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Treatment plan

This advertisement will be about an anti-smoking campaign and will show

the severe consequences of smoking. My advertisement will focus on an
elderly woman who is slowly killing herself by smoking everyday. After the
elderly woman gets a cigarette a little girl appears in front of her (this child
is the elderly woman's former self when she was a child) and confronts the
older lady about her smoking habits and the consequences that can
happen because of smoking. We intend to use emotional response as our
audience who have families will be affected more by our sinister
advertisement. We will also be using colour representation for different
meanings, for example the little girl will be wearing all white; this is to
symbolise innocence. The purpose of our advertisement is to discourage
people from smoking and encourage them to go seek help to try to stop this
filthy habit.

The demographics for my advertisement will be will be young adults aged

20-30 years old, itll be aimed at both males and females because 20% of
men smoke and 17% of females smoke as well, both genders smoke so it
would be unfair to target one without the other. The primary target audience
for my advertisement will be those who just left education (college) or are
just starting to work. The secondary target audience will be middle aged
men and women aging 40-50. The demographics will be those with
families, this is because it would emotionally affect them more.
The target audiences geo-demographics will be in England in medium to
large towns so then the target audience can relate to the settings being
used in my advertisment. The socia-demographics grouping for my
advertisement will be C1, C2 and D groups because these social groups
are family orientated and will be impacted more by my advertisment than
someone who isnt family orientated. The psychographics for the audience
of my advertisement would be resigned and mainstreamers due to the age
range of my primary and secondary audiences, and what they want. I
believe mainstreamers and resigned psychographics will be more
subjective to my advertisement and will ultimately be affected more due to
the type of persuasive techniques I plan to use.
The advertisement will be broadcasted on ITV, Dave, Sky 1, Channel 4,
Channel 5, Comedy Central, MTV and Youtube, we wanted to broadcast
our advert on these platforms/ channels as these channels are for more
mature audiences and are targeted to the same primary and secondary
audiences as my media text is. Also we dont want to distress younger
viewers so thats why we decided these channels would work perfectly The
television stations will be broadcast our advertisment between 7pm- 1am.
We have set this time just incase younger viewers (7-15) are watching
those television stations, we would not like to distress them by our
advertisement. The touchpoints of my advertisement will be when the
audience is watching the ad on the distribution channels, as this is a
campaign the next touchpoint would most likely be the website.

Our advertisement will be a slow-paced, this is because we want to

emphasise the points we make in the advert and to let the audience dwell
on these crucial facts. We are also incorporating drama into the advert, this
is to get the audience emotionally invested so they dont look away or flick
away from the advert.

The advertisement is revolved around the representations of colour, this

being said the advert will be located in a dark dim house with an elderly
woman. This old woman will be the focus of the advertisement, she will
also be the smoker. The clothing that she will wear will be mostly grey
clothing to represent old, worn and lonely. There will be another character
as well, a younger girl. This girl will be dressed in all white to represent
purity and beauty, this young girl is related to the older woman (she's her
granddaughter) some people will interpret this younger girl to be the old
woman's younger self and will remind her of the good old days before she
started smoking. We embrace new interpretations for the ad. The title will
be bold and will have smoke coming off of it, this is to emphasis that
smoking can cause bad outcomes from people. In our advertisement there
will be narration from the two characters and will feature a voiceover at the
end to emphasis the point of smoking is unhealthy. There will be no music
in our advertisement but there will be weird intense sounds to almost make
it seem surreal. There will be various camera angles incorporated within
our ad: first there will be high and low camera angles to emphasis
dominance and submission between both characters. Also there will be
close-ups to show emotions and long camera shots to show the setting that
the advert is taken place. The home will look homely but empty at the same
time by using colours to represent loneliness.
In our campaign there will be the stereotypically elderly lady, who cant do
much, has to depend on others and is very very lonely.

My accompany advert will be a print magazine advert, itll be about an anti-

smoking campaign as well and will consist of the lonely old woman, looking
emotionally sad and taking a drag on a cigarette. The photo will be taken in
the location as the tv advert is taking place so it looks more of a linked
advertisement. However there is one regulatory issue concerning my
advertisement and thats: 04- harm and offence. Whilst making the print
advert we will have to be very careful and not make the advert too graphic
just incase it harms or offends the general public.

These are the regularity issue that well have to be careful of when
producing the television product 03 Misleading advertising- Make it clear to
the audience that the advertisement is an anti-smoking campaign, to make
it clear we will add a title and a voice-over saying the title and slogan.
05 Children- Make sure that when filming both characters that the child
doesnt inhale any smoke. Use fake tobacco. (Fake fags)

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