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Interview Questions

1. Difference between haspmap and hastable.

2. How to move to a different browser window and come back?
3. If there is a build deployment to happen next morning and a test suite
needs to be triggered, but today you find a high severity and high priority
defect, what will you do?
4. Write a program to get arrayIndexOutOfbound exception.
5. What are the different exceptions you have encountered?
6. Draw defect lifecycle
7. Draw you projects architecture.
8. How to add jar files in your project?
9. Write a program as below :
Your program will accept 2 inputs.
Input 1: It will accept input from user of company name or product name
and its price.
Example: {Apple XS laptop,20000},
{Apple Laptop,25000},
{Samsung LS Laptop,35000},
{Samsung Laptop,35000},
{Sony mobile Xperia,15000},
{Sony laptop,10000}
Input 2: Your program will accept input from user to order the data by
company name or product, and the result will be sorted by Price. Suppose
user selected company name.
Example: {Apple Laptop,25000},
{Apple XS laptop,20000},
{Samsung Laptop,35000},
{Samsung LS Laptop,35000},
{Sony mobile Xperia,15000},
{Sony laptop,10000}
10.What do you understand by GET and POST in API testing?
11.Can we create an object of Interface? Why?
12.Why we dont have multiple inheritance in Java? How we achieve it in
Questions from external sources:
1. Method overriding in selenium
2. what is POM.xml
3. difference between .xml and .html
4. What is ant? And use of it in framework
5. What kind of dependencies you have added in the maven? And for what
6. What is Maven lifecycle
7. what is string buffer and string builder?
8. what is use if Pageint factory initelement
9. How do you run the code in other browser like IE and Chrome writwe the
10.Differnece between Assert and verify
11.Framework and pagefactory class
12.What is differnece between RC and web driver
13.Write a code for testing pagination testing
14.write a code for seraching ipad and result should be in asceding order.
15.How will you handle calender popup radio button
17."@Group" annonation and what is its use?
18.Explain Webdriver Acrchitecture?
19.How to handle dynamic textbox which contains the three numbers and
add three numbers and write in new textbox.
20.How to work with button which is present in div and you have to check
without Xpath
21.Explain Xpath with some example? And words used in xpath?
22.How to write a xpath? Give some example
23.What is absolute path and relative path? Give some example.
24.What are the assertion techniques used in the selenium?
25.Explain type of wait used in selenium with example
26.How to handle multiple window in selenium?HolidayMe
27.How to handle alert/popup?HolidayMe
28.How to use the dropdown in the selenium
29.How to create the repository
30.How to make JDBC connection in java and selenium?Lumedx
31.How to find the dynamic elements in dynamic websites with example?
32.What is batch execution?
33.Where do we use threading in writing test cases and why? Explain with
34.How to capture dynamic values of web application
35.How to get cell values of output from one transaction and used this value
as input in another field?
36.How to count web table row?
37.What are the frames how we can used frames In selenium?
38.How do we shift from one tab to another?
39.How to write test plan
40.What are black box and white box testing techniques?
41.What is validation and what is verification
42.What is difference between webdriver and RC
43.In selenium what is Webdriver Class or interface
44.What type of exception you have got in your program
45.What are the disadvantages of the Xpath?
46.How to switch to new tab of browser?
47.Difference between driver.quit() and driver.close()?
48.What are the actions which can be performed on driver?(Ex driver.quit,
Driver.switchto(), driver.close())
49.How to handle the window pop up in selenium?
50.What is the difference between Findelement and Findelements? is your day today routine in office?
52.what is page object model?
53.Which test cases are first need to be automated.
54.What are the basic building block of the automation framework?
55.Which type of operations we can do on the drivers?Sungard
56.What is difference between Keyword driven and data driven framework?
57.SendKeys takes which type of input (String/Char sqeuence/Array of
Character/String builder)Globant
58.FindElements returns what?Globant
59.In List<WebElement> is what? Class/Interface?Globant
60.Which are the code review bugs?
61.what is partial link text?Nitor
62.What are the checked properties of element in seleniumNitor
63.How to find all the list of links present in the web page
64.why is webdriver is interface in selenium?
65.Where you used collection in your project and how?
66.How to automate video(Video in played or not) ?
67.What challenge you face with last company?
68.How to perform drag and drop operation?
69.How do we check button location on different mobile?
70.How selenium work internally?
71.Where do you keep your automation code?
72.How to check Excel downloaded or not?
73.How to check button unable/disable?
74.How do you start Script execution?
75.If you have 1000 Test cases: then will you automate all or how you decide
which TC should be automated
76.How to test the items in the dropdown are sorted or not?
77.What is the return type of driver.findelement/driver.getwindowhandles()
78.What is Singleton?
79.What is collections in Java?
80.What is nested class?
81.How will you call a protected method in a nested class?
82.In a web page, how will you ensure that page has been loaded
83.What is the difference between build and perform method in Actions
84.How will you run your tests using Data Driven Framework?
85.How will you handle a file upload window using Selenium?
86.How will you make a build using Jenkins?
87.How will you install ReportNG in your project?
88.How will you control data using XML?
89.How will you display a value of a particular cell in a web table?
90.How will you handle dynamic elements using XPath?
91.What is the architecture of Selenium Grid?
92.Does Selenium support Google Android Operating System?
93.Which is the command used for displaying the values of a variable into the
output console or log?
94.What is constructor? User of the constructor in java?
95.Why we need to compile a program?
96.Upcasting in java and downcasting in java.
97.Polymrophism in Java.
98.SingleTon class
99.Overloading method
100. Access Modifiers(Public, Private, Protected)
101. Object Life cycle architecture?

102. How to print "Hello" without using main.

103. Method Overloading, Overriding and inheritence
104. What does public static void main signifies?
105. What datatypes can be added to list?
106. What is difference between list and Map
107. Where have to added arraylist, Hashmapand set in your application
108. What all collection have you used.
109. Difference between throw AND THROWS
110. Checked exception and run time exception
111. Describe the OOPS concepts in java
112. Explain the runtime polymorphism is achieved witth code/example?
113. How multiple inheritence is achieved in java?explain with examplec
114. What is interface? Give an example where you would need to use
115. What is use of "public", "static", "final" and "void".
116. What is final, Finalised and Finally?
117. Write a syntax or signature of class and method
118. Explain method overloading and overriding with example?
119. How will you write a solvent code in your program?
120. void(int a , int b) & int( int a, int b) ....Is it Polymorphism? What type
of polymorphism?
121. What is abstract class in java?
122. What type of exceptions present in java?
123. What are the circumstances under which a finally {} block will NOT
124. JAR stands for?Globant
125. String in Java is(Class/Object/Variable)Globant
126. Which of the following is not overloaded in
127. Annomenous class can...Implements? and extend?Globant
128. What type of List you have used in your project
129. Do we override static method?Globant
130. Do we override private methids?Globant
131. What is difference between dafault and protected access
132. what is partial class?
133. what is difference between class and structure?
134. what is static class?
135. Give an example where you have used the interface and abstract
136. when multiple level inheritence gets call in which sequence
constructor will run
137. Can we write add(int i=0) and add(int i) these two methods in same
138. method1(int a, string b) and method1(string h, int y) ...can these
method overloading.
139. What is difference between string and stringbuffer
140. public void Add(int A) and public int Add(int B) is this work in
141. If We Write a code as below

int a = 11/0;

catch(Exception Ex)
catch(ArithmeticException AE)

In above example exception will go in which block upper catch block or lower
catch block or it will give the error.
142 Find the second highest element in the array
143 Swap the contents of the two arraysSynechron
144 Can we able to change the value of static variable?
145 Difference between readLine () and read().
146 What is a constructor and when will you use this and super in a constructor?
147 If you want to call a constructor from parent class, what will you do?
148 Can I define one class into another class?

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