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Describe a Wedding Ceremony that You Attended

People say that when you get married, you should spare no expense as it
is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Yes, I agree but I have also not met a couple
like Sean and Cynthia who really took that phrase to heart and spent a fortune
on their wedding.
The day started with a simple prayer ceremony at Cynthias house.
Simple Cynthia had said but it was not in any sense simple. The breakfast
spread itself was huge. There was a choir and every single family member was
there. Even Aunty Evelyns family was flown in from Canada, compliments of
the bride. After the short prayer ceremony, we rushed to the church. The
humble St. Louis church was spruced up beyond recognition. There were white
lilies in every possible place and scented candles on the altar.
When Cynthia arrived, it was as if the world stopped for a moment. She
came in a white Jaguar, equipped with a driver. And her gown, gosh, I had
never seen one so beautiful. Apparently, she ordered it all they way from
The ceremony itself was simple and meaningful. It lasted about an hour.
The choir sang melodiously, as if trained by professionals and the band was
superb. Everything went on without a hitch.
For dinner, we proceeded to Taman Rimba. Cynthia did not want to have
her dinner in some stuffy hotel. She wanted hers in an open garden, much like
what we see in the movies. And indeed it was like the movies. The place was
set like a fairyland. Six huge white canopies hung over tables that were draped
with lace with lilies beautifully arranged on each table. Candles and torches
filled the night with a romantic glow and the four-piece band serenaded us with
soft romantic tunes. The food itself was out of this world. Only the best
money can buy, Sean had said earlier.
As dinner proceeded, the guests were invited to the dance floor. If there
is one thing you cannot stop the Eurasians from doing, it is dancing. The
guests, including Cynthia and Sean, danced and ate late into the night. And as
typical Malaysians, when all that ended, we proceeded to the mamak stall and
had some the tarik. After a night in clouds, we needed something to pull us
back down to reality!

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