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Satiri Hounde Pax

Siguiri Bougouni Zantiebougou Vindaloo
Faragouaran Koumantou Niena

Sikasso Bobo-Dioulasso
Yanfolila Koumbia
WEST AFRICA COUNTRY PROFILE MACIG 2017 -8 -6 Orodaza Koumi -4 Ouessa Boura
Leo -2
Kolondieba Koloko Diebougou

Mali Loulouni
Toussiana Klesso
Kalana Syama Nandom Tumu
Kadiana Han

Cote dIvoire
Bate Nafadji Mandiana Banfora Lawra
Zegoua Kunche Bepkong
Kankan Orialen Manankoro Sissingue Gaoua
Burkina Faso
Pogo Banfora Fian Wahabu
Tiefinzo Nadawii
Tintioulen Niagoloko Funsi
Tindila Nielle
Ngandana Kaouara
Diawala Yala
Kaniasso (Mn) Tongon Wa
Population: 23,295,302 10 Minignan Mbengue
Batie West 10
Kouto Ouangolodougou Bulinga
Land area: 322,463 km2 Bodougou Samatiguila Tioboulounao
kouno Ga
Official Language: French Krimbirila Sid
Madinani Tehini Varale
Komodou Sinematiali Ferkessedougou
Chief of State: President Alassane Dramane OUATTARA
Guinea Sirana Odienne Boundiali
Ouango Fitini Koebounou

(since 4 December 2010) Nassian
YAMUSUKRO Sokoulama Bouna Sawla Grupe Larabanga
Tata de Samory Simandou (Fe) Busu
GDP (PPP): $78.62 billion Nianda Kananto
Simandou Chache
(Fe) Tafire
Growth Rate: 8.6% Konsankoro Bole
Morondo Dianra

GDP per Capita (PPP): $3,300 Diamonds Sinko Tortiya

(Diamond) Ghana
Beyla Kotouba
Koro Kani

Voinjama Boola Fetekro

Seredou Sarhala Banda
Yirie Touba Nkwanta
Tieningboue Bamboi
Wologisi Range Foumoadou Saguela Mankono Katiola Bondoukou (Mn)
(Fe) Nzebela Goueke Bassawa Bondoukou
change Africa Rank / 54 8 Koule Gueassou Sipilou (Ni) Soko Sampa
2016 since 2006 average Ni Sifie
Groumania Goumere

Corporate Income Tax Rate

Souhoule Seguela
Satama-Sokoura Nsawkaw
Samoye Biankouma
OVERALL GOVERNANCE 52.3 +13.1 50.0 21 Zorzor Lola Nimba (Fe)

Pela Nzerekore Wenchi
SAFETY & RULE OF LAW 55.1 +17.3 52.1 27 Samapleu (Ni) Bouake
Prikro Nkoranza
RULE OF LAW 42.1 +13.5 52.7 38 Yekepa (Fe) Alangouassou Koun-Fao Berekum
Vavoua Mbahiakro Akumadan
Dieke Sammiquellie Man Zuenoula
ACCOUNTABILITY 44.1 +25.0 35.1 16 Dormaa-Ahenkro Sunyani Nkenkaasu
Mount Klahoyo Ouelle
PERSONAL SAFETY 54.9 +16.6 45.7 18 Belefuanai
Kahnplay Danane
(Fe) Tiebisson Agnibilekrou Takikro Duayaw Nkwanta
Logouale Gamina Yaoure Ahafo
NATIONAL SECURITY 79.4 +14.3 75.2 31 Gbanga
Bouafle Bechem
Bong Range Bangolo Bocanda Daoukro Kenyasi Mohu
Ity Mount Gao
PARTICIPATION & HUMAN RIGHTS 54.3 +18.6 50.0 25 Palala Saklepie
Daloa Juaben
Zouan Hounien (Fe)
Cote d'Ivoire

3% to 6%
PARTICIPATION 61.5 +36.5 47.9 23 Totota Bin Houye
Yamoussoukro Goaso Ejisu
Kotobi Kumasi
RIGHTS 49.5 +19.3 46.8 30 Gbotota Grale
Zoukougbeu Sintra Kokoumbo Abengourou
Niable Kukuom Bilpraw
Bongouanou Bibiani
GENDER 51.8 -0.2 55.4 34 Blolekin
Toumodi Bongouanou Nsinsim Abore Bekwa
Tapeta Issia Oume Asawinso Bibiani North Esaase
SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 48.4 +8.7 42.9 15 antro (Fe) Akoupe Obotan
Tobli Ouraganio Chirano Awaso Akrokeri
PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 46.0 +6.2 42.2 20 Kwendin
Bonikro Wiawso
(Bauxite) Obu
Guiberoua Obuasi
Hire Adzope Bekwai
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 55.6 +13.3 39.7 8
Zwedru Edikan Kubi
Tiassle Agou
Ayanfuri Dunkwa6
RURAL SECTOR 38.5 +3.6 51.5 45 Soubre
lakota Ndoussi Asankragua

2009 2013
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 51.4 +7.8 55.0 35 Putu (Fe) Bogosu Praso
Afema Bawdia

1% 1%
Sikensi Anyama
WELFARE 40.0 +12.1 47.4 39 Bogosu Damang
Bambli Aboisso
Prestea Wassa
EDUCATION 45.1 +11.1 47.9 29 Juazohn
Djiroutou Lauzoua Fobo Bonoua Abosso
(Mn) Abidjan Afema
Tarkwa Tarkwa
HEALTH 69.2 +0.5 69.6 28 Grand-Lahou
Dabou Elubo Iduapriem
Dugbe Sabo
Nsuta (Mn) Elmin
Greenville Kanwiake
Mpataba Nzema Nsuta
Fresco Hwini Butre
Twe Town
Grabo Esiama
Tatuke Sassandra Sekondi-Tako


FDI, $ millions Grand Cess

- -
75 66 Harper
2009 2014
70 64

4 4
65 62
MINERAL PRODUCTION (2014) -8 -6 -4 -2
SOURCE: British Geological Society

60 60
Gold 17,000 kg POST-EBURNEAN ANOROGENIC DOMAINS Horizon Markers (B2, B1)
Basic-ultrabasic complexes (Freetown, Guinea) Tourmaline-bearing sandstone and conglomerate


Diamonds 1,074 carats 55 58 Cretaceous to Recent Chert and quartzite levels

2017 - 3rd edition -

Upper Proterozoic to Paleozoic Manganses-rich levels: quartzite, gondite, phyllite
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

All rights reserved SEMS EXPLORATION

Map drafted by Kwaku Owusu-Ansah
Plutonic rocks Granitic, migmatitic and undifferentiated gneiss
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT RANKING TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX Basic-ultrabasic complexes Granitic, migmatitic and undifferentiated gneiss
IN AFRICA (OUT OF 48) SOURCE: TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL Leucogranite Granite, gneiss, and migmatitic gneiss complexes
Volcanic and fluviodeltaic formations ARCHEAN - LEONIAN (3.5 - 2.9 GA.) / LIBERIAN (2.9 - 2.5 GA.)
34 Plutonic rocks
Ease of Doing Business 18 Lithostructural assemblages (D2 and D3 deformation phases)
Geological boundary certain Geological boundary inferred Fluviodeltaic: sandstone, conglomerate, argillite (Tarkwaian) Undifferentiated plutonic rocks (Leonian to Late-Liberian)
32 Fault certain Fault inferred Plutonic-volcanic assemblage: minor volcanic rocks Greenstone belts and ironstone formations
Starting a Business 5 Thrusts Ironstone formation (meta-sedimentary, meta-basic rocks associated)
Undifferentiated volcanics, volcanosedimentary rocks
GOLD MINES Komatiitic to tholeiitic basalts Basic and ultrabasic formations
Dealing with Construction Permits 45 30
Existing Closed Gold resources/ projects Rhyodacitic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks, chert (b), graphitic horizons Gneissic complexes
Andesitic volcanic rocks, chert (b), graphitic horizons Migmatitic and undifferentiated gneisses
Getting Electricity 13 OTHER MINERALS Granulitic gneiss "basement"
Existing mines Closed mines Projects Basic volcanic rocks, chert (b), Mn levels (c)

Mineral fields Flysch-type formations with minor volcanic rocks -

Registering Property 16 26 Lithostructural assemblage (D1 to D3 deformation phases)
Country Borders Seaside Carbonates felsic volcanic rocks
2012 2013 2014 2015 Roads Minor roads Railway Felsic volcanoclastic rocks, dykes; chert (b), manganese levels (c)
Sems Offices Flysch-type : sandstone to argillite (graphitic, conglomeratic levels)
22 MACIG 2016

Hon. Dr. Jean-Claude Cote dIvoire

Brou Wins the Gold
Minister of Mines

West Africas top mining


by Laura Brangwin,
Cote DIvoire has come into the international spotlight as improvements to business environment by the World Bank.
Meredith Veit
West Africas next big destination for mining investment. Macroeconomic indicators confirm that the economic sit-
How important is mining to the economy today and what uation is highly positive: GDP growth has remained steady
minerals are the most prospective for the country? at around 9% per year for five years and there has been a
Our economy continues to be largely based on agriculture, commensurate rise in per capita income. As a result, foreign
however, at the same time, our nations industrial service and investment has increased.
mining sectors have been growing rapidly. We share sever- The global mining community has known for decades that sky to complete regional portfolios, said Ludivine Wouters,
al of the same prolific Birimian greenstone belts that have Cote DIvoire reviewed its mining code in 2014. Could you Cote dIvoire sits on resources worth exploiting, but tumul- managing partner at Latitude Five, an investment and adviso-
led to important mining in neighboring countries. Gold is our walk us through the main changes and how they will af- tuous circumstances above ground have kept most investors ry firm providing independent growth and transaction support
most important mineral with deposits of around 600 mt. Ex- fect investors? wary of setting up business within its borders. A coup, civil services to local and international investors and businesses
ploration is still at an early stage in our country, and is set The mining code was reviewed in 2014 to replace the previ- war, Ebola and economic downturn have plagued the coun- across West Africa, in mining, mining services and infrastruc-
to increase. We also have more than 4 billion mt iron ore of ous legislation introduced in 1995. This was intended more as trys entrance into the 21st century, but the re-election of ture.
deposits, as well as nickel, copper and significant reserves of a modernization to keep pace with the industry. We have reaf- President Ouattara in 2015 serves as an indication of Cote Players who left the market years ago are now seeking points
bauxite and manganese. firmed our commitment to international protocols such as the dIvoires recent stability. Those already established in Cote of re-entry, and current producers are snatching up as much
Currently, 175 exploration permits have been issued across Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and the Kim- dIvoire do not dwell on the conflicts of the past; instead there land as possible while they still can.
the country. These cover the full spectrum of our mineral berley Process. Similarly, we have introduced and formalized is a stir of excitement for having found the pot of gold before
wealth but the vast majority are focused on gold. On the the mining convention. Exploration permits have increased the rest. The increase in gold prices, coupled with large-scale
production side, total gold output has increased five fold be- from seven years to 10 years and the process for applying for regulatory reform, makes Cote dIvoires large portion of the
tween 2010 and 2015. Production reached over 23 mt/y in exploration rights has been overhauled. Now there is a maxi- Birimian belt more attractive than ever. SEMS Exploration
2015 and we have five industrial gold mines in operation. Two mum turnaround time between application and response. In Services opened an office in Cote dIvoire twelve years ago,
new mines are under construction: Perseus is currently build- terms of fiscal incentives, there are fiscal exemptions during and weve always had the feeling of maybe next year until
ing its Sissingu mine in the North and the Afema mine on exploration and construction phases that make the country now, as everything has really come together, noted Simon
the intersection of the Bibiani and Asankrangwa belts is under more attractive to investors. As for local community develop- Meadows Smith, managing director of SEMS.
development. A third mine (Yaour) will also start in 2017. ment, there are now clear guidelines for the mines and on the At the start of 2017, news headlines over-assumingly reframed
There are four manganese mines in operation, with strong level of contribution they are expected to provide to their host Cote dIvoire as erupting with violence and chaos. On January
potential for more to be developed in the future. Needless communities. On the environmental side, there are stricter 6, there was an uprising of discontent soldiers marching for
to say, the sector has been adversely affected by weak com- guidelines so that the land can be reclaimed for agricultural higher pay, which was resolved within days as the Minister
modity prices but exploration is continuing across all our min- usage once the mining operation has come to an end. Finally, of Defense tranquilly submitted to their demands for better
erals. Importantly, the nickel project and the bauxite deposit we have introduced a new fiscal regime with royalty and tax- working conditions. Meanwhile, the former Prime Minister
will be developed in 2017. ation rates based on international best practice. We believe Daniel Duncan resigned on January 9th, according Cote dIvo-
that the new code strikes an optimal balance between incen- ires new constitution which was ratified in October 2016. The
President Ouattaras reelection in 2015 cemented Cote tivizing investment and ensuring that the country maximizes peaceful shifting of elected officials and sensible concessions
DIvoires reputation as a peaceful democracy. Do you benefits from its natural resources. to just public demands are signs of a healthily functioning gov-
believe that the country will now see a large surge in for- ernment under President Alassane Outtaras purview.
eign investment? While Cote DIvoires power supply is praised as the GBRs survey results, which was issued to mining execu-
President Ouattaras successful re-election in 2015 confirmed strongest in West Africa, can it keep pace with expected tives already present within the country, indicate that 71%
to the world that Cote DIvoire has developed into a stable demand? of respondents feel that public-private sector relations have
and mature democracy. When he came to power in 2011, the The current situation is good. Total production is enough for improved over the past year. While Cote dIvoire still lags be-
reforms and policies that he introduced reassured the private domestic demand, including household use, industrial and hind more developed mining destinations in the region such as
sector and completely changed investment perspectives on mining. We even have a small surplus which is exported. To Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali, it is now offering a golden op-
our country. What the private sector wants is confidence satisfy this expected strong demand, the government has portunity for companies active in the region to expand. Cte
and stability. This has been delivered. In 2013 and 2014, Cote devised a major investment program to double capacity by dIvoire is the latest destination of choice, with significant po-
DIvoire was recognized as one of the 10 best performers for 2020. In parallel, we will be diversifying our energy mix. tential that has never been fully explored providing the blue

24 MACIG 2016 MACIG 2016 25


Regulation Rather than opening an office and investing large

Exploration & is more-or-less a grassroots project in
Cte dIvoire in accompaniment with
their advanced project in Burkina Faso.

amount of cash in a difficult environment, we develop Newcrest is working in partnership with
consignment stock deal where suppliers have access local exploration company TD Continen-
tal to develop their three licenses that
to our infrastructure and clients. The only risk a
have preliminarily been deemed valua-
foreign supplier takes is to hold stock within our ble, but more tests need to be done to
Ouattaras National Development Plan (NDP) 2016-2020 in- facilities, so it is a way to enter West Africa at very low confirm the reserves. Michel Sogjiedo
cludes structural reforms that aim to further stimulate the cost and have access to X&M expertise in West Africa. Mian, president director general of TD
recent surge in both private and public sector investment. Continental noted that the company is
Agriculture remains the primary contributor to GDPcocoa, also interested in collaborating with
coffee, cashew nuts and sugar having all seen an increase in The sustainability of Cote dIvoires Given Cote dIvoires perfect combina- mines with smaller production targets
- Stanislas de Stabenrath,
production in 2015yet mining has risen as a critical focus mining industry, however, primarily tion of geological prospectivity, eco- and semi industrial licenses. We noticed
over the past two administrations. We are predicting about
X&M that a significant amount of deposits are
depends on the uptake of exploration nomic and fiscal stability, and infrastruc-
2% of the 8% projected GDP growth for 2016 will be min- activity. Hosting only five gold produc- tural ease, Bristow prays he will find his sometimes abandoned by senior com-
ing related, states Madeleine Tanoe, partner at Pricewater- ersLa Mancha, Newcrest, Randgold, next major gold mine within Cote dIvo- panies as the production capacity is not
houseCoopers Cote dIvoire. The passage of the new min- Perseus and Taurus Goldthe 23.5 met- ires borders. large enough for them, but they are still

ing code, in March 2014, removed the additional profit tax ric tons per year (mt/y) current output Given the lifecycle of mining permits valuable.
(which was formerly payable by permit holders at the rate of is miniscule in comparison to the 600 pre-2014, now is the time for renewals A notable number of Ivoirian juniors
7% of turnover), introduced greater transparency in permit- mt/y known potential, and microscopic and purchases, and the existing multi- have entered the mining scene and are
ting procedures, elongated the time period for initial explo- in comparison to the cumulative un- nationals are knocking on the Ministrys interested in smaller-scale project devel-
ration permits (extending the range from 3 to 4 years), and mapped reserves. Two new mines are door looking for more. Most recently, opment. The process by which mining
limited State participation to 15% of the share capital of each under construction: Perseus is currently Perseus Mining acquired Amara Mining companies achieve a license to operate
mining company, among other changes. Another advantage building its Sissingu mine in the North in April of 2016, granting access to their in Cote dIvoire is fair and equal for both
is that companies pay no tax for an exploration permit, and operations, explains Eric Kondo, managing director of Mining and Taurus Gold is underway with the Sissingu and Yaoure gold projects. The local and international companies, ex-
Cote dIvoire is one of the only countries that offers a five- Consulting Services in Cote dIvoire, as well as treasurer and Afema Mine on the intersection of the Egyptian company Centamin purchased plained Bamba Tahi Henri, director of
year tax exemption following commencement of commercial legal consultant for the Chamber of Mines and consulted on Bibiani and Asankrangwa belts. Three Ampella Mining in 2015, beginning what B&F Minerals. Compared with Burkina
the draft of the new mining code. manganese mines also contribute to
The current Minister of Mines, Mr Brou, has developed and national GDP, but adverse commodity
implemented incredibly favorable policies; however, we have prices have kept operations lean. Thank-
yet to see enough money pumped into the exploration indus- ful to the upswing in gold prices, Cote
try worldwide, which is why the sector is picking up slowly, dIvoires major multinationals have both
noted Stanislas de Stabenrath, director general of Exploration increased their exploration budgets and
& Mining Suppliers (X&M). begun strategic acquisitions. Although
As the government works to effectively implement the new Cote dIvoire continues to attract signifi-
legislation, Cote dIvoires NDP also posits a necessity for in- cant attention as the newest exploration
creasing its capacity in raw materials processing. Pragmati- destination of West Africa explained
cally, any form of value addition has seen little fruition to date Wouters, new entrants sometimes
across industries. Cote dIvoire is focusing on diversification remain cautious despite the hype, with
of its mineral production, with developments in manganese, M&A over the last years often consol-
calcined bauxite and nickel; however, in a number of cases, idating any advanced or significant ex-
mining licenses are being applied for and granted on the back ploration into the hands of current pro-
of studies that do not include any processing. We are not ex- ducers.
porting minerals; we are exporting ore, noted Ludivine Wout- Randgold has been expanding its Ton-
ers. This attracts operators looking for projects with the po- gon operation, but has also heavily in-
tential to rapidly generate cash flow, but seems at odds with vested in collecting dated information
the States industrialization policy. and newly mapping Cote dIvoire to cre-
Due to the adolescence of Cote dIvoires mining industry, ate an extensive database from which
after extracting and crushing the ore, it must be exported for they can make precise and focused
further treatment to countries that have longer mining histo- exploration decisions. In addition to
ries, such as Ghana or Mali. Gold remains the countrys driv- established projects in the north of the
ing resource, which limits the possibilities of beneficiation by country, explained Mark Bristow, CEO
nature, but the integration of labs and refineries present in- of Randgold, Randgold has just start-
teresting opportunities for impending investment given Cote ed a footprint in the Southeast of Cote
dIvoires central West African location and the ease of doing dIvoire, as we think it has merit worth
business in comparison to its neighbors. investigating.

26 MACIG 2016 MACIG 2016 27


Faso and Mali, in Cote dIvoire there are

many more local companies which have
drilling this target, which is resulting in
impressively high gold grades in some
obtained from Africa, explains Ms. Camera, chairman and
CEO of Tigui Mining Group. Her focus is thus centered around

TD Continental holds approximately 20 licenses,
managed to obtain licenses to work in holes. There is a significant amount of gold and diamonds, and within the next two years, we plan
the mining sector; however, this is often work still to be done in all of our per- to be in the exploration phase on at least one of my licenses,
which are operated within the framework of joint
dependent on the quality of the entity. mit areas, but currently Boundiali is the she explains. Mr. Bictogo and Ms. Camara are both working ventures agreements, and in collaboration with
B&F currently possesses a license to joint ventures main focus. Kokumbo is to prove that it is possible, and should be easier, for Africans international partners whose technical expertise and
operate in four separate areas of the also part of a very well mineralized belt and foreign investors to thrive in the mining industry. financial strength have proven suitable for large-scale
country, and has already invested more and we have had some encouraging Cote dIvoire is not an exception to the global challenge of mining projects.
than $2 million in a project in Daloa that diamond drilling results there as well, sustaining national security. March 13, 2016, the first ter-
they hope to bring towards the feasibil- concluded Roberts. rorist attack in the countrys history occurred at the Grand
- Michel Sodjiedo Mian,
ity stage. Though most explorers remain fixated Bassam beach resort. Mining executives, however, posit that
Some dedicated multinational juniors on gold, Cote dIvoire has approximate- this should not serve as a deterrent to entry. The administra- President Director General,
are expectantly pouring significant in- ly 4 billion mt of iron ore in the Western tion and the ministry are working to uphold their promises T.D. Continental S.A
vestment into the country. Predictive part of the country. This is complement- for increased security and improved transparency across a
Discovery, which operates on a project ed by around 350 million mt lateritic multitude of institutional layers. The United Nations is steadily
generator model, created a joint venture nickel as well as additional reserves of decreasing the number of uniformed personnel stationed in
with Toro Gold to develop their Bound- copper and manganese. Base metal Abidjan, Cote dIvoires economic capital, and has increased
iali, Ferkessedougou, and Kokumbo exploration and exploitation is neglect- confidence in Cote dIvoires governance. Cote dIvoire be-
concessions. In our initial geochemical ed, noted Nouho Kon, principal con- came EITI compliant in 2013, the diamond embargo was lifted
survey in 2014, the most interesting re- sultant for NF Consult, gold is an asset by the UN in 2014, and Kimberley diamonds resumed exports

sult was a 24 part per billion (ppb) anom- in which you can invest your money for in March of 2015. In January of 2016, the Ministry of Industry
aly from a 15 square kilometer (sq. km) faster development: while creating and and Mines made the commitment to implement a modern
catchment at Boundiali, which we then exploring a gold mine can take 14 or mining cadaster system for improved efficiency and clarity of
thought could reflect a world class gold 15 years, a base metal needs 20 or 25 ownership.
deposit, stated Paul Roberts, managing years minimum to be developed, and
director of Predictive Discovery. that time makes a big difference.
Toro and Predictive have recently begun Local entrepreneur and newly ac-
claimed mining junior Moumini Bictogo

has managed to add value to Lagune
Exploration Afriques bauxite extraction
operations, with the aim of moving into
Gold is an asset in which you full production by the close of 2016.
Within one site, Lagune Exploration Af-
can invest your money for faster
rique discovered 25,000,000 tonnes of
development: while creating and bauxite; however, after conducting cost
exploring a gold mine can take analyses it was uncovered that selling
14 or 15 years, a base metal needs basic bauxite would not be economical-
20 or 25 years minimum to be ly advantageous. Thus, we are work-
developed, and that time makes a ing to build a calcination factory to bring
more value to the mineralincreasing
big difference.
its profit potential by 200%-300%, ex-
plained Bictogo.
Upon its construction, Lagune Explo-
- Nouho Kon, ration Afrique will be the first and only
Principal Consultant, West African metallurgical company in
NF Consult nationality.
Tiguidanke Camara, a Guinean interna-
tional businesswoman, is also working
to make her name known in the mining
community. Her current focus is acqui-
sition, strategically investing in Cote

dIvoire as a door to the rest of West
Africa. I first started paying attention
to mining during my modeling career,
when I become aware of the fact that
many of the jewels I was wearing were

28 MACIG 2016 MACIG 2016 29


Mark Beating the

Bristow investment

Ludivine Wouters,
Managing Partner,
Latitude Five

You have become the weathervane for gold mining desti- the communities in such a way that they can continue to thrive
nations in West Africa. Why is Cte dIvoire currently your economically even after the mine is closed. We call this our leg-
country of optimal choice? acy strategy.
Randgold looks at all African countries and we rank them against Ahead of starting a mine, we conduct a social baseline study Over the last few years, despite global market conditions, whilst others need to reaffirm their place among top invest-
our risk assessment criteria. We will look at geological prospec- to understand the activities of the surrounding communities. West Africas gold sector has continued to attract significant ment destinations, such as Mali, Niger and Guinea.
tivity first, which is the potential to find a gold deposit larger than Wherever we can, we will develop needed infrastructure and investment, from regional producers as well as new entrants Since 2010, the mining sector has had to deal with a con-
3 million ounces that will deliver an IRR of 20% a year at a $1000 ensure that all villages in our affected area have access to clean acquiring development, pre-development or exploration as- stant flow of regulatory transitions across the region: de-
long term gold price. There are many African countries that will water. Every six months, we have discussions with the leaders sets, often with a similar strategy of spreading their invest- spite already revising fiscal terms in 2012, Senegal recently
fit this filter for gold, such as Senegal, Mali, Cte dIvoire, Bur- of the villages to identify problems in the community and find ment across two or three jurisdictions in the region. Though adopted a revision of its mining legislation after months of
kina Faso, Ghana, and the entire Archean gold field geology in solutions together. We run business development courses for Canadian and Australian gold producers looking for consoli- delay and hesitation, significantly reducing fiscal incentives;
Central and Eastern Africa which stretches from Dar es Salaam the communities, and we try to encourage the local entrepre- dation and geographical diversification have played a domi- Burkina Faso is still in the process of adopting implementa-
to North Eastern DRC. neurs to dream big. With big aspirations, financing is required nant role in this growth, investors and operators from other tion regulation for the revised mining code of June 2015, also
The second filter is the economic and fiscal regime of the coun- and this is how micro-financing starts. Randgold will financially regions, including Turkey and the Middle East, China and India characterized by an increase in fiscal burden; Mali recently
try. We will also consider the economic and political regime of support local businesses in their economic endeavors because are increasingly active in the sector, bringing financial capac- announced a revision of its 2012 mining legislation, with the
the country, such. Lastly we will consider the infrastructures most banks do not consider it. ity as well as operational expertise to a variety of projects. stated objective of increasing returns to the country and na-
such as accessibility of power and water supply. This remained true in 2016, with significant M&A across the tional economy. These processes will continue into 2017: in
When we apply all of these filters, the only A-grade country is Do you have a final message about Cte dIvoire, and your sector and increasing exploration budgets, including those an environment where exploration and project generation are
Cte dIvoire. Cte dIvoire has a competent civil service and perspective on West Africa in the future? deployed by new project generation vehicles. West Africa key drivers of growth for the mining sector, they should not
the country is run not only by politicians, but also by a cadre of Africa is an emerging continent, and by 2025 it is going to have has also seen growth in other minerals, with minerals sands, hinder investment.
professionals. People have stayed working in their departments the highest percentage of young people in the entire world. lithium, graphite and calcined bauxite projects progressing In most cases these transitions include extensive industry
for many years and there is history and knowledge. Cte dIvoire West Africa is rich in natural resources and there is still a signifi- across the region as the global energy and technology land- consultation, aiming to provide law makers with consensual
is also a very favorable destination for mining as it has the best cant amount of opportunities in the region. Cte dIvoire stands scape evolves. proposals, though the final legislation may be significantly im-
infrastructure in West Africa. out as a mining destination in West Africa, as it has the infra- The hope is that the next two to three years see higher and pacted by internal political and social drivers. Operators have
structure, a reputable political and administrative structure, and sustained gold prices stimulating exploration and develop- mostly succeeded in obtaining that contractual frameworks
Can you elaborate on the accessibility of power in Cte significant endowments. The country has the fundamental re- ment expenditure in West African gold. After several years of including stability provisions remain unaffected, though rene-
dIvoire, considering this was a challenge for Randgold re- quirements of building the basis of a sustainable community expenditure discipline, a number of gold producers, including gotiation has been required in some cases. Mining associa-
cently? which is potable water, primary healthcare, primary education, South African companies, are in a position to take advantage tions and chambers continue to request improvements in the
Currently things are more or less up and running. We built a and food security. For any mining company it would be a great of healthier balance sheets and stronger cash flows: West rapidity and transparency of permitting processes in a num-
power line from the Korhogo substation and linked some of the advantage to find the next world class mine in Cte dIvoire. Africa should a destination of significant interest for them. ber of West African jurisdictions.
villages in the vicinity to the power line as they were deprived of In addition to its projects in the north of the country, Randgold Two aspects should dominate the regulatory landscape in
electricity. It is a single power line and it comes with its challeng- has just started a footprint in the southeast of Cte dIvoire, as West Africa in the coming years: one is the efforts of Gov-
es, but the government is working on building additional power we think it has merit worth investigating. There has not been and managing regulatory transitions ernments across the region to curb illegal mining, particularly
lines and roads. much exploration in Cte dIvoire and there is no comprehensive in the gold sector, with international organisations and do-
We have always had a backup power station that can run our database on which new entrants can base their exploration. A Francophone West Africa benefits from a higher degree of nors pressing for regional coordination; another one is the
entire mine without the grid. competitive advantage for us is that we have been in the country legal and regulatory harmonization than other African regions, emergence of local content regulation or initiatives, as Gov-
long enough to build a map and databank which are now helping facilitating market entry and regional growth decisions. Inves- ernments and civil society organisations seek to increase
Can you elaborate on Randgolds PAMF-CI initiative? us make smart and focused decisions. tor and operator confidence indicators, such as the Policy Per- positive returns from mining for local economies. In both
To elevate economic activity within the footprint of our mines, We also continue to work with all the sector players and the ception Index published annually by the Fraser Institute, show cases, it will be important to ensure that industry views are
we run multiple microfinance operations such as PAMF-CI to as- government to attract new investments into the industry as well that some regional jurisdictions remain very strong among Af- expressed and taken into consideration in adopting workable
sist locals in creating their own businesses. Our aim is to benefit as the economy as a whole. rican peers, including Burkina Faso, Ghana and Cte dIvoire, regulation.

30 MACIG 2016 MACIG 2016 31


Services content development should be tackled

via capacity training, according to GBRs
industry executives survey results. Sou-
ment to support the development of the
economy, states Jean-Michel Maheut,
regional director for Bollor. The exist-
develop consignment stock deal where suppliers have access
to our infrastructure and clients. The only risk a foreign suppli-
dure Industrielle Et Construction (SIC-CI) ing infrastructure is acceptable for gold, We want to enter into a dialogue with mining er takes is to hold stock within our facilities, so it is a way to
is an Ivoirian industrial welding and con- which does not need as many contain- enter West Africa at very low cost and have access to X&M
companies so as to ensure a healthy environment for
struction company which began working ers, but more investment is needed for expertise in West Africa. We are already holding large stock on
for the main oil refinery of Cote dIvoire. the containers in order to support export the good of the workers, the communities nearby and behalf of private and ASX listed companies. X&M has set the
To support new exploration companies After the new mining code was passed, volumes of exporting base metals such for the mining companies themselves. largest stock of Standard (CRM) in West Africa in partnership
and offer local expertise, Cote dIvoire is SIC-CI decided to integrate the mining as Manganese and iron ore. Construc- with Ore Research and Exploration (OREAS), an Australian pri-
home to an array of Africa-experienced industry into their business under the tion will also commence within the next vate company.
service providers and small consulting premise that multinationals would be two years for a new containers and ves- - Yao Kossonou,
firms. Amongst these firms is Biotitiale, more inclined to dedicate energy to- sels quay and a logistics industrial area
General Manager,
an environmental consultancy firm, wards knowledge transfer. It is never near Yamoussoukro. Conclusion
launched in 2012. If a client wishes easy for a new company to get a market The promising direction of the coun-
us to complete all requirements until a share in mining, noted Mandjou Kourou- try and the strength of the Society for Aside from challenges common to the operational environ-
permit is obtained, we can provide that ma, director general of SIC-CI, but we Mining Development (SODEMI) have ment of African terrain, Cote dIvoire is unanimously deemed
service, or else we can help with par- have local competencies in place with cultivated trust from many multination- the top mining destination in West Africa for those who have
ticularities related to each mine. We can an excellent and talented team of local al suppliers and service providers as the experience and girth to commit to a long-term vision in the
coach a company as to how to obtain all workers. By using local talent we can well. EPC Groupe, a world leader in the region. Its exceptional infrastructure, connectivity, and political

of the various permissions required from save costs for both ourselves and our manufacturing, storage and distribution stability fill in the cracks of what was once a shaky foundation.
the Ministry of Industry and Mines as clients. of explosives, recently installed a mod- Now that the implementation of these essential elements are
well as other institutions, especially in Indeed Abidjan, the commercial capital ular group plant in Cote dIvoire. Our proving successful, thought leaders are able to more fluidly ad-
all matters concerning safety, security of Cote dIvoire, is emerging as a local vocate for development on a grander scale: We should start

and the protection of the environment, service hub to the francophone West sharing the knowledge that we have as to optimize projects
explained general manager for Biotitiale, African mining region in part to do investment illustrates our belief in the potential of the coun- and industry operations. The mutualization of knowledge and
Yao Kossonou. with its strategic location, infrastructure try, says Jean-Jacques Koua, managing director of EPC Cote skills would benefit everyone in the country as well as in the
Exploration companies also require and port facilities, but increasingly due Though it is set into the dIvoire. Multinationals that are already present in the country entire West African region, explains Shane Brady, managing
sample analysis, but laboratory support to a well functioning legal system, gov- new Mining Code, the local are preemptively training staff in correspondence with their ex- partner of WINGI Group.
has not been historically easy to access ernment and a relatively well educated pectations for minings impact on domestic power needs: We
development funds in place seem
from Cote dIvoire. ENVAL is one local population. CAT distributor Manuten- have implemented programs for training young people around
consortium taking advantage of this gap tion Africaine built its training center in
to have a few difficulties to be fully mining sitesmainly concerning electrical engineeringto as-
in the market. What began in 2000 as Abidjan given its great confidence in the implemented. A wider sure that we also retain the human capital needed to keep up
an environmental impacts bureau has country. Cote dIvoire certainly has the consultation with the stakeholders with the increase in energy demand, states Dalil Paraiso, West
since evolved into a multi-industry physi- best infrastructure in West Africa, ex- would help amending accordingly Africa general director for Schneider Electric.
ochemical laboratory for pollution, oil and plains Ludovic Boland, mining manager this important law, which EY, for example, has chosen Abidjan as its regional base, as
soon mineral sample analyses. ENVAL for Manutention Africaine, Power sup- Eric Nguessan, partner, EY Cote dIvoire, explained: EY Cote
should contribute to the realization
operates the largest laboratory in Cote ply in the country is good and most of dIvoire positioned itself in Abidjan as the center point between
the mines are running on the grid with
of tangible projects, as well as to
dIvoire, and is the second laboratory to Canada and Australia because a great deal of foreign direct in-
achieve ISO 17025 certification, ahead of only backup power plants. Road infra- the acceptance by the communities vestment comes from those two mining powerhouses. Glob-
SGS, Bureau Veritas, and Intertek. This structure is much better than the roads of the mining ally, EY has nine world mining partners, and in West Africa, EY
new laboratory will be the very first of its in other territories, and mines are easily projects. Cote dIvoire is the hub for the region. From Abidjan, we cover
kind in Cote dIvoire for mining analysis, accessible. Earthmoving and construc- Togo, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Benin. Hyspec, which pro-
Bakary Coulibaly, managing director of tion equipment provider Kanu Equipment vides hydraulic hoses, greasing machines, oil transfer services
ENVAL, explained. Due to our proximity Cote dIvoire has evolved to become the and more, offers itself as a case study for the strategic value
- Bodiel Ndiaye,
to the mines, we can deliver results in companys largest operational branch in of Abidjan as a hub. We experienced 180% growth due to our
a shorter time frame at the same level the region. By 2019, the government President, increase in services from the strong clientele that we currently
of standards as the laboratories in Ghana aims to have built around 7000km of Mining Association in Cote hold. We have good products and even better know how, so
or South Africa. When given a sample for new, modern roadways. This develop- d'Ivoire (GPMCI) we are confident that we will continue to grow, says Michel
analysis, our results are ready between ment has already begun, and new inves- Bertoncini, managing director of Hyspec Cote dIvoire.
a 24-hour to 48-hour timeframesome- tors are increasingly more present, says X&M Suppliers is another Abidjan success story, as their man-
thing that is impossible for our competi- Francois Bigara, managing director of the aging director Stanislas de Stabenrath has honed in on risk
tors to deliver. Cote dIvoire division. adverse business models to steadily increase investor confi-
Stringent local content laws are not in The national government is working on a dence in the stability of the country. We are also assisting
place at present, with the intention of port extension project to further increase foreign supply companies to have a better access to the West

providing one less obstacle to entry for accessibility and ease the logistics of ex- African market by signing consignment stock agreement with
businesses. Within the players in the port. In Cte dIvoire the government is X&M, says Stabenrath, Rather than opening an office and
market, a strong majority think that local very focused on infrastructure develop- investing large amount of cash in a difficult environment, we

32 MACIG 2016 MACIG 2016 33


GBR Mining Opinion Survey Cote d'Ivoire


Production: 8.5%
Exploration: 34.2%
I think the mining sector in I think development of local Cote d'Ivoire offers good Since the beginning of 2016
Legal: 12.7%
Africa has a positive outlook content should be addressed exploration potential with it has become easier to raise
Equipment/Services: 29.7%
for 2017. in the following way: attractive conditions relation capital for mining ventures in
Financial Institution: 4.2%
to other West African Cote d'Ivoire.
Other: 10.7%
STRONGLY AGREE jurisdictions.
*more than one answer possible
TRAINING (57.7%) (32.5%) AGREE (36.8%)
AGREE (57.2%)
DISAGREE (9.5%) (24.4%)
DISAGREE (39.5%)
DISAGREE (7.1%) DISAGREE (22.5%) DISAGREE (13.2%)
OTHER (11.1%)
What do you think is the top I think the key factor for LOCAL CAPACITY & ACT (6.8%)
factor to consider when Cote d'lvoire currently STRONGLY DISAGREE (0%)

looking to invest in an being so attractive for

African Country? mining investment is:


(45.7%) I think that public-private sec- I think the risk of investing in The mining industry in I think that the rate of permit
POLITICAL tor relations have improved in mining in Africa has Cote d'Ivoire has a processing is:
GOOD Cote d'Ivoire's mining sector decreased in the last 5 years. positive outlook for 2017.
STABILITY (28.4%) over the last 12 months.
SUPPLY) (20.4%) (19%) STRONGLY AGREE (15,7%)
AGREE (55%) (43.3%)
POTENTIAL (28.4%) DISAGREE (24.4%) DISAGREE (17.5%)


*Some respondents chose multiple sectors

34 MACIG 2016 MACIG 2016 35

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