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Origion of Islamic state and its implications on

Pakistan and Afghanistan

The origin of Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) now most commonly known as
Islamic state (IS) has posed very serious threats and hazardous in the region and
wider regions of the world as well. It has endangered the peace and stability in the
region and the motive of IS militants is not confined within the border of Iraq and
Syria but on the other hand it wants to implement the extremist, conservative and
strict version of Islam in order to dominate the entire world under their Islamic
imperial power.
Furthermore, the spreading of IS into south Asia may create serious implications
for Pakistan and its neighboring countries. They might be successful to achieve
support from the same minded people and other organizations which are involved
in certain terrorist activities to maintain their footholds in the region and proceed
their interest. However, since 2012, Pakistan army has carried out multiple
operations against some transnational militant organizations to dismantle their
presence which includes, tehreek e Taliban (TTP), Al Qaeda, Islamic movement of
Uzbekistan (IMU), east Turkmenistan Islamic movement (ETIM) and many local
militant groups. Now these groups operate from Afghanistan and the IS can get
their support in terms of new recruits, plaining, propaganda, and on ground tactical
Currently, Islamic state is one of the wealthiest terrorist organization in the world,
it has got a huge economy which plays an important role to grab the attention of
other weaker militant groups and the individuals across the world to join the IS,
just because of monetary purposes. Militant outfits like (TTP) has faced a vigorous
setback in military operation. They have lost central command, control centers and
most importantly they had been deprived of their communication networks. The
funds of IS might give a new life to TTP which would continue its activities in
Pakistan and neighboring countries.
Emergence of Islamic state:
The emergence of Islamic state in Iraq and Syria is the result of US intervention
into Iraq and dismantling of Saddam regime in 2003. This gave the al-Qaida an
opportunity to step down in the region and formed one of its branch al-Qaida in
Iraq (AQI) under the supervision of a Jordanian militant Abu Mosab al Zarqawi.
He used to be the leader until he was killed by in an US backed air strike in 2006.
After he was killed, in 2010 a new leader with more motivations Abu-Bakr Al
Baghdadi took the command of (AQI) in which he brought many reforms and
reorganized it and now which is known as Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or
the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). After the termination of U.S The
rejuvenescence of IS posed much higher threat to the governments respectively and
another victory of ISIS was the marginalization of Sunni tribes. In 2013, the
barbarian militants carried out attacks in which 7,000 civilians have been targeted
and killed mostly Shia Muslims and non-Muslims. Ultimately, in 2014 after several
attacks ISIS captured a key town which is about 400 kilometers north of capital
city Baghdad. If we have a look on the second side of coin in Syria it was
successful to occupy a major City-Raqqa about 445 kilometers in northeast of
capital city of Damascus. The military of either country ran away because IS exert
its ultimate force to capture the two major cities in both countries where the
military was not able to confront them.

Islamic State a threat to Pakistan?

Pakistan is a country where a host of terrorist organizations are working or they
have their safe havens such as, TTP, IMU, al-Qaida and so forth whereas these are
actively working in different parts of Pakistan.
After the discloser in Iraq, the IS has developed a roadmap for coming five years.
The vicinity which they refer include Pakistan and Afghanistan are located as
Khorasan. The Islamic state created a ten-member strategic plaining wing, which
would be responsible for the training, recruiting, funding and plaining of militants
under the shadow of IS in Pakistan.
according to the provincial government of Balochistan IS has recruited round about
10,000 to 12,000 people from Hangu in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, and
khurram agency and from some other areas of federally administered tribal area
(FATA). After the consecutive efforts and continues operations carried out by
Pakistani military with the help of intelligence service agency (ISI), the militants
have paved their ways towards Afghanistan to hide themselves from attacks.
The IS relations with other militant groups in Pakistan:
IS is the worlds richest terrorist group in the world. however, after the military
operations on those militant organizations which had been functioning in various
parts of Pakistan are in dire need of money which naturally attracts the attention of
IS to fund and support them so that they can achieve their target whatsoever they
are targeted for. Likewise, IS was of the opinion that they probably would initiate
their another chapter around the globe and in Pakistan their Khorasan. Group
will recruit and train the militants. The banned militant organization TTP led by
Maulan fazlullah faced a huge setback since Pakistani army carried out operation
in north Waziristan to curve them. Now there are some reports according to which
some TTP commanders have accepted Abu-Bakar al Baghdadi as their caliph.
Former spokesperson of TTP shahidullah shahid in his statement said I am going
to announce my allegiance to Al-Baghdadi al-Qarshi. I will obey his every
command, whether good or bad and whatever the situation. Neither the TTP nor its
leader Maulana Fazalullah has directed me to announce my allegiance to the ISIS,
but I and five senior leaders have decided to join al-Baghdadi al-Qarshi.
The alternative five TTP men who introduced allegiance to Abu-Bakr al Baghdadi
have been key commanders: Hafiz Saeed Khan who operated from Orakzai
organization; Hafiz Daulat Khan who changed into TTP commander in
Kurram enterprise; Maulana Gul Zaman who became controlling the affairs in
Khyber corporation; Mufti Hassan who was the TTP commander for Peshawar;
and Khalid Mansoor who turned into liable for Hangu.
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) is another aggressor association in Pakistan that could
hold hands with the Islamic State.
Framed in 1996, the gathering is assigned as a psychological militant association
by the legislatures of Pakistan and the United States, what's more, has been
included in a few partisan assaults. A few appraisals propose that LeJ has more
than 1,000 dynamic individuals. The IS and LeJ are ideologically fundamentally
the same as. LeJ has done some of the deadliest assaults against Shia Muslims in
Pakistan. The IS aggressors need to misuse their partisan association in Pakistan.
The IS was effective in making a partisan conflict between the Shia and Sunni
tribes which eventually destabilized Iraq. The Iraqi security powers were frail,
badly prepared, and minimum inspired, which made ready for the exceedingly
prepared, spurred, and all around prepared warriors of the IS to get physical space
in Iraq furthermore, Syria. The Islamic State in a joint effort with the TTP and LeJ
may light partisan brutality in Pakistan. It is normal that the Shia Muslims
alongside Ahmadis and Christians could endure the worst part of the development
of IS in Pakistan. The legislature of Pakistan must take solid measures to guarantee
the security of minorities and every single other group.

The rise of Islamic state and implications for Afghanistan:

Afghanistan is an exceptionally powerless war-assaulted nation with weak security
strengths, delicate economy, and a dynamic revolt. Ethnic separation in
Afghanistan additionally convolutes the undertakings. The Islamic State in its
bigger arrangements incorporates development to different territories, for example,
what it calls "Khorasan" that incorporates Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of Iran
and Central Asia. Afghanistan being a temperamental nation would be a perfect
place for the IS activists to set up their order and control center. Afghanistan would
give them physical space what's more, on-ground bases with its extensive swathes
of untamed, ungoverned, and remote territories. The surfacing of the Islamic State
in Afghanistan would decimate for a nation as of now in turmoil. The IS in
Afghanistan would make some ground as a result of the power vacuum after the
withdrawal of the US strengths. The operations drove by the US in Iraq and Syria
have corrupted IS capacities. A huge number of IS contenders have been murdered
in the airstrikes by the US what's more, its partners. The Islamic State is likewise
searching for newcomers who can offer assistance manage its uprising in Iraq and
Syria. It likewise needs enlists for its arrangements of extension in "Khorasan."
The commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan General John F Campbell once
said, Theres recruiting going on in Afghanistan, there is recruiting going on in
Pakistan. There is money being passed back and forth.
The US military is insightful of the nearness of Islamic State in Afghanistan. As
per the US appraisal, the IS activists are setting up their system in Afghanistan. In
spite of the way that they are little in number right presently, they have
arrangements to build up their control in Afghanistan. Even the Afghan President
cautioned the US and the worldwide group that Islamic State is making ground in
Afghanistan, and is enrolling and pouring assets in the nation to build up its a
dependable balance. The IS fighters are working in different areas of Afghanistan
but one of the main area from which they are mostly active is Helmand.

The IS and the Afghan Taliban:

It would not be simple for the IS to build up its bases or preparing camps in
Afghanistan since it would need to confront a three-pronged test. The first
challenge originates from the US-drove coalition. It is pounding its warriors in Iraq
furthermore, Syria, and is not going to give it a chance to get physical space in
Afghanistan. The second test originates from the Afghan national security
strengths. The third, and maybe more imperative, test is postured by the Afghan
Taliban. Afghanistan is the home of Afghan Taliban, and they could never permit
any activist gathering to supplant them or undermine their part in the nation. There
were reports of conflicts between the IS aggressors and Taliban for the control of
specific regions. In Farah territory the IS aggressors set up a preparation camp and
selected around 600 individuals. Before long, the Afghan Taliban attacked the
camp and dwarfed IS activists. After substantial battling, the IS activists at last
surrendered and were expelled from the area.
The IS activists have an unfathomable measure of money and a transnational
picture, which may pull in the neighborhood activist gatherings to split away with
Taliban and join hands with it. The activists in Afghanistan would think about the
Afghan Taliban what's more, Islamic State. The Afghan Taliban is centered around
They don't have any arrangements for building up a worldwide caliphate sooner
rather than later. Though the IS activists have announced that they need to
recapture the lost regions once under Muslim domains. They should seriously mull
over Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi more prominent in status than Mullah Omar on the
grounds that the previous has more extensive support of the other activist
associations and a bigger base of operations, though Mullah Omar and his
successor are considered as pioneer of Afghan and Pakistani Taliban as it were.

The IS aggressors are attempting to set up a dependable balance in Pakistan and
Afghanistan. They require physical space in these two nations to complete their
fear based oppressor exercises in the area. The IS needs to set up its control over
the region it terms as "Khorasan," in light of the fact that IS thinks of it as essential
for the accomplishment of its bigger objective of setting up a worldwide caliphate.
The IS activists have effectively made advances into Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The IS can't take control of regions in Pakistan, since Pakistan has a solid military
and security strengths mechanical assembly. Pakistan's military has shown its
abilities against TTP-connected aggressors in tribal ranges. It would be
troublesome for the IS to thrashing Pakistan military and take control of FATA or
any other part of the nation and utilize it as a place of refuge. Be that as it may, the
IS can upset peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan via completing psychological
militant exercises on a constrained scale in coordinated effort with their likeminded
aggressor bunches like the branches of Al- Qaeda, TTP, LeJ, turncoats from
Afghan Taliban, IMU, ETIM, and the Chechen activists in Pakistan and

1. Mohamed El-Shibiny, Iraq: A Lost War (Palgrave Macmillan, June 2010),


2. Helen Thorpe, Soldier Girls: The Battles of Three Women at Home and at
War (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2014), p.396.

3. William Young, et al, Spillover from the Conflict in Syria: An Assessment

of the Factors that Aid and Impede the Spread of Violence (Santa Monica:
Rand Corporation, 2014), p.43.

4. Joseph Spark, Atrocities Committed by ISIS in Syria & Iraq: ISIL/Islamic

State/Daesh (Conceptual Kings, 2014), p.4.

5. Steve Stone, ISIS Dawn: Special Forces War in Syria and Iraq (Digital
Dreams Publishing, 2014), p.290.

6. Jason S Belcher, Aftermath: Rebuilding Global Security after a Century of

Warfare (Post Hill Press, 2014), p.7.

7. Julide Karakoc, Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Before and After the
Arab Uprisings (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), p.3.

8. Erick Stakelbeck, ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish

Reality of Radical Islam (Washington: Regnery Publishing, 2015), p.12.

9. Kalev Leetarujune, Tracking the Islamic State-With Words, Foreign

Policy, 19 June 2015,<

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