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ADSS Cables on EHV, HV, MV Transmission Lines

The installation of fiber-optic cables on transmission towers that support

EHV, HV, MV transmission lines provides an effective communications
system on electric networks. Electric utilities have used fiber-optic cables for
several years to provide a communications link between neighboring
substations or between substations and the control desk. It opens new
perspectives for the future to create all optical Internet and other
communications systems. An increasing number of electric utilities around
the world offer a fee-based license to companies seeking access to the
telecommunications channels in fiber-optic cables.

ADSS fiber-optic cables have several principle advantages:

More fibers and channels per cable

Lower price per channel
Easy to access ADSS cable (mostly without transmission circuit outage)
Easier & faster to repair in the event of damage or breakage of the cable
The ADSS does not experience temperature rise in the event of a
lightning stroke and short-circuit current, as in the case of OPGW

However, based on several utilitys experience around the world, the use of
ADSS cables on transmission lines at > 110 kV requires a careful approach.
It is necessary to determine the optimal position of the ADSS cable on the
tower to ensure safe distance from ADSS cable to phase conductors and to
ground; to provide safe access to ADSS cable for personnel; and to decrease
the electric field, voltage drop and leakage currents along ADSS cable to
avoid corona sources and partial discharges on its surface that can damage
the polyethylene (PE) cable jacket. The difference in space potential between
the middle of the span and the pole (cable is grounded there) does not lead
to any noticeable current flow as long as the surface resistance of the ADSS
cable is high enough. In subtropical areas, these phenomenons are
especially harmful due to the specific climate conditions: several months of
dry period followed by a heavy rainy period. Additionally, there are several
nights with fog & dew that moistens the pollution layer transforming it into
an electrolytic layer. When the layer gets dry a first dry zone (dry band) can
be formed on the cable surface. This dry band has an extremely high surface
resistance compared to the humid layer. Consequently the potential
difference built up along the cable length drops across the dry band. Thus
arcing will occur which is deteriorating for the cable sheath. The cable
surface pollution layer after the dry period is hard and adheres to the PE
jacket, and particularly thick in the area close to clamps.


Electric field intensity on the edge of the clamp may exceed the corona onset
value; hence corona forms on the clamp edge. As a result, the combined
effect of the products of corona and high humidity cause the PE sheathing
material to erode. Induced current is a minimum in mid-span rising to a
maximum value of leakage current at the end of the clamp. In this region,
the cable surface is subject to the maximum temperature creating dry ring
zones and partial arcing. Damage in the form of rings is created by partial
arcing across the dry band, and damage to the PE with small holes and
spongy residues similar to the classical tree pictures found in many tracking
and erosion tests.

To avoid corona, the maximum electric field intensity (Emax) on the clamp
surface has to be less than 90% of corona inception electric field (E0). To
avoid or moderate the phenomena of partial arcs, tracking and erosion, the
voltage drop must be minimized in the critical region (within 1 m [3 ft]
adjacent to the clamp). The potential and electric field levels depend on:
Nominal voltage of the transmission line
Phase conductor parameters (diameter, number of conductors per
phase and conductor spacing)
Phase sequence (phase voltage angles)
Position of ADSS cable, (distance from clamps and fiber-optic cable to
phase conductors and tower)
Irregularities of wires at the edge of the clamp.

Studies have confirmed that the maximum electric field intensity on the PE
cable sheath is about 13kV/cm near the clamp edge and decreases rapidly
along cable while the voltage increases to some kilovolts at a distance of 3
to 5 m (10 to 50 ft) from the clamp.

The Medium Voltage 11 / 22 / 33 KV systems (or even higher where the

space potential at any point along the cable does not exceed 12 KV) offer
advantages as electric fields, voltage drops and induced currents along the
cable are lower, even though the conductor spacing is much smaller. Since
the span lengths are shorter, the mechanical strength of the cable is lower
and, therefore, the load and tension on terminal clamps is much lower. MV
circuits at this voltage are used for distribution so that the ADSS cable will
be installed in locations that will be much closer to industrial, commercial
and domestic installations.

The utilities should consider following in the design of ADSS cable networks:
To minimize the electric field on the PE cable sheath, the ADSS cable can
be hung in the symmetry plane of the overhead transmission line as the
value of the electric field is 50% lower in this position than in the normal
installation position.
The maximum electric stress on the cable can be reduced by 40% by
decreasing the stringing height used.
A toroidal shield with an outer diameter of 200 mm (8 inches) positioned
near the edge of the clamp also reduces the electric field on the cable.
The use of longer clamps or insulated clamps will not effectively reduce
the maximum electrical stress at the clamp edge.
The generally accepted rule is that ADSS cable on overhead transmission
systems up to 33 kV can be used with normal good grade of PE jacket.
Beyond 33 KV, it will require use of anti-tracking PE jacket. But it will
depend on local weather conditions, humidity, pollution, presence of salt
in atmosphere etc.

The use of ADSS cable can be safely used on all EHV and HV overhead
transmission systems provided three conditions are fulfilled.

First, the cable sheath materials must have anti-tracking properties

where the space potential intensity along the cable exceeds 12 KV.
Second, the selection of the hanging or stringing position of the cable
should consider the influence of all the details of the cable and tower
structure. This exercise requires the use of 3D models to determine
the electric field and potential distribution and the optimum ADSS
hanging point.
Proper grading rings must be installed on the clamp's extremities.

Some other Important Criteria for ADSS Cable consideration are:

Span Length & required Sag

Maximum wind load
Maximum ice load
Environmental condition
Power line operating voltage
& placement on the tower
Installation method and fittings

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