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Sexual promiscuity




Sexual Promiscuity


Human sexual behavior varies highly both within and between the populations. With this

related sexual characteristics and sexual behavior are central to sexual selection (evolution

theory), very few ideas are known about genetic based on individual sexual behavior. These

sexual selection practices are responsible for the variation in motivating some sexual behaviors

especially sexual promiscuity and sexual infidelity. Promiscuity is the art of having casual sex

consistently and frequently with different partners or lacking discrimination when it comes to the

choice of sexual partner (Sigmund Freud 2005).

History of sexual promiscuity

Sexual promiscuity started happening in America in the 1960s and later five years in

colleges and universities by the students. For commoners, it's seen via some religions, cultures,

and in a greater deal of propaganda and media. According to Sigmund (Sigmund Freud 2005)

casual sex has varied depending on the source, the specific historical environment, and the

agenda. In a lot of cultures, females were treated as the property of men and so the idea of having

or engaging sex outside their family framework.

Casual sex is been presented as something only lower class people do. A black woman in

America who were enslaved and commonly raped while were in slavery is often portrayed as

free women woman engaging in casual sex or adultery. When in a real sense they were not being

involved in any sexual act. Native American women have suffered a similar treatment and both

groups of women lived in painted chronic, bad reputations and most often international

misrepresentation. Rape also led to casual sex historically in one way or the other.

Sexual promiscuity has grown extremely first with the emergence of proper technology

growth around the world. With the development of computers, high-level handsets (smartphones)

and mobile phones, it has led suitable communication methods and appropriate sharing of videos

like porn along the internet. This connection has quickened the growth of sexual promiscuity

along the globe.

Public perception of sexual promiscuity

Sexual promiscuity can be viewed as a culturally defined concept with a formally

defined, to be an act of frequent sex without discrimination to the sexual partners. Sometimes

such in discrimination in the sexual act can be seen in the youths. Some experimental

promiscuity during adolescent in youth adulthood is typically in our culture and is of healthy

development rather than pathological.

A man is easy to impose double standard when it comes to female asexuality. Its fine for

a male to become indiscriminate and sexually promiscuous as compared to women. But when

girls openly and aggressively express their sexual indiscrimination unlike to men we tend to view

them as mentally ill, sinful, evil, and promiscuous. To tell the truth, what is good for the goose is

good for the gender. I may argue that biologically, sociologically, and psychologically that sex

holds a significantly different meaning for both men and women. We live in a sexually repressed

society (Sigmund Freud 2005). Society, psychology, psychiatry and for many religions still

dictate what is right and wrong to be moral or immoral, healthy or pathological, acceptable or

unacceptable, good or evil concerning human sexual behavior.


Current status of research on sexual promiscuity

Personal and Sexual Promiscuity

The idea that personality plays a bigger role in someone sexual motivation is now well

established. Basing on sexual promiscuity much of literature concerning nature have been put in

place and appears to be focusing on the influence of someone temperament and particular

character behaviors. A big research has been conducted in the attempt to determine the

correlation between the particular personality trait and the sexual risk-taking behavior.

Using the psychotics extroversion neurotics model which was proposed by Eysenck, it

states that three super biological factors are underlying each persons personality ( Eysench &

Egan, 2009). This model thus demonstrates that three major character features underlie behaviors

(psychotics, extraversion, and neuroticism) and they come from a persons physiological

makeup. Every super trait is composed of a different set of sub- character. For instance,

psychotics are based on very low-level facts such as aggregation, coldness, apathy, etc.

Results of the study conducted by Eysenck suggest that sexual promiscuity is more likely

to occur to someone who has a high level of psychotics. It could, therefore, be assumed that

basing on this model that a person who performed small cortical and neurotransmitter

abnormalities would be more likely to become sexually promiscuous. Such conclusion can be

made relating to this research.


Teen Promiscuity

Youths have a lot of problems today without being encouraged into early sexual activity

A lot of studies including one by the US surgeon general reveal that a lot of nations teenagers

and over twenty-three million college students are sexually promiscuous and drug and alcohol

abusers just because their lives lack purpose and meaning. According to the research done in

America by Richard (Dinah Richard, 2011) where five hundred thousand participants were

sampled out by the University of California. The researcher assumed that every person who

participated in this study was a youth and therefore categorized at a teenager. Every information

provided in the article is related to the effects and courses of sexual promiscuity within the young


They believe there is so little faith in future as compared to today and therefore its so

easy for them to live today regarding sensual and physical gratification. However, this is the only

compound of their problem. For example, Brandon expressed how the teenager life is annoying

especially when you dont have enough money. But he prefers sex since its cheap and thrilling

and cannot cost anything. Sex can also be done anywhere since its easy to find a girl who is

willing (Dinah Richard, 2011).

Teenagers are not possible to see the consequences of the actions they may be doing at

the moment of passion or misguided love. For girls they may not even know the cost, they will

incur losing virginity at a tender age, self-respect, the fertility, bringing ruin to another persons

marriage, diseases, guilt, etc.

Its noted that most youths have little self-esteem and this leads them to alcohol abuse,

drugs usage, and sexual promiscuity. Almost fifty percent of teenagers suffer from depression

that is more severe to require treatment. Grade problems in the universities and schools,

relationship problems, home problems and parental drug and alcohol abuse are some of the


The research also emphasized on what the adolescents choose to do and what puts them

at risk. For example, teenagers can neither afford to worry about AIDS (Acquired Immune

Deficiency Syndrome) and other STI diseases yet fifty percent or more have had sex for eighteen

years, and every year one in ten girls become pregnant. More so almost half teenagers drink,

thousands die each year in accidents and due to alcohol and there are millions of homeless

teenagers. Many commit suicide, and all this is due to premature sexual intercourse.

The only solution to this problem is communication. Parents should learn to

communicate with their teens on sexual education. The information should be spread both in the

universities, high schools for each and every one of our youths to be familiar. Mothers and

fathers not only need to know how to love their children but also need to know the fact about the

current social environment in which children are being reared and educated by the society.

Sexual Strategy Theory

Reproductive strategy approach is an evolution theory that posits both men and women

mentally and psychologically processes sex differently. While both women and men possess the

potential to engage in the sexual promiscuity behavior people have just adapted in such a way

that may make them be considered as more oriented to such character (Schmitt, Shackelford &

Buss, 2001). This may be due to the following factors; men tend to desire short term

relationships, people tend to contest to sex a shorter period as compared to female and male

desire to have multiple sex pertness than female.


It believed that men and woman would behave the same when it comes to the fact of

choosing partners for long term relationships. They differ in short term relationship strategies in

different key ways (Schmitt, Shackelford & Buss, 2001). However, the theory is often mistreated

in such a way that most people think it suggests men will wish to engage in the short-term

relationship. According to Schmitt, this isnt the case. Rather, theory shows that people will

simply be willing and more likely to engage in such relationships that ladies.

According to the research conducted by Schmitt to test the hypothesis of the theory

which should investigate the desire of short-term mating, 148participants were involved (75 men

and 73 women). The results showed that men were willing to go for short term relationship than


Sexual Promiscuity in the Internet

According to the survey done by the Cambridge University for twelve months shows that

over ninety-five percent of the participants who get involved in the sexual promiscuity get

influenced by the growth in the technology and the advancement in the internet connection all

over the world. Basing on the research some of the things that make the internet become one of

the most influential factors when it comes to sexual promiscuity are; online relationships,

widespread of porn movies and videos, a full range of dating partners, etc.

Probably one of the most unusual uses surrounding the growth of the internet deals with

online relationships. Online relationship (cyber affair) refers to the romantic or sexual

relationship that is initiated through online contacts and maintained through electronic

conversation that may be done through emails and in a virtual community like a chat room,

interactive game, newsgroups, etc. (OMaraan & Buchanan 2000). It involves cybersex and

cyber-relationship. Dirty talks over messengers, video chats, all of this are being performed with

new advent of the internet. We are always figuring out the way we will get each other off via

computers and smartphones. With these types of equipment people discover things about

sexualities that were impossible to know many years ago.

We have widespread access to porn movies and videos. Perhaps this is the most visible

change and the most influential. While pornographic movies used to be available for peoples

above eighteen years who were willing to buy from the stores, they are now available for

everyone at any time and age. This movie has brought about greater change and increased sexual

promiscuity among the people. The research has also proved that porn has influenced the way

people behave in bed. When you keep on looking at how sex is supposed to be performed, it

sleeps into your sexual encounters. The proliferations of original movies and videos mean that

we are being exposed to a wide range of sexualities, kinks, and interests than ever before. While

the magazine's based porn was fairly vanilla, hetero-normative, and very white, the internet

offers kinds of possible combinations you could have dreamt of watching.

The internet provides a broad range of dating partners than ever before. While initially,

the dating pool used to be minuscule and limited to the people you worked with, friends, and

classmates we now have access to an infinite range of potential romantic partners. On one hand

that's very kind of you since everyone needs more options while on the other hand, its the worst

since more choices increase sexual promiscuity and prostitution. It also becomes harder to get

the right partner just because you know there is a better person than the one you are dating.

Relevance of the articles studied


It right that culture can affect the level of promiscuity; consider a culture in African that

allows men to take their women as a property. A woman has no say and therefore whatever the

man says she cant despise it. Some tend to marry many wives.

The other case was when the internet came up it, everyone was happy about it, but they

could not realize the effect it will cause on them. It came with positivity in it and also negativity.

One of the negativity is the increased sexual addiction and casual sex through creating a large

pool of partners that increase sexual abuse.

Teenagers tend not to care about what could befall them when they involved in sexual

promiscuity. They dont care about the disease and consequences casual sex.


The study is viable since it introduced a new fact that could not be thought of to affect

sexual promiscuity. This fact is the internet. According to the research, its proven that almost

every person that is involved with sexual issues checks them from the web.

It has also demonstrated that most students tend to engage in sexual promiscuity to find

leisure. Sex is seen to be the cheapest and most exciting for someone without enough money.

Recommendation for future research


I will recommend the researcher to be vicious when doing a study on the sexual

promiscuity. They should try to put assumptions like what if the internet connection could fail

the coming days? Will sexual promiscuity continue to grow as it is now? In case a better

technology could be invented that may not support the internet, how will the level of sexual

promiscuity be? Those are the facts they should consider in future while undertaking research on

this topic.

Mostly the above articles have been mostly using sampling, observation, and

questionnaire to do their analysis and research. In rear cases have interview been used and

therefore the view provided are not the views of each and every person in the whole globe. It is,

therefore, working with the assumption that every information provided applies worldwide. For

example, they should try to consider the literacy level and the access level of new technology

throughout the globe. Some country cant obtain a proper internet connection, and hence their

sexual promiscuity cant be affected by what is going on the web.


If internet sexual promiscuity is to become a viable term, there should be scientific

evidence to support it, clarification of the criteria accepted by all and quantification of its

occurrence. This has not been considered though there are encouraging steps in the right

direction. The field is still in the conceptual crisis since some of the researchers combine similar

categories of sex addiction whereas others split and sub-categorize them. At the moment the

question whether internet casual sex addiction is fundamentally different from other more

traditionally sexual promiscuity cannot be answered until a more viable research evidence if

found. However, it has come to be known that internet sexual promiscuity is a new medium of

expression which may trigger participation because of the perceived anonymity and disinhibition

factors outlined in the research above.


I may recommend better treatment programs be initiated for sexual promiscuity and also

a sexual addiction. This treatment should include patient, outpatient, and aftercare support and

even self-help groups. These programs should also include family counseling programs,

educational workshops, and support groups. For sexual addicts and promiscuous their families to

help them to the facets of family life and beliefs that are part of the casual sex.

The researchers and the methodology should consider providing a better method to

reduce sexual promiscuity. Other than treatment recommended above the method should also be

able to provide other means of curbing sexual promiscuity. Some of the methods that I may

consider them the researchers to work on in future to reduce sexual promiscuity is use of

vaccines that may trigger the brain to settle and work positively towards achieving your goal in

life, counseling and many others



Dinah Richard (2011) The Myths of Sex Education (San Bernardino, Calif.: Heres Life, 2011);

cf. Los Angeles Tunes, 19 February 2011, 8.


Eysenck & Egan, (2009) The interpersonal meaning of sexual promiscuity. Journal of Research

from Personality,

OMaraan & Buchanan (2000) Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus (New York, 2008), 8.

The past chapter, From Dating to Hooking Up, is a relatively short 13 pages.

Sigmund Freud (2005) Sex and the Education of Our Children, U.S. Department of Education,

22 January 2005; transcript of a talk at the National School Board Association in

Washington, D.C.

Schmitt, Shackelford & Buss (2001) Sexual strategic theory: an evolutionary perspective of

human mating. Psychological Review.

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