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Be The Match® Service Learning Intern Work Plan Intern: Lisa Matsumoto Intern supervisor: Tori Fairhurst Key colleague (second point of contact): Erin Pavelchak Computer needs (Computer, login)? a Yes [XINo Keycard needed? ci Yes Space Needs: Shared work station B® intern exclusive Assumed Dates of Internship: 1/9/16 to 3/10/16 Total # of minimum hours: 100 Proposed schedule: Detailed Schedule Below Learning objectives: *List goals to accomplish during Internship. You will be evaluated at the end of your Internship on these 3-5 objectives. Be specific. 1) Establish a sustainable Be The Match On Campus chapter at the University of Washington Candidate already identified 1 Recruitment needed: 1D NMOP site only 0 Other. No 2) Develop and implement general college/university outreach plan 3) Establish strong foundation for next year’s board members 4) Learning tasks and strategies (training, specific projects/assignments, materials and resources, meetings to attend, informational interviews, peer review, etc.) Be specific. 1) Establish as BMTOC at UW as an official campus organization © Hold at least on tabling/donor drive during winter: secure venue, market event, create meeting format, facilitate meeting 2) College/University Outreach © Create/customize presentation targeted at college students (BTMOC & non-BTMOC sponsored) © Present for at least one UW campus entity, with a donor drive following co Reach out to and present for at least one other college/university entity, with a donor drive following © Schedule and post social media content. (Including monthly volunteer opportunity updates) 3) Sustainability © Create quarterly plan for next fall-spring quarters: Secure tabling for fall Welcome Week/Activities fair to help increase membership, set up speaking engagements in clubs fraternities/sororities, and classes to promote the club/events for winter quarter, assign appropriate team member to set-up and speak at future meetings © Create an application process and select board members to represent BTMOC at UW for the following academic year © Train new board members via shadowing current officers 15 2 4) Learning Tasks and Strategies January 2017 2 3 4 5 ‘ > 0 7 2 iB otticor meeting ~ planning, equiement Email eu members wih General Meeting - Cukeach 10 KSA + Email fesnolion nicauchg | mecingrerindes "| folnnglen!Ivouniees| cuomerbeswin | Checkinw/ Tos nw oles (el etna recap 1 7 @ ® 2 Ecit cub membos wih Eel chib member 10 Gvererindes tvs Regity ene | Eater bas'o. | Checkin w/ To @ a go Officer mesting = Emo civb members with) General Meeting -recap| Email club members win) Checkin wi ton planning, cub emai mseting reminders of dive ‘meeting recap contin next fining and ‘ivedater 2 a oticor meeting - planning. club emai Emeil meeting emingers ‘ind videos on BM, seat for meeting 2 February 2017 General Meeting = present na years ofcer postions, rer level2 ‘olunteer mal db members with ‘meeting recap ‘checksin w/ Tor officer meeting - plonring. club emai, send out applications Email clue membare with ‘mesting reminders Email vb member with meeting recap ‘Checksin w/ Tor a u 16 oticer meeting - planning. club emai Email club members with sive reminder Email dub members with ‘meeting recap (Check-in w/ Tor wo 2 B Ey Coticer meeting — planning. club ema Email club members with ‘eating and application reminders General mesting -new officer appleations cus Email ud member with ‘meeting recap ‘checksin w/ Ter z @ oficer meeting - planning club ema selecting now oftcors Email ekib members with meeting reminds. eral loppicants with dactions ‘March 2017 1 General Meeting = lost meeting of cuater pottuce moll cub membars with meeting eeap General meeting - pening for nest quart ‘with naw officer protent 2 2 CGhectcin w/ Toe Email cb members with nee quorier meeting info etave mastng rooms for next querer + check in with ofcers on shadowing postions verter Evaluation with officer: ond forinters'p) Fado ntemstin -Fnot ‘Check In To [ih Areas of Measurement/Learning Outcomes (demonstration of progress made): 1) Estal 2), Creation of campaign (presentation, fliers) targeted at students 3) Increased engagement of BTMINW on social media ~ schedule of posts for entire quarter 4) New board members selected and training process implemented by end of winter quarter ment of BTMOC @ UW by spring quarter, documented plans/activities approved by supervisor

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