Personalstatement 1

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Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively

influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

In the summer of 2016 I volunteered with 7 other people to teach a drama class at Rivera Middle

School. This class was to teach students in lower grades how fun and opportunistic theater is for

those who are involved.The way this worked was my other peers including myself would address

the class as whole each morning before starting. After making the beginning speech we broke the

students into groups and had different plans for each group. My brother and I specifically talked

about building and constructing the set pieces for each play. After having the kids play team and

communication exercises; we had them make small projects out of legos as a whole group to

make one large sculpture that fit together perfectly. We have also discussed PPE or personal

protection equipment and all the other various safety guidelines involved.For example no

running and horseplay in the shop, dont distract other students while they are operating a

machine and stay within the safety zone of the various machines being used. Through various

speeches and team building games multiple people were really interested in getting into theater

and acting things out on stage in front of an audience. I believe that the people involved with

helping teach the drama class left an impression on the students to be more open and sociable to

people they dont know.

4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or

worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

There was a point throughout my whole educational career where I dreaded waking up early,

getting ready, and going to school to deal with people that werent the best teachers of all time or

the best students in some cases. Once I started high school and got involved in the FFA or the

agricultural side of things I realized this is what I wanted do for the rest of my life. At this point I

started getting more and more involved. I helped teachers, I helped set up for meetings, and

created things that would help advance both the school and the FFA organization as a whole.

My Junior and Senior year I joined a career readiness team that is part of the FFA organization.

The team is called Agriculture mechanics. This competition or judging team depending on the

person you talk to consists of 6-7 different categories that the students are tested on. The sections

range from electrical to arc welding to even pluming and electrical motors depending on the the

yearly cycle of sectional categories. Being in these type of classes and judging teams allowed me

to put my work out for the community to see. My junior year I made a John Deere smoker barrel

that consisted of an 8 x 13 3 piece sign on the front and small tractors for lid handles. My

senior year to follow that project I made a gentleman a gas tank out of old metal milk containers.

So definitely the biggest obstacle that I had to face was trying to find something that I thought as

fun, exciting and something I could be passionate about in school.

6.Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.

My favorite academic subject is welding and construction within the agricultural set of

classes here at El Capitan High School. The reason why welding and construction is my favorite

academic subject is because it taught me a skill that Ill be able to use for the rest of my life . I

have learned a ton of information and skills through this subject that I had no clue that I could

even possess knowledge in. This subject has allowed me to get experience and allowed me to

learn in a physical hands on type of scenario. This High School class has inspired me to further

my welding career. Once I leave High School I will be taking classes to get my welding

8. What is the one thing that you think sets you apart from other candidates applying to

the University of California?

The thing that sets me apart from the other candidates applying to the University of

California is my diversity. What I mean by diversity is that I have participated in several clubs,

sports, different extracurricular activities; ranging from theater to even teaching. I believe my

array of skills and abilities will help me and guide me through the most difficult of problems in

the future.

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