Ring Main Unit

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ECG Be Wu ies ‘CONTENTS SECTION 16343 RINGMAINUNIT PART 1 GENERAL 2 11 Related Documents 2 12 Summary 2 13. Submits 2 14 Quality Assurance a 15 Coordination 3 116 Delivery, Storage and Handling 4 17 Wamanty 5 118 Insuctions and Training on Operation and Maintenance 3 s 5 5 6 9 Xu PART2 PRODUCTS 24 Manufacturers 22 Performance and Design Requirements 23 Components 24 Accesories 25° Fabrication 0 PART3 EXECUTION 10 31 Istllaton 0 32 Quality Coawot 0 ECGUL4 AWD ioe SECTION 16343, RING MAIN UNIT. PART GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Conditions of Particular Application and. Division ‘Specification Sections apply to this Section. 12 SUMMARY ‘This section covers Ring Main Unit which shall be furished and installed 1s specified herein and as indicated onthe deavings. Equipment fumished and installed under this section shall be fabrcatd, assembled, erected, and placed in proper operating condiion in ful ‘conformity with the drawings, specifications, engineering dat, istration, ‘and recommendations ofthe equipment manufacturer unless exceptions are noted bythe Engineer. During tendering, the Contactor shall select one of the manufacturers ‘whose is eapable of delivering Ring Main Unit which full therequiement of electrical distribution company (EDC) and had previous approvals of Similar pes. By this awareness the manufacture shall give the correct ‘quotation for the required Equipment including EDC requirnents during tendering ‘Before delivery, the Contractor is responsible to obtain the approval forthe manufacturer, type, vollage, protection devices, meters, ett. fom the clectrial distribution company whose addtional requirements shall be considered even if these requirements are not clearly mentioned in these specifications, 13 SUBMITTALS ‘Submit the fllowing in accordance withthe requirements set forth atthe Conditions of Contact 131 Drawings and Data: Complete drawings, dewils, and specifications ‘covering the equipment furnished under this secon shall be sutitied Complete and accurate drawings ofthe equipment, inching pa, font, and sectional or side views, and base plans showing anchor bol locations and base details, shall be provided, 132 14 141 1s ECGYUL Abie. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS GROUPS. ‘Within 90 days afer the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall furnish cutline drawings and dimensional data which fully deseribe the projected floor space required for the equipment; the sbsolute mininum working space required atthe font, ear, and side ofthe equipment; the equipment height; and the equipment weight ‘Operations and Maintenance ManualsCharts and Spare Parts Data: ‘Complete operations and maintenance manuals/chars including spare pars ata and wiring diagrams ofall equipment furnished under this section QUALITY ASSURANCE References Governing Standards: Except as modified or supplemented herein, all ‘equipment and materials required inthis section including thet instalaton shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following standards. ‘Standards curent tthe time of tender shall be used, International Electro-teehnical Commission IECNo, 60298 AIC Metal Enclosed Switchgear and Control Gear for Rated Voltages Above 1 kV and up to and Including 52 KV 60265 High-Voltage Switches (60694 Common Specifications for High Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Standards ‘Manufacturer's Experience: Each Ring Main Unit (RMU) shall be product of RMU manufacturer who has designed, fabricated, ind fimished ‘equipment of the type and size specified which has been sucessflly installed fora period of not Less than five ot ten yar. ‘Shop Tests All standard factory tests, including quality contol tess, sall bbe performed on the RMU, Four certified copies of test sls shall be submited tothe Over Representative befor the equipment i shipped COORDINATION squpment specifi under this section shal be fuishod by or through a ‘Single manufacturer who shall be responsible forthe design, coordination, testing, and satisfactory performance of all the components, ‘Manufacturer's Field Services: An experoncs, competent, ad authorized representative of the substation manufacturer shall vst the site of the Work and inspect, chock, adjust if necessary, and approve the instalation of the Nt ECG&sAlbDioe substation. The manufictrer's representative shall be present when the ‘equipment i energized and. placed in opertion, The munuficturer’s representative shall revisit the job site as oflen as necessary until all deficiencies are corrected and the substation installation and eperation are satisfactory in the opinion ofthe Engineer. ‘The manufacturers representative shall fumish to the Engineer, a writen report certying that each substation has been properly installed and adjusted; and that is operates satisfactorily All costs for these services shall be included inthe Contract Price a stated inthe Bill of Quanties 152 Coordination Study: When required, « coordination study ef the power ‘isteibution system will be conducted in accordance with Sestion 16050, Electrical Materials and Method. The equipment manufacture hall provide the following information to the Engineer withthe inital equipment shop easings: Protective relay coordination curves for each relay provided as part ofthe uni substation assembly. Protective fase curves fr each curent-limiting fase provided asa part ofthe RMU assembly. Within 28 days after the rtum of th initial equipment stop drawing submit, the equipment manufacturer sball provide the above information| to the Contractor in accordance with Section 16050, Electrical Materials and Method 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 16.1 Delivery Schedule: Delivery schedule of the RMU shall be coordinated with the Engineer and the Contractor. A copy ofall correspondence and ‘memoranda regarding delivery of eich RMU beyond point of manufacture to the constuction sites shall be submitted as required atthe Conditions of Contract, 1.62 Storage: Supplementing the storage requirements described in Section 16050, General Equipment Stipulations the manufacturer stall acknowledge storage conditions at the time of submiting his Tender. The equipment may not be operational within 90 days afer manufacture, and the manufacturer shall erate and prepare the equipment for export transportation and long- fem storage. Precautionary measures for prolonged storage shall be provided by the manufacturer at the factory. The Contractor shall be Fesponsible for storage and intintenance of the protective measures as recommended and insrcted by the manufacturer while store atthe storage 7 18 PART2 aa 22 22 ECG Mb Wes letrical equipment controls and insulation shall be protected against ‘moisture or water damage. All space heaters provided inthe equipment ‘Shall be kept connected and operating at al times until equipment i place in In additions to the protection specified for prolonged storage, the packaging ‘of spare pars shall be prepared for export packing and shall be suitable for Tongetenm storage in a damp location. Each spare item shall be packed separately and shal be completely identified onthe outside ofthe contin. Instructions forthe servicing of equipment while in longterm or prolonged storage shall accompany each item of equipment. Advisemen: of enclosed instrcton with each package shall be noted onthe exterior of he package tnd shal be inthe Arabic and English languages WARRANTY. The Maintenance Period forthe equipment and appurtenanes shall begin when the perfomance test on the equipment and appurtenances has been succesfully completed and_ preliminary accepted 8s sipuated in the Conditions of Contract, INSTRUCTIONS AND TRAINING ON OPERATION AND ‘MAINTENANCE Contractor shall provide instuctions and training for the staff tbe assigned in the operation and maintenance of the equipment specified under this section, Training and instructions shall be in accordance with the requirements se forth atthe Conditions of Contract. eRoDUCTS MANUFACTURERS, Subject to compliance with requirements, manufactures offing products that may be incorporated into the Work inelude, but ate not lnited t, the tones mentioned on the attached lst of manufacturers Section 0129, ‘PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, ‘Sustem Characteristics: The system will berated at 24 KY, 3-Phase, 50 Hz. The approximate fault curent shall be 750 MVA unless otherwise as shown onthe drawing. Station Criteri ‘Twolthee SF6 Load break switches with earthing switch mechanically interlocked ECG Wz AMuDiere ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS GROUPE ‘One automatic SE load break switch to feed the power transformer. arth leakage indicator with Feranti CT. ‘Compete with bus bars and supporting insulators ‘Complete with copper earthing bar and there shall be a 25 mm? earthing copper brad instal from cach earthing switch to earthing bar 2.3. COMPONENTS 23.1 RMU Enclosure: Enclosure shall be made of stot sheet 2 mm thik ‘before paint and treated agnnst ust and provided with priming, intermediate and finishing coats of electrostatic panting powder from inside and outside. ach switch shall be enclosed in special eomparinent with ts own door which have device to prevent selfclosing. The door shall be interlocked with the LBS such that it cant be opened unless the LBS is open, ‘Door ‘hall havea rubber scaling gasket. Degree of protection shall be atleast (IP 430, All bus bars shall be electrical copper of seston not less than 400 mm, ‘mounted on support insulators enough to withstand mechanical forces which ‘may happen duct short circuit 20 KA rms. at 24 KV for 1s. Each switch compartment shall be equipped with suitable clamp or any ‘other mean for supporting and fixing the cable o end box. All wiing shal be in PVC conduits, Fach switch hoard shall be supplied with @ delachable insulated operating bande 650 mm. Switchboard design according to TEC 60298 standards Detaled drawings and technical specifications shall be attached with the offer 232 Load break Switches: Load break switch and its mechanically interlocked earthing switch shall be SFG inelation. Voltage and Current Ratings Rated Voltage Us 2a Basic Impulse Level Us vaskv Power Frequency Withstand Voltage SOKV ECG AD oe Rated Curent 6301900 A (Cable LBS /Transformer LBS) Rated Short-time Withstand Curren | see 20 kA, Rated Making Withstand Current peak SO KA. Specifications and tests shall comply with TEC 60265 for sable switch discomector (LBS). ‘Thor shal be an carting switch with each cable LBS. ‘The earthing switch shall be manual operated with mechanical lock which prevents its switching while the main switch son ‘When fise LBS switches ar used then two earthing switches shal be used. (One above fase and one below fise, All LBS shall be ecuipped with permanent voltage presence lamps. “The rated short-time withstand current ofthe earthing switch shal eat least ‘qual that assigned tothe disconnecor (L.BS.) ‘The peak withstand current of the earthing sith shall be at ast equ to that assigned to the disconnector (LBS) CCable LBS. shall also fulfil the conditions for isolating distance sec. To TEC 60129 prescribed for isolator {A the side ofthe fused switch compartment shal be the outlet of3 single or ‘multi core XLPE cables. That side shall be equipped with an insulating backelte plate with three holes to pass the XLPE cables ouside t0 the ttansformer. The level ofthis backelite plate shall be > 200 2m over the bottom, from outside, the place ofthe backelte plate shall have a cover of | the same shet sto bolted with detachable bolts, Depth of cover 222 em, ‘The contractor shal submit type tests certiiates forthe offered equipments according o IEC. Routine tests shall be in accordance with IEC and shall be attended by Employer's representative). r 233 Earth Fault Indleators: 220 V, SOHz, Automatic reset type complete with errant current transformer which will be ected around the ble sheath, sccording othe specification, ‘Shall be mounted inside metal or fiberglass box with an opening o show the indiator ag. 234 Current Limiting Fuses: 24 KV H.R.C, FUSES (required) ECG2L AWD [ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS GROUP 2A Conditions in Normal Services “Maximum ambien ir tempersare asc “Mean temperature measured over 24 hours 38°C Average value of relative humidity: ‘Measured during a period of 4hours <95% “Measured during a period of a month 0% ‘To withstand effect of humidity and oecasional condensation eatdoor fuses shall be used indoor. ‘A powder filled fas-ink shall not emit flame or powder althoagh minor “mission of ame fom a sriker is permissible, provided this doesnot cause breakdown or significant electrical leakage to cath ‘Air the fuse has operated the componenis of the fase apart fom these intended t be replaced aftr each operation shall be inthe orginal state. 1 shall be possible to remove the fuselink in oe pisce after operon, ‘Strikers shall comply with the requirements specified in Subeluse 183 of TEC 60082" ‘The values of cutoff current eomesponding to each prospective breaking ‘curent shallot exccod the values comesponding to the cut-off ‘characteristics given by the manufacturer ‘After operation, the fuse shall be capable of withstanding the power frequency recovery voltage aross its terminals use Ratings Rated Voltage 24KV Rated Frequency SoH Rated Curent shown on drawings Rated Breaking Capacity > 40 kA. atures Required ‘The fase links shall have the dimensions as per attached spec. “The fa link contacts shall be silver plated, ‘The fuse ink body shall be of poreelan. ‘On cach fuse link the badge ofthe Employer shall be printed. ach se link shall be equipped with a striker which complis with Sub clause 18,13 of IEC 60282-1 Time-curent characteristics shall be in compliance with IEC €0282-1 and 24 24 ECG A Weov. shall be offered with tender. Instrument Transformers and _Control_Switehes: Instrument transformers shall be sized Tor burden requirements of conncted meters with accuracy Clas as follows: Current Transformers (CT's): Class 055 for metering and 1.0 for protection 1210. otentia Transformers (PP')s Mterng - Class 1 All potential transformers shall be provided with cument Hinting Fuses, ‘Voltage tating forthe secondary winding stall be of ratios 22000/ 110/110 v3 v3 3 For metering and protection, ‘The thermal rating ofthe tansformers shall be suiicient to provide the total current required to operate the burdens onthe secondaries witheut exceeding the rating of transformer as indicated on nameplate. PTs (I per phase) shal, be installed either asa unit drawout assembly or with an isolating switch ina Sepate compartment so tht the transformer, primary fases and secondary ‘iteits may be inspected and tested ina completely de-enerized condition, CCT shall have mechanical and thermal rating equal fo the sting ofthe circuit breaker and LBS. Secondary rating shall be 5 amperes and primary ratings shall be as shown on one-line diagram. Transformer shal be capable of caring 120 percent of rated current for one hour. Ground current Sesng transformers shall have a one ampere secondary current Control switches shall be the rotary enclosed type with positive means for ‘maintaining contact position. ACCESSORIES Signage: Fach RMU shall have engraved laminated nameplates srewed 10 {he doors ofeach individual compartment and wiring diagrams pasted inside each dor. shall be furnished with a sign marked “DANGER - HIGH Lets shall not be Tess than 25mm high, 6 mm stoke. Signs shall be laminated plastic, red ltters wih a white background All compartments with voltages fom sources outside of the compartment ‘have a sign on the compartment door marked “CAUTION = THIS. UNIT CONTAINS A VOLTAGE FROM A SOURCE OUTSIDE OF THIS. UNIT", Lottrs shall be black on a high visibility yellow background. Signs ECG Aue ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS GROUPS. shall be adhesive backed vinyl approximately 75mm by 125mm, ‘All nameplates an signage shall be printed in both English and Arabic 25 BRICATION 25.1 Surface Preparation” Remove al casing projections, weld fu, or pater by hand scraping, hand impact tols, te, followed by wire bashing or power grinding. Sharp comes or sheared edges sal be dled and radsed - with power grinder to improve aint adherence Exposed grooved surfaces shall be finished smooth by filing and thoroughly a leaned 25 required t provide a smooth uniform surface for painting, 252 Shop Painting: Unless galvanized surfaces ae provided, all frrous met a Surfices shall be painted with a prime coat and given two or more finish coats of pain PART3 EXECUTION 34 INSTALLATION ‘The RMU base assembly comprises the preformed concrete sump to which se fixed 2 opposing sheet sce! support ays. The sce support ays, which ‘overhang the coneete sump, serve to support and secure RMU together with the extemal extremities ofthe cable enty compartments 32 QUALITY CONTROL, 32.1 Test and Checks: The following minimum test end choses shall be 4 performed before energizing the substation Mogger terminals and buses for grounds aller disconnectng. devices a sensitive fo megger voltage. Remove ll curent ransformer shunts afer completing secondary circuit a ‘Check all mechanical interlocks fr proper operation. ‘Vacoum-clean all interior equipment. ‘Arrangements shall be made to have tests performedvitnessed by Electrical Distribution Company and handing ove oloal authorities. ‘Tests Centifeate 4 ‘Type test certificates shall be submited with the offer Gf not before submission) including: ~ Typotests of cable LBS. ace IBC 60265 = Type tests of cating switch ace. To IEC 60129 for above mentioned eguirements = = OWNER may require its represetative(s) to alend some or all of the routine tests ace. to stme above TEC publications. t f i i E i i I i i Ring Main Ui Sesion 16343 ee snes

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