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Unit 3 Worksheet 4 Quantitative Energy Problems

Part 2

Energy constants (H2O) Q m c T(C)

334 J/g Heat of fusion (melting or freezing) Hf Q m H v or m H f
2260 J/g Heat of vaporization (evaporating or condensing) Hv
2.1 J/gC Heat capacity (c) of solid water
4.18 J/gC Heat capacity (c) of liquid water

For each of the problems sketch a warming or cooling curve to help you decide which equation(s) to
use to solve the problem. Keep a reasonable number of sig figs in your answers.

1. How much energy must be absorbed by a 150 g sample of ice at 0.0 C that melts and then warms
to 25.0C?
Q1 m H f Q2 m c T
2) liquid H2O
warms up Q1 150 g 334 J g Q2 150 g 4.18 J gC 25C
1) ice melts
Q1 50,100 J Q2 15,700 J

QTotal Q1 Q2 50,100 J 15,700 J 65,800 J 66,000 J 66 kJ

2. Suppose in the Icy Hot lab that the burner transfers 325 kJ of energy to 450 g of liquid water at
20.C. What mass of the water would be boiled away?

Q1 m c T Q2 m H v
2) some H2O boils
Q1 450g 4.18 J 80C Q
gC m 2
1) H2O warms to 100C Hv
Q1 150kJ
Q2 QT Q1 m 77.4g 77g
2260 J g
Q2 325kJ 150kJ

Q2 175kJ
3. A 12oz can of soft drink (assume m = 340 g) at 25C is placed in a freezer where the temperature is
12 C. How much energy must be removed from the soft drink for it to reach this temperature?
liquid : freezing H 2O :
Q1 m c T Q2 m H f
2 3 Q1 340 g 4.18 J gC 25C Q2 340 g 334 J
Q1 35,5300 J or 35.5 kJ Q2 113,560 J or 113.6 kJ
solid : QTotal Q1 Q2 Q3
3 steps: Q3 m c T
1) cool H2O to 0C 35.5 kJ 113 .6 kJ 8.6 kJ
Q3 340 g 2.1J / gC 12C 158.6 kJ or 160 kJ
2) freeze H2O
3) cool ice Q3 8568 J or 8.6 kJ

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4. 65.0 kilojoules of energy are added to 150 g of ice at 0.0C. What is the final temperature of the
melting ice : final temperature :
? C Q1 m H f Q2 m c T
2 Q1 150 g 334 J / g Q2
1 Q1 50.1 kJ mc
14,900 J
Q2 QTotal Q1 150 g 4.18 J / g C
Q2 65.0 kJ 50.1 kJ 14.9T 23.8C
Q2 14,900 J

5. 250 kJ of energy are removed from a 4.00 x 102 g sample of water at 60C. Will the sample of
water completely freeze? Explain.
maximum mass :
Q1 m c T
Q2 m H f
1 Q1 400 g 4.18 J / g C 60C
1 Q2 150,000 J
Q1 100 kJ m 449 g
Hf 334 J / g
Q2 QTotal Q1
Our mass is less than the
Q2 250 kJ 100 kJ 150 kJ maximum mass 250kJ could freeze
Q2 150,000 J so we could freeze even more than
the 400g sample.

2 6. An ice cube1tray full of ice (235g) at 7.0C is allowed to warm up to room temperature (22C).
How much energy must be absorbed by the contents of the tray in order for this to happen?
solid : melting ice :
Q1 m c T Q2 m H f
3 Q1 235 g 2.10 J / g C 7C Q2 235 g 334 J / g

2 Q1 3.5 kJ Q2 78.5 kJ

liquid :
QTotal Q1 Q2 Q3
Q3 m c T 3.5 kJ 78.5 kJ 21.6 kJ
Q3 235 g 4.18 J / g C 22C 104 kJ
Q3 21.6 kJ

7. If this same quantity of energy were removed from 40.0 g of water vapor at 100C, what would
be the final temperature of the water?

condensing vapor : change in temperature :

1 Q1 m H v Q2 m c T
2 Q1 40.0 g 2260 J / g Q2 13,600 J
Q1 90.4 kJ m c 40.0 g 4.18 J / g C
? C
T 81.3C

Q2 QTotal Q1 T final 100C 81.3C 18.7C

Q2 104 kJ 90.4 kJ 13.6 kJ
Q2 13,600 J

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