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, 46, 4, 313-327, 2013

Econ. Environ. Geol., 46(4), 313-327, 2013

A Characterization of Oil Sand Reservoir and Selections of Optimal SAGD

Locations Based on Stochastic Geostatistical Predictions
Jina Jeong and Eungyu Park*
Department of Geology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea

In the study, three-dimensional geostatistical simulations on McMurray Formation which is the largest oil sand
reservoir in Athabasca area, Canada were performed, and the optimal site for steam assisted gravity drainage
(SAGD) was selected based on the predictions. In the selection, the factors related to the vertical extendibility of
steam chamber were considered as the criteria for an optimal site. For the predictions, 110 borehole data acquired
from the study area were analyzed in the Markovian transition probability (TP) framework and three-dimensional
distributions of the composing media were predicted stochastically through an existing TP based geostatistical
model. The potential of a specific medium at a position within the prediction domain was estimated from the
ensemble probability based on the multiple realizations. From the ensemble map, the cumulative thickness of the
permeable media (i.e. Breccia and Sand) was analyzed and the locations with the highest potential for SAGD appli-
cations were delineated. As a supportive criterion for an optimal SAGD site, mean vertical extension of a unit per-
meable media was also delineated through transition rate based computations. The mean vertical extension of a
permeable media show rough agreement with the cumulative thickness in their general distribution. However, the
distributions show distinctive disagreement at a few locations where the cumulative thickness was higher due to
highly alternating juxtaposition of the permeable and the less permeable media. This observation implies that the
cumulative thickness alone may not be a sufficient criterion for an optimal SAGD site and the mean vertical exten-
sion of the permeable media needs to be jointly considered for the sound selections.
Key words : oil sand, geostatistical simulation, SAGD, cumulative thickness, vertical mean length

( ) SAGD


*Corresponding author:


: , , , ,

(steam chamber)
(Butler et al., 1981).

. , ,
, , , ,
GTL(Gas to Liquids), CBM(Coal Bed Methane)

. (Dimitrakopoulos et al., 1993; Chen, 2009).
3 5% , 10%
12% .
(Masliyah et al., 2008).
(Alberta) SAGD
1.7 2.5 .
(Hinkle and Batzle, 2006). 1990
13% (Dimitrakopoulos et al., 1993; McLenna and Deutsch,
2004; Ren et al., 2006; Chen, 2009; Lee et al.,
. , (Athabasca) 2011). -(semi-
80% variogram)
(McMurray Fm)
(Clearwater Fm)(Kwon, 2008). .
40,000 km2 -
1 (directional non-stationarity)
(. )
(McLennan and Deutsch, 2004). (Carle and
30% (in-situ thermal recovery) Fogg, 1996; Weissmann et al., 1999).
(steam assisted gravity
drainage, SAGD)
(Ren et al., 2006). .

. 150 m probability) (Krumbein,
1967; Krumbein and Dacey, 1969). Krumbein
Dacey (1969)



(Carle and Fogg, 1996; Elfeki and Dekking, 2001;
Park et al., 2007; Park, 2010).

. , SAGD

. Fig. 1. Local coordinates of 110 borehole in research area.

Fig. 1
township 76 township 07 range 76 .
range 07 . Fig. 2
5.02 km2
. .
271.5 m 242.2 m (KNOC
232.45 m, 167.9 m . Facies Group) 8
74 m 18.95 m. , , , ,
110 , ,

Fig. 2. A few examples of borehole used in this study. Each color in the color bar (bottom) sequentially indicates Limestone,
Shale, Mud-plug, Muddy IHS, Shaley sand, Sandy IHS, Breccia and Sand from left to right.

Table 1. The composing media in the study area and their ,


Geology Index
Limestone 1

Shale 2
Mud plug 3 .
Muddy IHS 4 5.1%,
Shaley sand 5 22.8%, 12.6%,
Sandy IHS 6 10.3%, 2.7%,
Breccia 7
9%, 3.3%,
Sand 8

, (Table 1) 0.5 m
1 8 0.5 m 50%
. .

Fig. 3. The changes of auto-transition probability of (a) Limestone, (b) Shale, (c) Mud-plug, (d) Muddy IHS, (e) Shaley sand,
(f) Sandy IHS, (g) Breccia, and (h) Sand calculated at increasing lag separations. The left sides are downward(top to bottom)
direction, whereas the right sides are the opposite(bottom to top) direction.

. - Fig. 3
Fig. 4 . Fig. 5


(up-scaling) . -(auto-transition probability)

3. -
(cross-transition probability)
Table 2

Fig. 4. The changes of cross-transition probability between the permeable and less permeable media. Each of the transition
indicates (a) LimestoneSand, (b) SandLimestone, (c) ShaleSand, (d) SandShale, (e) Mud-plugSand, (f)
SandMud-plug, (g) Muddy IHSSand, (h) SandMuddy IHS, (i) Shaley sandSand, (j) SandShaley sand, (k)
Sandy IHSSand, (l) SandSandy IHS, (m) BrecciaSand, (n) SandBreccia.


14 m
17 m.

Fig. 5. The mean one-step transition probability acquired
from vertical transitions in 110 borehole data.

+X .

+Y Y Fig. 3(c)
, +Z Z .
, . 12 m . Fig. 3(d)
Fig. 3(a)

. .

. 4 m
. (Fig. 3(e))
. (Fig. 3(f))

61 m . Fig. 3(b)
7 m 6 m

Table 2. Correlation length of the each composing media where each of symbol indicates +X: westeast; -X: eastwest;
+Y: southnorth; -Y: northsouth; +Z: topbottom; and -Z: bottomtop directions.
Correlation length
+X -X +Y -Y +Z -Z
Limestone 319.04 320.67 309.65 330.24 431.87 61.22
Shale 113.18 118.57 110.44 111.11 14.07 17.35
Mud plug 90.24 80.80 83.63 85.20 11.85 11.89
Muddy IHS 75.62 79.95 75.67 76.30 7.14 7.16
Shaley Sand 77.11 88.54 85.99 75.30 6.40 6.44
Sandy IHS 73.25 73.25 72.73 71.09 5.68 5.69
Breccia 82.88 68.70 74.88 72.16 4.94 4.94
Sand 88.36 88.32 85.90 84.69 9.87 9.97

. .

Fig. 3(g) Fig. 3(h) .

. .
5 m

10 m . .

. .
Fig. 5 - -
. -

. , ,
. ,


. .
22.8% 34.2% 110
. .
Fig. 4 110

2 one-step .
, 110
(Fig. 4(a,c,e,g,i,k,m)) (nearest
neighborhood) 3
(Fig. 4(b,d,f,h,j,l,n)) . training map ,
training map , , ,
. . Park
et al. (2007) Park (2010)
. 3 Park(2010)
GCMC(generalized coupled Markov chain)

(random variable) . .
(likelihood function)

2 3
. GCMC (scale-up) .
- 1,600 (single realization)
2quadcore CPU (RAM
(unsampled location) (sampled location) 16 Gb)
, 1 178 .
section 100
1 (d1) 2 (d1) 100
pji pij mi mj
i(Sj) = ----------------------------------------
- , i = 1, ..., n, Eq. (1) . section
, i(Sj) (ensemble probability)
Sj Si
1 2
, pji pij (deterministic) .
j i
i j , n 5.1.
. (transition Fig. 6 (a) (b) (ordinary kriging)
probability matrix),
n (r ) n (r) n (r) n (r )
p1,1 p1,2 L p
1,n 1 p

n (r )
n (r )
p2,2 L
n (r)
p2,n 1
n (r )

n (r) .
p = M M O M M Eq. (2)

n (r ) n (r) n (r) n (r)
n 1,1 p
n 1,2 L pn1,n1 pn1,n .
n (r) n (r) n (r) n (r) 45o
n,1 pn,2 L p
n,n 1 pn,n
1750 m
(j, i) (i, j) . mi
mj Si Sj (marginal probability) .
, mi Sj
Si . 1 section 14
section 14
1/2 .
. -
. section 13
5. section 14 section 15,
section 22 section 24
4,740 .
6,140105 m 237307105 55.43 m .

Fig. 6. The interpolated distributions of (a) the upper McMurray formation boundary and (b) the lower boundary both
estimated from ordinary kriging based on 110 borehole data, and (c) the thickness of McMurray formation obtained from the
subtraction of the lower boundary from the lower boundary elevations.

5.2. (Fig. 8(g))

Fig. 7 8
Fig. 8 .
100 (Fig. 8(h~i)).

. Fig. 8(a) -
- .
. Fig. 8(b)


. - .
(Fig. 8(c)). Fig. 8(d)
Fig. 9



Fig. 7. The three-dimensional ensemble distribution of each composing medium: (a) Limestone; (b) Shale; (c) Mud-plug; (d)
Muddy IHS; (e) Shaley sand; (f) Sandy IHS; (g) Breccia; (h) Sand.

Fig. 8. The ensemble probability distribution in the depth dependent planar slices of each composing medium: (a) Limestone;
(b) Shale; (c) Mud-plug; (d) Muddy IHS; (e) Shaley sand; (f) Sandy IHS; (g) Breccia; (h~i) Sand.

Fig. 9. The vertical cumulative thicknesses of (a) Limestone, (b) Shale, (c) Mud-plug, (d) Muddy IHS, (e) Shaley sand, (f)
Sandy IHS, (g) Breccia and (h) Sand.

. ( )
. (vertical
transition rate, R)
(Carle and Fogg, 1996).
. Fig. 9(c) Fig. 9(h)
T(h) = exp(Rh)

- . ln[T(h)]
R = ------------------------
= ----- Eq. (3)

. T
h . Fig. 10 3
5.4. SAGD
1 2 2

. .
X, Y Z 200 m
township 76 range 07 section 14 200 m 105 m
. Fig. 9(h)

. Fig. 10(a)

Fig. 10. The distributions of averaged vertical mean lengths of (a) less permeable media and (b) permeable media.

Table 3. The averaged horizontal mean lengths at each

vertical interval.
Mean of Horizontal Mean Length
(Fig. 9(b))
depth Sand (m) Others (m)

0 m~ 10 m 9.34 180.75
11 m ~ 20 m 13.21 39.73
21 m ~ 30 m 17.27 45.52
2 km 31 m ~ 40 m 16.49 40.06
41 m ~ 50 m 15.23 32.64
. Fig. 10(b) 51 m ~ 60 m 18.92 29.09
61 m ~ 70 m 17.57 23.61

71 m ~ 80 m 14.31 52.02
. 81 m ~ 90 m 10.64 111.09
91 m ~ 105 m 11.15 248.03
(Fig. 9(h))
. Fig. 10(b) SAGD
Fig. 9(h)
Fig. 9(h) .
Fig. 10(b)
. Table 3 .

10 m
. Eq. (1) . Table 3
51 m ~ 70 m


2 .

3 .

, .
, .

. ( ,
, )


GCMC (Park,
2010) 2013
. (No. 2011201030006C).

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