check your presentation
before printing, making slides, or running a screen show.

In this skill, you will spell check your presentation.

Step by Step Click: the Spell Check icon

Notice: The Spell Check dialog box appears. The "Check
spelling of current page" option is selected.

2 Select:

3 Choose: lijli+ffi*S..r+$
Notice: The first word the Spell Checker doesn't recognize is
"Miriam." Miriam is a proper noun and is spelled correclty.

Choose: l.lirii$fiiifiiiii$N
Notice: The next word the Spell Checker doesn't recognize is
"Catagory." The Alternatives section offers an alternative

Select: Gategory (in the Alternatives Section)

Notice: Your selection now appears in the Replace with box'


Lesson Seven skiu 7-1
SpeII Checking a Presentation

Step by Step Choose:

(continued) Notice: The SpellChecker stopped atthe word "Spirulina." This
is a proper noun and is spelled correctly.

7 Choose:
Notice: The spelling check is complete.

8 Choose:

Tips and

Lesson Seven skiu 7-2

Changing a Palette to Black and White

Creating a presentation on a color screen can yield beautiful results. However, if all you have is a
black and white printer, the final product can be quite different than your screen display. That is
why using a black and white palette can be helpful when printing. Viewing your presentation in
black and white lets you know how it will look when it returns from a black and white printer.

In this skill, you will change the palette to black and white.

Step by Step 1 Click: the Color/Black and White button ffiffi

(at the bottom of the screen)
Notice: Every page of the Freelance Graphics presentation
became black and white.

2 Browse: the presentation

Notice: lmported graphics did not change color. Only the
graphics created in Freelance Graphics changed to black and

Lesson Seven skiil 7-3
Printing a Presentation
Speakers will usually provide their audience with notes or printouts of their presentation. This is
important for you to remember if you want your audience to be able to recall what was said.
Freelance Graphics enables you to print out a full-screen page, handouts, audience notes, or speaker
notes--the rest is up to you.

In this skill, you will print one page of your presentation.

Step by Step Printing a Full page:

Click: the Print icon

Notice: The Print File dialog box appears. The current print
option is to print pages 1 to ggg. Choosing OK now would print
your entire presentation. The Full page format option is also
selected. The Full page option prints each page of the
presentation on one full page.

Note: This selection prints only the current page that is
displayed in your presentation.

Prints only
the current

Prints each
page on one


Lesson Seven skill 7-3

Printing a Presentation

Step by Step 3 Choose:


4 Click: the Color/Black and White button ffi

(to return to a color palette)
Save and close the LESSONT.PRE file.

Tips and
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Lesson Seven

Additional Exercises
After performing the skills in this lesson, you may want some additional practice. Below are
some suggestions for activities you can try on your computer, along with some questions to
check your comprehension of the material covered in the lesson.

1. Open the LESSONT.PRE file.

2. From Outliner view, open the Print File dialog box and print a copy of the outline.

3. Close the LESSONT.PRE file.

1. List a reason for wanting to change your presentation from color to black and white.

2. What are some examples of terms used in your industry that might need to be added to your
spel l checker's dictionary?

If you have trouble with any of these activities or questions, review Lesson 7 on the videotape
and in this Student Workbook.

Lesson Seven

You have completed Volume 1 of this Anderson SoftTeach training course. In lesson 1,
you ran a batch file that installed the practice files onto your hard disk.

You will now run another batch file (REMOVE.BAT) that will remove the practice files
from your hard disk. This is done to ensure that no permanent changed are made to your
hard disk.

Step by Step 1 Return: to the Program Manager (if necessary)

2 lnsert: the Practice Disk into Drive A
3 Choose: File, Run...
4 Type: a:\remove tEnter=l
Note: lf using the Practice Disk in Drive B, Type b:\removeb.
5 Follow: the prompts


Accessing the Help Menu 15
Adding Text Using the Outliner 70
Additional Exercises t7.33, 44, 54. 64,74, 84

Balloon help l4
Before You Start 8,22,38, 48, 58, 68, 78
Black and White 81
Browsing a Presentation 42
Bulleted List 4t

Changing a Palette to Black and White .................81

Changing Text Styles ........51
Changing to Outliner View .................69
Changing to Page Sorter View ............60
Changing Typeface and Point Size ......49
Choosing a Page Layout ......................25
Choosing a Presentation ....'................. Tz
Choosing a SmartMaster ..................'..23
Classroom ......'...3
Closing a Presentation .....'.32
Collapsing and Expanding an Outline
Completing a Presentation ........'.'.......75
Congratulations ...........'..... 85
Course Components .'..-.."...2
Creating a Page with a Bulleted List ....'........'.......41
Creating a Text Box ........."27
Creating a Title Page .....'...40
Current Page view '............ 14



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