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Table of Contents

1 Pricing in SAP E-Commerce for SAP ERP................................................................. 1

1.1 Deployment Scenarios..............................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Business-to-Business (B2B) Application......................................................................................1 List Prices in Web Catalog and Shopping Basket....................................................... 1 IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web
Catalog .................................................................................................................... 2 IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket ........................................................................... 3
1.1.2 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Application....................................................................................4 List Prices in the Web Catalog and in the Shopping Basket........................................ 4 IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web
Catalog .................................................................................................................... 4 IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket ........................................................................... 6
1.1.3 Business-to-Business (B2B) for Occasional Users.......................................................................6
1.1.4 Business-to Business (B2B) for Internal Users.............................................................................6 List Prices in the Web Catalog and Shopping Basket ................................................. 6 IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web
Catalog .................................................................................................................... 6 IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket ........................................................................... 7
1.1.5 Business-On-Behalf (BOB) Application/Reseller Scenario ...........................................................7 List Prices in the Web Catalog and in the Shopping Basket........................................ 7 IPC Prices in The Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web
Catalog .................................................................................................................... 7 IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket ........................................................................... 7
1.2 Summary: Settings That Influence Pricing in SAP E-Commerce for SAP ERP......................8
1.3 How to Extend Pricing ..............................................................................................................8
1.3.1 On J2EE Side .............................................................................................................................8
1.3.2 On ABAP Side ............................................................................................................................9
1.3.3 SAP Notes ................................................................................................................................10
1.4 Upgrading from SAP E-Commerce for SAP ERP 4.0 to 5.0...................................................10
1.4.1 System Setup............................................................................................................................10
1.4.2 Pricing-Relevant Header Attributes............................................................................................10
1.4.3 Pricing-Relevant Item Attributes ................................................................................................10

1 Pricing in SAP E-Commerce for SAP ERP

This document describes pricing in SAP E-Commerce for SAP ERP pricing features. It lists the main ideas
for each deployment scenario and also the available attributes that can be used for pricing.
This document does not cover the handling of business transactions like orders, quotations, and inquiries,
as we only display the results of SAP ERP pricing here. The same is true for the order checkout (order
simulation).This document does not consider features like free goods or bill of materials, as they are not
supported in the E-Commerce ERP shopping basket. This document covers the upgrade from SAP E-
Commerce for SAP ERP 4.0 to 5.0 and the options for extending pricing.

1.1 Deployment Scenarios

1.1.1 Business-to-Business (B2B) Application List Prices in Web Catalog and Shopping Basket
You enable the use of list prices in the Web catalog via the attribute Controlling Price Determination in the
In this deployment scenario, Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC) is not involved in pricing. The Web
catalog and shopping basket prices are determined via ERP pricing. The prices are saved in the Web
catalog index, or read from the Web catalog at runtime, and are not re-determined in every user session.
The pricing procedure used is calculated in a similar way to that in the ERP sales order: sales area,
customer procedure (from the reference customer of the Web catalog), and business transaction schema
(which is directly entered for the Web catalog) control the determination of the pricing procedure. For more
information, see transaction WWM3 in the SAP GUI.

For configurable items, IPC pricing is always performed because in principal the characteristic value
assignment can influence prices. If this is not desired, for example, for performance reasons, set flag
preventIPCpricing to true in the Web catalog component of the Extended Configuration Management
application (XCM). Check the following section on the determination of the pricing procedure and the list of
available fields. IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog
You enable the use of IPC prices in the Web catalog via the attribute Controlling Price Determination in
the Catalog.
In this case, the prices for the Web catalog items are calculated dynamically. This allows more flexibility,
for example, customer-specific discounts can be taken into account. Note that no group conditions are
processed in this case, as there is no dependency between different Web catalog items in the same area.
When a product is transferred from the Web catalog to the shopping basket, its price is copied.
For the calculation of the pricing procedure, you need the sales area, the customer pricing procedure, and
the business transaction schema.

Sales area (sales organization, distribution channel, From E-Commerce Web shop.
Customer pricing procedure From sold-to party. Takes sales area into account.
Business transaction schema From the first order type that is specified in the E-
Commerce Web shop as valid for E-Commerce.

Function module ISA_FIND_PRICING_PROCEDURE performs the determination of the pricing procedure.

If there are problems, it makes sense to examine it. The function module also takes care of the sales area
A precondition for the use of a specific pricing procedure for IPC catalog pricing is that all field attributes of
all used condition types are available. In the following table, you can find the available attributes.
Source = SAP ERP: data is read from the current sold-to party in SAP ERP.

Field Level Source Description

ALAND Header Shop Departure country
AWAHR Header ERP Order probability
HEADER_SPART Header Shop Division
INCO1 Header ERP Incoterms 1
KDGRP Header ERP Customer group
KONDA Header ERP Price group (customer)
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KUNNR Header ERP Customer
KURST Header ERP Exchange rate type
LAND1 Header ERP Country
PLTYP Header ERP Price list type
STCEG Header ERP VAT registration number
TAXK1-TAXK9 Header ERP Tax classification
VKORG Header Shop Sales org
VTWEG Header Shop Distribution channel
ZTERM Header ERP Terms of payment key
WAERK Header ERP Document currency
BONUS Item ERP Volume rebate group
KONDM Item ERP Material pricing group
MVGR1-MVGR5 Item ERP Material group
PMATN Item ERP Price material
PRODH Item ERP Product hierarchy
PROVG Item ERP Commission group
SKTOF Item ERP Cash discount indicator
TAXM1-TAXM9 Item ERP Tax classification material

Function module ISA_PRICING_HDRDATA_GET reads the attributes at header level and takes care of
sales area bundling, which means that the reference distribution channel and division are taken into
account for reading the customers sales data. These attributes are read in each user session.
For the item attributes, the system behaves differently, depending on the Web catalog scenario.
If TREX is used, the pricing-relevant attributes are saved with the Web catalog data. In this case it is not
necessary to find these attributes in every user session. At replication time, the attributes are read in
If TREX is not deployed (in the case of small catalogs), the IPC-relevant item attributes are read with
ISA_PRICING_ITMDATA_GET. This happens in every session.
Both ways of reading the item attributes take sales area bundling into account, which means that if a
common distribution channel exists, the material sales attributes are read for this distribution channel. IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket

This scenario is similar to that described in the previous section. The determination of the pricing
procedure, and the list of available fields are the same.
In this scenario, the Java shopping basket performs separate pricing for its items instead of asking the
Web catalog for the price information. To trigger this function, set XCM scenario forceIPCpricing to true
in the Java shopping basket component.
Reasons for choosing this variant:
- Group condition processing is necessary
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- Customer-specific pricing is necessary, but for performance reasons for the Web catalog, list
prices should be displayed

1.1.2 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Application

In all cases, pricing in the order checkout, confirmation, display, and change screens originates in SAP
ERP. List Prices in the Web Catalog and in the Shopping Basket
You enable the use of list prices in the Web catalog via the attribute Controlling Price Determination in the
In this deployment scenario, IPC is not involved in pricing. The Web catalog and shopping basket prices
are determined via ERP pricing. The prices are saved in the Web catalog index and are not re-determined
in every user session.

The pricing procedure used is calculated in a similar way to that in the ERP order: sales area, customer
procedure (from the reference customer of the catalog), and business transaction schema (which is directly
entered for the Web catalog) control the determination of the pricing procedure. For more information, see
transaction WWM3 in the SAP GUI.

For configurable items IPC pricing is always performed, because in principal the characteristic value
assignment can influence prices. If this is not desired, for example, for performance reasons, set flag
preventIPCpricing to true in the Web catalog component of the Extended Configuration Management
(XCM) application. Check the following section on the determination of the pricing procedure and the list of
available fields. IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog
You enable the use of IPC prices in the Web catalog via the attribute Controlling Price Determination in
the Catalog.
In this case, the prices for the Web catalog items are calculated dynamically. Note that no group conditions
are processed in this case, as there is no dependency between different catalog items in the same area.
When a product is transferred from the Web catalog to the shopping basket, its price is copied.
For the calculation of the pricing procedure, you need the sales area, the customer pricing procedure, and
the business transaction schema.

Sales area (sales organization, distribution channel, From E-Commerce shop

Customer pricing procedure From reference customer (Web shop setting). Take
sales area into account.
Business transaction schema From the first order type that is specified in the E-
Commerce Web shop as valid for E-Commerce.

Function module ISA_FIND_PRICING_PROCEDURE performs the determination of the pricing procedure.

If there are problems, it makes sense to examine it. The function module also takes care of the sales area

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A precondition for the use of a specific pricing procedure for IPC catalog pricing is that all field attributes of
all used condition types are available. In the following table, you can find the available attributes.
Source = SAP ERP: data is read from the current reference customer in ERP.

Field Level Source Description

ALAND Header Shop Departure country
AWAHR Header ERP Order probability
HEADER_SPART Header Shop Division
INCO1 Header ERP Incoterms 1
KDGRP Header ERP Customer group
KONDA Header ERP Price group (customer)
KUNNR Header ERP Customer
KURST Header ERP Exchange rate type
LAND1 Header ERP Country
PLTYP Header ERP Price list type
STCEG Header ERP VAT registration number
TAXK1-TAXK9 Header ERP Tax classification
VKORG Header Shop Sales org
VTWEG Header Shop Distribution channel
ZTERM Header ERP Terms of payment key
WAERK Header ERP Document currency
BONUS Item ERP Volume rebate group
KONDM Item ERP Material pricing group
MVGR1-MVGR5 Item ERP Material group
PMATN Item ERP Price material
PRODH Item ERP Product hierarchy
PROVG Item ERP Commission group
SKTOF Item ERP Cash discount indicator
TAXM1-TAXM9 Item ERP Tax classification material

Function module ISA_PRICING_HDRDATA_GET reads the attributes at header level and takes care of
sales area bundling, which means that the reference distribution channel and division are taken into
account for reading the customers sales data. These attributes are read in every user session.
For the item attributes, the system behaves differently, depending on the Web catalog scenario.
If TREX is used, the pricing-relevant attributes are saved in the Web catalog data. In this case, it is not
necessary to find these attributes in every user session. At replication time, the attributes are read in
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If TREX is not deployed (in case of small catalogs), the IPC-relevant item attributes are read with
ISA_PRICING_ITMDATA_GET. This happens in every session.
Both ways of reading the item attributes take sales area bundling into account, which means that if a
common distribution channel exists, the material sales attributes are read for this distribution channel.

The attributes that refer to a sold-to party are always taken from the reference customer from the Web
shop. This is valid for pricing procedure determination and for pricing. Even if an end user logs on, IPC is
not re-initialized. Customer-specific discounts are therefore not possible in the B2C Web catalog. IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket

This scenario is similar to that described in the previous section. The determination of the pricing
procedure, and the list of available fields are the same.
In this scenario, the Java shopping basket performs separate pricing for its items instead of asking the
Web catalog for the price information. To trigger this function, set XCM scenario forceIPCpricing to true
in the Java shopping basket component.
Reason for choosing this variant:
- Group condition processing is necessary

Even in this scenario, customer-specific prices are not available in the shopping basket. If you run the B2C
application, prices should always be set up independently of the actual customer. The technical attributes
that are needed for pricing and that are based on a sold-to party, are derived from the reference customer
in the Web shop.

1.1.3 Business-to-Business (B2B) for Occasional Users

This scenario is based on the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) templates. There are two differences between
this and the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) scenario:
- The end user cannot register him- or herself
- The logon is performed with a user ID, not with an e-mail address
With regards to pricing, there are no differences compared to the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) application.
For more information, see List Prices in the Web Catalog and in the Shopping Basket and
IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog

Therefore, customer-specific prices are not available in the scenario B2B for Occasional Users.

1.1.4 Business-to Business (B2B) for Internal Users

The user logs on with his or her SU01 account. No sold-to party needs to be linked; the user can create
orders for any sold-to party, in the SAP GUI transaction VA01. List Prices in the Web Catalog and Shopping Basket

Pricing is the same as in the standard B2B scenario. See List Prices in Web Catalog and Shopping
Basket. IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog
Pricing is the same as in the standard B2C scenario, because no specific customer can be determined.
See IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog.
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Allee 16 IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket
To trigger this function, set XCM scenario forceIPCpricing to true in the shopping basket component.
Reason for choosing this variant:
- Group condition processing is necessary
For the available attributes and the way in which the pricing procedure is found, see the tables in
IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog.

In this case, prices that are specific for the actual sold-to party (which has been selected in the shopping
basket) are not available. If customer-specific prices are part of the pricing procedure used, these prices
are evaluated for the reference customer.

1.1.5 Business-On-Behalf (BOB) Application/Reseller Scenario

The user logs in with an SU01 or SU05 account that is linked to a reseller. The user can create orders for
sold-to parties that are linked to the reseller via a specific partner function. List Prices in the Web Catalog and in the Shopping Basket
Pricing is the same as in the standard B2B scenario. See List Prices in Web Catalog and Shopping
Basket. IPC Prices in The Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog
Pricing is the same as in the standard B2B scenario (see IPC Prices in the Web Catalog/Shopping
Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog). There is one exception: the actual sold-to party that may
have been specified in the shopping basket is not taken into account. Instead, the KUNNR attribute and all
other attributes that are based on a customer are derived from the reseller.

Customer-specific prices are possible, but these prices would refer to the reseller. IPC Pricing in the Shopping Basket

To trigger this function, set XCM scenario forceIPCpricing to true in the shopping basket component.
Reason for choosing this variant:
- Group condition processing is necessary
- Reseller-specific pricing is necessary, but for performance reasons for the Web catalog, list prices
should be displayed
For the available attributes and the way the pricing procedure is found, see the tables in IPC Prices
in the Web Catalog/Shopping Basket Prices are Taken from the Web Catalog.

In this case, prices that are specific for the actual sold-to party (which has been selected in the shopping
basket) are not available. If customer-specific prices are part of the pricing procedure used, these prices
are evaluated for the reseller.

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1.2 Summary: Settings That Influence Pricing in SAP E-
Commerce for SAP ERP
This section does not cover the standard sales document pricing in ERP for the checkout, confirmation,
display, and change screens. Here the pricing is purely controlled by ERP and is the as in the transactions
va01, va02, va03.

Parameter Source Remarks

Business transaction ERP catalog Only if list pricing is used in the Web catalog:
schema controls the determination of the pricing
procedure for Web catalog pricing.
Reference customer ERP catalog Only if list pricing is used in the Web catalog:
controls the determination of the pricing
procedure and the pricing itself in all scenarios.
Controlling price Shop List pricing and IPC pricing are possible. This
determination in the setting controls whether IPC pricing is used at all.
Country Shop Only if IPC pricing is used: might influence pricing
(header attribute ALAND).
First order type Shop Only if IPC pricing is used: controls the
determination of the pricing procedure.
Reference customer Shop Only if IPC pricing is used: controls the
determination of the pricing procedure and the
pricing itself in B2C and the scenario B2B for
Internal Users.
Sales area (sales Shop Only if IPC pricing is used: controls the
organization, distribution determination of the pricing procedure and the
channel, division) pricing itself.
forceIPCpricing XCM/Java shopping Controls whether IPC pricing is used in the
basket shopping basket.
preventIPCpricing XCM/Java shopping preventIPCpricing is only of interest if
basket forceIPCpricing is set to true. In this case,
preventIPCpricing on true copies the prices for
configurable products from the Web catalog
(mainly used in an AFS scenario for performance
preventIPCpricing XCM/Catalog Important if configurable products are used in the
Web catalog and therefore IPC is needed, but IPC
pricing is not required.

1.3 How to Extend Pricing

1.3.1 On J2EE Side
For more information, see the SAP E-Commerce 5.0 Development and Extension Guide on the SAP
Service Marketplace at Choose SAP Business Suite Applications
SAP ERP SAP ERP 6.0 Installation. Search for Call IPC for Pricing or Configuration (ISA ERP),
where the available user exits are listed. These user exits allow for adding new price-relevant attributes to
the header or item.
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In this guide you can also find the techniques for accessing the SAP ERP backend system from Java or
how to implement new Java classes that implement the user exits.

In the following section, you can find an example for the implementation of such a user exit. For example,
you have derived ServiceR3IPC with a subclass Z_ ServiceR3IPC and registered this class in the
You want to add a certain customer field to the item attributes. This attribute could, for example, be derived
from the product catalog item. The implementation could look like this:

import java.util.Map;

public class Z_ServiceR3IPC extends ServiceR3IPC {

protected void customerExitBeforeItemCreation(

IPCDocument document, IPCItemProperties[] properties){

//loop over item properties

for ( int i = 0; i<properties.length;i++ ){
IPCItemProperties ipcProperties = properties[i];
String productId = ipcProperties.getProductId();

// now find the relevant catalog attribute via the ID

// ...
// assume the value should be passed to pricing
// as Z_ATTR, its value is stored in attributeValue

String attributeValue = null;

Map itemAttributes = ipcProperties.getItemAttributes();
itemAttributes.put("Z_ATTR", attributeValue);

//set new properties



1.3.2 On ABAP Side

If it is only necessary to add new attributes to pricing, it is also possible to enhance the application purely
on the ABAP side.
Header Attributes
If additional header attributes are required: wrap function module ISA_PRICING_HDRDATA_GET, for
example, through a new function module ZISA_PRICING_HDRDATA_GET. This function module can
additionally access tables in ERP and pass additional attribute values to Java through generic table
The function module can then be registered in the modification-config.xml. For more information, see the
SAP E-Commerce 5.0 - Development and Extension Guide.
Item Attributes

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If additional item attributes are required, and TREX is not deployed as Web catalog engine: proceed as
described above, but with ISA_PRICING_ITMDATA_GET instead of ISA_PRICING_HDRDATA_GET.
Item Attributes / TREX
If additional item attributes are required, and TREX is used: create a new implementation of
Implement method IF_EX_BADI_ISA_REPL_CAT~INSTANCE_GET to return your new subclass of
different way, and extends changing table IPC_ATTR_VALUES.

1.3.3 SAP Notes

For more details about the extension concepts in the pricing area, see SAP notes 999051 and 1004335.
For more details about the pricing analysis tool, see SAP Note 1005377.

1.4 Upgrading from SAP E-Commerce for SAP ERP 4.0 to 5.0
1.4.1 System Setup
In release 5.0, IPC is available on VMC (Virtual Machine Container) on the SAP NetWeaver Application
Server. It is integrated with SAP E-Commerce via the RFC protocol.
The tools that must be used to download data from SAP ERP to IPC have changed: The Data Loader is
no longer used. Pricing data does not have to be replicated anymore.
For the system setup, see the SAP E-Commerce 5.0 for mySAP ERP - IPC Configuration Guide on the
SAP Service Marketplace at Choose SAP Business Suite Applications
SAP ERP SAP ERP 6.0 Installation.

1.4.2 Pricing-Relevant Header Attributes

In release 5.0, a new function module for reading the header-relevant attributes has been introduced:
ISA_PRICING_HDRDATA_GET. The following attributes are now provided that were not available in
release 4.0:

Field Level Source Description

ALAND Header Shop Departure country
KURST Header ERP Exchange rate type
LAND1 Header ERP Country
STCEG Header ERP VAT registration number
TAXK1-TAXK9 Header ERP Tax classification
WAERK Header ERP Document currency

1.4.3 Pricing-Relevant Item Attributes

In release 4.0, no specific item attributes were passed to IPC, because IPC accessed the product master
internally. Now, only the following attributes are available in the standard system:

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Field Level Source Description
BONUS Item ERP Volume rebate group
KONDM Item ERP Material pricing group
MVGR1-MVGR5 Item ERP Material group
PMATN Item ERP Price material
PRODH Item ERP Product hierarchy
PROVG Item ERP Commission group
SKTOF Item ERP Cash discount indicator
TAXM1-TAXM9 Item ERP Tax classification material
If you need additional item attributes, you have to pass them to IPC explicitly. For more information, see
1.3 How to Extend Pricing.

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