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Australian Government

File Note Australian Commission for

Law Enforcement Integrity

File Ref: TRIM 14/184 CIN 557

Date: 30 June 2015

IVIade by: Director Intelligence

Topic: Review of Australian Federal Police Investigation Report provided in

accordance with section 66 of the LEIC Act.

I have considered the report compiled by the Australian Federal Police (AFP)
-) 'y/ ['/' y1 ^ BNUB ^ C?P^of thisjeport was provided to the inte9rity Commissjoner in accordance
section 66 of the Law Enforcement tntegnty Commissioner Act 2006.

This issue arose from a notification from ACBPS based on claims made by a Journalist
attached to The Guardian, to the effect that he had possession of electronic maps from
ACBPS vessel Ocean Protector showing an apparent incursion into Indonesian territorial
waters in January 2014, and the subsequent publication of an article on The Guardian
website which included an image which appeared to be a photograph of the route taken by
Ocean Protector inside Indonesian territorial waters.

ACLEI referred the issue to the AFP for investic ursuant to section 26^1



Based on the comprehensiveness of the AFP's investigation and the author's conclusions, I
see no need for the Integrity Commissioner to make any comments or recommendations in
relation to the report. This issue can now be closed.



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