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Edit Decision List

Card File name Duration Us Comments

No. [mm:ss] e
2 DJI_0001 05:51 Y Footage will be used to show the car being chased.

2 DJI_0002 01:21 Y This footage can be used to film

2 DJI_0003 04:22 N Footage is too shaky for use. Positioning is off and
footage cannot be used for the intended purpose, this will
be re-shot
2 DJI_0005 08:38 Y Footage will be cut down for use in 3 scenes within the
music video.
1 MVI_9912 01:12 N Subject out of focus/too close to the camera

1 MVI_9914 00:39 Y Correct settings for colour correction in post.

1 MVI_9916 03:40 N ISO settings too high

1 MVI_9919 00:18 Y Steady shot overall, Light colours

1 MVI_9920 00:06 N Accidental Shot

1 MVI_9921 00:20 Y Good in focus shot, slightly grainy however.

1 MVI_9922 00:28 N Not Steady

1 MVI_9923 00:06 N Not Steady

1 MVI_9924 00:07 Y Steady shot, filmed in 60FPS to be slowed down.

1 MVI_9925 00:16 N Not In Focus

1 MVI_9926 00:11 N Shot not needed for panning

1 MVI_9927 00:09 N Not Steady

1 MVI_9928 03:02 Y Lip-sync

1 MVI_9929 00:04 N Accidental Shot

1 MVI_9930 01:12 Y Lip-sync

1 MVI_9931 01:03 Y Lip-sync

1 MVI_9932 01:21 Y Lip-sync

1 MVI_9933 01:57 Y Lip-sync

1 MVI_9934 00:51 N Not Steady


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