Product: Theme: Model: Locations:: Equipment Required

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This product will be a fashion spread for the teenage lifestyle magazine, Teen Vision.

The theme will be cosplay.

Shannon Muir

Location 1: 32 Fitzwater road, Garage

Location 2: 32 Fitzwater road, Shed

Location 3: 32 Fitzwater road, Bedroom

Location 4: 32 Fitzwater road, Garden

Outfit 1: Sam, Supernatural

Outfit 2: The Doctor, Doctor who

Outfit 3: Charlie, Supernatural

Outfit 4: Angel, Supernatural

Outfit 1 Props: knife

Outfit 2 Props: Sonic screwdriver

Outfit 3 Props: Book and headphones

Outfit 4 Props:

Equipment Required:
The equipment I require is a DSLR camera.

The photoshoot for my first fashion spread will take place on the 21st of February between
the times of 4 pm and 5 pm. The photoshoot for my next fashion spread will take place
on the 22rd of February between the times of 4pm and 5 pm. The photoshoot for my third
fashion spread will take place on the 23th of February between the times of 2 pm and 3
pm. The photoshoot for my final fashion spread will take place on the 24 th of February
between the times of 1 pm and 3 pm.

I will be editing these images from the 27th of February till the 3rd of March and then again
from the 6th of march till the 10th of March.
Contingency Plans:
If my model becomes unavailable and I cant use her anymore I will have a backup
model. My backup model is Amber Derbyshire.

If the weather isnt what I need then I will postpone the photoshoot till the next day. If
any of my equipment breaks or gets damaged I will reschedule the photoshoot to the
next weekday.

In case of my DSLR camera running out of charge, I will bring a spare battery with me so
that the photoshoot can be completed.

There can be some legal issues when making magazine covers such as copyright, if
somebody else has used a similar idea to any of my covers, they might have copyrighted
it so I wouldnt be able to use it in any of my covers. Another legal issue could come from
trespassing, if I dont have permission go on the land to take the photos

I will make sure that my fashion spread ideas havent been used before by anybody and
arent copyrighted so I am not copying somebody else.

I will get permission to go on and take pictures in the areas so that I am not trespassing.

I will make sure that the ideas for the fashion spreads arent anybody elses intellectual

I will make sure that there isnt any obscenity in my photos so that they arent offensive.

Copyright law: Copyright is a law that legally gives you ownership over the things you
create may that be a painting, poem, song etc. The ownership that copyright law grants
comes with several rights that you, as the owner, have exclusively. These include; The
right to reproduce work, to distribute it, to perform it, and display it to the public.

Application: To make sure I do not break this law I will not use any images that arent my

Trespassing: Trespassing is when someone has an unauthorised interference with a

persons possession of land. Trespass to land does not require proof of damage for it to
be actionable. Therefore, the person cannot claim that they entered the land reasonably
and/or with due care.

Application: To ensure I do not break this law I will not go onto any land to take photos
without permission.

Obscene publications act: An Act to amend the law relating to the publication of
obscene matter; to provide for the protection of literature; and to strengthen the law
concerning pornography. The law makes it an offence to publish, whether for gain or not,
any content whose effect will tend to "deprave and corrupt" those likely to read, see or
hear the matter contained or embodied in it. This could include images containing bad
language or sexual activity.

Application: To make sure that I do not break this law I will not take photos of bad
language or sexual activity during the photoshoot.

I will make sure not to discriminate against anybody for any reason such as gender, race,
sexuality or disabilities. I will also make sure that there is nothing in my fashion spreads
that could offend people about race or gender or sexuality. I will not stereotype anyone in
any of my fashion spreads as stereotypes can be found offensive and sometimes

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