TCK Part 1 Chapter Notes Final

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TCK Part 1 Chapter Notes

Chapter 1: Where is Home? Key Points of Erikas Story Ch. 1: How might you apply information in chapter one
personally and professionally?
Understand that TCKs have a different view point on the world.

TCKs have spent a good portion of their life in another country Use the information to help connect with a TCK. Let them know
and culture other than their own. that they are not alone and that what they are feeling is not
TCKs numbers have increased, their public voice has grown Allow them to talk, share, and express themselves and allow
louder, and their significant has increased them to educate their peers about their experiences in another
Erika felt like neither Singapore or Dayton were home. She
grew up in Singapore with an American passport. Home to a
TCK isnt really a specific place

Chapter 2: Define TCKs Ch. 2: TCK Characteristics Apply Personally/Professionally

Being raised in a genuinely cross-cultural world
Being raised in a highly mobile world
Distinct differences- being physically different from those Understand they may look like they fit in but could have grown
around them is a major aspect of their identity up in a culturally different background. Take into account their
feelings and understanding of the world.
Expected repatriation-expect at some point to return They may feel like they will eventually come home but
permanently to live in their home country. spending significant in another country does affect their
worldviews and understanding on how things are done socially.
Privileged Lifestyles- may be serving for a company or This can affect like it did on Erika- she grew up more privileged
diplomat so children often live a nicer life than normal people because of the job her dad had so when she went home to
who live their in that country do. Singapore she realized it was more different than she
remembered and she was viewed as an outsider.
In order to overcome this I can apply my knowledge and help
explain to them that they are a TCK kid and that home is
wherever they make it to be. They may not fit in 100%
anywhere but understanding that can help them.

Chapter 3: Who are CCKs Chapter 3: Compare/contrast TCKs and CCKs

CCK are Cross-Culture Kids

CCK- a person who is living or who has lived in meaningful TCK- Children who move into another country do to a parents
interacted with two or more cultural environments for a career choice.
significant period of time during childhood

Chapter 4: Explain pros of Cross Cultural Childhood Chapter 4: Explain cons of Cross-Cultural Childhood

Have an understanding of the world around them. Foreigner- looks different, thinks different
Are more cross culturly aware of what is going on in the world Hidden immigrant- looks alike, thinks different
and society.

Have diverse backgound , understanding, and aprreication for Adopted- looks different, thinks alike
the world Mirror- look alike, thinks alike
May not feel like they fit in anywhere.

Chapter 5: Explain High Mobility Ch. 5: Effects of High Mobility

Can vary, move every few months to every couple of years. Each transition changes something in your life.

People constantly come and go Some transitions can be sudden and uprupt that you are not
prepared for.
May come of age to go to boarding school, may not visit Transition experience
passport country as often. - Involvement
- Leaving
- Transition
- Entering
- reinvolvement
- denial
- anger
- sadness
- bargaining
- acceptance

Apply TCK Part 1 Personally/Professionally Apply TCK Part 1 Personally/Professionally

Can be used to help any children who may have TCK. Can be used to identify a TCK,
For example in my classroom I had a student from china, who Understand what they may be feeling or going through.
came to live in the United stated in kindergarten and stayed until Can aide in informing them that they are not alone in this
the middle of third grade. They are moving back to China. This process.
may be enough time for him to be consider a tck.

If information was known earlier it could have proven useful to

discuss with him before moving back to Chine. However, his
move came up rather abruptly.

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