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Upper Ross Community Voice Agenda Items and Outcomes

Item No. Agenda Item Referred Authority Delegate Outcome Finalised

2016/01 Issues Raised re: TMR with TMR- Contacted Les Update on Riverway Drive upgrade (provided by Finalised
Riverway Drive Identified GROVES QLD Dept. Transport & Main Road (TMR)
issues Need for Childrens representative Steve MacDonald)
Crossing on Riverway Dr near Steve discussed plans for the four lane extension of
Illuta Street, Lack of or ill Riverway Drive from Gollogly Lane to Allambie Lane,
positioned bus stops on South and the difficulty in addressing issues due to the
Bound Lane of Riverway Drive, proposed project. The tender process has commenced
buses pulling over onto dirt, for the detailed design stage which they expect will be
digging out roadway and completed by the end of 2016. After the detailed design
causing hazard on bike path. has been completed TMR will seek feedback from stake
Distances between bus stops holders and residents.
too far. Need for Traffic control
lights at intersection of Funding for the project: Aaron Harper (Member for
Riverway Drive and Santal Thuringowa) has requested funds for the Gollogly Lane
Drive. to Allambie Lane section be allocated in the next budget
and the premier has made a commitment to fast track
projects, however the detailed design must be
completed first.
The question was posed to Mr Harper as to why cant
the project be completed in entirety (to Dunlop St).
Response from Aaron Harper was it is difficult to commit
to the end project and whilst it is ideal to go to Dunlop St
lets get the first stage happening.

A question was raised in relation to the time frame for

completion of the project as traffic will continue to
increase with the influx of residents from new housing
estates in the Upper Ross. Neither Steve nor Aaron
were able to commit to a timeframe however anywhere 3
to 5 years for completion was suggested.

Responses / Outcomes:
In relation to addressing the need for a childrens
crossing on Riverway Drive (near Illuta St), Steve will
investigate whether temporary measures can be put in
place and lobby the department with appropriate

In relation to the need for traffic lights at Riverway

Dr/Santal Drive intersection, this will be addressed in the
four lane extension to Allambie Lane and therefore no
immediate solution is available. A number of new
signalled intersections will be included in the design of
the lane duplication project.

In relation to the lack of or ill positioned bus stops and

distances between bus stops, TMR will work closely with
Translink and the community, to ensure bus stops are
located close to new signalled intersections which will be
included in the design of the lane duplication project.

In relation to the buses pulling over onto the dirt, digging

out roadway and causing hazards on the bike path. 4
bus stops along Riverway Drive were identified
concerning this issue. None pose a safety issue. This
will be corrected in the lane duplication project.

2016/02 Issue Raised Re: Townsville TCC Laura Les Contacted by Jenny Lane advised matter to be dealt Finalised
City Council Sports and VIDMAR GROVES with after election. Too busy to attend meeting. 07/06/16
Rec. Identified issue that TCC laura.vidmar@tow Placed on agenda for 03/05/16
not supporting local sporting
association Baseball Agenda 7th April 2016
Association Townsville with Issue taken up with Mark MOLACHINO who has
ground upkeep Jabiru contacted VP Townsville Baseball. Issue being
Park. BAT were denied offer of addressed and outcome TBA.
free installation of a tap to
water infield of ground by Agenda 7th June 2016 Update by TCC Div. 4
contractor who was already Councillor Mark Molachino. Mark referred Troy Tucker
working in park laying (BAT) to council Sports and Recreation and the issue
irrigation. has now been sorted

2016/03 Issue raised Re: Townsville TCC Les TCC contacted by email. Response from Nicole Finalised
City Council Park and Nicole CONNOR GROVES Conner:
Gardens. Identified issues that nicole.connor@to Pot holes dirt access road is inspected twice yearly
TCC maintenance of loam and repaired if required. TCC replies on community
Island is poor. Grass long, pot members to report problems in between scheduled
holes in dirt access road, maintenance.
community feeling that upper Long grass maintenance schedules weekly / fortnightly.
Ross area neglected and not Comment from attendee that this is unlikely as grass is
maintained like other areas. long. Referred back to council, articulating issues and
concerns raised.

2016/04 Issue raised Re: Townsville TCC Les Response / Outcome: Finalised
City Council Roads Nicole CONNOR GROVES Contact council to enquire into procedure for requesting
Questions received re: council nicole.connor@to the relocation of the Childrens crossing and whether
plans to possibly upgrade
there are proposed traffic improvements, for increase
Allambie Lane from 2 lanes to
3-4 lanes and relocation of traffic lanes on Allambie Lane as part of Wingates
Supervised Childrens Crossing commitment to funding local traffic road networks.
further west to alleviate Upgrade of Beck Road will be completed by Wingate
congestion from its current Developments.
location. Also is there planning
for upgrading Beck Drive from
intersection Allambie Lane
North towards Gollogly lane.
2016/05 Issue raised Re: Telstra Telstra Claudine Claudine Response / Outcome: Finalised
phone line problems dont Moncur liaised MONCUR Contact council to enquire into procedure for requesting Meeting
work all the time and suffer with Joanne Joanne the relocation of the Childrens crossing and whether 07/04/16
faults increasingly in wet KEUNE to provide Kuene
there are proposed traffic improvements, for increase
weather. ? re: Plans for NBN response from
roll out and time frames for Telstra traffic lanes on Allambie Lane as part of Wingates
Upper Ross Area. commitment to funding local traffic road networks.
Upgrade of Beck Road will be completed by Wingate

Second update by Joanne KEUNE from meeting 7th April

2016 NBN planned rollout to begin 6-12 months,
scheduled to commence in Rasmussen then onto to
Kelso. New developments of Condon & Rasmussen
already have the NBN Concerns over faulty phone lines
and faults: Attempts to get answers fell on deaf ears,
often speaking to wrong people. Rod will continue to
follow up with Telstra in relation to his box.

2016/06 Issued raised Re: Police QPS Response Les Darren Randle (acting officer in charge Kirwan Finalised
Speeding vehicles along from Insp GROVES station) addressed the meeting.
Allambie Lane and abandoned KITCHING or Darren informed that the Kirwan station is open 24/7 and
vehicle on beck Drive. delegate everyone is welcome to come in and say hello.
In response to speeding vehicles - police will not tolerate
speeding and continued plan of action is to Influence
driver behaviour by enforcement & education. Provided
examples of regular enforcement of local speeding
hotspots (Hammond Way).

In response to the abandoned vehicle issue, these are

on private property and police have no jurisdiction
regarding the removal of these vehicles.

2016/07 Issue Raised Re: Police QPS Response Les Groves Advice give re: police Link and police tasking Finalised
Stolen speeding vehicles from S/Sgt Randall at
Police link not getting the info meeting.
on crimes through in a timely

2016/08 Issue Raised Re; TCC TCC Les Groves Not action yet due to no councillor in position. To be Finalised
Limited parking facilities at actioned meeting in May. at meeting
Charles Maroney Park car 07/06/16
park is dangerous. Placed on agenda for 03/05/16 Mark Molachino unable
Investigate Clint St to attend, held over to meeting 07/06/16.
redevelopment options
including Sports & Recreation
funding for a new facility
Agenda 07/06/16
Update provided by TCC Div. 4 Councillor Mark
The council is currently working with various
groups to put together a master plan of the sporting
facility. The council does not want spend money on the
current facility, rather put money in the bucket to fund
the redevelopment. Mark advised the cost per carpark
is $7000, with an anticipated 125 car parks required. An
interim measure would likely be to put in some line
marking to clearly identify parking spots.
The safety issue of car park potholes was raised. These
need to be repaired.

Additional information: There is a local Meet & Greet

of local Sporting Groups held at McDonalds Mark
Molachino to obtain details and provide to UR Voice.
2016/09 Issue Raised re: TMR TMR N/A Response: Riverway Drive is TMR. Aaron Harper Finalised
Steve advised to wait for the completion of the detailed design at meeting
No Parking Sign McDonald for the duplication of Riverway Drive to see what it will 03/05/16
southbound side of look like.
Riverway Drive at Apex Allambie Lane is Council controlled. Would need to
Park forces people to park investigate with council.
at the shopping centre car
park and cross Riverway Response Steve McDonald TMR-
Drive to access toilets and
Community Markets. Safety Number of driveways at Rasmussen shops.
issue Response: This will be addressed in the planned road
duplication. The number of driveways will be reduced
Loam Island bus stop. No and likelihood of no south bound entry access points to
seating. Children and the shopping precinct. Access for southbound traffic will
women forced to sit on be via Allambie Lane.
Synchronisation of traffic lights.
Need for footpath from Response: This is reviewed every 12 months and can
Gollogly Lane to Santal also be manually altered depending current on traffic
Drive. Children cant use conditions. This will be addressed in road duplication
the road due to safety (more signalled intersections)
Pedestrian crossing at Kelso primary school Yvette
Speed limit at Kelso school St 60km.
crossing . Response: TMR issue. Refer to Steve McDonald for
Synchronisation of Traffic
Lights on Riverway Drive. Other Info will be considered as part of riverway Drive
duplication process.
Too many driveway accesses
to Rasmussen Shopping
Precinct, causing traffic

Parking on Riverway Drive road

reserve be included in design
plan for Riverway Dr duplication.
More parking for Loam Island
Community Facility
2016/10 Issue raised 07/04/16 by David OIC Kirwan Les Invite OIC Kirwan to attend meeting 03/05/16 Finalised
HARTLEY Re: Police - Station GROVES meeting
Concerned that there is no . A/OIC Kirwan Station - A/S/Sgt Matthew Dixon 03/05/16
police presence in Kelso while addressed the presence of Police Officers in Kelso
Kelso Police Beat officer is during the V8s
seconded to the V8s. Concern
addressed by Les Groves; A
. Firstly residents of the Upper Ross are very lucky that
relief officer based in Kirwan is
Dayel KERLEY is in the Kelso Police Beat.
currently doing the role,
covering the whole Upper Ross
region. Les will take the . Secondly, there is an undertaking from Kirwan Police
concern to QPS Management. Station that four Officers will be operating out of the
Kelso Police Beat during Dayels absence. These four
Officers will be in and out as they will have other tasks
as well, rest assured your voice has been heard.

. Thirdly, in relation to policing in the Upper Ross,

remember that there is always a presence in this
location, tactical response is in this area and they work
here both reactively and proactively.
. Fourth and final, we still have Les Groves operating
from the Police Beat located in Merryl St, Rasmussen.
2016/11 Issue raised 07/04/16 Torhild OIC Kirwan Les Invite OIC Kirwan to attend meeting 03/05/16 Finalised
Parkinson Re: police and Station GROVES meeting
Police Link. Advised that 03/05/16
members on her Facebook Addressed by OIC Kirwan Station.
page Townsville Crime Alerts &
Discussions had identified
. Matthew is not privy to all correspondence between
incidents where members when
QPS and the Townsville crime page. Subsequently as a
ringing police link to report service, without knowing the full amount of information at
located stolen cars, were the time we cannot just assume that something is stolen
advised that the car was not
if it has not been reported.
reported stolen officially and the
But out of police business.
. Matthew Dixon Spoke to the police link Sgt today, they
were unaware of the issue and have been advised that
in certain situations they perhaps need to collect more
information and use that information to conduct further
investigation in order to ascertain if the vehicle in
question is stolen.

. Remember that the police link people are human to,

but if you have an issue you are entitled to make a
formal complaint that will be investigated and then the
recordings will be heard.

. Member advised that he had brilliant service through

police link last week, 15minute response time after being
broken into.

. Member also advised that after a recent School

crossing incident she rang police link and received
excellent service.
2016/12 Issue Raised 07/04/16 Sun Bus Les TCC councillor Mark Molichino advised issue to be Finalised
Joanne Keune Sun Buss. Townsville Gm GROVES raised with State Government Representative Aaron at meeting
Complaints received about the Damien Sheerin Harper as Buss are run and paid for by state 07/06/16
bus routes, lack of coverage, damiensheerin@ta government. ongoing
lack of bus shelters, cost of & monitoring
fares for families and reliability State MP Aaron of
issues. HARPER Issue address by Damien SHERRIN GM Sunbus situation.
Townsville meeting 03/05/16

Damien Sheerin has been in Townsville for 9yrs, he

commenced his new role as the GM at Sunbus 2weeks

. Costs of fares are out of Sunbuss control, ticketing

machine information is passed onto Translink, and fares
are set by Translink.

. There are reliability issues, usually on a Monday

morning due to broken windows, last Monday there were
14 broken windows. These windows are predominantly
broken on Route 200, between Riverway Dr and Dunlop
St usually on Friday and Saturday nights.

. All hits have to be considered as incidents.

. Ticketing machines are also an issue, if they dont

download then they have to be downloaded manually
which takes 15minutes.

. School run issues, adopt a cop at Deeragun are trying

to get to the schools to do a power point presentation in
relation to responsibilities relating to code of conduct for
students, drivers and general travellers. Other things
that take buses out of service include repairs to seats,
emergency hammers being pulled off.

. Sunbus openly admit that they need to lift their

standards with the help of the customers. Sunbus is
continually a work in progress but the GM wont rest on
his laurels.
. Feel free to ring with any complaints you have, you will
go through to Brisbane but Townsville check there
emails for complaints every day and GM will address all
issues of complaints.

. GM does not consider not calling people back as good

customer service; he does not like it personally so he will
not do it to others.

. Sun Bus have taken on three knew fitters and are in

the process of recruiting more drivers.

. GM asked the floor for questions, and responded to the


Q. Are there security cameras on Sunbuss to catch the

people throwing rocks?

A. Most buses only have CCTV internally, and forward

facing cameras.

Q. Some bus drivers are grumpy and dont like large

notes what is company policy on that?

A. Company policy is if a driver cant change the note

you have, then you travel free.

Q. Can schools link in to discuss poor behaviour of

students on buses, bus drivers are putting up with far
more than School Principals do in relation to poor
conduct from students?

A. Unfortunately due to legislation, Sunbus is limited in

its response to poor conduct from students.
. Attrition rate for drivers has been very high and all
stakeholders need to work together to make it better,
drivers often feel unsupported and GM is committed to
lifting standards overall in relation to the service.

. Contact number for issues of a general nature is


Invites to be sent to Translink for comment.

Agenda set 07/06/16 -

Update provided by Townsville Translink Manager -

Sherrin Cappler.
Appropriate bus services already provided to the Upper
Ross area; with service levels within the highest
frequency. Mon Fri every 20 mins and hourly on
Sat/Sun and Public holidays.

Issue: The current route provides limited coverage for

residents who do not live close to Riverway Drive. The
current catchment area of 400m is due to the high
density of residents living in close proximity Riverway
Drive. There are no plans to look at increasing the
network coverage at the present.
Issue: Distance between bus stops too far. Currently
bus stops are within the required 400m of each other.
Bus shelters Sunbus has a funding arrangement with
Townsville City Council for bus shelters therefore any
issues relating to bus shelters should be directed to
Issue: Location of partner stops (stops on opposite
sides of the road) are not in sync. This will be
addressed in the planning of the duplication of Riverway
Way Drive.
Issue: Last bus stop is at Dunlop St and people living
past there need to walk and the bus continue up along
Riverway Dr to the dam. The question was posed as to
why cant passengers remain on the bus and get off at
the dam? Sherrin explained that Dunlop St is the actual
end of the route and yes, bus drivers may continue on to
the dam however that is most likely due to them having
a break e.g. lunch. A suggestion from the floor was to
maybe extend one service per day to the dam.
Issue: Children with no money catching the bus. If a
child is wanting to catch the bus and has no money the
driver will never leave a child behind. The only time a
child can be refused travel is a breach of conduct & even
then Sunbus does not like to encourage travel exclusion.
Issue: Time required to travel from Kelso to hospital.
This involves catching two buses (routes 200 to
Stockland & 201 to the hospital)and can take up to one
hour to travel a route that takes 8 minutes in a vehicle.
Issue: School bus travel in the afternoon sometimes
there are too many students. Sherrin will investigate

2016/13 Issued Raised 07/04/16 DHA Blue Wattle Les Property identified owned by DHA contacted POC Finalised
Warren Culleton re: Concerns Estate GROVES DOONAN 28/04/16 and outlined issues, DOONAN will meeting
over abandoned vehicles on POC Cara have vehicle removed, outlined difficulty in securing 03/05/16
private property on Beck Road. DOONAN boundaries as people just cut fencing etc. Vehicle will
Identified that Council can issue cara.doonan@dha be removed asap.
notices to land owners to clean
up land.
2016/14 Issued Raised 07/04/16 Barb TCC Div 4 Les TCC acknowledged via e-mail 27/04/16 costing being Finalised
Culleton re: No shade cover Councillor Mark GROVES prepared to be actioned by Div 4 councillor Mark meeting
over playground in Wayne St Molachino Molachino.- Addressed by Verena COOMBES on behalf 03/05/16
park for over 3 years of Mark Molachino.

Verena COOMBES apologised for the absence of Mark

Molachino. Shade sale has not been replaced due to
continual vandalism. Wayne St Park is currently being
redesigned as a new park will be replacing the existing

2016/15 Issue raised 03/05/16 Re: TCC Div 4 Les TCC Contacted 17/05/16 request for mowing. Finalised
Townsville City Council Councillor Mark GROVES Agenda item 07/06/16 at meeting
- Long Grass on verge of beck Molachino Update by TCC Div. 4 Councillor Mark Molachino. This 07/06/16
drive and also in easement on has been mowed. TCC had issues with slashers
Gollogly lane near Beck Drive
TCC contacted.
2016/16 Issue raised 03/05/16 Re: TCC Div 4 Les Mark Molachino contacted 17/05/16 advised of agenda Finalised
Townsville City Council Councillor Mark GROVES item for 07/06/16 at meeting
Condition of Apex Park Molachino Updated TCC Div. 4 Councillor Mark Molachino. 07/06/16
lighting poor within park not Mark acknowledged that there is no lighting in the
conducive to safe environment park, and that lighting would make it more conducive for
and activities held within the night time use however lighting cost is $9000 each to
park IE: Rotary Markets. Also install and due to the tree foliage the lighting would need
people parking illegal due to to be closer together.
signs being posted near toilets, He acknowledged the need for parking up top due to the
eliminating a lot of parking. very limited parking down in the park and the one lane
Parking issues causing a road access to the park also causes issues. Parking
dangerous situation with issued to be addressed in Riverway Drive duplication
pedestrians crossing . project.

2016/17 Issue raised 03/05/16 Re: TMR TMR Les Mark Molachino contacted 17/05/16 advised of agenda Finalised
School pedestrian Crossing Representative GROVES item for 07/06/16 at meeting
Riverway Drive near Yvette and TCC Div 4 Addressed by TCC Div. 4 Councillor Mark Molachino 07/06/16
and TMR representative (Steven MacDonald)
Street crossing too far away Councillor Mark
from intersection of Yvette Molachino
street and where location of Steven presented a proposal to move bus stop to just
bus stop is. Children not before the crossing. Copy of proposed relocation
inclined to walk back to the included as appendix. iii. Attached to meeting minutes
crossing and are crossing road
near bus stop dangerously.
Further that speed zone is
60KPH during school times
down from 70KPH. Request
zone be reduced to 40KPH like
other school zones.
2016/18 Issue raised 03/05/16 Re: TCC Div 4 Les Mark Molachino contacted 17/05/16 advised of agenda Finalised
Townsville City Council Road Councillor Mark GROVES item for 07/06/16 at meeting
condition in Hammond Way. Molachino 07/06/16
Addressed by Mark Molachino: Council will send a team
Speed limit 70KPH however
to attend the location to assess what can be done. The
there is a large dip not far from dip is a result of the roadway level dropping below the
intersection of Shetland Place bridge and it may simply require bitumen to level the
which causes damage to cars road surface to the bridge.
and could possibly cause an
accident. Secondary issues, is Secondary issue: is there any timeframes in relation to
there any timeframes in relation linking Shetland place to Allambie lane. This may be
completed by a developer in the future however this is
to linking Shetland place to
not going to be completed by the TCC.
Allambie lane as planned. -
Addressed by TCC Div 4
Councillor Mark Molachino.

2016/19 Issue raised 07/06/16 Re: TMR TMR Marissa Les TMR Marissa WISE contacted 22/06/16 advised of Finalised
motorway fence line Wise. GROVES agenda item for 05/07/16 to address issue fencing August
damaged near Condon needs repairing.- No response. 2016
Sewerage plant Kirwan State High meeting
Children/people using access School. Kirwan state High school contacted and advised of
as a short cut and are running student behaviour to be addressed in newsletters and
across the motorway to gain announcements etc.
access to the area surrounding
the plant. Kirwan High students
seen running across road.
TMR Marissa WISE contacted 26/07/16 advised of
agenda item for 02/08/16 to address issue fencing
needs repairing.

Advice received 27/07/2016 from Paula Paoletti from

DTMR advising fence has been fixed but in future as it is
a fence on private property that it would be the
responsibility of the land owner to fix. Outcome tabled
August meeting.

2016/20 Issue raised 07/06/16 for TCC TCC Mark Les Mark Molachino contacted 22/06/16 advised of agenda Agenda
Re: Car parking on roadway of Molachino GROVES item for 05/07/16 URCV racey peace liaise with: 05/07/16
Gollogly lane outside Gumvale Fei Ngoo
shops between intersections of Roads and Traffic Engineer (Temporary) On Going
Riverway drive and Pinnacle Technical Services
Drive. Issued identified is need
for car park line marking to stop P 0435 768 073
F -
cars parking across driveways E
etc. W

Townsville City Council

113 Dalrymple Road
PO Box 1268
Townsville QLD 4810

Advised that too costly, to erect signage and dedicate

parking bays, recommended speaking to police for
enforcement action re offence committed.

Contacted Cr Mark Molachino 26/07/16 and request to

investigate further and extend invite to next meeting

Cr Molachino attended August meeting and procured

details to follow up.

Received e-mail from Hannah Wright from TCC

10/08/16 advising that TCC has approved painting of
lines in designated area, but no physical signage will be
erected. No time frame given as to when works will be
completed. To be monitored.

2016/21 Query raised 05/07/16 for TCC TCC mark Les Mark Molachino contacted 26/07/16 advised of agenda Finalised
Re: Vacant land near medical Molachino GROVES item for 02/08/16 will investigate and report back to at August
Centre on Riverway drive that group. 2016
adjoins Maria street. Question meeting.
was, is the land Council Advice from Cr Molachino at August meeting that land is
property and if so, what plans owned by Manolis Family who own the Upper Ross
to council have to develop area. shopping centre, council has no involvement. No further
Possibility of parkland utilizing action can be taken.
relocated trees displaced by
Riverway Drive duplication
2016/22 Idea and information raised John Manolis Les Groves Contacted John Manolis 26/07/16 and provided ideas for Finalised
05/07/2016 for Rasmussen development of site to include: August
shopping precinct development. a. request for pushbike racks, including space 2016
for electric pushbikes and tricycle racks as meeting
there is currently no facilities to cater for
b. request for increased disabled parking
spaces and more convenient placement of

E-Mail sent to John and

request to attend future meeting to provide a update of

E-Mail received from Charlie Manolis 27/07/16 outlining

willingness to receive any ideas community might have
for the proposed re-development of the Upper Ross
shopping precinct.
23/08/16 e-mail sent to Charlie Manolis outlining
community suggestion of Public access toilets in centre
and more disabled parking in closer proximity to the

2016/23 Query raised 02/08/16 over TCC mark Les Police aware of vehicle, located stolen, vehicle Finalised
abandoned cars, one burnt out Molachino GROVES uninsured and now abandoned by owner. Responsibility meeting
on riverbank of Ross river in lies with TCC Cr Molachino aware and to arrange 06/09/16
Apex park and the second on removal. Police have attempted to speak to owner to
its roof outside 959 Riverway provide permission for council to remove but unable to
drive. locate owner. Second vehicle a Pajero 4wd outside 959,
S/c Groves attended 3rd August 2016, spoke to resident,
vehicle was dragged out onto roadside for tow truck to
collect on 04/08/16. Advice given no further action
taken. Vehicle now removed.
2016/24 Query raised 02/08/16 over TCC mark Les Address identified by S/C Groves, information passed on Finalised
man possibly running an Molachino GROVES to Cr Mark Molachino to make inqs in relation to Meeting
automotive business with possibility that male resident is running an illegal 06/09/16
excessive amounts of cars on automotive business from the address of 1015 Riverway
roadway on Riverway Drive Drive. Agenda mentioned 06/09/16 - Response
near Dollview Ave. received 01/09/16 vis e-mail from Cr Molachino stating
council have attended advised resident of council by-
laws. Outlined that council needed evidence of a
business being run at residence to prosecute. URCV
advised and issued to be monitored for further action,
possibly by police re: movement of unregistered
vehicles. Police have spoken to Man and provided
advice in relation to Unregistered motor vehicle and
possible offences that enforcement action can be taken
against. Warning issued.
2016/25 Query raised 02/08/16 re: TCC Mark Les Cr Molachino received information at meeting Is to Finalised
Councils plans with Road Molachino GROVES address September meeting with information about meeting
upgrade and construction of upgrade. Agenda mentioned for 06/09/16. 06/09/16
roundabout at intersection Received information from Cr Molachino who was not
Gollogly Lane and Beck able to attend meeting. Provided a plan of upgrade to
Drive? Is that area going to be intersection of Gollogly Lane and Beck Drive, outlining
raised (Mitigate flooding), is pedestrian points and build-up of area. No real further
there any plans for pedestrian flood mitigation other than area will be cleaned up etc.
paths on side of road? . Also No feedback re: trees hanging over road other than
Trees hanging over roadway council will look at issue with trees.
on Beck Drive near intersection
of Bridgewater Drive. ? TCC
2016/26 Issues raised 06/09/16: Re TMR Steve Les Groves Invite sent to TMR Steve McDonald on 15/09/2016 who Agenda
information if a Bike Lane is McDonald accepted invite to attend meeting and provide update. 04/10/16
proposed for inclusion in the Steve McDonald attended and showcase preliminary Finalised
design of the duplication of design of Riverway Drive duplication which outlined 04/10/16
Riverway Drive. inclusions of bike lanes both ways in the design. A
comprehensive discussion was held and group happy
with outcomes.
2016/27 Issue raised 06/09/2016: Re TMR Steve Les Groves Invite sent to TMR Steve McDonald on 15/09/2016 who Agenda
traffic hazard and the safety of McDonald accepted invite to attend meeting and provide update. 04/10/16
the Hammond Way and also Steve McDonald from TMR received information and is
Yvette St intersections with to look at solutions provided including fitting stop signs Finalised
Riverway Drive. Possible where give-way signs are present. Situation to be at meeting
solution would be to install a monitored. Response received from The Department of 06/12/16
Stop sign at each intersection. Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Kylee Petersen.
Regarding your queries presented to Steven
MacDonald, TMR installs signage in accordance with the
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
which ensures consistency of signage and application.
TMR recently undertook a road safety assessment of
both the Hammond Way and Yvette Street intersections
with Riverway Drive, considering the MUTCD
requirements. This assessment found that sight distance
at both intersections is sufficient for Give Way signage
requirements, but not adequate for Stop signs.
While we understand your concerns regarding the safety
of pedestrians and cyclists, based on this assessment
TMR does not propose to change the existing Give Way
signs at either location to Stop signs.

2016/28 Issue raised 29/09/2016 Woolworths Claudine Claudine to contact Woolworths Rasmussen Agenda
(Moncur): Re Disabled parking management Moncur management and to outline issues and possible 04/10/16
at shopping centres with remedies to be discussed. Claudine has spoken to
shopping trolleys being left in management who have agreed to increase trolley
disabled car parks. Including collection which has appeared to have been done. Finalised
Woolworths Rasmussen Issue has abated. meeting
2016/29 Issue raised 01/11/2016 (Brian TMR Les E-Mail sent to Marissa wise re: TMR response to issue Agenda
Toohey) re: speed limit on GROVES and outline if there is anything that can be done. Ph 06/12/16
Riverway drive through school 0417640286
crossing at 60KPH and should Finalised
be reduced to 40KPH due to Response received 02/12/16 from TMR kylee Petersen meeting
children crossing. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) 06/12/16
implements reduced speed school zones in accordance
with the Traffic and Road Use Management Manual
(Volume 2, Part 3: School Zone Guidelines.
Due to Riverway Drive being a busy urban arterial, and
based on the current traffic volumes and speed
environment, TMR does not support a further 20
km/hour speed reduction in the school zone, as it would
have a significant detrimental impact on traffic efficiency.

No plans to change speed limit, outcome reported to

meeting 06/12/2016

2016/30 Issue raised 01/12/2016 TCC Les E-Mail sent to Cr Mark Molachino re: council response Agenda
(Shane Butler) re: Afterhours GROVES for next meeting. 06/12/16
access to public toilets at Apex
park people observed
urinating and defecating nearby
due to locked toilets.
2016/31 Issue raised 01/11/2016 TCC Les E-Mail sent to Cr Mark Molachino re: council response Agenda
(Warren Culleton) re: Rubbish GROVES for next meeting. 06/12/16
littered all down Allambie Lane
and Beck drive, main culprit
seems to be MacDonalds

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