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Table of contents

1. Introduction2

2. Monster data in different areas2

2.1 Cows..2

2.2 Pits.4

2.3 Chaos.5

3. How do monster drop runes?....7

4. How to calculate an average ohm per run ratio? ...8

5. Ohm per hour ratio from rune drops for cows, chaos and Travincal..8

6. When to expect the ohm/per hour ratio in cows, chaos and Travincal?......................10

7. Overall ohm/hour ratio in Pits.12

8. Overall ohm/hour ratio in cows, chaos and Travincal..14

9. Ohm per hour ratio for Mephisto running.15

10. Gambling..16

11. Rerolling ..18

12. Conclusions..19
Wealth hunting v2.0. Guide
1. Introduction

Some time ago many people were asking questions like Which area is better for rune dropping:
cows, Travincal, chaos or something else? or How and where should I become rich? A lot of
skilled players said that they obtained the most of their wealth in moo-moo farm, some
recommended chaos, some Travincal; LK, wsk, pits, halls of anquish (pain) were also in the list of
potentially good areas. I decided to do my own research and find the maximal ohm per hour ratio in
cows, chaos and Travincal in P1 and P8 mods. My work resulted in this post , where I fulfilled my
primary goal using a bit rough calculations and imprecise statistical data. But my hunger for
research started to grow from this moment and I decided to calculate the possible profit from
different areas and the number of runs needed for achieving expected profit from certain areas. Now
finally with some breaks I did almost everything I wanted to do about this question. In this guide
you will find: ohm/hour ratio from rune drops in cows, chaos, Travincal, pits; ohm/hour ratio
from all more-less valuable items from cows, chaos, Travincal, pits, mephisto; expected time
and number of runs to achieve expected profit from cows, chaos, Travincal, mephisto;
gambling and rerolling analysis. Also I will tell how to achieve good ohm/hour in each area, i.e .
provide a build and strategy for that. Statistical data which is used here is quite precise which
implies quite precise calculations. Results are presented for P1, P8 and zero no drop mode.

2. Monster data in different areas

Lets calculate first the number of different type of monsters in some areas which have different
rune and item drops. We will calculate all monsters in certain area, boss packs, champions packs,
number of all stormcasters in the chaos, and from those numbers derive everything what we want.
For that purpose I made sufficient amount of runs to find approximate number of each type of
monster in areas which is close to the real one. More precisely: number of all monsters was
calculated in one series of runs, then bosses and champions together were calculated in another
series of runs, and then stormcasters were calculated in another series of runs, so there is no any
correlation between their numbers in the table. Interesting moment: in all wiki you can read that
pits, for example, have 6-8 boss packs (including champions) in the first floor, and 2-3 packs in the
second, from which you can probably conclude that pits have 9.5 boss packs in average, but
empirical statistics shows that its not true. Same holds for all other areas in which we are

2.1 Cows
#Runs Cows Champs packs packs
1 443.00 1.00 4.00
2 572.00 1.00 5.00
3 500.00 0.00 8.00
4 594.00 1.00 5.00
5 400.00 1.00 7.00
6 602.00 1.00 4.00
7 452.00 1.00 4.00
8 459.00 1.00 4.00
9 711.00 0.00 8.00
10 500.00 0.00 8.00
11 507.00 1.00 6.00
12 524.00 1.00 7.00
13 570.00 1.00 5.00
14 463.00 0.00 8.00
15 545.00 0.00 8.00
16 494.00 2.00 4.00
17 655.00 1.00 5.00
18 545.00 1.00 4.00
19 470.00 2.00 3.00
20 521.00 1.00 3.00
21 518.00 2.00 3.00
22 666.00 3.00 1.00
23 438.00 0.00 8.00
24 468.00 0.00 8.00
25 558.00 1.00 6.00
26 465.00 2.00 2.00
27 551.00 1.00 4.00
28 467.00 0.00 8.00
29 578.00
30 474.00
31 491.00
32 510.00
33 500.00
34 479.00
35 437.00
36 578.00
37 443.00
38 541.00
39 574.00
40 445.00
41 543.00
42 453.00
43 609.00
44 441.00
45 467.00
46 503.00
47 494.00
48 456.00
49 528.00
50 491.00
51 587.00
52 522.00
53 660.00
54 525.00
55 436.00
56 443.00
57 548.00
58 549.00
59 475.00
60 523.00
Average 516.02 0.93 5.36

Relative percentages of the monsters are:

not boss Champs Bosses
507.87 2.79 5.36
Norm cows,
% Champs,% Bosses,%
0.98 0.01 0.01

2.2 Pits

Champs Bosses
#Runs Pits packs packs
1 177.00 2.00 5.00
2 203.00 1.00 7.00
3 170.00 0.00 7.00
4 255.00 3.00 3.00
5 215.00 1.00 8.00
6 193.00 3.00 3.00
7 153.00 1.00 5.00
8 280.00 0.00 8.00
9 236.00 1.00 7.00
10 114.00 1.00 7.00
11 127.00 3.00 6.00
12 157.00 1.00 6.00
13 196.00 1.00 6.00
14 193.00 1.00 6.00
15 228.00 1.00 6.00
16 222.00 1.00 8.00
17 242.00 2.00 6.00
18 247.00 2.00 8.00
19 288.00 1.00 7.00
20 220.00 1.00 8.00
21 246.00 1.00 9.00
22 219.00 2.00 4.00
23 203.00 2.00 4.00
24 204.00 0.00 9.00
25 147.00 1.00 7.00
26 246.00 1.00 6.00
27 263.00 0.00 7.00
28 241.00 2.00 2.00
29 171.00 0.00 10.00
30 273.00 2.00 6.00
31 120.00 3.00 3.00
32 184.00 2.00 3.00
33 185.00 1.00 9.00
34 242.00 1.00 7.00
35 222.00 1.00 9.00
36 279.00 1.00 6.00
37 280.00 2.00 6.00
38 215.00 2.00 8.00
39 235.00 2.00 3.00
40 204.00 1.00 7.00
41 231.00
42 194.00
43 272.00
44 232.00
45 182.00
46 247.00
47 209.00
48 177.00
Average 213.31 1.35 6.30

Relative percentages of the monsters are:

Lvl 85
Not boss Champs Bosses Minion monst
202.96 4.05 6.30 40.95 162.01
Norm mon, Lvl Lvl 85
% Champs,% Bosses,% 88mon, % mon,%
0.95 0.02 0.03 0.19 0.76
2.3 Chaos

storm Champs Bosses
#Runs Chaos caster packs packs
1 243.00 50.00 0.00 3.00
2 234.00 54.00 0.00 7.00
3 221.00 40.00 0.00 7.00
4 195.00 37.00 1.00 3.00
5 201.00 42.00 1.00 6.00
6 211.00 55.00 2.00 3.00
7 218.00 59.00 0.00 6.00
8 237.00 46.00 1.00 3.00
9 215.00 51.00 0.00 6.00
10 238.00 55.00 0.00 7.00
11 224.00 56.00 2.00 2.00
12 239.00 42.00 1.00 4.00
13 170.00 55.00 0.00 7.00
14 250.00 56.00 2.00 1.00
15 184.00 47.00 1.00 5.00
16 164.00 56.00 0.00 5.00
17 176.00 57.00 1.00 2.00
18 220.00 61.00 0.00 6.00
19 208.00 48.00 2.00 3.00
20 257.00 69.00 0.00 4.00
21 188.00 63.00 2.00 1.00
22 205.00 41.00 2.00 2.00
23 275.00 39.00 2.00 2.00
24 201.00 43.00 2.00 1.00
25 235.00 59.00 1.00 6.00
26 222.00 49.00 2.00 3.00
27 212.00 40.00 1.00 5.00
28 215.00 44.00 2.00 3.00
29 198.00 57.00 0.00 6.00
30 201.00 35.00 0.00 5.00
31 197.00 0.00 6.00
32 204.00 1.00 4.00
33 199.00 1.00 5.00
34 243.00 1.00 4.00
35 213.00 0.00 5.00
36 240.00 2.00 2.00
37 184.00 0.00 7.00
38 170.00 1.00 3.00
39 210.00 2.00 3.00
40 216.00 0.00 6.00
41 210.00 0.00 5.00
42 226.00 1.00 3.00
43 190.00 1.00 3.00
44 255.00 1.00 4.00
45 194.00
46 295.00
47 220.00
48 237.00
49 238.00
50 244.00
51 248.00
52 218.00
53 233.00
54 307.00
55 198.00
56 219.00
57 153.00
58 180.00
59 217.00
60 172.00
Average 216.45 50.20 0.89 4.18

Relative percentages of the monsters are:

Other Storm Sup not normal,
monst., cast., not unique storm not storm
not boss boss s Champs Bosses caster caster
159.69 46.92 3.00 2.66 4.18 31.12 128.57
Norm Norm unique Champs, Bosses,
other, % storm,% s,% % %
0.74 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.02

How do we calculate quantity of champions, minions, normal storm casters and other normal
monsters in areas? I found empirically that there are 3 champions in the pack and 6.5 minions
around the boss in average. Also the probability of boss or champion pack to be a storm caster
pack is seems to be 1/3. Using those thoughts and data above we can find a quantity of every
type of monster which not only drop runes differently, but also items. Need to say that Travincal
always has 11 councils with same drops.

To count monsters in areas I was killing them one by one using duped barbarian and PlugY mod.

3. How do monsters drop runes?

Lets see on these important tables:

P1 mode:
Probabi Hell Usual Storm superuniq
lity Council Bovine monster caster Boss Champion ues
0.00000039 0.00000026 0.00000080 0.00000134 0.00000062
Zod 05 033 101 36 479
0.00000889 0.00000101 0.00000067 0.00000209 0.00000350 0.00000163 0.00000701
Cham 57 91 940 046 66 056 45
0.00001334 0.00000152 0.00000101 0.00000313 0.00000525 0.00000244 0.00001052
Jah 35 87 910 570 99 584 18
0.00001194 0.00000136 0.00000091 0.00000280 0.00000471 0.00000219 0.00000942
Ber 84 88 256 786 00 013 17
0.00001792 0.00000205 0.00000136 0.00000421 0.00000706 0.00000328 0.00001413
Sur 28 32 883 180 49 521 27
0.00001615 0.00000185 0.00000123 0.00000379 0.00000636 0.00000296 0.00001273
Lo 64 09 394 675 87 146 98
Ohm 0.00002423 0.00000277 0.00000185 0.00000569 0.00000955 0.00000444 0.00001910
48 64 092 512 31 219 99
0.00002300 0.00000263 0.00000175 0.00000540 0.00000906 0.00000421 0.00001814
Vex 49 55 699 614 83 678 03
0.00003450 0.00000395 0.00000263 0.00000810 0.00001360 0.00000632 0.00002721
Gul 77 32 549 918 25 519 01
0.00003262 0.00000373 0.00000249 0.00000766 0.00001286 0.00000598 0.00002572
Ist 75 79 194 754 16 068 81
0.00004894 0.00000560 0.00000373 0.00001150 0.00001929 0.00000897 0.00003859
Mal 04 69 79 13 24 10 22
0.00004797 0.00000549 0.00000366 0.00001127 0.00001891 0.00000879 0.00003782
Um 40 60 400 400 10 400 90
0.00007196 0.00000824 0.00000549 0.00001691 0.00002836 0.00001319 0.00005674
Pul 00 40 60 10 70 00 30

P8 mode:
Probabi Hell Usual Storm superuniq
lity Council Bovine monster caster Boss Champion ues
0.00000102 0.00000068 0.00000268 0.00000134 0.00000062
Zod 42 28 73 36 48
0.00001359 0.00000267 0.00000178 0.00000701 0.00000350 0.00000163 0.00000701
Cham 06 31 20 32 66 06 45
0.00002038 0.00000400 0.00000267 0.00001051 0.00000525 0.00000244 0.00001052
Jah 57 96 31 98 99 58 18
0.00001825 0.00000359 0.00000239 0.00000941 0.00000471 0.00000219 0.00000942
Ber 45 04 36 99 00 01 17
0.00002738 0.00000538 0.00000359 0.00001412 0.00000706 0.00000328 0.00001413
Sur 15 56 04 99 49 52 27
0.00002468 0.00000485 0.00000323 0.00001273 0.00000636 0.00000296 0.00001273
Lo 34 49 66 76 87 15 98
0.00003702 0.00000728 0.00000485 0.00001910 0.00000955 0.00000444 0.00001910
Ohm 47 23 49 62 31 22 99
0.00003514 0.00000691 0.00000460 0.00001813 0.00000906 0.00000421 0.00001814
Vex 57 28 85 66 83 68 03
0.00005272 0.00001036 0.00000691 0.00002720 0.00001360 0.00000632 0.00002721
Gul 04 91 28 50 25 52 01
0.00004984 0.00000980 0.00000653 0.00002572 0.00001286 0.00000598 0.00002572
Ist 80 44 62 35 16 07 81
0.00007477 0.00001470 0.00000980 0.00003858 0.00001929 0.00000897 0.00003859
Mal 19 65 44 47 24 10 22
0.00007329 0.00001441 0.00000961 0.00003782 0.00001891 0.00000879 0.00003782
Um 87 56 04 94 10 40 90
0.00010994 0.00002162 0.00001441 0.00006065 0.00002836 0.00001319 0.00005674
Pul 65 35 56 64 70 00 30

0 no drop mode:
Probabi Hell Usual Storm superuniq
lity Council Bovine monster caster Boss Champion ues
0.00000104 0.00000069 0.00000287 0.00000134 0.00000062
Zod 13 42 25 36 48
0.00001359 0.00000271 0.00000181 0.00000749 0.00000350 0.00000163 0.00000701
Cham 06 76 17 67 66 06 45
0.00002038 0.00000407 0.00000271 0.00001124 0.00000525 0.00000244 0.00001052
Jah 57 64 76 51 99 58 18
0.00001825 0.00000365 0.00000243 0.00001006 0.00000471 0.00000219 0.00000942
Ber 45 02 35 94 00 01 17
0.00002738 0.00000547 0.00000365 0.00001510 0.00000706 0.00000328 0.00001413
Sur 15 54 02 41 49 52 27
0.00002468 0.00000493 0.00000329 0.00001361 0.00000636 0.00000296 0.00001273
Lo 34 58 05 58 87 15 98
0.00003702 0.00000740 0.00000493 0.00002042 0.00000955 0.00000444 0.00001910
Ohm 47 37 58 35 31 22 99
0.00003514 0.00000702 0.00000468 0.00001938 0.00000906 0.00000421 0.00001814
Vex 57 80 53 71 83 68 03
Gul 0.00005272 0.00001054 0.00000702 0.00002908 0.00001360 0.00000632 0.00002721
04 20 80 07 25 52 01
0.00004984 0.00000996 0.00000664 0.00002749 0.00001286 0.00000598 0.00002572
Ist 80 79 52 70 16 07 81
0.00007477 0.00001495 0.00000996 0.00004124 0.00001929 0.00000897 0.00003859
Mal 19 17 79 50 24 10 22
0.00007329 0.00001465 0.00000977 0.00004043 0.00001891 0.00000879 0.00003782
Um 87 60 07 76 10 40 90
0.00010994 0.00002198 0.00001465 0.00006483 0.00002836 0.00001319 0.00005674
Pul 65 40 60 85 70 00 30

In the tables usual monster is every lvl 85 monster who is not boss, champion, superunique or
storm caster. Bosses, champions and superuniques always have 0 no drop. All normal and lvl88
(minions) monsters in all considered by us areas have 62.5% no drop in P1 mode and 1.64% in
P8 mode. Storm casters which are not bosses have 72.12% no drop chance in P1 mode and
6.45% in P8 mode. Councils have 34.55% no drop in P1 and 0 no drop in P4+ mode.

4. How to calculate an average ohm per run ratio?

If we calculate ohm/run ratio for a certain area then we easily calculate ohm/hour ratio knowing
the average time of run. Ohm/run ratio can change from ladder to ladder slightly because of
fluctuating values of ber and jah runes and some expensive and important items, we should
remember that. First, lets calculate ohm per run ratio for travincal for runes in 0 no drop mode,
for example. I evaluated zod as 1 ohm, cham 0.5 ohms, jah 5, ber 5.5, sur 2.75, lo 1.5
ohms, and etc. for every calculation done here. Counsil can drop several items, but a chance to
drop two or more valuable runes from one council is practically equals 0, its so small that we
can neglect it. We can say the same for all other units. By other , more mathematical, words, drop
of every unit can be treated as random variable. Sum as (probability of pul to drop)*(value of
pul in ohms) + (probability of um to drop)*(value of um in ohms) + .+ (value of zod to
drop)*(value of zod in ohms) could be called as mathematical expectation of one unit in
ohms; it is rune value in ohms which we can get after one monster kill in average, we can
call it also as ohm/unit value/ratio. Lets calculate ohm/unit value from council, it is:
0.0001099465*0.015625 + 0.0000732987*0.03125 + 0.0000747719*0.0625 +
+ 0.0000498480*0.1250000000 + 0.0000527204*0.25 + 0.0000351457*0.5 + 0.0000370247*1
+ 0.0000246834*1.5 + 0.0000273815*2.75 + 0.0000182545*5.5 + 0.0000203857*5 +
0.0000135906*0.5 = 0.000264528696. We usually kill all 11 councils in Travincal, so we receive
0.000264528696*11 ohms from run in average, ohm per run ratio in Travincal is 0.002909816.
To calculate ohm/run ratio for every area we need to 1) calculate ohm/unit ratio for every type of
unit in area, 2) multiple each ohm/unit ratio to number of this type of unit in area to obtain
ohm/run ratio for each unit, 3) add all ohm/run values for every unit in area. If you dont kill
every unit in area as in cows, chaos and pits then you should count that.

5. Ohm per hour ratio from rune drops for cows, chaos and Travincal

The following table describes the main result of this section:

Ohms per Average Time

P1 run Notes (sec) Ohms/hour
l 0.004364723 Barb 40 0.392825113
0.002909816 Necro 25 0.419013454
Cows 0.015524612 Necro 135 0.413989642
0.014684365 Zon 145 0.36457734
Chaos 0.007420149 Diablo 120 0.222604455
0.007420149 Seal glitch 70 0.381607638
l 0.006668281 Barb 40 0.6001453
0.004445521 Necro 25 0.640154987
Cows 0.039579965 Necro 135 1.055465747
0.037946204 Zon 145 0.942112661
Chaos 0.019683418 Diablo 120 0.590502543
0.019683418 Seal glitch 70 1.012290074
No drop
l 0.006668281 Barb 40 0.6001453
0.004445521 Necro 25 0.640154987
Cows 0.040228185 Necro 135 1.072751591
0.038573041 Zon 145 0.957675494
Chaos 0.020509877 Diablo 120 0.615296314
0.020509877 Seal glitch 70 1.054793682

Let me make the table clear. All ohms/hour values are shown for characters with near the best
possible or at least decent gear using good clearing strategy. To achieve the running time in the
table you should also practice for some time. Running time includes picking-up all valuable
items including charms and jewels, identifying of items, but doesnt include game creation time.


If you want to run Travincal as a barb then you should use a whirlwind barb with a berserk skill
as shown in this build. Horking the bodies will allow you to get 50% more wealth then other
characters. Top or decent gear is needed.

If you want to run Travincal as a necro then the best choice would be classical 125 fcr necro with
enigma and infinity. Short description of the gear and skills: Weapon: Hoto, Armor: Enigma,
Shield: Spirit, Helm: Shako with perfect topaz, Amulet: Maras, Gloves: Trangoul, Belt: Arach,
Ring: Bk ring and decent fcr ring with resists and mf preferably, Boots: War travelers or Aldurs
boots (depends on type of run). Inventory: p&b skillers with life or frw (depends on type of run),
small charms with life and resists. 50% block on your necro will help. Put 20 points into CE, 20
into Amplify Damage, 20 golem mastery, couple into summon resist, 20 blood golem (life
bonus for iron golem), rest iron golem. Mercenary should wear fortitude and infinity in cryptic
axe/thresher/great poleaxe, andariels visage with 15/30 jewel on head. Use insight golem. You
must use call to arms/spirit on switch because otherwise your mercenary will have trouble with
survivability. First type of run: kill councils with your merc and CE, open a teleport and take
waypoint to act 4 or simply teleport to waypoint, wear war travelers and life skillers. Second
type: run in act 3 to waypoint using your good FRW. If you will gather only runes by necro then
you can make your runs close to 20 seconds, but time of game creation will eat the efficiency of
such a fast run, so pick up every valuable item. You will see this more clearly in section 8, where
all drops are analyzed. Also time of game creation makes barb and necro approximately equal in
this area.

Other good characters to run Travincal: cold sorc, maybe fury druid, light sorc with infinity. You
can use also necro with obedience or BOTD rune world if you wish.


If you want to run cows as necro then setup above will work for you perfectly, just in this case
you shouldnt care about resists and can replace maras with good 2necro/2pnb 10 fcr ammy and
obtain +1 more to all skills using another bk ring. Use bone wall strategy to attract cows like in
this video. I recommend killing cow king using the sorc to open the game and bringing the leg.
In this case you will left around 25 cows alive each run. All of this you should be able to do in
135 seconds. If you decide not to touch the king then you will leave much more cows but also
decrease the running time slightly. You can decide not to pick up charms and jewels, in this case
you can do all work in 2 minutes and you will not lose your efficiency as you can see in section
8. At least 50% max block is highly recommended.

If you decide to run cows as java then you can use entirely this build. I recommend to use -20/20
armor though instead of enigma. Javazons leave around 45 cows alive each run. You can do all
work in 145 seconds. Yes, necros are slightly faster than amazons in cleaning cows.

Other chars and setups to run cows: enigma necro with obedience, insight, BOTD; trapsin, light
sorc, cold sorc, budget java, budget tri-trangoul necro.


There are 2 main ways to run the chaos: to clear it completely without killing the Diablo, or to do
the seal glitch run. Lets discuss the full clear first.

The fastest chaos runners are necro described above, light sorc and old-school nova sorc. If you
choose necro then you should put infinity in thresher or giant thresher and treachery on his
mercenary to make him attack fast under decrepify or cold attack. The fastest chaos runner is a
necro wearing beast in his hand, +2 to necro/20 fcr/2 helmet and +2 necro/20 fcr ammy, but he is
very hard to build. His mercenary should wear infinity in great poleaxe, fortitude and andys.
This char is capable to make a full clear in 110 seconds without Diablo of course.

Your light sorc must be fully geared and wear enigma and war travelers to have decent mf. You
should work on your fire resist.

Nova sorc is an excellent and safe runner but she lacks mf for this good for dropping items area.

When you can clear chaos more or less fast then you should skip killing Diablo - the time spent
for killing him is not paid off in terms of ohm/hour ratio.

Other characters for clearing chaos: hammerdin, poison necro, wind druid.

For seal glitch its recommended to use 200 fcr light sorc, but you can also use 105 fcr light sorc,
or even cold sorc. More about this you can read here.

If you will not pick up charms and jewels you can consider running time in tables as a time
which includes new game creation (See section 8).
6. When to expect the ohm/per hour ratio in cows, chaos and Travincal?

We can do 100 runs of cows or chaos and obtain some solid wealth, or oppositely we may earn
simply nothing. But after some time increasing the number of runs our average ohm per
hour or ohm per run ratio is getting closer to expected ratio, according to the law of
large_numbers, roughly speaking. Thats why ohm/hour ratio exists, thats why we can speak
about it at all. But the main question is, for how long should we wait or how many runs should
we do to get what we are expecting to get? Some players supposed that the number of runs must
be very big for that and wheel of fortune will always decide what ohm/hour ratio will we have in
the end. I was on the other side and was sure that number of runs shouldnt be so large,
especially for cows. Lets try to solve this problem now.

Reader can skip the text below and read the tables immediately because of its technicality. As the
central limit theorem states, the distribution of average profit per monster after killing large
number of monsters is close to the normal distribution with expectation of our average sample
and very small variance. Normal distribution is a very well-studied distribution and there is a
formula which calculates the probability that profit of our average sample will be close enough
to the expected profit after some sufficient number of runs. You can ask about error when dealing
with normal distribution instead of average sample, but in practice the difference between them
is so small after killing several hundreds of thousands of units, that we can simply neglect it. You
can see all of calculations in this excel file, they are not presented here because this guide is
meant to be for a wide circle of readers. To understand the truthfulness of main result in excel
file you should know basics of probability theory. Now lets go to results.

First result: high probability that we will have from 75% to 125% expected ohm/hour ratio
after large amount of runs

Total Ohms/ho Ohms/ho

Probabi Ohms Ohms
P1 Notes #Runs time(ho ur, ur,
lity min max
urs) min max
54545 378.787 119.0
Necro 0.9109 .45 9 4 198.40 0.31 0.52
36363 404.040 119.0
Barb 0.9109 .64 4 4 198.40 0.29 0.49
8146. 305.488
Cows necro 0.8664 36 6 94.85 158.09 0.31 0.52
amazon 8403. 338.456
e 0.8664 07 9 92.55 154.24 0.27 0.46

Chao Without 18480 616.000 102.8

s Diablo 0.8882 .02 6 4 171.41 0.17 0.28
Seal 18480 359.333 102.8
glitch 0.8882 .02 7 4 171.41 0.29 0.48
36363 252.525 121.2
Necro 0.9127 .64 3 4 202.07 0.48 0.80
24242 269.360 121.2
Barb 0.9127 .42 3 4 202.07 0.45 0.75
4073. 152.744 120.9
necro 0.9127 18 3 1 201.52 0.79 1.32
amazon 4201. 169.228 119.5
e 0.9127 53 4 7 199.29 0.71 1.18
Without 0.9109 8085. 269.500 119.3 198.93 0.44 0.74
s Diablo 01 3 6
Seal 8085. 157.208 119.3
glitch 0.9109 01 5 6 198.93 0.76 1.27
36363 252.525 121.2
Necro 0.9127 .64 3 4 202.07 0.48 0.80
24242 269.360 121.2
Barb 0.9127 .42 3 4 202.07 0.45 0.75
4073. 152.744 122.8
necro 0.9164 18 3 9 204.82 0.80 1.34
amazon 4201. 169.228 121.5
e 0.9164 53 4 5 202.58 0.72 1.20

Chao Without 7854. 261.800 120.8

s Diablo 0.9127 01 3 1 201.36 0.46 0.77
Seal 7854. 152.716 120.8
glitch 0.9127 01 8 1 201.36 0.79 1.32

How to understand this table? For example, in 0 no drop mode with probability 91.64% necro
after 4073 cow runs and 152.74 hours of pure farming will have from 0.8 to 1.34 ohms/per hour.
In total he will earn from 122.89 to 204.82 ohms during this time. Is the answer to our question
negative? Yes and no. From one side in P1 mode we should run cows for 75 days 4 hours per day
to get approximately what we expect with good probability, which doesnt sound very
comforting, but from the other side in no drop 0 mode we should farm them for 38 days 4 hours
per day intensively to expect the same kind of ratio with high probability, which is quite hopeful.

But if we look on our problem from different point of view then we can answer our question
quite positively!

Second result: very high probability that we will have at least 60% of expected ohm/hour
ratio after large amount of runs

Total Ohms/ho
Fin.Pr time(ho Ohms ur,
P1 Notes ob #Runs urs) min min
0.981 31818 220.959
Trav Necro 2 .18 6 55.55 0.25
0.981 21212 235.690
Barb 2 .12 2 55.55 0.24
0.979 5906. 221.479
Cows necro 3 11 2 55.01 0.25
0.979 6092. 245.381
amazone 3 22 2 53.68 0.22
Chao Without 0.979 12012 400.400
s Diablo 3 .01 4 53.48 0.13
Seal 0.979 12012 233.566
glitch 3 .01 9 53.48 0.23
0.973 18181 126.262
Trav Necro 2 .82 6 48.50 0.38
0.973 12121 134.680
Barb 2 .21 1 48.50 0.36
0.973 2036.
Cows necro 8 59 76.3722 48.36 0.63
0.973 2100.
amazone 8 77 84.6142 47.83 0.57
Chao Without 0.975 4158. 138.600
s Diablo 6 00 1 49.11 0.35
Seal 0.975 4158.
glitch 6 00 80.8501 49.11 0.61
0.970 18181 126.262
Trav Necro 6 .82 6 48.50 0.38
0.970 12121 134.680
Barb 6 .21 1 48.50 0.36
0.975 2036.
Cows necro 6 59 76.3722 49.16 0.64
0.975 2100.
amazone 6 77 84.6142 48.62 0.57
Chao Without 0.973 3927. 130.900
s Diablo 8 00 1 48.33 0.37
Seal 0.973 3927.
glitch 8 00 76.3584 48.33 0.63

How to read this table? For example, in 0 no drop mode with probability 97.56% necro after
2036.59 runs and 76.4 hours of farming will have at least 0.64 ohm/per hour and collect at least
49.16 ohms. It means that almost always after 76.4 hours of farming cows as a necro you will
have at least 49.16 ohms in your pocket in runes only. Essentially the same result holds for seal
run. I think that for random world such as Diablo 2 we have an amazing result.

7. Overall ohm/hour ratio in Pits

Results like in this section are highly debatable because of fluctuation of prices on certain items,
those prices normally depend on ladder and on time in the ladder (early in the ladder, in the
middle of the ladder, late in the ladder). I put the prices approximately from the middle of the
ladder hoping that errors of those prices will annihilate each other.

There are two types of clearing of areas like pits, ancient tunnels etc. First type means killing
only packs of bosses and champions with their minions. Second type supposes killing of all
monster in the area leaving just a few for the sake of time economy (full clear).

There is also a third not very popular possibility to kill and hork just bosses and champions
without their minions with so called telezerker mf barbarian. Build is here.

There are two characters which clear pits better than anybody else: light or nova sorc and poison
nova necro. Full clearing time for those two builds is 100 seconds in average. Some people
would contradict me and say that this time could be pushed down to 90 seconds easily, but in my
opinion some large maps with inconvenient types of monsters will not allow to do that, so I will
leave my time. You will spend 55 seconds in average when killing only packs with both
characters, just sorceress will kill additionally around 20 monsters with her chain lightning and
necro will kill 30 additional monster with his poison nova. Examples of full runs are here (necro)
and here (sorc). Light sorc should be middle geared and wear enigma and necro must be fully
geared and have 125 fcr, so you can use infinity sorc sooner for that purpose then necro.

Here is the table (for 200 mf characters) :

Eff. Eff.
Ohms / Ohms / Ohms/ru Ohms/ho
P1 Time,sec run hour n ur
0.005824 0.34945 0.00582 0.34945
Telezerker barb 60 281 689 428 689
Poison necro, 0.006331 0.41444 0.00626 0.40994
packs 55 80 531 301 236
Light sorc, 0.005994 0.39234 0.00593 0.38847
packs 55 15 406 505 578
0.010451 0.37625 0.01026 0.36952
Full clear 100 65 949 455 384
0.005824 0.34945 0.00582 0.34945
Telezerker barb 60 281 689 428 689
Poison necro, 0.010306 0.67459 0.01012 0.66278
packs 55 291 362 585 262
Light sorc, 0.009420 0.61662 0.00926 0.60647
packs 55 631 311 562 681
0.021112 0.76004 0.02062 0.74238
Full clear 100 46 847 170 119
0.005824 0.34945 0.00582 0.34945
Telezerker barb 60 281 689 428 689
Poison necro, 0.010413 0.68160 0.01022 0.66959
packs 55 392 386 994 593
Light sorc, 0.009512 0.62266 0.00935 0.61235
packs 55 965 678 537 130
0.021399 0.77039 0.02090 0.75242
Full clear 100 73 044 079 858

Efficient run is the run without picking up bases which need to be cubed to obtain desired
number of sockets. If you are rich enough you dont want to spend time on cubing unless you
have a specific wish to obtain some high defense sacred armor.

As you see, in P1 mode you can do all 4 types of running presented in the table, but in P8 or 0 no
drop mode you had better do full clear, which additionally will bring you more stable income
because of bigger percentage of runes than in other options.

What items did I include into the calculations? I included all unique popular items which value is
more or equal than pul, tals armor and amulet, ethereal armors which need to be ebugged,
ethereal polearms for mercenary, grand charms, small charms and jewels, 15ed sup mage plate
and eth berserker axe. I didnt include other bases, rare and other magic items for understandable
reason, all of them will add not more than 1% to your ohm/hour ratio and picking up of them will
increase your run time.
Percentag 0 no
e in run P1 P8 drop
Uniques/s 44.38 35.39
ets % 35.03% %
Bases 6.23% 8.09% 8.23%
Magic 4.61% 5.37% 5.46%
48.01 56.55
Runes % 55.69% %
As you can see in 0 no drop mode you will have approximately 56.55% of runes in your income,
35.39% of uniques, 8.23% of bases and 5.46% of charms and jewels. In efficient run percentage
of bases will reduce to around 6%.

8. Overall ohm/hour ratio in cows, chaos and Travincal

This section is similar to previous one. We suppose that all characters have 200 mf except seal
sorc and javazon they run areas with 0 mf.

Table for chaos:

Ohms Efficient Average Ohms/ho Ohms/hou
P1 per run ohms/run Time (sec) ur r
0.012756 0.0126016 0.382696 0.3780508
Usual clear 53 9 120 016 49
0.010573 0.0103231 0.543759 0.5309022
Seal glitch 10 0 70 423 8
0.029631 0.0292252 0.888940 0.8767559
Usual clear 33 0 120 041 89
0.026053 0.0255034 1.339890 1.3116046
Seal glitch 42 2 70 37 55
No drop 0
0.030673 0.0302603 0.920197 0.9078101
Usual clear 25 4 120 355 53
0.027035 0.0264650 1.390372 1.3610579
Seal glitch 02 2 70 242 57

Table for cows:

Ohms Efficient Average Ohms/ho ohms/ho
P1 per run ohms/run Time (sec) ur ur
0.019427 0.0192355 0.518053 0.512947
Necro 00 5 135 226 889
0.018143 0.0179590 0.450456 0.445880
Zon 37 8 145 071 665
0.048734 0.0482326 1.299595 1.286204
Necro 83 7 135 432 475
0.046478 0.0459950 1.153946 1.141945
Zon 41 3 145 617 634
No drop 0
0.049524 0.0490140 1.320655 1.307041
Necro 59 6 135 722 491
0.047241 0.0467505 1.172903 1.160702
Zon 95 2 145 641 56

Table for Travincal:

Ohms/ru ohms/ho
P1 n time/run ur
Necro 0.004098 25.00000 *0.59024
91 000 322
0.006148 40.00000 0.553353
Barb 367 000 01
0.006262 25.00000 *0.90182
Necro 66 000 309
0.009393 40.00000 0.845459
Barb 991 000 15

Percentages of different types of items in run:

For chaos:

e P1 P8 0 no drop
Type of Usual Seal Usual Seal Usual Seal
run mode glitch mode glitch mode glitch
Uniques/s 18.95 12.74 12.48
ets 33.13% % 23.63% % 24.03% %
Bases 3.15% 4.18% 3.55% 4.44% 3.61% 4.35%
Magic 5.55% 6.70% 6.40% 7.27% 6.67% 7.31%
70.18 75.55 75.86
Runes 58.17% % 66.42% % 69.21% %

For cows:

Percentag 0 no
e P1 P8 drop
ets 4.45% 4.05% 4.05%
Bases 2.09% 2.14% 2.14%
Magic 7.83% 7.90% 7.90%
80.94 81.65
Runes % 81.64% %

For Travincal:

Percentag All
e mods
Uniques/s 22.28
ets %
Bases 0.00%
Magic 6.73%
Runes %

*The main question now is what to do with charms and jewels, to pick them up or not? In chaos
you may not pick up them if you wish without damage to your ohm/our ratio. In seal glitch mode
is better not to pick up them though not to spoil short game duration. In cows you may leave
them on the ground too to simplify your job without any loss at all. In Travincal, especially for
necro, its definitely better to keep them laying on the ground. If you will run Travincal with
necro for runes and good uniques/sets then your time with game creation can rich 25 sec. Picking
up charms and jewels and identifying them can cost you 3 sec every run 12.5% of your time
while they in total bring you 6.73% of your wealth. So in Travincal the real ohm/hour ratio for
necro is around 0.84 instead of 0.9.

9. Ohm per hour ratio for Mephisto running

Lets see how old good Mephisto drops in different mods and bugging options:

P1 P3+ P3+
P1 not quest not P3+ quest e.
quest quest quest l.
Ohms/ru 0.0031 0.00466 0.0033 0.0050 0.00558
n 95 97 69 91 38
Ohms/ho 0.3834 0.48031 0.4043 0.5236 0.57433
ur 59 55 1 03 57

I assumed that Meph is run by blizzard sorc in the early-mid ladder. Sorceress is middle geared,
of course, and run unbugged Meph in 30 seconds and bugged Meph in 35 seconds. Sixth column
of the table means P3+ players mode in early ladder in bugged state. Considering the time for
game creation we will not see the maximum ohm/hour ratio for that time of run, but still he drops
greatly for beginning of the ladder, especially for P1 quest mode, where player definitely can run
him many thousands of times.

Mephistos drops are quite stable because of the stable price of his expensive items. We are in
position to find number of runs after which we will have stable drops.

Table with high probability to obtain from 75% to 125% of expected wealth from Mephisto:

Total #run Total Ohms Ohms Ohms/ho Ohms/hou
Mode prob s time min max ur min r max
0.888 1340 111.6 32.11 53.524 0.28759 0.479323
P1 Mephisto 16 0 667 468 474 42 648
P1 Mephisto 1270 123.4 44.47 74.132 0.36023 0.600394
Quest 0.95 0 722 922 033 66 415
P3+ 0.897 1340 111.6 33.25 55.432 0.29784 0.496407
Mephisto 5 0 667 932 196 46 729
Mephisto 1165 113.2 44.47 74.131 0.39270 0.654503
Quest 0.95 0 639 895 589 2 3
P3+ Meph
Quest early 1005 97.70 42.08 70.146 0.43075 0.717919
ladder 0.95 0 833 804 727 18 59

Table with probability to obtain at least 75% of expected wealth from Mephisto:
Total Total Total Ohms Ohms/ho
Mode prob #runs time min ur min
39.86 11.48 0.288189
P1 Mephisto Quest 0.96 4100 111 755 3
42.29 13.28 0.314161
P3+ Mephisto Quest 0.97 4350 167 642 6
P3+ Meph Quest 35.97 12.39 0.344601
early ladder 0.97 3700 222 608 4

So, early in the ladder almost always after 3700 Mephisto runs you will have at least 12.4 ohms,
most probably those runs are worth of doing them, but not in bigger quantity. Maybe, and this is
my task in future, Mephisto is close in terms of ohm/hour ratio to Ancient Tunnels, but of course
luck may shine at you every moment.

10. Gambling

Gambling is well known but not so popular method of obtaining items. You should gamble with
goldfind barbarian, build of which could be found here. What to gamble? The most desirable
items for gambling are circlets and coronets because of their potential great mods (+2 to skills,
20 fcr, 2 os, etc). Amulets are also not a bad target but they cant achieve very desirable 20 fcr
affix, just 10 fcr is available when gambling. The most valuable rare circlets and coronets are
with +2 to class skills, 20 fcr and at least one of these mods (2 os, resists, life, strength, dexterity,
mf) or with +2 to tree skills, 20 fcr and with same additional mods. The most popular helmets
with + to class skills are those with necro, paladin, sorceress, assassin skills. +2 necro/20 fcr/ 2
os helmets can be very valuable. +2 ama/20+frw/2 os helmets can bring you some penny too.
The most desirable to tree skills are pnb, pcomb, fire, traps, summon, light, elemental. The most
valuable magic circlets/coronets are +2 to class skills/20 fcr/2 os or +3 to tree/20 fcr/ 2os with
same type of skills as rare helmets. + 3 pnb/20 fcr/2 os are especially valuable. Also 3 os
tiaras/diadems with some mods sometimes are very valuable (81+ life, 20+ frw, 21+ str, 26+ mf,
41+ gold). Here is the table of rarity of rare (yellow) and magic (blue) circlets/coronets:

Base counting
Item prob Full prob skills
0.001886 0.000188 0.000754
+2/20fcr (necro,pala, sorc, sin) 90 69 76
+2 to tree/20 fcr(pnb, pcomb, fire, 0.000422 0.000042 0.000211
traps, summon) 11 21 06
0.000012 0.000001 0.000001
+2/2os/20fcr (necro) 60 26 26
0.000012 0.000001 0.000003
+2/2os/20fcr (pala, sorc, sin) 60 26 78
0.000012 0.000001 0.000003
+2/2os/20fcr (others) 60 26 78
0.000002 0.000000 0.000000
+ 2 to tree/2 os/20fcr (pnb) 80 28 28
+ 2 to tree/2 os/20fcr (pcomb, fire, 0.000002 0.000000 0.000001
traps, summon) 80 28 12
+ 2 to tree/2 os/20fcr (light, 0.000002 0.000000 0.000000
elemental) 80 28 56
0.000030 0.000003 0.000003
3os/81+life tiara/diadem 56 65 65
0.000013 0.000012 0.000012
+3 to tree/2os/20 fcr (pnb) 43 06 06
+3 to tree/2os/20 fcr (pcomb, fire, 0.000013 0.000012 0.000048
traps, summon) 43 06 26
+ 3 to tree/2 os/20fcr (light, 0.000013 0.000012 0.000024
elemental) 43 06 13
0.000040 0.000036 0.000036
+2/2os/20fcr (necro) 28 19 19
0.000040 0.000036 0.000108
+2/2os/20fcr (pala, sorc, sin) 28 19 58
0.000040 0.000036 0.000108
+2/2os/20fcr (others) 28 19 58
0.000048 0.000005 0.000005
3 os/20+frw tiara/diadem 08 74 74
0.000013 0.000001 0.000001
3 os/41+ gold tiara/diadem 85 65 65
0.000043 0.000005 0.000005
3 os/21+ strenght tiara/diadem 39 18 18
0.000021 0.000002 0.000002
3 os/26+mf tiara/diadem 19 53 53

Column with Basic prob shows the probability of helmet to be spawned with those affixes. Full
prob shows the probability to gamble the helmet with those affixes. Probability counting skills
shows the probability to gamble helmet with certain affixes and one of the skills presented in the
table. Table is for 94 lvl character. All basic probabilities were taken from German affix

If you are a 94 lvl barb and can gather 3.4 millions of gold in around 225 seconds, and gamble a
helmet in around 5 seconds then you will have approximately 0.31702800 ohm/hour ratio at
most, in my opinion. If you decide to buy only coronets for better chance for getting tiaras or
diadems then you will have at most 0.20929606 ohms per hour, so you should gamble both
circlets and coronets.

As we see the gambling isn't a really good way to earn money even in P1 mode, so you should
gamble if you really have specific wish to get a good helm or simply love this activity.

11. Rerolling

Some players reroll grand charms and rarely circlets/coronets for obvious reason using famous
cube recipe. Let's see what they can get spending time like that. We can reroll 81-88 lvl or 91+
lvl grandcharms earlier or later in the ladder. We are interested in lvl 91+ grand charms because
of possibility of 41-45 life suffix on them. And again the table with probabilities comes:

Prob lvl Prob lvl

Affix 81-88 91+
0.002754 0.002768
+1 light skills other 82 59
0.002754 0.002768
+1 cold skills other 82 59
0.002754 0.002768
+1 fire skills other 82 59
+1 pcomb skills 0.002754 0.002768
other 82 59
0.002754 0.002768
+1 java skills other 82 59
0.002754 0.002768
+1 trap skills other 82 59
+1 nsummon skills 0.002754 0.002768
other 82 59
0.002754 0.002768
+1 p&b skills other 82 59
+1 elemental skills 0.002754 0.002768
other 82 59
+1 warcries skills 0.002754 0.002768
other 82 59
0.000043 0.000041
+1 light skills/12fhr 04 32
+1 pcomb 0.000043 0.000041
skills/12fhr 04 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 java skills/7frw 04 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 light/21-25 life 04 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 light/26-30 life 04 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 light/31-35 life 04 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 light/36-40 life 04 32
0.000000 0.000041
+1 light/41-45 life 00 32
+1 pcomb/21-25 0.000043 0.000041
life 04 32
+1 pcomb/26-30 0.000043 0.000041
life 04 32
+1 pcomb/31-35 0.000043 0.000041
life 04 32
+1 pcomb/36-40 0.000043 0.000041
life 04 32
+1 pcomb/41-45 0.000000 0.000041
life 00 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 cold/36-40 life 04 32
0.000000 0.000041
+1 cold/41-45 life 00 32
+1 java skills/36- 0.000043 0.000041
40l 04 32
+1 java skills/41- 0.000000 0.000041
45l 00 32
+1 trap skills/36- 0.000043 0.000041
40l 04 32
+1 trap skills/41- 0.000000 0.000041
45l 00 32
+1 nsummon/36- 0.000043 0.000041
40l 04 32
+1 nsummon/41- 0.000000 0.000041
45l 00 32
+1 p&b skills/36- 0.000043 0.000041
40l 04 32
+1 p&b skills/41- 0.000000 0.000041
45l 00 32
+1 elemental/36- 0.000043 0.000041
40l 04 32
+1 elemental/41- 0.000000 0.000041
45l 00 32
0.000043 0.000041
+1 warcries/36-40l 04 32
0.000000 0.000041
+1 warcries/41-45l 00 32
+1 warcries/31- 0.000021 0.000020
35%gold 52 66
+1 warcries/36- 0.000021 0.000020
40%gold 52 66
0.000304 0.000290
120+ar/36+life 35 58
10maxdmg/60+ar/3 0.000047 0.000045
6+life 91 74

In this table more or less valuable grand charms are presented with probabilities to spawn (after
reroll) with certain affixes.

lvl 81-88 lvl 81-88 lvl 91+ lvl 91+

earlier later earlier later
Ohms per roll 0.00247663 0.00205695 0.00215647 0.00277760
- - - -
Earn per one 0.0017847 0.0022044 0.0021048 0.0014837
roll 4 2 9 7

If we will spend an Ist for 88 pgems or pskulls then we can see our earn from table above, we
can derive that rerolling Nihlatak, Diablo or Baal grand charms later in ladder we will lose
approximately 0.0015 ohms per one roll, and this would be the minimum loss from all possible
choices. It means that we should reroll grand charms only if we are rich and we are highly
interested in 36-45 life skilllers. Of course at the beginning of the ladder when 88 pgems may
cost Mal, then there is a theoretical chance to get 0 loss from rerolling, but why we would do
that? If the price of 88 pgems is gul then we will lose 3 times more per one roll. Also I should
say that probability to roll a good skiller with 36-45 life (in the table) is 0.00074380, there
are 1344.45466230 rolls in average needed for that and 5.73 ohms will be spent for buying
all pgems for Ist per 88 of them.

If we decide to reroll tiaras/diadems then we will put ourselves into even more unprofitable
situation. Our earn per roll will be 0.00117722 ohms at most.

12. Conclusions

We dropped the light on many important facts concerning the wealth hunting, and now we know
what to expect from some popular for running areas. Cows and chaos with seal glith method are
the most wealthy areas according to our data, and many players will stay here to earn big and
stable profit, but we still don't know the real profitability of Lower Kurast, though the data which
we have is quite promising. Almost for sure LK is the best area for running with a poor gear, and
thus, the best area for starting, but for sure the most boring area to run. I must mention also that
in P1 mode Travincal is one of the most profitable areas in game, in other mods the situation
changes quite drastically.

I didn't mention before how to start ladder, but it is up to you. You can start traditionally with
blizz sorc and run Mausoleum at the very beginning, then bugged Mephisto Ancient Tunnels
(my next task), especially bugged Mephisto at P1 mode, then switch to necro or javazon to run
cows, or to start with necro and javazon immediatly and do cows in 4 minutes after quite short
amount of time all these strategies will work. The most profitable strategy is probably starting
with cold sorc and running LK as soon as possible, but we are not robots. To gain really good
profit from LK you should run it several thousands of times, it's important to know.

And for the last let's look on advantages of running cows as necro or amazon:


Slightly better killing speed and bigger ohm/hours ratio

Easier to get very efficient gear (enigma + infinity)
Versatile character can clear other areas, while java with her gear must stay at cows


Can't kill the Cow King accidentally, only by a strong intention

A bit safer than necro, cows will not touch her while necro can finish in the middle of a
Better in slow connections, slow teleporting of necro could destroy his runs

Thank you for reading and good luck in your adventures!

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