IELTS Speaking Part 3

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IELTS Speaking Part 3: explain, alternative, example

In part 3 of the speaking test, you need to give longer, detailed answers. A good way to do this is
by organising your answers according to the following steps:

1. Idea: answer the question directly.

2. Explain: give a reason or explain your answer in more detail.

3. Alternative: explain an alternative (e.g. the opposite) to your answer.

4. Example: give an example to support your answer.

5. Another idea: sometimes you think of another idea while you are speaking. Just add it on
the end of your answer.

You can give a really good answer without including all five steps, but you might find it useful to
practise including all five, as I've done here:f

Why do you think some people prefer to buy products from their own countries rather than
imported items?

(idea) I suppose its because those people want to support the economy of the country they live
in. (explain) If they buy something that was made in their own country, they know that they are
contributing to the salaries of workers within the same country, (alternative) whereas if they buy
imported items, a foreign company and its employees will benefit. (example) For example, if I
buy some meat that originates from a local farm rather than a farm in another country, Im
helping one of my fellow citizens to carry on in business. (another idea) Also, I think that trust is
an issue; people might feel that they can trust domestically produced items more than imported

I think this is a matter of national pride. In my case, whenever I see a product made
in my own country, I feel proud and would choose to buy it even I know there are
better products in the market from other countries. Besides, although it is very little
amount of money that I spend, I can somehow feel that I am contributing to my
whole country's economy. For example, when choosing smartphones, I would
naturally pick the brand HTC simply because HTC is made in Taiwan and I am
IELTS Speaking: Two-Way Discussion sample answers
In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test you need to talk about a topic with the examiner for 4-5
minutes. During this time you will be asked various questions to help develop the conversation.
(You can find more tips, advice and sample answers about the Two Way Discussion here).

Here are some sample questions and answers:

Q1: Lets consider first of all why people write books. What do you think makes people want to
write a book?

A1: In my opinion, there are many reasons why people decide to write a book. Some people have
an important story to tell and thats why they write their own autobiography. For instance, I
recently read Richard Bransons and it was fascinating. Writers of fiction, on the other hand, may
just enjoy writing. Look at Stephen King, he has written countless books and shows no sign of
stopping. People like him seem to have a real passion for writing.

Q2: What qualities does a writer need?

A2: Well, being a professional writer is a tough job and the whole creative process of planning,
writing and redrafting a book can take years. So, I guess that dedication and self-discipline are
prerequisites for any aspiring or established writing. I also believe that being able to connect with
readers is essential.

Q3: So, do you think anyone could write a book?

A3: Not really. People say that everyone has a book in them but I doubt if we could all write
one. Take my father for instance, he has had an extremely interesting life which would make a
fascinating story but I really doubt that he could write a book about it. Writing is a skill and not
everyone has it. Also, people who are good at telling stories to friends etc might not have the
patience you need to write a book, as I said before.

Q4: In your opinion, is writing a good career choice then?

There are many famous authors like Stephen King who has written books for
decades and J K Rowling who created Harry Potter. They have had amazing careers
and have also made a lot of money in the process. Nevertheless, for every Stephen
King there are probably a 10,000 failed writers and even some of his books have not
been well received. Its a tough industry because so many people want to become
writers and so its extremely difficult to write something original and even then its
not guaranteed to sell.

Here are some useful phrases from the sample which you can use to answer the same
In my opinion, there are many reasons why people decide to write a book

Some people have an important story to tell

For instance, I recently readand it was fascinating.

Writers of fiction, on the other hand, may just enjoy writing.

Look athe/she has written countless books and shows no sign of stopping.

People like him/her seem to have a real passion for writing.

Being a professional writer is a tough job.

The whole creative process of planning, writing and redrafting a book can take years.

I guess that dedication and self-discipline are prerequisites for any aspiring or established

I also believe that being able to connect with readers is essential.

People say that everyone has a book in them but I doubt if we could all write one.

Writing is a skill and not everyone has it.

There are many famous writers likewho has/have..

Some of his/her books have not been well received.

Its a tough industry because

Now, make some of your own sentences about writing books and write them in the
comments box below. Here are some more practice questions. Leave your answers in the
comments box and a teacher will mark them for you!

1. What kinds of books are popular nowadays?

2. Why do people like reading books?

3. How do you feel about electronic books?

4. Do you think people read more or less now compared to before?

5. How important is reading?

6. How can we encourage more reading in society?


Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time

1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now Im into gardening and
going out for a walk.
2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on
weekends. I think that this is really important.
3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there
are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress.
4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found
these very helpful.
5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! Id like to try mountain climbing
because this would be relatively new to me and its exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of
6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find
an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view
the activities for free time such as badminton as an expensive outlet.

TOPIC: Your town

1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. Its a community with
about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in
cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like
hospitals, schools and retail shops. Theres also a small sports complex and a quiet park.
2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition,
there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business.
3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know
simple activities that could be done in my hometown. Theres badminton, typical Filipino games, and card
games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours.
4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few
people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town.
5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market
has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. Theres also a swimming pool now in the
sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area.

TOPIC: Transportprovide your own answers here

1. How did you come here today?
2. What is public transport like in your town?
3. How do you think it could be improved?
4. Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here

1. Can you describe to me the house where you live?
2. What is there to do in the area where you live?
3. What do you like about the area where you live?
4. How do you think it could be improved?
5. Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?
TOPIC: Holidays
1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my
family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging.
2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on the beach, taking a road
trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave
3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We
enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also dont forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries.
4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because its a good time to spend
with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax.
5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think Id choose Australia.
Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and
stay there permanently.

TOPIC: Shopping
1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every
Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves.
2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure Id love to shop
3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because
they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear.
4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying,
impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners,
getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time

1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read
magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball.
2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls.
Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone.
3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because its safe,
cheaper and you can cook the food that youd like to eat. In restaurants, its a little expensive and
sometimes the taste of the food isnt what youre looking for.
4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast
foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international

TOPIC: Reading
1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can
learn many things from reading.
2. What sort of things do you read? I dont read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines.
3. Tell me something about your favorite book. Id rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. Its called the
Manila Bulletin. Its a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it
contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues
concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for
hot jobs in and out of the country.
4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all,
reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information
about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or

Topic: You
1. Do you work or study?
Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, Ive worked before in, or I worked as a
welder before in

1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding.
2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years.
3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that
I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience.
4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are
delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job.
5. And what things dont you like? Why not?-To be honest, its the salary. We dont get paid as much as our
quality of work is measured.
6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If
everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life.

TOPIC: Sports and games

1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing,
swimming and most of all, badminton.
2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I
think its Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.
3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just dont know exactly. Lately, the need to
exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors.
4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has
become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as


Sample Questions
Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make
sure that you dont write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record
your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a
response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for
use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently

2. Describe a friend
3. Describe a child you know
4. Describe an object you like
5. Describe a photograph
6. Describe a historical figure
7. Describe an important event in your culture
8. Describe your favorite newspaper
9. Describe your last holiday
10. Describe the clothes that you like
11. Describe the person whom youd like to spend time always
12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old
13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child
14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside
15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer
*Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers
NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including:
Id like to talk about a TV program called
Im going to talk about a TV program called
A TV program that I found really interesting was

Sample 1:
Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well.
You should say:
-where the event took place
-when the event took place
-what happened exactly
And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different.
What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. Thats why they allowed me to join.
A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in
elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and
Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially
riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a
common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo
and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didnt understand
everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a
close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now
because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we
students talk about things outside the class room. Thats it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.
You should say:
-When and where you saw the program
-What the program was about
-What you felt about the program
And explain why you found the program particularly interesting.
I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show
on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night,
it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and
sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and
commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and
actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days
work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of
national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program
interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit.

You should say:
-where it is
-how it is similar to your hometown
-how it is different from your hometown
And explain why you would like to visit it.
A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city
comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of
the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing
city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for
skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite.
Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As
I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy
to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the
residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient. I would like to visit this place to enjoy these
benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. Thats all!
Sample Questions
Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you
dont write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in
a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-
5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your
responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A:
How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B:
Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than

Topic C:
What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for

Topic D:
Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E:
Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our

Topic F:
Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the
qualities of a good leader?

Topic G:
How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as
weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers
NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including:
I guess I believe Most probably
I think Well Actually

Sample 1:
How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country?
I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power
lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have
been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town
and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2:
How do you think the countryside may change in the future?
Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the
residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education
sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:
Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside?
I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are
searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive
to the citys labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still
highly recommended that you record them if you dont have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own familys favorite holiday destination.

2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays.
3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country.
4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country.
5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country.
6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places?
7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture.
8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture.
9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home.
10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words)

Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in
the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to
another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link
your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas.

There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions
about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others
make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts.

Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given way.

To Add:

and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first
(second, etc.),

To Compare:
whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up
against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true

To Prove:
because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case,
that is

To Show Exception:
yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes

To Show Time:
immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then

To Repeat:
in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted,

To Emphasize:
definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially,
eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation

To Show Sequence:
first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward,
subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon

To Give an Example:
for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate,
as an illustration, to illustrate

To Summarize or Conclude:
in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a
result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting
sentences as these will catch the examiners attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS
Speaking Test.


1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS

2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call
me this way.

3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this.

4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually dont know but Ill to research on that.

5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because its unpleasant or conflict of interest.

6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification.

Hometown or birth place

1. Where do you come from?

2. Where do you live?

3. Can you tell me something about your hometown?

4. Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown?

5. Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. Are you a student or do you have a job?

2. What do you like most about your study?

3. What kind of job do you prefer after graduation?

4. What is your major?

5. What do you do for living?

6. Could you tell me a typical day of yours?

7. How do you get your job?

8. Are you satisfied with your job?

9. What do you like most about your job?

10. What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. What do you usually do in your spare time?

2. Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?

3. What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays?

4. What do you usually do when you go out?

5. What do you usually do with your friends?

6. Do you like reading?

7. What kind of books do you like best?

8. Do you like English? Why or why not?

9. What do you think of the importance of English?

10. What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. Why do you take the IELTS test?

2. What are you planning to do in the next five years?

3. What are you planning to do in the next ten years?

4. What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. Do you like traveling?

2. Do you like travel alone or with your friends?

3. Have you traveled to other places? Where are they?

4. What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place?

5. What are the benefits of traveling?

6. Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends?

2. Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends?

3. Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?

4. Can you talk about your best friend?

5. How to make friends?

6. What do you usually do with your friends?

7. Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. Do you like music?

2. What are the benefits of listening to music?

3. What kind of music do you like best?

4. Why do you like this kind of music?


1. Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown?

2. What is the common means of transport in your country?

3. Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live?

4. How to solve the problem?

5. What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown?

2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking
Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, Im living/ studying/ working

Before that I lived in
Recently, Ive been to / started playing badmintonetc

Im planning to
After that Ill probably

I prefer eating in a restaurant because

Id rather work in Australia because.

Both my father and mother are

Neither of my brothers
None of my friends

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes Im just too tired.

Definitely, I love it. Its
Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think its a good idea because

Well, its very different because

Let me think/ see

Im not really sure, but perhaps
Thats a good question/ point. I suppose
Thats a good question/ point. I suppose
I havent really given that much thought before but

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS?

Well, Im taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia.
What are your ambitions?
For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially.
Tell me about where you are living at the moment.
I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live.
How would you describe your hometown?
My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old
churches and mountains.
What do you usually do at the weekend?
Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass.
Make sure you answer the question.
One-word answers are NOT acceptable.
Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:
Where and when you were successful
How you were successful
What you had to do to make sure you were successful
And describe how you felt about your success.
ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I
think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family
behind and work there alone in a country where I dont know anyone. The culture was totally
new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to
survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family,
I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and
talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children
grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter.
It is important to keep talking, but dont talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say:

When this day was
If you were alone or with others
Where you were and what happened
And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you.

You should say:
What the present was
Who gave it to you
Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday)
And explain why it is so important to you.
Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:
How you met this person
How long you have known them
The kind of things you do or did with them
And explain why they have been important in your life.
Useful Language

The best/ worst thing aboutis/was

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) aboutis/was

One of the problems withis/was

I particularly rememberbecause

Ill never forgetbecause..

Follow- up Questions
After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up
questions about what you have said.

Sample Question:
Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place?

I was very nervous because I didnt know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people?

At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle
with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports? Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.
Would you like to go there again? Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.
Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT? I expect so. Its a growing industry.
Have you ever been to any other countries in Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.
Would you consider doing the same sort of I dont think so. It wasnt really for me.
job again?
Would you recommend the holiday to other No, not really. It wasnt very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly?

Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and
family life.
Are there more crimes these days?
I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because
people want to have more in life.
Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone?
Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.
Linking Ideas

On the other hand and so because however such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand

Well, it isnt asas
is nowhere near asas
Id rather
Id much prefer (to)
It depends (on)

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

Theres a good chance that

I doubt very much if

I hope that
I expect that
Im afraid that
It is/ isnt very likely to

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as Im concerned
It seems to me that
I tend to think that

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places?

Its really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then its ok to ban it. For
sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life.
Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening?
I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is
the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other
hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common
friends who my wife knows.
Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier?
Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its
destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. Its fast and convenient.
Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city?
Id rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of
work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and
limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age.
How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future?
With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual
work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making
our work more efficient and easy to do.
Would you rather watch sport or play it?
Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I
want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some
What do you think the consequences of global warming will be?
If theres global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals might have
trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the
world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon
and will give bad effects to all of us.

Part 2:
Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:
When the event took place
Where the event took place
What happened exactly
And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again?
What did your parents think about it?

Part 3:
Do you think childrens lives are very different nowadays?
Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before,
children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing
indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as
meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework
using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the
Are children too protected now?
For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to
temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a
close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their
children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors.
Do you think children can have too many toys?
It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately,
there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the
parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play.
Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals?
Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded
by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals
which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a
blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether
you like or dislike the place)
2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities
make him interesting)
3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it,
why you will do it)
4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it,
why youd like to learn it)
5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it
took place, what makes it frightening)
6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why
you like to be together always)
7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became
8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite)
9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it,
why you like to do it)
10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you
like to go there soon)
11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where youd like to
meet, why youd like to meet him)
12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and
why he was influential to you)
13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can
do it, why youd like to do it)
14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did
it, why you dont like to do it again)
15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it
made you laugh)
16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it
made you cry)
17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend
it, why will you spend it there)
18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what youll do, why
youll do it)
19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom youll give it and why you
have chosen it)
20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why
youll like it given to you)
21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

IELTS Speaking Test - Sample Questions and Answers

The first part of the IELTS speaking test takes about 4-5 minutes. During this part you will be
asked questions about your family, studies, work, friends, hobbies etc.

It doesnt require a lot of practice to do well in the IELTS speaking test. All that you need to do is
to familiarize yourself with the kind of questions that could be asked. While answering, avoid
monosyllabic answers like yes or no. Here are some questions that could be asked. Sample
answers are also given.

Question: Can you tell me your full name?

Answer: Sure. My full name is Manjusha Santosh Nambiar.

Question: Tell me something about the city you live in.

Answer: I live in Delhi. It is the capital of India. Delhi is an old city with a rich cultural heritage.
It is known for its monuments.

Question: Tell me something about the apartment you live in. What do you like about it?

Answer: I live in a rented apartment. It is a nice little place to live in. The one thing that I like
most about my apartment is its balcony where I spend my evenings listening to music. I can also
host small parties in my balcony.

Question: Is there anything you dont like about your apartment?

Answer: I like my apartment, but sometimes I feel that I should move into a bigger home. In my
apartment, there is hardly enough room for my things and me.

Question: Do you have a hobby?

Answer: Yes. Collecting stamps is my favourite hobby. I think stamps are windows to the world.
They tell us a lot of things about the history and civilization of the countries they come from.

Question: Do you enjoy watching English films?

Answer: Oh yes. I like English films because they are the most technologically advanced. I
watch them mostly for the special effects, but sometimes I enjoy the storyline too.

Question: What do you like about your city?

Answer: I like several things about my city. For instance, in my city the people are very warm
and friendly. They make you feel at home.

Question: Is there anything you dont like about your city?

Answer: Yes. In my city the traffic system is very congested. It is well connected by roads and
rail, but during peak hours you can hardly reach your home or office in time.

Question: Do you like your name?

Answer: Well, not really but there is nothing I can do about it.

Question: Have you ever wanted to change your name?

Answer: Yes, sometimes. But changing a name involves many legal procedures which I am not
very comfortable with. Thats why I have decided to stick to the name my parents have given me.

Question: Who is the one that usually names a child in your country?

Answer: In my country children are named by their fathers or uncles.

IELTS Speaking Test: Part 2

Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam consists of a prepared long answer (2

minutes plus 1 minute for preparation): Candidates are given a topic card
and then given 1 minute to prepare a 2 minute answer. Topics include
describing or commenting on a person, place, or movie. The examiner may
ask 1 or 2 rounding-off questions at the end of this turn.

Speaking Unit 2: The long Turn

Requirement Strategy

1~2 minute answer preparation

(1 minute preparation), followed by a 1. Identify key words in the question

couple of questions
2. Think about the tense required

The examiner will hand you a card 3. Write down some key points
with a question and three sub
questions on it. You have one minute 4. Write down some key vocabulary
to read the question and prepare your


1. Use strong adjectives (fantastic!)

2. Speak with rhythm if possible

3. Try to avoid long pauses

1. Read the question below and the then underline the

key words.

Describe a place that you have visited that you particularly liked.

You should say:

a. When you visited there?

b. Who you went with?

c. What was most memorable?

And explain what you liked most about this place.

There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including:

Id like to talk about a country called

Im going to talk about a city called

A park that I found really interesting was

2. Decide the place you will describe then write down
some notes.

Place:San Francisco, USA

a. When you went there? For 6 months in1994

b. Who you went with? friend who is from Viet Nam

vegetarian guy

brother was an artist

c. What was memorable? There were many tourist attractions such as Fishermans
wharf and Alcatraz Island

d. What you liked most lots of different types people

good weather

lots of cool places to visit

great restaurants

relaxed lifestyle
3. Introduce your answer, paraphrasing the question, to
show you clearly understand the question.

Id like to talk about San Francisco, because its a place I will never forget.

a. I went there in ..

b. I went there with

c. The thing I remember most is (PRESENT TENSE)

d. Some of the things I enjoyed were

Id like to talk about San Francisco, because its a place I will never forget. I went there in 1994 for
about six months. I went there with a friend of mine who is from Viet Nam. He is a vegetarian,
so we couldnt use any meat when we cooked. I also remember his brother who was a very
talented artist. The thing I remember most about San Francisco is that there were many tourist
attractions such as Fishermans wharf, which had lots of delicious seafood and sour dough bread;
and Alcatraz Island, which used to be a prison for murders and other serious criminals. Some of
the things I enjoyed most about San Francisco were the different types people, the good weather,
the many different places and neighborhoods to visit. There were also many great restaurants and
overall it is a very relaxed lifestyle there.
4. Read the question below and the then underline the
key words.

Describe a historic place that you have visited that you particularly liked.

You should say:

a. When you visited there?

b. Who you went with?

c. What you saw there?

And explain what you liked most about this place.

5. Decide on a place and then write down some notes.

a. I went there in ..
b. I went there with

c. Some of the things I saw were

d. The main thing that I enjoyed about this place is ..

Describe your favorite place for shopping

You should say:

a. When you go there

b. Where it is located

c. What you can buy there

And explain why you like it

6. Adjectives:
Adjectives make things more interesting. There is a difference between eating a nice dessert, and
eating a bowl of the freshest, sweetest fruit, topped with a delicious chocolate sauce!

Comparatives are used to compare

Cheap Cheaper Cheapest

Expensive More expensive Most expensive

7. Modifiers
To modify is to change. Modifiers can be weak or strong.

Weak A little, sort of

Strong Much, really, very, extremely

8. Useful language to use in your speech

Introductory phrases - when you start your
I want to talk about

Id like to talk about

Im going to talk about

I'm going to describe

What I'm going to talk about is

Developing phrases - when you want to expand your argument:

First of all



Another thing

Another reason why


Background phrases - when you want to add some detail:

At that time

It happened

It took place

Its been going on for/since

It's near
Impression phrases - when you want to say something that made an
impression on


... influenced me.

affected me

disturbed me

had an effect on me

impressed me

motivated me

moved me

touched me deeply

Things you like phrases - when you want to describe or talk about
things you like:

I enjoy

I like most of all

I love doing...

9. Answering rounding-off questions.

You may be asked one or two questions at the end of your 2 minute speech. You can use this
technique to answer them.
1. Brief answer, repeating auxiliary verb

2. Use the same tense

3. If you are really stuck for an answer just say Yes, I think so, No, I dont think so

Answering follow up questions:

You may be required to give a couple of short answers about your topic. Usually the best way to
do this is to repeat the auxiliary verb. YOU MUST USE THE SAME TENSE!

EXAMPLE 1: Have you done this type of work before?

No, I havent.

EXAMPLE 2: Do you know anyone who has

Yes, I do.

Sample Questions according to different topics

PEOPLE: Individuals : Appearance / Personality / Hobbies / Relationship / My own feeling

Describe one of your neighbors

What is your neighbor like?

Do you like this neighbor?
When do you usually meet his neighbor?

and say if this person is a good neighbor

Describe a young person you admire.

You could say:

who this person is

how long you have known them
what qualities they has

and say why you admire them

Describe someone you know who is a good teacher.

You could say:

who this person is

how you know them
what kinds of subjects they teach

and explain why this person is good at teaching

Describe an interesting person who you know.

You could say:

who the person is

how you know this person
what sort of person this is
and explain why you think this person does that is interesting


Buildings : Location / Exterior / Interior / Atmosphere / Service / My own feeling

Cities : Location / People / Food / Cityscape / Entertainment / My own feeling

Organization : History / Members / Location / Duty / Influence / My own feeling

Natural Beauty : Location / History / Visitors / Activities / My own feeling

Describe a shopping centre that you often go to.

Where is the shopping centre?

What do you buy there?
How often do you go to it?

and explain why you choose to go that shopping centre

Describe a country that you would like to travel to.

You could say:

where this country is?

how you would travel there?
who you would go with?

and explain what you like about this country.

Describe a public building you know.

You could say:

where this building is

what you can do in this building
how often you go to this building

and explain why you went to this building.

Describe a park you remember visiting.

You could say:

where it is
what it looks like
what activities people do there

and explain why you still remember it.


Objects : How I got it / Exterior / Function / Price / another related object / My own feeling

Describe an invention that is important in todays society.

You could say:

What is the invention?

What is it used for?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the invention?

and explain why you think this invention is so important

Describe a book you read that you think is interesting

You could say:

how you knew about this book

where you this book from
what is it abut

and explain why you think this book is interesting.

Describe an important letter or email that you received.

You could say:

who wrote it
what the letter or email was about
how you felt about it

and explain why it was important.

Describe your favourite electronic gadget.

You could say:

what it is
when you bought it
why you bought it
and say why you like it so much.


Leisure activities : What / Who / When / Why / My own feeling

Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your free time.

You could say:

who you do this with

where you do it
why you do it

and explain why you like to spend your free time this way.

Describe a practical skill you have.

You could say:

what the skill is

how often you use it
who taught it to you

and explain why the skill is so practical

Describe an advertisement you think is interesting.

You could say:

what this advertisement is about

where you saw or heard this advertisement
what the contents of the advertisement are

and explain why you think this advertisement is interesting

Describe a sport you have enjoyed playing or watching

You should say

where this sport is played

how the sport is played
what sort of people play this sport

and explain what you like about this sport

Experiences/The past

What / Why / When / Where / Who / My own feeling

Describe an educational trip that you went on when you were in school.

You could say:

who went with you

where you went
what you did there
and explain what you learned on this trip.

Describe a place you have visited where you learnt something.

You could say:

who went with you

where you went
what you did there

and explain what you learned at this place.

Describe a recent news story that interested you.

You could say:

how you heard about this news story

what the news was about
is this news positive or negative

and explain why this news story was interesting to you.

Describe an important decision that you might have to make in the future

You could say:

what the decision will be about

how you will make your decision
what the results of the decision are likely to be

and explain why it was important.

IELTS Two Way Discussion: Sample Questions and Answers
For a summary and tips on Part 3: Two Way Discussion please read last weeks blog, which
should give you extensive help in your preparation.

Now, we will look at how Part 2: The Long Turn develops into the final part of the IELTS
Speaking test.

Remember that you shouldnt just read this information I am giving, you MUST practise with it.
That means getting a friend to read out the sample questions to you and then you must answer
them. Even better is to record yourself giving the answers and then think how you can improve
your answers refer to my earlier blog on how to do this.

Example 1
If your Long Turn card looks like this

Talk about an historical place in your country. You should say:

what it is

where it is

what you can do there

why it is interesting

then your Two Way Discussion may develop with questions like these:

So, you just told me about ______ and now Id like to talk about that further.

1. How do you think an area benefits from having an historical place?

2. Are there any disadvantages to having an historical place in a region?

3. What do you think will happen to historic buildings in the future?

4. How do people in your country feel about protecting culturally important


5. You mentioned education. Do you think that school children learn about these

6. Should technology be used in historical buildings to increase their popularity?

Example 2
If your Long Turn card looks like this

Talk about a place that you would like to travel to. You should say:

where it is

why you want to go there

what you can do there

you may have questions like these in your Two Way Discussion:

So, now Id like to talk more about travelling to far away places.

1. What advantages are there in reading up about a holiday destination before

you visit?

2. Are there any disadvantages to this?

3. Is it good to have a local guide?

4. Do you think its better to visit important sites or meet local people?

5. Moving on slightly now, what are the benefits of taking a gap year before
going to university?

6. What are the challenges of a gap year?

7. What preparation is necessary before taking a gap year?

8. Would you recommend people go on a gap year?

Example 3
If you were asked to talk about your favourite film in Part 2, then your Two Way Discussion may
follow along these lines:

So, thank you for telling me about about your favourite film and now I want to talk more about
film in general.

1. How do Hollywood films compare to films from your country?

2. Why do you think films are important in peoples lives?

3. And do you think that there is too much violence in films?

4. What do you think abou the way men and women are portrayed in film?

5. And you talked about downloading. Do you think that downloading films is a

6. OK and why are people so interested in the private lives of famous film

7. Are film star salaries justified?

Example 4
Now listen to a Hungarian student (who scored a 9 on the IELTS test) answer these part 3
questions on the topic of food.

You spoke about a typical Hungarian dish and now Im going to ask you a few questions about
food in general.
Do men and women cook in your country?
And what do you think they would cook?
And do you think that situation will change in the future?
You said that there isnt a culture of dinner parties, but are restaurants popular?
Is there a particular type of cuisine which is more popular?
And like many other countries is there a problem with obesity in Hungary?

Teacher Comments on Answer

This Two Way Discussion would achieve a very high IELTS Band Score because the student

Personal experience to give details to the answers

Contrasts and comparisons

Synonyms, instead of repeating the same word

Different time tenses (the past, the future)


References to the media

Good stress-timing and clear pronunciation

Different phrases to begin sentences giving personal opinion

When you practise for the IELTS Speaking, bear these things in mind.
Record yourself and analyse your answer.
What could you have said differently?
Did you miss out any of these important characteristics of a great answer?
Practise, practise, practise and you will get the results that you deserve.

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