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Department of Trade and Industry

Sec. Ramon M. Lopez

We see the Philippines occupying its rightful place in a community of nations, prosperous and free.
Together with business, we are an active and leading partner in propelling the Philippines toward an inclusive,
dynamic and thriving economy.
Our success is anchored on global competitiveness, with social responsibility and consumer welfare as our
In all these, we adhere strictly to the tenets of professionalism, integrity, and transparency.
We continue to be the public's Agency of Choice, an organization where creativity, innovation, professional and
personal growth find full expression.

We are One DTI.

Enabling Business

Enabling business environment/reduce cost of doing business to facilitate trade and investments

Global competitiveness

Value chain and industry cluster management

Empowering Consumers

Safe and reasonably-priced products and services

Supply chain management


The DTI is responsible for realizing the country's goal of globally competitive and innovative industry and
services sector that contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation.

Goal 1 - Improve country's competitiveness. Land in the top one-third ranking (for country's
competitive environment for the firms) in major international surveys;
Goal 2 - Generate 4.6M employment from industry and services sector, 2M of which shall come from
MSME sector;
Goal 3 - Increase the level of awareness of consumers on their rights and responsibilities from 50% to

To attain the above-mentioned goals, we need to expand exports, increase investments, develop and promote
MSMEs, and enhance consumer welfare and protection. These should be accomplished by the following major
final outputs (MFOs):
MFO 1: Trade and Industry Policy Formulation Services;
MFO 2: Trade and Investment Promotion Services;
MFO 3: Technical Advisory Services;
MFO 4: Consumer Protection Services;
MFO 5: Business Regulation Services.


1. DTI ASEAN Civil Society Organizations dialogue on ASEAN economic integration yields positive
2. DTI bares year-long plans as chair of ASEANs business and investment promotion

3. The DTI-Philippine Trade Training Center is offering FREE seminars in celebration of its 30th

4. Philippines and Russia to bolster trade and investment ties

5. DTI issues circular on proper use of certification marks

6. PH cant be country of contractual, endo workers TUCP

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