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Name: Dalton Graham

1. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: light maker

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do: this character's ability allows
her to glow and create light.

How does your characters ability work?

her body creates a chemical that mixes with her blood making you body glow

Under what circumstances can it be activated?

can use whenever she wants.

2. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: earth mover

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

this ability allows him to control the earth.

How does your characters ability work?

his body and mind are connected to earth so he can control every natural substance.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
he can control it whenever he wants.

3. Creating your Characters


The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa

Portmans. Each of them had a unique and unusual ability a
peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for
this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: morpher

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do: this ability allows him to
shapeshift into different animals or people.

How does your characters ability work?

everythings about his body can be changed into something else
Under what circumstances can it be activated?

he can use whenever he wants to

4. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: metal person

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do: has the ability to turn skin
in to metal

How does your characters ability work?

her ability works by being able to self armor herself through her skin.

Under what circumstances can it be activated?

activated when in danger.
5. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: the controller of brains

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

has the ability to control people's mind

How does your characters ability work?

here ability works by getting in someone's head with a question and then convincing the
person to do what she wants.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
it can be activated whenever she wants to use it.
Sandras Home for Peculiar

In a time long long ago there once was a dark place named Los Angeles. In this dark

place stood the light maker also known as grace to her friends. Her ability lets her skin glow and

brighten up those moments that are dark and dreary. Grace found her ability when her abusive

father and mother looked her in a trunk when they punished her for being late to class. when her

father opened up the trunk lid she slapped him and ran off. As she was running away from her

parents she ran into a cat that started to follow her. This cat was black in color with a very

noticeable lurid purple tint to them.

Once grace finally stopped running she noticed the cat coming towards her so she started

to talk to the cat and tell it how her day was going. The cat sat down and watched intently until

she was down then spoke to her. At first she thought it to be unbelievably until this cat turned

into a human and said hi my name is jerry but people call me morpher. My power allows my to

change into any animal thats still alive today or their pedigree. I have been sent to watch you by

a person that can help you control your powers named sandra. If you follow me to the museum

we can talk to her there she poses as a curator in the day.

once jerry and grace reached the museum it was in the later hours of the night and a man

was guarding the door. Jerry told Grace not to worry it was just alex. Jerry went on to explain

that her powers allow her to turn her skin into a sort of metal exoskeleton or amor. Alex guards

the door because of her serene look that most people arent willing to touch her and if they do

she becomes the most person most of the other peculiars know her best by. The only person who

can placate her is John. Both alex and jerry tell grace that his powers allow him to move every

natural substance that is on this earth. The pictures call him earth mover. Still standing at the

front door alex lets jerry and grace in. Now in the lobby they hear a voice call out Ill be down

in a minute. Grace had to refrain herself from jumping back and screaming due to the startling

voice. At this moment delilah calls out whos the new guest we have. Jerry turns towards grace

and say this is Delilah her power allows her to control others brains. Delilah replies thats

true but only with normal everyday people unlike you and I. The last persons mind I

controlled and manipulated was an ornithologist that figured out my talent or power. so I

made that man believe I was also a bird enthusiast who was just on there way home.

A few seconds later everyone was started to very loud and boastful steps descending from

the stairs. To everyone's knowledge it was sandra. Sandras power is she can turn into an eagle

and time travel while keeping to loop whole and healthy. Sandra stood about 5 feet tall and wore

3 inch heels everywhere she went no matter the occasion. She was also a very colorful and artsy

person due to her pink, blue and green hair. Once sandra reached the area everyone was sitting at

she looked at grace and said it wasnt luck that brought you here; you were destined to be here.

Grace replied Excuse me maam I dont know what your talking about. I once knew your
father before he grew up and made something out of his life and brought you into this world. I

have a deep resounding reverence for your father. He was a great man. Grace was astonished

on what she heard but just had to reply with Your kidding right have you seen the things he and

my mother have done to me for the last three years.

Jerry looks over and said yes I have and I did try to help. Do you remember the time you

were walking through the park and your father tried to teach you a lesson where he should have

just let you be and a dog ran up and bit him on his butt. That was me. Grace responded with

much obliged. Sandra went on to explain that graces father went on several expeditions and

risked is life on multiple occasions to save her let alone the loop while she was growing up and

that she wouldnt be sitting in the lobby of the what appeared to be a museum on the outside but

was actually a sanctuary and habitat for those that are a freak in nature.

Grace hunched over in her chair baffled from what was being said looked up and said

why wasnt he better father to me, but he can be a hero for others. Sandra stared with a dropped

jaw trying to figure out a right answer but was only able to say That I do not know, Im very

sorry my child. Sandra went on to say that the peculiars need her help to fight these beast like

creatures. But the only way they could do that was to go into their cave extract the other

peculiars that are under threat of being eaten alive. After several minutes of convincing grace

said Ill help only if I dont have to go home. Delilah looked and said no one here isnt going

to make you do anything you dont want to do. Youre more than welcome to stay and be part of

the family. Grace said thank you, and where do we start.

Once sandra and the rest of the peculiars reached the opening of the cave sandra turned to

everyone and says lets get our people back and lets mythologise the creature. The plan was to

disperse and have grace point out the apparent position of these monster like beings. Alex and

john led the way after grace told everyone where the monsters were stationed throughout the

cave. john crushed several monsters and alex used her natural strength of being capable to turn

into metal to break and mash the rest of the monsters. returning to the museum with five other

peculiars from several different loops and tending to the injured everyone was sent back to their

normal loops and everything was normal and happy.

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