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Book of the Lawless

Essays on Anti-Cosmic Satanism

Copyright 2015 John Putignano

All Rights Reserved

This work is written by John Putignano and gives permission to upload this material for free to use on the internet, however, to not
change a word.
Joining the Lilin Society
The Hardships of this Path
The Basic Beliefs of the Lilin Society
Understanding the Illusion
Escaping Reincarnation
The Hardships of this Path
An Dangerous Law
Reaching Gnosis through the Collective
Ritual to Chavajoth
Cain the Immortal
My Path to Spiritual Satanism
Joining the Lilin Society
The neophyte looking to learn under the name of the Lilin Society has two paths they can take. The
first path is that of a Sect and the second is that of the individual. Regardless of the path chosen the
Grand Council must be contacted to obtain our hidden lore which is not publically released. Once you
obtain this lore you will be considered initiated into the Society.

Understanding of our goals is also of importance. We believe in the Azoth (Higher Spirit)
and the Ego (Finite Spirit). Through our studies the neophyte will learn to kill his ego and elevate and
evolve himself through gnosis (knowledge). Although a Chaos Gnostic Satanic group we do work in
other dark arts to achieve gnosis such as Voodoo, Quimbanda and the Cult of La Santa Muerte to
name a few.

This path is not an easy one to walk for it is full of the esoteric knowledge which the
neophyte must discover and understand. Evolution is not easy. Reaching the level of adept within the
Society, although rewarding spiritually, may be detrimental to your ego and thus make physical
existence harder to live. One must be strong to walk this path. Lucifer is strength and we must
personify this trait if we wish to reach success.

We are a blood sacrifice group which believes that the prana in blood helps us to reach
success in our rituals and gnosis. Vampirism is practiced for it is believed within the society to drink
the prana leads to enlightenment, to devour the life of that you sacrificed in the name of the great art.

Our goal to achieve wisdom is to traverse past sentinel life and toward the acausal. We wish
to strengthen the bond with the currents of the acausal and raise the Chavajoth to destroy cosmic order
and sefirotic bondage. To achieve this state we must first end our egos stasis and awaken our Azoth.

The boundaries of comfort will be tested and pushed. Many are uncomfortable holding the
knife that ends a life but in the end the life you end is your own egos finite existence. Each cup of
prana drank, the blood spilled and the hours spend in spiritual segregation pay off. A warning to those
with an interest in the occult but no true follow through with it, stay away from the Lilin Society.
Dead weight is not tolerated.

We are evil and follow the path of evil in that evil is the opposition of good. What is good
and what is evil? It is subjective morality which we do not believe in, however, if the demiurge cults
say it is good to blindly follow, submit, remain ignorant and spend your life in sefirotic chains, then
we oppose this and thus are evil. Understand, however, there is lawlessness in the origin and that is
where we wish to return, thus we are lawless spirits who strive to reach the pinnacle of
enlightenment and evolution.

We believe in endogenic and exogenic sorcery to help our evolution and gnosis. Without the
balance of both the neophyte will fail to ever progress past a wondering exhibitionist. We warn you,
do not use our Society or symbols to proclaim something you are not. You walk this path or you

We believe in brotherhood. You are either with us or you are against us and we will always
support our kin. This means to support our esoteric secrets. To divulge our information to the public
is to be an enemy, and our enemies will be made known. We do not seek members, members seek us.
They wish to learn in our schools and understand our rituals and practices.

If you wish to work within our society seek out the Grand Council.
The Hardships of this Path
The infernal path toward enlightenment is hardly a leisure stroll. The road is full of depression and an
extreme sense of alienation. I often find myself detached from the rest of humanity the more I see past
the illusion. Everything seems futile. Understanding is what will help you get through this.

Depression is a symptom of spiritual evolution. It is the spirits eye seeing past the ego and
understands that life is an unfulfilling void of distractions until death. This is why Satanists will more
often that most harbor suicidal tendencies or idealization; as our understanding grows so does our
desire to leave this world.

The main problem with suicide is that the Satanist is not ready to die. He has not fully shed
his ego and has not reached the proper state of gnosis. He has too many anchors in this world, and
these anchors will drag the Satanist back through the vicious cycle of rebirth with a new ego to start
over again. If takes more than one lifetime to fully reach the pinnacle of gnosis and break the cycle of
rebirth, thus returning to chaos.

I have grown envious of the incarcerated at times. They have been put in the perfect situation
to kill their ego, in seclusion from the distractions of this world. The problem is that many misspend
their time with the demiurge cults and mindless criminal activity. Segregation is a path towards
enlightenment and thus we get to my suggestion.

I feel that once a week, or once every two weeks, the Satanist should segregate himself from
the world. No stimulation, no music, no television, no reading; nothing but his thoughts and mind.
During this time the Satanist should fast to weaken the body and strengthen the mind. Learn to ignore
your body, learn to ignore your ego.

This will seem futile at first perhaps and the physical world will claw at your brain and try
to pull you back in but dont let it. This is a necessary abstinent which in time will help you reach
gnosis. Truth be told, rituals exist mainly to satisfy mankinds need for them, but what good are all the
rituals when your ego still dominates?

The main problem I have with the modern Satanist is that he is too egotistical and
hypocritical. He is self-absorbed in attaching himself to a community he wishes to relate to. On the
outside he is rebellious and dominant but inside he strives for attention. He proclaims his devotion to
chaos and Satan and then fills his spiritual matters with physical idols and symbols which he seems to
worship more than the actual representation of them.

If this is you, and you accept this as being true, than you are finally on the right path. Work
within the realm of segregation and get to know your real spirit. You already know your ego.

This path is not an easy one to walk. Enlightenment and evolution comes with hard work but
the end payoff is well worth all the sacrifice. You shed blood in your rituals, you chant and you pray.
You follow all the orders and steps but what good is it if you dont understand yourself; and by that I
mean your true self not you ego.
The Basic Beliefs of the Lilin Society
With so many definitions and a diverse world of beliefs, this word has become saturated. Anton
LaVey exploited it with his mindless hedonistic cult void of a spiritualism while the Temple of Set,
although acknowledged a spiritual Satan, aimed at making Satan a family friendly entity.

The Lilin Society takes a Gnostic approach. We do not view Satan as a fallen angel, and
reject the Christian concept of Satan. Before I divulge who Satan is let me explain the belief of Chaos

Outside our cosmos exists an infinite stretch of lawlessness and Chaos. We call this acausal
world Ur-Chaos and it interpenetrates all. Here everything is conceivable and it is the womb of the
Dragon we call Tiamat. It is the zero dimension which surrounds the essence of the Unknown God.

Like was said, all is possible in Chaos, even the formation of Order. The Demiurge
(Yahweh) is a lesser god who formed the Cosmic Order. The Demiurgic Light came down and
formed the Tzimtzum, a concept of contraction and condensation which forced the Demiurgic Light
down into the Void. The Tzimtzum was the cause of time, space and causality and when the Ain Sof
came down it formed the ten emanations of the Demiurge until Malkuth (physical existence).

When this happened the Ain Sof had a second, adverse emanation the formed. This is
because of the new found law of cause and effect. Where the finite and cosmic exists, so shall the
infinite and anti-cosmic. This adverse to the Sephiroth is called the Qliphoth. Two trees formed; the
Tree of Life (Sepfriotic Bondadge) and the Tree of Dead (Qliphotic Liberation). This is also known
as Dayside and Nightside. The Nightside we call Sitra Achra had become the antithesis of Cosmic

The purpose of this Sitra Achra is to seep and intrude into Dayside to help in the return of the
divine sparks (Azoth) which have been trapped in Clayform (human form), back to the limitless
chaos. It is important to know that Sitra Achra was not the left overs of creation, but a formation made
according to the newfound laws of the Cosmic. The goal of the demons of Sitra Achra are to free
the Azoth from their Cosmic prison.

Lucifer or Satan is a part of the Chavajoth, who is the bringer of Black Light (Atazhoth). The
Demiurge has blinded mankind with his Demiurgic Light and Satan will bring the truth to help us see

Those who seek the unmanifested will be illuminated by Black Light. Those void of the
essence of Sitra Achra will not understand it. Lucifer, the bringer of light, will bring the Black Light
but it will always be darkness in the eyes of the blind.

Lucifers light is Gnosis (knowledge) that is the gate to Sitra Achra. In Sitra Achra are the
paths to Ur-Chaos, beyond the Crown of Satan. What is Satans goals? He is here to destroy the
cosmic order, the emanations and the Demiurge and to return all to Chaos, including himself whereas
the Demiurge seeks to separate. Satan is the liberator who wishes to unite all back to Ur-Chaos. I ask
then, who is the real enemy here; Satan or the Great Cosmic Warden?

Before Satan are three dark veils. These emanated from Cosmic Chaos before the formation
of the Tree of Death. These Veils are Tohu, Bohu and Chasek. These veils are what made way the
Black Light from the outer darkness and into Sitra Achra.

At the throne sits Satan and Moloch. Satan looks up to Chaos while Moloch looks down at
the Tree of Death. When Ascending the Tree of Death the final phase of Adeptship comes from
passing through the Flames of Moloch. Only after this will the Adept confront Satan.

It is important to know at this point that Satan is not the Unknown God, but he is our way to
the Unknown God and thus he is our master. It must be understood that the ancient gods are nameless.
The names we give to their essence are just that, names, but they are names that fit them as we get to
know them. Other names for Satan include Apep, Angra Mainyu, Ahriman, Set, Samael and many
more. He is the adversary to the Demiurge.

The Chavajoth are the eleven anti-cosmic gods which will destroy cosmic order. Chavajoth
is the name of the Demiurge in reverse (HVHI) and their names are Beelzebuth, Lucifuge Rofocale,
Astaroth, Asmodeus, Belfegor, Baal, Adramelech, Lilith, Naamah, Moloch and Satan. The Chavajoth
is described as a sleeping dragon and is the cumulative forces of Sitra Achra/Nightside.

Now we must understand the acasual universe. A living being is able to change, grow and
move without any external forces being applied. The force is internal unlike that of ordinary physical
matter in the universe like stars, rocks, galaxies or chemical interacting with chemical. This leads us
to believe there is a force within us that is not of this cosmos. This is the Azoth and the acausal spirit
must descend from an acausal realm.

This is interesting for it points us to acknowledge the fact that every human being is a nexion
(gateway) to the acausal realm which cannot be explained in current mathematical equations. It is
indescribable by three dimensions and one linear time dimension. In short, this is Chaos. This also
explains our ability to use sorcery and other methods unnatural or supernatural in this cosmic order.
We are a nexion, and thus we have the ability to pull forth from the acausal world and manipulate that
around us in the physical.
Understanding the Illusion
In the occult community we have heard the phrase a lot. Life is an illusion. In Chao-Gnosticism it is

believed the Demiurge has cast a veil over the sparks to trick them as to what reality is. But seldom

anyone break it down to explain it from a scientific level to help the world see how the Demiurge

accomplishes this. It all starts when we are a fetus and a little organ called the pineal gland.

The fetus develops the pineal gland at forty nine days after conception. Coincidently the

Buddhist believes it takes forty nine days for the soul to reincarnate. What we know about the pineal

gland is that it is the seat of consciousness, a nest of our soul. At first it develops in the mouth of the

fetus and makes its way to the brain. So what is so special about this little cone shaped organ?

It is the only un-paired part of the brain and it is present in all mammals. It is responsible for

producing melatonin and most importantly dimethyltryptamine or DMT. DMT is always produced in

brain and creates a psychedelic experience (DMT can be taken recreationally) that is controlled. This

means that the reality we see every day is a controlled psychedelic trip, an illusion or the veil.

Now when we take psychedelic drugs in uncontrolled means we throw the pineal gland off and

thus we are presented with chaotic images of what we call a psychedelic trip. LSD, mushrooms,

ketamine and even marijuana give us a release from the veil, although temporary and to a lesser

The veil is still there but it is weakened.

To understand this one must understand that cosmic order operates under the laws of science

whereas chaos does not. The pineal gland produces the DMT which is a chemical reaction used to

and tweaks our perception; to control us. In the physical world we live the veil is only beneficial so

can operate here, to study the occult sciences and strengthen our soul to prevent reincarnation. Once
we die the veil is lifted, for our consciousness is free from the clay prison and the control of the

demiurge UNLESS he re traps you and reincarnates you. Those who have devoted their lives to Satan

and death will be the lucky ones who get the chance to return to origin, cosmic chaos.
Escaping Reincarnation
Our spirits hails from the outer darkness, the chaos which engulfs this cosmic order. The demiurge
has taken our sparks and encased them in clay as well as a ruthless system of birth, death and rebirth.
He has attached to our spirit an ego which unlike our spirit it is finite and dies. Each time our ego
dies we forget everything we learned in our past life. The purpose of this is so we do not achieve
Gnosis, and remain trapped behind the veil, slaves to the Demiurge.

In Voodoo we are also taught that we have two spirits. One is called "gros bon ange" or "big guardian
angel", and the other is "ti bon ange" or "little guardian angel". The little guardian angel is our ego
whereas the big guardian angel is our actual spirit. When Loa, spirits of Voodoo, possess a body it is
said that the little guardian angel goes away while the Loa possess the body. This shows that the finite
body is ruled by a finite ego and everything physical is part of the Demiurges illusion.

So how do we break this trend of reincarnation? The Buddhists teach that the reason that we are
reincarnated is because of our desire and craving for the material world. Freeing oneself from desire
will break the cycle. As Chaos Gnostics we should accept that there is truth to this. If we are to
achieve gnosis and understanding we will strengthen our spirit and thus free the shackles of this
physical world.

When we die we must learn how to die. We must detach our spirit from this world. When nearing
death we must learn to understand suffering and death. We must embrace it. We must live
simplistically and abandon desires of this planet. We must kill our ego and envision returning to

Train your spirit to leave this world. Teach it that this is all an illusion and none of it is real. Only the
infinite is real and the entire cosmic order is built on a finite illusion. Meditate and envision death.
Psychedelic drugs will kill the ego and help your spirit see past the illusion whereas other drugs
enslave you and hold you to this world. Cocaine, Heroin, alcohol and meth are examples of drugs
which keep you in this world and satisfy the ego, not the spirit. Drugs like marijuana, psilocybin,
DMT and LSD help open your mind and allow you to see past your ego. Your spirit can benefit from

Your car, your television, your house, your clothes, your music; everything from this world holds
back your spirit. Our bodies, physical and emotional sensations, conceptualizations, ideas and beliefs
work together to create the illusion and enslave us. This is not to say that you need to live your life a
miserable person, enjoy what you can but as you near death learn to let go and embrace death. This is
how you break the cycle of rebirth.

During meditation envision your spirit free of the ego. Picture its beauty, for the infinite is truly
beautiful for it is everlasting. Picture it returning through the spiral and beyond this cosmos. Envision
returning to the infinite chaos. Do this every day and you train your spirit to take over and tap into the
collective consciousness and truly achieve enlightenment and gnosis.
Finally, one must understand that this cosmic order operates on the laws of cause and effect. One
reaction creates another. If you kill the ego then the spirit will be free. We are bound to the laws of
this cosmic order and thus we can use it to escape. The cause is to kill the ego and the effect is to
never return to this cosmic prison again.
The Hardships of this Path
The infernal path toward enlightenment is hardly a leisure stroll. The road is full of depression and an
extreme sense of alienation. I often find myself detached from the rest of humanity the more I see past
the illusion. Everything seems futile. Understanding is what will help you get through this.

Depression is a symptom of spiritual evolution. It is the spirits eye seeing past the ego and
understands that life is an unfulfilling void of distractions until death. This is why Satanists will more
often that most harbor suicidal tendencies or idealization; as our understanding grows so does our
desire to leave this world.

The main problem with suicide is that the Satanist is not ready to die. He has not fully shed
his ego and has not reached the proper state of gnosis. He has too many anchors in this world, and
these anchors will drag the Satanist back through the vicious cycle of rebirth with a new ego to start
over again. If takes more than one lifetime to fully reach the pinnacle of gnosis and break the cycle of
rebirth, thus returning to chaos.

I have grown envious of the incarcerated at times. They have been put in the perfect situation
to kill their ego, in seclusion from the distractions of this world. The problem is that many misspend
their time with the demiurge cults and mindless criminal activity. Segregation is a path towards
enlightenment and thus we get to my suggestion.

I feel that once a week, or once every two weeks, the Satanist should segregate himself from
the world. No stimulation, no music, no television, no reading; nothing but his thoughts and mind.
During this time the Satanist should fast to weaken the body and strengthen the mind. Learn to ignore
your body, learn to ignore your ego.

This will seem futile at first perhaps and the physical world will claw at your brain and try
to pull you back in but dont let it. This is a necessary abstinent which in time will help you reach
gnosis. Truth be told, rituals exist mainly to satisfy mankinds need for them, but what good are all the
rituals when your ego still dominates?

The main problem I have with the modern Satanist is that he is too egotistical and
hypocritical. He is self-absorbed in attaching himself to a community he wishes to relate to. On the
outside he is rebellious and dominant but inside he strives for attention. He proclaims his devotion to
chaos and Satan and then fills his spiritual matters with physical idols and symbols which he seems to
worship more than the actual representation of them.

If this is you, and you accept this as being true, than you are finally on the right path. Work
within the realm of segregation and get to know your real spirit. You already know your ego.

This path is not an easy one to walk. Enlightenment and evolution comes with hard work but
the end payoff is well worth all the sacrifice. You shed blood in your rituals, you chant and you pray.
You follow all the orders and steps but what good is it if you dont understand yourself; and by that I
mean your true self not you ego.
An Dangerous Law
It is almost universally hailed as the satanic law. Do what thou wilt. Satanists proclaim it on a
nearly daily basis and live by it. The problem is that this law can be more damaging then it can be
helpful. As Chaos Gnostic Satanists we do not believe in the Holy Bible, thus the commandments are
rubbish. When Satanists adopted this law as theirs it was in an attempt to be the adversary of the
Holy, to be the opposite of the Christian. Thus thou shalt not became thou shall. Although an amusing
concept this hedonistic approach is predominantly preached by the LaVeyan Satanist and the
unenlightened and ignorant Satanist.

I place the blame of this law on adolescence. Early rebellious behavior to lash out and
although I admire the dissidence I have found that this law is more damaging than helpful. Morally
speaking there is nothing wrong with it for morals are subjective and thus are not law. Spiritually is
where the problem lies. To hedonistically indulge without limit satisfies the ego and actually creates
more anchors to hold your Azoth (spirit) to this physical existence and condemn you to repeat the
cycle of rebirth.

Now to even call this a Satanic law is pure ignorance. The origin of this law was founded by
Aleister Crowley when he created his revolting Demiurgic religion, Thelema. This is a law of the
Demiurge that is made to strengthen the ego and cause the ego to remain unenlightened. Many
subscribed to the law due to Aleister Crowleys persona but although he has made some discoveries
in the field of magic that have shaped occultism today, he is a prophet of the Demiurge and thus this
law simply feeds the white light that blinds the ego.

I have stated before that one should practice on occasion the act of segregation and
abstaining. This will weaken the ego and strengthen its bond with the Azoth. This does not mean we
cannot enjoy what little good this existence has to offer, we can indulge, but be careful for anchors
are heavy and can get in the way of reaching gnosis.
Reaching Gnosis through the Collective
When we reach past our ego we reach Gnosis, but what is this Gnosis. It is the information which the
Demiurge has struggled to prevent us from knowing; the forbidden fruit. When we get past our ego,
that created by the demiurge, we reach collective consciousness.

Collective consciousness has its roots in chaos. It is what links us all to our origin. If we can
tap into this we can acquire a great deal of knowledge. Before we go further into this lets discuss the
scientific side of collective consciousness.

Lets start simple. Have you ever thought that someone was about to call you on the phone
and at that moment they did. How did you know this would happen? The thought that we are
connected in our consciousness has become more evident with science. Take the following example.

During the 1950s, macaques on the island of Koshima learned to wash sweet potatoes and
explicitly passed this skill onto younger members of the group. This behavior then spread and was
observed on neighboring islands among groups of macaques who had never seemingly come into
contact with each other.

It was in the 1970s that scientists began to suggest that collective consciousness could be
passed and spread through telepathic and supernatural means. Students in an experiment were shown
an image of two curtains on a computer screen and they were told that one of the curtains contained a
concealed erotic picture. The students chose the curtain hiding the picture more often than could be
explained away by chance. It is important to know that the position of the picture was randomly
assigned by a computer that didn't make its decision until after the volunteer chose one curtain or the
other. To believers in the paranormal, this suggested the students were actually influencing future
events and the odds against the combined result being down to mere chance or being a statistical fluke
were quoted as 74 billion to one.

Those who study the occult have an easier time wrapping their mind around the concept of
divination expressed by the students. Let us back track a little bit and rehash some basic principle of
Chaos Gnosticism.

We have been trapped here in this cosmic order by the demiurge. We are enslaved to a cycle
of reincarnation in which each time our ego dies. When we are reincarnated we get a new ego,
however, our consciousness is eternal. We must get past this ego to reach deep into our
consciousness, reach into the collective consciousness to understand and acquire gnosis. How is this

I have been studying this and I have broken it down into the following; use of energy all
around us (magic), use of blood sacrifice (vemana), telepathy, divination, sensory deprivation,
psychedelic drug consumption and meditation. Now modern science will disagree with some things
such as blood rituals, but understand that science understands only cosmic order, not cosmic chaos
and is rather ignorant to most things spiritual. I am not saying science is without merit, but I am saying
it is ignorant to the unknown world.

Magic is based on energy and the exchange and physical representation of it. Blood contains
the life-force or prana of a living entity and thus the spilling of blood and drinking of blood is to
harvest this energy in magical purpose. Telepathy is the use of the mind and energy to project thought
from one mind to another OR through the collective consciousness. Divination is seeing the future
events by understanding the concept of cause and effect in this cosmic order and correlating them.
Sensory deprivation cuts off senses so the mind can focus as it does with meditation. Psychedelic
drug use is a total destruction of the ego and a path into our deep mind, a ladder into the collective.

Understand that nothing is given to us and we must work toward it. As we strive toward
evolution the path gets easier. Do not become a slave to your ego like so many have, kill your ego and
Ritual to Chavajoth
-Black Candles

-Eleven Angle Sigil cloth



-Eleven Glasses

Lay the sigil down on the ground. Each angle will have a candle and a glass. Place the goblet in the
center of the sigil. Stand outside and recite.

In the name of Ur-Chaos, in the name of the nameless god who rules Ur-Chaos, in the names of Satan
and Moloch, in the names of Beelzebuth, Lucifuge Rofocale, Astaroth, Asmodeus, Belphegore, Baal,
Adramelech, Lilith and Naamah. I use this sigil as a doorway into nightside, into the Qliphoth. In the
name of the Adversary to the dreaded demiurge I ask that you open this doorway.

Step into the center of the sigil with the sacrifice.

I offer a gift of blood to Chavajoth, the anti-cosmic wrathful gods of nightside. I offer blood in
exchange for Gnosis, to kill my ego and let me lift the veil. Accept my gift Wrathful Gods.

Kill the sacrifice and fill the goblet with blood. Pour blood in each glass leaving some left over.

Enjoy the banquet of blood as shall I drink with you.

Drink the blood.

Anti-Cosmic forces, Chavajoth, kill my ego and allow me to see what the demiurge denies me. Let
me dig deep into my spirit and become enlightened. Let the spirits of nightside flow in my clayform.
Help me see past the illusionary light. Lift the veil in the name of Ur-Chaos, Lord Satan, the
Chavajoth, the namesless god of Ur-Chaos for my spirit is devoted. Hail Satan.

Now meditate and envision enlightenment coming from within. During this chant the names of the
Chavajoth. When the ritual is complete extinguish the flames of the candles with the sacrificial blood.
Wrap the candles and the sacrifice in the sigil cloth. Bury it all and sit upon the burial while
meditating and chanting. When it is complete walk away without looking back.
Cain the Immortal
It is commonly believed that Cain is the son of Adam and Eve. This is the lie which has been
bestowed by the revolting Demiurge to confuse and keep man from Gnosis.

The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer. He impregnated Eve with his breath and she
gave birth to her first son, Cain. Cain, unlike Abel, was born of Spirit whereas Able was born of
man. With this knowledge we see that Cain, son of Lucifer, hated the cosmic architect. He even
insulted the Demiurge by offering vegetables and seeds as sacrifice. The reason for this is that he felt
there was no need to sacrifice to the one he hated.

Cain then took Abel to a field where they talked. The question is, what did they talk about?
Some Gnostics believe that Cain had told his brother There is no law, no judge before he killed

Cain of spirit killed Abel of man (Demiurges creation). This elevated him to immortal
status for he had embraced his fathers spirit and defied the Demiurge by killing his favorite.

The soul is pure love, but it is love learned through lies. It is corrupted love. The Demiurge
has made our soul (ego) love the lie. Our spirit (Azoth) is pure hatred, hatred for the cosmic prison.
This explains Cains hatred of the Demiurge and his brother.

It is said that the Demiurge then banished and cursed Cain, much like he did the
serpent/Lucifer. This is an honor to the Gnostic. To be banished and cursed by the cosmic warden.

It is said there was a mark on Cains head and the Demiurge said no one could harm of kill
Cain. This mark is believed through Jewish lore to be a horn, the symbol of power. The reason Cain
couldnt be killed or harmed wasnt because of the Demiurge will, but because he became immortal
when he embraced the Black Light. His spirit was free.

We know that both had wives and children. It is believed that some of us have the blood of
Cain in our bodies and thus that is why we have the misanthropy and the draw to the Black Light.
Those of Abels blood only are lost.

It is said that mankind is divided into three categories. The first is the Hyletic or the Pasu
which is ruled by body. The second is the Psychic or Vira, which is ruled by soul. This was Abel.
The third is the Pneumatic or Divya, ruled by spirit, this is Cain.

We, Chao Gnostics, have felt the draw and thus we have the blood of Cain and our father
Lucifer in our blood and spirit. We are strong and cannot be deceived. We will reach Gnosis and
return to the Cosmic Chaos.
My Path to Spiritual Satanism
The path to spiritual Satanism is different for every person. I will tell you all now my path and how I
discovered Chaos Gnosticism.

I was born John Richard Putignano to an Italian-German family in Brockton Massachusetts in

the United States. I was born to a Catholic family and although we didnt attend church often my
family felt the need to not only baptize me but force me to get my first communion.

I associated the church with forcing one to attend, such as my parents did. During Sunday
school I had felt a strong detachment to the path of the Demiurge cult. To me it seemed weak, it
seemed broken and although they tried to scare us with stories of Hell and Satan I felt an
indescribable draw to it, even at such a young age.

I felt so detached from the Catholic Church that at the age of ten I decided that there was no
god. This was a rebellious nature blossoming with the Black Light and I didnt even know it.

At the age of thirteen I discovered the path of Anton LaVey. I saw something in there that
was different, something liberating within the hedonistic teachings of LaVey. I declared myself a
Satanist at this time. Although I was still ignorant to what real Satanism was, the Black Light was
drawing me closer.

At the age of fourteen I began to understand that the hedonistic cult was void of any spiritual
matters, something that I craved. I at first thought this was simply my forced Catholic beliefs trying to
battle my atheist rebellion but soon I began researching Aleister Crowley and the Kaballah.

I read and understood and still, even after reading the stories of God and Samael, I felt a
draw to Samael. For years I studied the occult not fully knowing what I believed. I became agnostic
as I searched for Satan. I wanted to understand.

At the age of twenty one I discovered the Temple of the Black Light and the Order of the
Nine Angles. I began researching the Cosmic Chaos path and soon after I finally found my Satan. I felt
liberated and knew that Satan put me on this path. Satan pushed me from the Catholic Church, he
pushed me toward LaVey, pushed me toward Crowley and then from there he showed me the truth
within the Temple of Black Light.

LaVey is mindless hedonism and atheistism is sheer ignorance, however it was these
rebellious paths which deterred me from the Catholic Church and eventually led me to the true form
of Satan.

The purpose of my revealing the path I took is to show everyone that Satan will push us
toward him, even if it isnt the right path at first. He will set the ground work to discover him; you just
need to keep an open mind.
Now we are not a group that seeks out. People seek out the Lilin Society in search for Satan.
We are here, the conduit, to aid if the person so choses this path. We are about spiritual evolution and
brotherhood. We do not need numbers, but we need truly devoted followers of Atazhoth.
The Lilin Society and AshaShedim
AshaShedim is the author of The Grimoire of AshaShedim. He is the leader of the Lilin
Society, an esoteric temple dedicated to the Black Light of Gnosis.

We encourage you to visit the website for the Lilin Society at www.lilinsociety.com. Email
AshaShedim at entheogeniclab@gmail.com

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