CH 7 Simple Beam End Connections-9-13

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Simple beam end connections

7.1 Introduction

Flexible beam end connections are among the common types of connection used
in structural steelwork. Typical connections in this category are shown in Figure7.1.
These connections are intended to transfer vertical shear reactions only (i.e. no
bending moments) and they may be either of the beam-to-beam or beam-to-
column type. They may employ bolted end cleats, welded and bolted end plates,
fin plates, shear plates, or seating angles or brackets.

Figure 7.1 Typical flexible beam end connections

All manner of complexity may, however, occur in such connections and Figure 7.2
shows a number of situations that may be encountered, as well as some handy

Figure 7.2 Flexible beam end connections in particular applications

Figure 7.2 Flexible beam end connections in particular applications (continued)

Figure 7.2 Flexible beam end connections in particular applications (continued)

Where a beam is connected to a column web and the beam flange is too wide to
fit between the column flanges, the edges of the flange of the beam may have to
be notched. Figure 7.3 shows the required sizes of such notches. (Note that we use
term notch here, in line with general South African practice, the term cope is used
in many other countries for exactly the same phenomenon.)

Figure 7.3 Dimensions for notches to fit between column flanges

As the name implies, flexible beam end connections are not intended to transfer
bending moment, and it is important to ensure that they dont gain so much stiffness
that significant moments, which have not been taken into account during the
design of the structure, will arise in the actual structure. The connections discussed in
this chapter will cause some moments to arise, but this will be small. It is possible to
design connections deliberately to be able to resist a certain amount of moment,
while still not being rigid. A sizeable body of theory, supported by tests, has been
developed for semi-rigid connections, but has found little acceptance among
practicing engineers. See Chapter 9 for more on semi-rigid connections.

As shown in some of the sketches in Figures 7.1 and 7.2, it may sometimes be
necessary to remove a part of one or both flanges of the supported beam, as well
as some portion of the web, i. e. to cope or notch the beam to avoid
interference with the flange(s) of a supporting beam or girder. This will weaken the
beam somewhat, which may have any of the following results:
Yielding occurs in the notch because of bending moment.
Yielding occurs in the notch because of shear.
Buckling occurs in the notch because of compressive bending stresses.
Lateral torsional buckling of the beam occurs because it does not have
effective torsional restraint at the support.

When the notch renders the beam not strong enough it has to be strengthened,
either by choosing another section or by applying stiffeners as shown in Figure 7.4.
Stiffeners may be applied on one side of the web, or on both.

Figure 7.4 Strengthening of notches subject to yielding or buckling

Clause 4.3 of SANS 10160-1 states the requirements relating to the integrity and
robustness of a structure. In essence, a structure should not suffer damage
disproportional to the original cause if an abnormal event occurs, and local
damage should not lead to widespread collapse. Of relevance to the subject of
steel connections is a strategy of tying the building together by designing the beams
within floor systems to be able to resist tensile loads, as spelled out in Annex B of SANS
10160-1. To allow for the case where those loads are to be transmitted through the
steel-to-steel connections (rather than the concrete reinforcing in composite beams,
for instance) guidance on the tensile resistance of certain connections is included in
what follows. A more extensive coverage of design methodologies can be found in
the BCSA Simple Connections Handbook appendices A through D.

Enough attention is not always paid to the need for enabling the safe erection of
beams with flexible end plates or angle cleats. The matter can be particularly acute
where the same bolts have to carry beams on both sides of a supporting plate,
requiring both beams to be held in position until some of the bolts have been
installed. For normal beams this can be done by a deft steelworker with nothing
more than a podger spanner, but for a heavy beam this can be quite precarious.
The safety officer in charge may also not be happy with anything but a proper
solution. The problem can be overcome by means of either a temporary shelf angle
on which to rest one of the beams, by cutting away a portion of a flexible end plate
or part of one angle cleat on either side of the supporting plate, or by extending the
end plate of one of the beams, as illustrated in Figure 7.5.

Figure 7.5 Measures to facilitate safe erection

Hot rolled sections have tolerances on their dimensions, which means that the
distance between the two faces to which the ends of a beam have to be attached
can vary. This problem is addressed by making the beam about 2 mm shorter than
the theoretical dimension at each end. If there are a number of columns in a row
with beams in between them it may become necessary to use shims between the
face of a beam and the face to which it is attached. Finger shims, as shown in Figure
7.6, are ideal for this purpose.

Figure 7.6 Finger shim

In what follows, the details and the formulae for calculating the resistances of
various types of flexible beam end connection are given as well the applicable
clauses in SANS 10162-1. A person who is familiar with this standard should find it easy
to determine how the formulae were derived.

7.2 Double angle cleat connection

Numerically controlled fabrication equipment can do two things especially well:

make holes and cut steel. Automatic welding is, at the time of writing is used in the
steel construction industry primarily for long welds, such as those connecting the
flanges of a plate girder to the web. From these considerations follows the
preference among steelwork contractors for connections that do not involve
welding but require only bolts, especially for the ever-popular simple construction
steel structures with connections that are not designed to transmit bending moment.
The beam-to-column and beam-to-beam double angle cleat connections shown in
Figure 7.7 are typical examples of this type of connection.

Figure 7.7 Typical double angle cleat connections

When designing connections of this type, it can be assumed that the reaction acts
at the face of the supporting member, and that there is no bending moment at this
point, i.e. there are no tensile forces in the bolts connecting the cleats to the
supporting member. In order to make this assumption as nearly true as possible, the
cleats should not be thicker or longer than required, and the bolts connecting the
cleats to the supporting member should be spaced reasonably far apart
horizontally. Should the cleats be welded to the supporting member a viable but
uncommon alternative the welding should be limited to the vertical outer edges of
the cleats (and possibly the bottom edge).

Figure 7.8 shows the symbols used in the design formulae that follow.

n number of bolts in a vertical line
d diameter of bolt
d 2 diameter of bolt hole
f y yield stress of steel
f u ultimate tensile strength of steel
e = distance from end of beam to face of supporting member
Vu ultimate reaction that can act on the connection
Vr shear resistance of a bolt in single shear
br 0,67

Figure 7-8 Symbols for double angle cleat connections

In what follows the process of designing an end cleat connection is explained by

taking the designer through a set of nine checks, following the example of the Steel
Construction Institute (Ref...)

Check 1 Detailing

Check that the connection meets the requirements in Figure 7.9 (see also the
standard connections in 7.8 below):

Figure 7.9 Requirements for details of end cleats

Also note following:

Place the cleat near the top of the beam and make its length not less than
half the depth of the beam, to ensure that the beam has adequate torsional
restraint. The top of the cleat must be more than t f r1 from the top of the
beam, where t f and r1 refer to either the supported or any supporting beam.
It makes sense to use the same value for the depth of the notch and the
distance from the top of the beam to the top of the cleat. The SAISC
recommends a value of 35 mm, except for beams or girders with very thick
Ensure that the cleat is not too long. For an unnotched beam or one with a
single notch that implies c h hnt t f r1
And for a double notched beam
c h hnt hnb, c h hnt t f r1 and c h 2t f r1 for both the
supporting and the supported beam.
Bolt spacing and edge distances must comply with SANS 10162-1, Clause
22.3. This implies, for M20 bolts, s 2,7d , a 1,5d and all edge distances 26
Some allowance has to be made for inaccuracies in fabrication and
erection. Its advisable to make beams 2 mm shorter on each end than what

they must be. Shims can then be used if needed to fill any gaps (see 7.1

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam

For a single line of bolts:

Vertical force on any bolt: Fuv (7.1)
Where n = number of bolts

Horizontal force on top or bottom bolt due to the moment Vu g1 is given by

Vu g1
Fuh (7.2)
Z bg
nn 1s
where Z bg section modulus of the set of bolts.

The resultant force on a bolt, equal to Fu Fuv2 Fuh2 , may not exceed 2Vr where
Vr is the shear resistance of a bolt on a single shear plane (note that every bolt goes
through two shear planes).

Vu Vu g1

Thus 2Vr (7.3)

n Z bg
From which the ultimate load the bolts can resist can be derived:

Vu (7.4)
1 g1

n Z bg

For a double line of bolts:

The polar moment of inertia of the group of bolts is given by:

I bg

n n 2 1 s 2 ng 32
6 2

where n = number of bolts in a vertical line.

The vertical load per bolt is then given by:

V V g g 3 / 2g 3
Fuv u u 2 (7.6)
2n 2 I bg

And the horizontal load on the bottom bolt by:

Vu g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
Fuh (7.7)
2 I bg

But the resultant force Fu on a bolt may not exceed 2Vr where

Fu Fuv2 Fuh2 (7.8)


1 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
2 2

Vu 2Vr (7.9)
2n 2 I 2 I
bg bg

Check 3 Strength of cleat connected to supported beam

Figure 7.10 Block shear in cleat

Here Vu may not exceed 2Vvi where Vvi is the smallest value of Vv1 to Vv 7 below
(note that separate values are calculated for a single and a double line of bolts)

Block shear along A-A in Figure 7.10:

Clause 13.11 (a)(ii):

Vv1 .0,62a n 1s nd 4.t c f u (7.10)

Clause 13.11 (a)(i):

Vv 2 .0,62a n 1s.t c f y (7.11)

(Note that in Equation 7.10 and in the four equations that follow the diameter
of the holes is taken as 4 mm bigger than the diameter of the bolts, as SANS
10162-1 Clause 12.3.2 requires that for a punched hole 2 mm must be added
to the diameter of the hole, which is typically made 2 mm bigger than the
Block failure along B-B:

For a single line of bolts:

Clause 13.11(a)(i):
d 4
Vv 3 bc g1 .t c f u 0,6 a n 1s .t c f y (7.12)
Clause 13.11 (a)(ii):

d 4
Vv 4 bc g1 .t c f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t c f u (7.13)

For a double line of bolts:

Clause 13.11 (a)(i):

Vv3 hc g 2 1,5d 4.t c f u 0,6 a n 1s.t c f y (7.14)

Clause 13.11 (a)(ii)

Vv 4 hc g 2 1,5d 4.t c f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t c f u (7.15)

Bolt bearing on cleat:

Single line of bolts:

The resultant force F on the furthest bolt may not exceed, Br where, from Check 2:

2 2
V V g 1 g
2 2

F u u 1 Vu 1 (7.16)
n Z bg n Z bg

But Clause 13.10(c):

Br 3br t c df u
with br 0,67

3br t c df u
Thus Vv 5 (7.17)
1 g1

n Z bg

But a further check is required for the possibility that the bearing resistance may
depend on the distance between the furthest bolt and the edge or end of the

Clause 13.10(c):

Vertically: Vv 6 br nat c f u (7.18)

Z bg
Horizontally: Vv 7 br bc g1 .t c f u (7.19)
Double line of bolts:

Similar to the calculation in Check 2:

1 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
2 2

Vv 5 3br t c df u (7.20)
2n 2 I 2 I
bg bg

If the resistance depends on the edge or end distance(Clause 13.10(c)):


1 g g 3 / 2g 3
F Vu 2 br at c f u (7.21)
2n 2 I bg


1 g g 3 / 2g 3
Vv 6 br at c f u 2 (7.22)
2n 2 I bg


4 I bg
Vv 7 br hc g 2 g 3 .t c f u (7.23)
n 1s

Check 4 Strength of supported beam in connection

Figure 7.11 Block shear in notched beam

Here the requirement is: Vu Vvi where Vvi is the smallest value of Vvi to Vv 6 below.

Shear in beam web:

Unnotched beam:


Vv1 ht w 0,66 f y (7.24)

Beam with single notch (conservatively):

Clause 13.4.2:

Vv1 0,67 h hnt t w 0,66 f y (7.25)

Double notched beam:

Clause 13.4.2:

Vv1 0,67 h hnt hnb t w 0,66 f y (7.26)

Block shear, in notched beams only (see Figure 7.10):

Single line of bolts:

Clause 13.11(b)(i):

d 4
Vv 2 0,5 g1 e .t w f u 0,6 a n 1s .t w f y (7.27)

Clause 13.11(b)(ii):
d 4
Vv 3 0,5 g1 e .t w f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t w f u (7.28)

Double line of bolts:

Clause 13.11(b)(i):
Vv 2 0,5 g 2 g 3 e 1,5d 4.t w f u 0,6 a n 1s.t w f y (7.29)
Clause 13.11(b)(ii):

Vv3 0,5 g 2 g 3 e 1,5d 4.t w f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t w f u (7.30)

Bolts bearing on web:

For a single line of bolts:

From Check 3:

Clause 13.10(c):

3br t w df u
Vv 4 (7.31)
1 g1

n Z bg

And if end or edge distance controls:

Clause 13.10(c):

Vertically: Vv5 br nat w f u (7.32)

Horizontally: Vv 6 Z bgbr g1 e.t w f u / g1 (7.33)

For a double line of bolts:

From Check 3:

1 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
2 2

Vv 4 3br t w df u (7.34)
2n 2 I 2 I
bg bg

And when end or edge distance controls:

Vertical force on top bolt nearest to end of beam:

Vu Vu g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 / 2
F br at w f u (7.35)
2n I bg

br at w nf u
Vv 5 (7.36)
0,5 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 / 2.n / I bg

Horizontal force on bottom bolt nearest to end of beam:

Vu g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
F br g 2 et w f u
2 I bg

br g 2 e t w I bg 2 f u
Vu 6 (7.37)
g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s

Check 5 Capacity of notched beam in notch

Figure 7.12 Critical sections for strength in notch

Let Z be the elastic section modulus of the beam in the notched region clearly
dependant on whether it is a single or double notched situation.

The resistance as controlled by yielding in bending at the critical section can be

taken as equal to Vu where:

Zf y
Vu (7.38)
e n

We can then say that the bending resistance of the notched beam will not be
exceeded if the length of the notch does not exceed n , where:

Zf y
n e (7.39)

If the beam is restrained against lateral torsional buckling and the following applies,
no account needs to be taken of stability in the notched area (values for Grade
S355 steel):

If 48 : n h (7.40)

h 110 000h
If 48 : n (7.41)
tw h / t w 3
as well as the requirement that, for a single notched beam:
hnt h / 2

or, for a double notched beam:

both hnt and hnb h / 5 .

If any of these requirements is not satisfied, the notched area must be strengthened,
as shown in Figure 7.3.

Check 6 Capacity of bolts connecting cleats to supporting member

If the cleats are fixed to the supported beam by a single line of bolts, no further
check is required, because the shear forces on the bolts will be smaller on the
supporting member than on the beam as a result of the absence of bending

For the case of a double line of bolts on the supported beam (but a single line on the
supporting member):

Shear resistance of bolts:


Vu 2nVr (7.42)

Check 7 Resistance of cleats connected to supporting member

If the cleats are fixed to the supported beam by a single line of bolts, no further
check is required, because the shear force on the connection and the configuration
of the bolts are the same.

For the case of a double line of bolts on the supported beam (single line on the
supporting member):

Vu may not exceed 2Vvi where Vvi is the smallest value of Vv1 to Vv 6 below.

Figure 7.13 Block failure of cleat

Block shear along A-A:

Clause 13.11(a)(ii):

Vv1 .0,62a n 1s nd 4.t c f u (7.43)

Clause 13.11(a)(i):

Vv 2 .0,62a n 1s.t c f y (7.44)

Block shear along B-B:

Clause 13.11(a)(i)

d 4
Vv 3 bc g1 .t c f u 0,6 a n 1s .t c f y (7.45)
Clause 13.11 (a)(ii):

d 4
Vv 4 bc g1 .t c f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t c f u (7.46)

Bearing of bolts on cleat:

Clause 13.10 (c):

Vv5 3br t c dnf u (7.47)

As controlled by end distance:

Clause 13.10 (c):

Vv 6 br at c nf u (7.48)

Check 8 Local capacity of the supporting member

In general, connections of this kind will not have a major impact on the supporting
member, beyond inducing forces (bending moment, axial force and shear) that
must be taken into account when designing the supporting member as a whole.

The only specifically connection-related issue regarding the supporting member is

bearing of the bolts on this member. This will clearly only be an issue if the thickness
of the plate to which any cleats are attached is less than that of the cleats.

If any horizontal forces act on the connection, or when considering structural

integrity, the resistance of the supporting member must be considered.

Check 9 Structural integrity

With regard to the design of this type of connection, complying with the structural
robustness and integrity strategy of SANS 10160-1 Annex B.5 will require that the
connection resist a horizontal tie (tensile) force of at least 75 kN. The actual force as
per SANS 10160-1 is likely to be higher.

Under the conditions that will prevail when we rely on the robustness and integrity of
a structure, extremely large deflections can be tolerated, such as that shown in
Figure 7.14. These deformations can be as high as 50 mm at capacity. Ref can be
consulted for a proper discussion of the resistance of a double angle cleat
connection under such circumstances, but a study of test results and theory shows
that for relatively small connections with S355 beams, S275 cleats and M20 Class 8.8
bolts, the connections can resist a force of approximately 30 kN per bolt.
Connections with more than 6 rows (12 bolts) can carry as much as 50 kN per bolt.

Figure 7.14 Large deformation of double angle cleat connection

7.3 Single angle cleat connections

Single angle cleat beam-to-column and beam-to-beam connections, such as those

shown in Figure 7.15 differ from double angle cleat connections only in that they use
an angle cleat only on one side of the beam web. Their resistance is less than that of
their double angle counterparts, but they do require less labour and some of the
erection problems plaguing double angle cleat connections occurring on both sides
of a supporting member can be avoided.

Figure 7.15 - Typical single end cleat connections

The symbols shown in Figure 7.8 are also used for single angle cleat connections.

We discuss the design of single angle cleat connections with reference to the nine
checks for double angle cleat connections discussed earlier.

Check 1 Detailing

Identical to Check 1 for double angle cleats

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam

Identical to Check 2 for double angle cleats, except that the term 2Vr must
consistently be replaced with Vr because there is only a single shear plane.

Check 3 Strength of cleat connected to supported beam

Identical to Check 3 for double angle cleats, except that the first sentence must
read Here Vu may not exceed Vri where.

Check 4 Strength of supported beam in connection

Identical to Check 4 for double angle cleats.

Check 5 Capacity of coped beam in cope

Identical to Check 5 for double angle cleats.

Check 6 Shear capacity of bolts connecting cleat to supporting member

Similar to Check 6 for double angle cleats, except that Equation 7.42 should read:

Vu nVr (7.49)

Check 7 Resistance of cleat connected to supporting member

Identical to Check 7 for double angle cleats, but now Vu may not exceed the
smallest of Vv1 to Vv 6 , rather than twice these values.

Check 8 Local capacity of the supporting member

Identical to Check 8 for double angle cleats.

Check 9 Structural integrity

Little is known about the resistance of single angle cleat connections in tension and
it is inadvisable to rely on them to provide structural integrity.

7.4 Flexible end plate connections

Typical flexible beam end plate connections, beam-to-column and beam-to-beam,

are shown in Figure 7.15 The end plate in such a connection should be so flexible
that very little bending moment will be generated in it. These connections do not
share the characteristic of angle cleat connections that they involve only bolting
and no welding but they are economical and certainly popular.

Figure 7.16 Typical flexible end plate connections

When designing this type of connection, it can be assumed that the reaction acts at
the face of the supporting member, and that there is no bending moment at this
point. In order to make this assumption as nearly true as possible, the end plate
should not be thicker than required, or welded to the flanges, and the bolts
connecting the plate to the supporting member should be spaced reasonably far
apart horizontally. This will allow the connection to deform as shown in Figure 7.17.

Figure 7.17 Rotation of beam in connection

The end plate must be able to provide torsional restraint to the beam. This is
achieved by making the height of the end plate equal to at least half the height of
the beam.

Figure 7.18 shows the symbols used in the design formulae that follow.

n = number of bolts in a vertical row
d = diameter of bolt
d 4 = diameter of bolt hole(after adding further 2 mm as required by
Clause 12.3.2)
f y = yield stress of steel
f u = ultimate tensile strength of steel
Vu = ultimate reaction that can be resisted by connection
Vr = shear resistance of a bolt on a single shear plane (with the thread
in the plane)
= 0,9
br = 0,67

Figure 7.18 Symbols for flexible end plate connections

The process of designing a flexible end plate is also explained by taking the designer
through a set of 8 checks. In some instances we refer back to the discussion of
double angle cleat connections in 7.2 above.

Check 1 Detailing

Check that the connection meets the requirements in Figure 7.19. (See also the
standard connections under 7.8 below.)

Figure 7.19 Detail requirements for end plate connections

Also note the following:

Place the plate near the top of the supported beam, but not less than t f r1
from its top.
Make the length of the end plate not less than half the depth of the beam, to
ensure that the beam has adequate torsional restraint.
Bolt spacing and edge distances must comply with SANS 10162-1

Check 2 Capacity of welds connecting to supported beam

Vu is the lesser of 2Vr1 and 2Vr 2 , where:


Vr1 2 0,67 w a w p f u (7.50)

Vr 2 2 0,67 w 0,707a w p xu (7.51)
w 0,67
a w leg length of weld
f u tensile strength of parent metal
xu tensile strength of weld metal

Check 3 Strength of supported beam in connection

For shear in the beam web in the region immediately adjoining the end plate,
assume that the shear stress will be uniform over the depth of the end plate, so that:

Clause 13.4.2:

Vu t w p 0,66 f y (7.52)

Check 4 Capacity of notched beam in notch

Identical to Check 5 for double angle cleat connections.

Check 5 Shear capacity of bolts connecting end plate to supporting member

Identical to Check 6 for double angle cleat connections.

Check 6 Resistance of plate connected to supporting member

Vu 2Vvi where Vvi is the smallest value of Vv1 to Vv 4 below.

Figure 7.20 Block failure of end plate

Block shear along A-A:


Vv1 0,62a n 1s nd 4.t p f u (7.53)

Clause 13.11 (a)(i):

Vv 2 0,62a n 1s.t p f y (7.54)

Block shear along B-B:

Clause 13.11(a)(i):

b p g d 4
Vv 3 . .t p f u 0,6 a n 1s .t p f y (7.55)
2 2

Clause 13.11(a)(ii):

b p g d 4
Vv 4 t p f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t p f u (7.56)
2 2

Check 7 Local capacity of the supporting member

The only check required is to assure that the reaction Vu does not exceed the
bearing resistance of the bolts on the supporting member. It should be noted that it
is possible to have a beam on either side of a beam or column web, and that the
number of bolts supporting these two beams may differ, requiring the appropriate

Check 8 Structural integrity

The resistance of a flexible end plate connection to SANS10160-1 tie forces can be
taken as 20 kN per bolt for S355 beams connected to the support using S275 end
plates and M20 Class 8.8 bolts. See Ref for a detailed discussion of how to design
connections for tie forces.

7.5 Fin plate connections

Typical fin plate connections also called web side plate, shear tab or single
plate connections are shown in Figure 7.21. They consist of a single plate welded
to a column flange or web, or to a beam web, with the supported beam bolted to
this plate. These connections involve some welding but are economical with respect
to labour. Nevertheless, they are not popular in South Africa, chiefly because they
can easily be damaged during handling and transport.

Figure 7.21 Typical fin plate connection

It is quite easy to erect a beam connected to fin plates. If the plate is welded to a
column web, however, it may be difficult to get the beam in position unless one of its
flanges is notched as shown in Figure 7.22.

Unlike all the other simple beam end connections, fin plate connections dont have
an inherent capability for compensating for dimensional inaccuracies in the length
of a beam or the depth of a column, such as by making the beam a little shorter
than required and using shims to make up any shortfall. This problem can be
addressed by using horizontally slotted holes in either the fin plate or the beam web.

(Normally it would be easier to slot the holes in the fin plate by making them 2 mm
longer horizontally).

Figure 7.22 Coping of flange to facilitate erection

Figure 7.23 shows the symbols used in the design formulae that follow.

n number of bolts in a vertical line

d diameter of bolt
d 4 diameter of bolt hole (after adding a further 2 mm to the real
diameter as required by Clause 12.3.2)
f y yield stress of steel
f u ultimate tensile strength of steel
Vu ultimate reaction that can be resisted by connection
Vr shear resistance of a bolt (with thread in the shear plane)
br 0,67

Figure 7.23 Symbols for fin plate connection

In what follows the design of a fin plate connection is explained by taking the
designer through a process of eight steps.

Check 1 Detailing

Check that the connection meets the requirements in Figure 7.24. (See also the
standard connections under 7.8 below.)

Figure 7.24 Detail requirements for fin plate connections

Also note the following:

For the design method in this book to be satisfactory, it is essential that either
t w 0,42d or t p 0,42d to ensure adequate deformation capacity.
Place the fin plate near the top of the beam and make its length not less than
half the depth of the beam, to ensure that the beam has adequate torsional
restraint. The top of the plate must be more than t f r1 from the top of the
beam, where t f and r1 refer to both the supported and any supporting
beam. It makes sense to use the same value for the depth of any notch and
the distance from the top of the beam to the top of the plate.
Ensure that the fin plate is not too long for either the supported or any
supporting beam. For an unnotched beam or one with a single notch that
p h hnt t f r1
And for a double notched beam
p h hnt hnb
Bolt spacings and edge distances must comply with SANS 10162-1

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam

Identical to Check 2 for a single angle cleat connection.

Check 3 Strength of fin plate connected to supported beam

Identical to Check 3 for a single angle cleat connection, except that t c must be
replaced by t p .

Check 4 Strength of supported beam in connection

Identical to Check 4 for double angle cleat connections.

Check 5 Capacity of notched beam in notch

Identical to Check 5 for double angle cleat connections.

Check 6 Strength of welding connecting plate to supporting member

Identical to Check 2 for flexible end plate connections.

Check 7 Local capacity of the supporting member

Check all relevant stresses in the immediate vicinity of the connection.

Check 8 Structural integrity

The resistance to a tie force depends on the resistance of the bolts, welds, web and
fin plate. Block shear and tension failure of either the web or the side plate must also
be considered.

In calculating the resistance of the connection to a tie force it should be kept in

mind that the fin plate is connected to only a very small area of the supporting
member. This may make strengthening of this area a more likely requirement.

7.6 Angle seat connections

In this section we deal with the type of connection depicted in Figure 7.25. The
beam or girder rests on and is bolted to an angle cleat, which is typically bolted to
the face of a column flange. Another angle is attached to the column above the
beam top flange and attached to this flange to provide lateral support to the
beam. This angle may also be placed beside the web of the beam, just below the
top flange.

Angle seats are easy to make and facilitate safe and easy erection of beams. They
can also be said to cause a very small bending moment at the beam end, provided
that the top angle is made quite thin. A 90x90x6 angle would normally suffice for the

A problem with angle seats is that they define the level of the bottom of a beam,
whereas steelwork practice is to have the tops of beams on a specified level. Thus, if
the level of the top of the beam is quite important, such as with steel plate flooring
or grating, further thought must be given to the potential consequences of the
tolerances for the depth of rolled beams. These tolerances also affect the position of
the angle on top of the top flange, making it advisable to use slotted holes in the
vertical leg of this angle. If the top angle acts against the web of the beam, slotted
holes can also be used.

Figure 7.25 Typical angle cleat

Figure 7.26 shows the symbols we will use in describing the design of these

Figure 7.26 Dimensions and symbols for angle seats

The first step is to ensure that the beam is strong enough to resist the factored shear
force Vu acting on it. According to the SANS 10162-1 Clause the shear
resistance is:

Vr 0,66hb t wb f y (7.57)

We also need to check that Vu is less than Br , the value of the resistance of the
beam to web crippling given by Clause 14.3.2(b) as:

Br 0,6 bet wb
fyE (7.58)

Next we need to ensure that the length N of the stiff support on which the beam
rests is sufficient to prevent web yielding. According to Clause 14.3.2 (b):

Br bet wb f y N 4t fb (7.59)

Setting Br Pu and transposing we get:

N 4t fb (7.60)
bet wb f y

With respect to the strength of the angle, American practice has shown that we get
a support of adequate stiffness if we assume that the beam reaction acts at the
centre of the distance N and we check the bending resistance at the point X on
Figure 7.26, a distance t s / 2 from the face of the column.

The moment at point X is equal to:

M uX Pu N / 2 e s (7.61)

And the resistance M rX is

bs t s2
M rX fy . (7.62)

We need M rX M uX .

The shear force Pu should also not exceed the shear resistance Vr of the angle leg:

Vr bs t s 0,66 f y . (7.63)

All that remains is to check the resistance of the bolts. Experience has shown that it is
acceptable to assume that the bolts are loaded in shear only, i.e. that their

resistance is given as nVr , where n is the number of bolts, Vr the shear resistance of
one bolt.

The resistances of selected angle seats for a range of values of the required bearing
length, calculated as shown above, are given in Table 7.13 near the end of this

7.7 Examples

Example 7.1
Calculate the resistance of the following connection and determine the maximum
length n the notch may have if the connection is fully loaded.

Check 1 - Detailing

Length of cleat c 2 x35 3x70 =280 mm

h 406,4
203 280 OK
2 2

And: h hnt t f r1 406,4 40 14,3 10,2 341 280 OK

Bolt spacing (Clause 22.3.1): 70 2,7 * 20 =54 mm OK

Edge distance (Clause 22.3.2): 90 50 40 34mm OK

End distance (Clause 22.3.4): 35 24mm OK

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam

nn 1s 44 170
Z bg 233 mm
6 6
Vr 87,6 kN (from Table 3.2 above)

Equation 7.4:

2Vr 2 x87,6
Vu 510 kN.
1 g1

14 55 233
2 2

n Z bg

Check 3 Strength of cleat connected to supported beam

Equation 7:10: Vv1 0,62a n 1s nd 4t c f u

Vv1 0,9 x0,62 x35 4 170 420 48 470 373 kN

Equation 7.11: Vv 2 .0,62a n 1st c f y

Vv 2 0,9 x0,6 2 x35 4 170* 8x355 429 kN

d 4
Equation 7.12: Vv 3 bc g1 t c f u 0,6 a n 1s t s f y
20 4
Vv 3 0,990 55 8 x 470 0,6 x0,9 35 4 1708 x355 454 kN

d 4
Equation 7.13: Vv 4 bc g1 t c f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4t c f u
20 4
Vv 4 0,990 55 8 x 470
0,6 x0,935 4 170 4 0,520 48x470 405 kN

Bearing on cleat:
3br t c df u
Equation 7.17: Vv 5
1 g1

n Z bg

3x0,67 x8 x 20 x 470
Vv 5 =440 kN


Bearing depending on edge and end distance:

Equation 7.18: Vv 6 br nat c f u

Vv 6 0,67 x4 x35x8x470 352 kN

Z bg
Equation 7.19: Vv 7 br bc g1 t c f u

x0,67 x90 558 x470 373 kN

Vv 7

Vu 2smallest of Vvi to Vv 7 2 x352 =704 kN.

Check 4 Strength of supported beam in connection

Shear in beam web:

Equation 7.25: Vv1 0,67 h hnt t w 0,66 f y
Vv1 0,67 x0,9409,4 358,8x0,66 x355 465 kN

Block shear:
d 4
Equation 7.27: Vv 2 0,5 g1 e t w f u 0,6 a n 1s t w f y
20 4
Vv 2 0,5 0,955 10 * 8,8 x 470
0,6 x0,935 4 170 x8,8x355 =475 kN

d 4
Equation 7.28: Vv 3 0,5 g1 e t w f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4t w f u
20 4
Vv 3 0,5 0,955 10 8,8 x 470
0,6 0,935 4 170 4 0,520 48,8x470 =421 kN

Bolts bearing on web:

3br t w df u
Equation 7.31: Vv 4
1 g1

n Z bg

3x0,67 8,8 20 x 470

Vv 4 =483 kN

If end or edge distance controls:

Equation 3.32: Vv5 br nat w f u

Vv5 0,67 x4 x35x8,8x470 388 kN

Equation 7.33: Vv 6 Z bg br g1 et w f u / g1

Vv 6 233x0,6755 108,8x470 / 55 528 kN

Vu minimum of Vv1 to Vv 6 388 kN

Check 5 Capacity of notched beam in notch

From Check 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 the maximum force to be resisted is 421 kN. We assume
that this is the actual force the connection must be able to resist.

Maximum value n may have:

Zf y
Equation 7.39: n e
0,9 x320454 x355
n 10 = 233 mm
421 000

Check for buckling:

h 409,4
46,8 48
t 8,8

Equation 7.40: n h 409,6

hnt 35
0,085 0,5 OK
h 409,4

Check 6 Shear capacity of bolts connecting cleats to supporting beam

No check required.

Check 7 Resistance of cleats connected to supporting member

No check required.

Check 8 Local capacity of supporting member

Bearing of bolts on girder web: as in Check 6, no check required.

Length of Whitmore section:

Lw g 2n 1s. Sin 30
Lw 2 x55 8,8 24 170 Sin 30 = 329mm

Heights h below bolts:

h 1230 25 35 4 170 960 mm

h 960
109 15
tw 8,8

Thus, design column for the largest force 421 kN that can occur in the

421 000
Stress Fu / Lw t w 160MPa
329 x8

t w3
rx 0,29t w
12t w

KL h 960
0,6 0,6 248
r rx 0,29 x8

Check 9 Structural integrity

There are 8 bolts connecting to the supporting member. According to Check 9 in 7.2
above each bolt can resist a force of 30 kN. Thus the resistance is 240 kN.

What we do not know is whether the plate to which the cleats are connected can
resist a horizontal load of 240 kN.


Check 4 yields the lowest value of the resistance of the connection 421 kN, for
block tension and shear of the beam web. The notch may be 233 mm long without
strengthening. These values agree with those in Table 7.1.

It is interesting that the resistance of the bolts against shear is 510 kN, while the cleats
have a resistance of 704 kN.

Example 7.2

Calculate the resistance of the following connection and determine the maximum
length n the notch may have.

Note that this problem is exactly the same as that in Example 7.1, except that here
we have an angle cleat only on one side of the beam web.

Check 1 Detailing

As in Example 7.1

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam

As in Example 7.1, but now Equation 7.4 must be replaced by:

Vr 87,6
Vu =255 kN
2 2 2
1 g1 1 55

n Z bg 4 233

Check 3 Strength of cleat connected to supported beam

As in Example 7.1, but now

Vu smallest of Vv1 to Vv 7 =352 kN

Check 4 Strength of supported beam in connection

As in Example 7.1:
Vu 388 kN

Check 5 Capacity of notched beam in notch

From Checks 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 the maximum force to be resisted is 255 kN. Thus the
maximum value n may take is:

Zf y
Equation 7:39 : n e

0,9 x320 454 x355

n 10 392 mm
255 000

As in Check 5 of Example 7.1, the check for buckling requires n not to exceed
410 mm .

Check 6 Shear capacity of bolts connecting cleat to supporting member

Equation 7.49 : Vv1 nVr

Vv1 4 x87,6 350 kN.

Equation 7.50 : Vv 2 3br t c dnf u

Vv 2 3x0,67 x8x20 x4 x470 =604 kN

Equation 7.51 : Vv3 br at c nf u

Vv3 0,67 x35x8x4 x470 =352 kN

Thus Vu 350 kN

Check 7 Resistance of cleat connected to supporting member

From Check 7 in Example 7.1 : no check required.

Check 8 Local capacity of the supporting member

See Check 8 in Example 7.1, except for the fact that we now have one line of bolts.

Check 9 Structural integrity

As stated under Check 9 in 7.3 above, single angle cleats are not suitable for
resisting tie forces.


The maximum reaction that can be resisted by the connection is 255 kN, controlled
by the shear resistance of the bolts connecting the cleat to the web.
The notch may be 402 mm long without strengthening.

Example 7.3

Calculate the resistance of the following connection and the maximum length n
the notch may have.

Note the similarity between this problem and that in Examples 7.1 and 7.2.

Check 1 Detailing

As in Example 7.1

Check 2 Shear capacity of welds connecting to supported beam

From Table 5, the resistance of a 6mm welds is 0,914 kN/m. The length of each of
the two welds is p 2 x35 3x70 280 mm. Thus the resistance:
Vu 0,914 x2 x280 512 kN.

Check 3 Strength of supported beam in connection

Equation 7.52: Vu .t w p 0,66 f y

Vu 0,9 x8,8x280 x0 x0,66 x355 =520 kN.

Check 4 Capacity of notched beam in notch

Follow the approach in Check 5 of Example 7.1

From Checks 2, 3, 5 and 6 the maximum force to be resisted is 512 kN.

Thus n may not have a bigger value than:

Zf y
Equation 7.39: n e

0,9 x320454 x355

n 200 mm
512 000
This value is also acceptable from a buckling point of view.

Check 5 Shear capacity of bolts connecting plate to supporting element

Here we have to do this check because unlike in Example 1, we cannot just say
already checked for bolts on supported member

Equation 7.42: Vv1 2nVr

Vv1 2 x4 x87,6 701 kN.

From Clause 13.10(c) in the Code:

Vv 2 2 x3br t c dnf u

Vv 2 2 x3x0,67 x8,20 x4 x470 =1209 kN


Vv3 2br at c nf u

Vv3 2 x0,67 x35x8x4 x470 =705 kN

Thus Vu 701 kN

Check 6 Resistance of plate connected to supporting member

Equation 7.53:

Vv1 0,62a n 1s nd 4.t p f u

Vv1 0,9 0,62 35 4 170 420 4 8 470 374 kN

Equation 7.54:

Vv 2 0,62a n 1s.t p f y

Vv 2 0,9 0,62(35) 4 170 8 355 429 kN

Equation 7.55:

b p g d 4
Vv 3 . .t p f u 0,6 a n 1s .t p f y
2 2

180 120 20 4
Vv 3 0,9. 8 470 0,6 0,935 4 170 8 355 436 kN
2 2

Equation 7.56:

b p g d 4
Vv 4 t p f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4.t p f u
2 2

180 120 20 4
Vv 4 0,9 8 470 0,6 0,935 4 170 4 0,520 4 8 470
2 2
= 388 kN

Thus Vu = 2 . min { Vv1 to Vv 4 } = 2 (373) = 747 kN

Check 7 Local capacity of the supporting member

See Check 8 for Example 7.1.

Check 8 Structural integrity

As stated in Check 8 under 7.4 above the resistance per bolt is 20 kN. With 8 bolts the
resistance with respect to structural integrity will be 160 kN.


The resistance of the connection is 512 kN, and it depends on the strength of the
welding, while the shear resistance of the web is close to critical. The notch may be
200 mm long.

For structural integrity the resistance is 143 kN.

Example 7.4

Calculate the resistance of the following connection:

Check 1 Detailing

This is identical to Examples 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3

The details are acceptable.

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam

Identical to Check 2, Example 7.2, i.e.

Vu 255 kN.

Check 3 Strength of fin plate connected to supported beam

Identical to Check 3, Example 7.2, i.e.

Vu 352 kN

Check 4 Strength of supported beam in connection

Identical to Check 4 for Example 7.1 and 7.2, thus

Vu 388 kN

Check 5 Capacity of notched beam in notch

From Check 2, 3, 4 and 6 the maximum force to be resisted is 255 kN. Thus, from
Example 7.2, we can say that the notch may be 402mm long.

Check 6 Strength of welding connecting plate to supporting member

From Check 2 for Example 7.3:

Vu 512 kN

Check 7 Local capacity of supporting member

Check shear in supporting member.

Check 8 Structural integrity

Shear resistance of bolt:

Vu 4x87,6 =350 kN.

Resistance of the welds in tension:

From Check 8 of Example 7.5:

Tu = 722 kN.
Since the side plate is thinner than the web, block shear in the plate will control.
From Check 9 of Example 7.2 we can say:

Tu = 605 kN

It follows that the resistance to tie forces is 350 kN.


The maximum reaction the connection can resist is 255 kN, and the notch may be
up to 402 mm long before it needs to be strengthened.

The resistance relating to structural integrity is 350 kN, much higher than for any of
the other simple beam end connections.
Example 7.5

Calculate the resistance of that part of the following connection that differs from
Example 7.2.

The example differs in any significant way from Example 7.2 only with respect to
Checks 2 and 3.

Check 2 Shear capacity of bolts connecting to supported beam.

Equation 7.5: I bg

n n 2 1 s 2 ng 32

6 2

I bg

4 4 2 1 70 2 4 x50 2
6 2

Resistance Equation 7.9 with only one shear plane:

1 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
2 2

Vu Vr
2n 2 I 2 I
bg bg

55 50 / 255 55 50 / 24 170 = 780 kN
2 2

2 x4 2 x54000 2 x54000

Check 3 Strength of cleat connected to supported beam

Equations 7.10 and 7.11: as in Example 1, but multiplied by 10/8 because of thicker

Vv1 466 kN and Vv 2 536 kN

Equation 7.14:
Vv3 hc g 2 1,5d 4t c f u 0,6 a n 1st c f y

Vv3 0,9150 55 1,520 410 x470 0,6 x0,935 4 17010 x355 = 719 kN
Equation 7.15:
Vv 4 hc g 2 1,5d 4t c f u 0,6 a n 1s n 0,5d 4t c f u

Vv 4 0,9280 55 1,520 410 x477 0,6 x0,935 4 170 4 0,520 410 x470
658 kN.

Equation 7.20:

1 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3 g 2 g 3 / 2n 1s
2 2

Vv 5 3br t c df u
2n 2 I 2 I
bg bg

55 50 / 250 55 50 / 24 170
2 2
Vv 5 3(0,67)10 x 20 x 470
2(4) 2(54000) 2(54000)

Vv 5 =841 kN

Equation 7.22:

1 g 2 g 3 / 2g 3
Vv 6 br at c f u
2n 2 I bg

0,67 x35 x10 x 470


55 50 / 250 274 kN
2 x4 2 x54000

Equation 7.23
4 I bg
Vv 7 br hc g 2 g 3 t c f u
n 1s
0,67150 55 5010 x 470 =146000 kN
4 x54000
Vv 7
4 170

Thus the resistance Vu min of { Vv1 to Vv 7 }:

Vu =274 kN

When compared with Example 7.2, this will be the controlling value, with surprising
little increase over the single line of bolts.

Example 7.6

Can the following connection carry an ultimate load of 140 kN?

Shear resistance of beam:

Equation 7.57: Vr 0,66hb t wb f y

Vr 0,66 x0,9 x409,4 x8,8x355 760 kN > 140 kN OK

Web crippling:

Equation 7.58: Br 0,6bet w2 fyE

Br 0,6 x0,75x8,8 2 355 x200 x10 3 = 293 kN > 140 kN OK

Length of stiff support required to prevent web yield:

Equation 7.60: N 4t fb
bet wb f y
140 000
N 4 x14,3 2,55 mm
0,75 x8,8 x355

Moment in angle at X :

Equation 7.61: M ux Pu N / 2 e
2,55 10
M ux 140 000 12 1,16 x10 6 N .mm
2 2
Equation 7.62: M rx s s f y

180 x10 2
M rx 0,9 x x355
1,44 x10 6 N .mm

Shear resistance of angle leg:

Equation 7.63: Vr bs t s 0,66 f y
Vr 0,9 x180 x10 x0,66 x355 = 379 kN > 140 kN OK

Shear resistance of bolts:

Vu nVr 4x87,6 =175 kN > 140 kN OK

7.8 Standard connections and resistance tables

Simple beam end connections are among the few types of connection that can
really be standardised, essentially because the forces they are subjected to are so
simple: a single shear reaction. Tables 7.1 to 7.12 show the resistances of a number of
beam end connections. Tables 7.1 to 7.6 relate to connections with M20 bolts, while
Tables 7.7 to 7.12 are for M24 bolts.

The dimensions and assumptions on which the tables are based are shown in Figures
7.27 to 7.30. Note that it is assumed that the vertical spacing of M20 bolts will be 70
mm while M24 bolts will be spaced at 90 mm.
The terms NN , TN and 2 N have the following meaning:
NN means a beam with no notches
TN implies that the beam only has a notch at the top and none at the
2 N signifies a beam with top and bottom notches.

The tables are based on the assumption that both the top and bottom notches are
35 mm deep. Such notches can accommodate all hot-rolled beams and most
commonlyoccurring welded plate girders. If the supporting member has a very
thick flange, or a thick flange and a large weld, or if the supporting beam is actually
shallower than the supported beam, making deeper notches necessary, the tables
are not applicable.

The maximum notch length has in each case been calculated on the assumption
that the beam must resist a force equal to its capacity. To use the example of a
406x178x67I beam, double notched, in Table, 7.1: The table says that for 2 N the
maximum notch length is 118 mm. This value was calculated assuming that the
beam will carry 421 kN, as it can with 4 bolts. With 3 bolts in a vertical row it can only
resist 317 kN and then the notch can actually be quite a bit longer. If a longer notch
than the listed value is required, the beam has to be strengthened in the notch

Only the connections with cleats, end plates or side plates that are neither too short
or too long have been listed.

Bolts: Class 8.8, fully threaded
Steel: Grade S355
Angle cleat: 90x90x8L

a s hnt hnb g1 e y b (min)

M20 bolts 35 70 35 35 55 10 tf r
M24 bolts 45 90 35 35 55 10 tf r

For beams with bottom notches, yb hnp .

n number of bolts in a vertical row

Horizontal spacing of holes on supporting member: 120 mm .

Single cleat connections: identical to details above, but
with an angle cleat on only one side of the beam web.

Figure 7.27 Dimensions and details for Tables 7.1, 7.3, 7.7 and 7.9: single and double
end cleat with single line of bolts

Bolts: Class 8.8, fully threaded
Steel: Grade S355
Angle cleats: 150x90x10 L

a s hnt hnb g1 g2 g3 e y b (min)

M20 bolts 35 70 35 35 55 55 50 10 tf r
M24 bolts 45 90 35 35 55 55 50 10 tf r

For beams with bottom notches yb hnb

n number of bolts in a vertical row

Horizontal spacing of holes on supporting member: 120 mm

Single cleat connection: identical to details above, but with an angle cleat only one
side of the beam web.

Figure 7.28 Dimensions and details for Tables 7.2, 7.4, 7.8 and 7.10 single and
double end cleat with double line of bolts

Bolts: Class 8.8, fully threaded
Steel: Grade S355
Angle cleats: 150x90x10 L

a s hnt hnb g bp tp y b (min)

M20 bolts 35 70 35 35 120 180 8 tf r
M24 bolts 45 90 35 35 120 180 8 tf r

For beams with bottom notches yb hnb

n number of bolts in a vertical row.
Welds: 6 mm, E70xx

Horizontal spacing of holes on supporting member: 120 mm

Single cleat connection: identical to details above, but with an angle cleat only one
side of the beam web.

Figure 7.29 Dimensions and details for Tables 7.5 and 7.11 flexible end plate

Bolts: Class 8.8, fully threaded
Steel: Grade S355
Welds connecting plate to supporting member: full height 6 mm fillet weld
on each side of plate, E70xx

a s hnt hnb g1 e bp tp y b (min)

M20 bolts 35 70 35 35 55 10 90 8 tf r
M24 bolts 45 90 35 35 55 10 90 8 tf r

For beams with bottom notches yb hnb

n number of bolts in a vertical row.

Figure 7.30 Dimensions and details for Tables 7.6 and 7.12 fin plate connections

Capacity for given beam web thickness tw and angle leg thickness ts
tw 6 8 10 12
ts 8 10 12 15 8 10 12 15 8 10 12 15 8 10 12 15
Pu 53 68 84 106 61 79 97 124 66 89 109 139 66 97 120 153

e = 18 mm
Fy = 355 Mpa
Tr = 87.6 KN
bs = 180 mm
tfb = 6.7 mm

Table 7.13 Resistances of bolted angle shelves


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