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Zdenko Augustinovic

DONG E&P MicrobesOilfield Enemies or Allies?

Hoersholm, Denmark

ystein Birketveit
Bergen, Norway
Microbes have a long history in the oil and gas industry. New molecular analysis
Kayli Clements
Mike Freeman methods, coupled with increased knowledge of microbe identity and chemistry, have
Houston, Texas, USA led to advances in combating microbiologically influenced corrosion and reservoir
damage. Scientists are also using these advances to develop new methods for
Santosh Gopi
M-I SWACO microbiologically enhanced oil recovery and bioremediation.
Accra, Ghana

Thomas Ishoey
Glori Energy, Inc.
Houston, Texas We live in a natural world of extremes in size and microbes to thrive. Initiation of North Sea oil and
scale. Topographical extremes range from moun- gas production in the 1960s, however, demon-
Graham Jackson tains to deserts to ocean trenches. These extremes strated that early assumptions were incorrect.
Husky Energy Inc. include a place so small that we cannot directly Microbes in these reservoirs not only lived in
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
view it: the unseen world of microbes. extreme conditions, they produced hydrogen sul-
Microbes are the most abundant life form on fide [H2S]. Souring, or increases in H2S, resulted
Gregory Kubala
Sugar Land, Texas the planetno other life form approaches them from injection of sulfate-rich seawater in North
in terms of numbers, diversity or habitat. Sea reservoirs and ultimately led to corrosion of
Jan Larsen Microbes were the first link in the evolutionary both surface and downhole equipment. Formation
Maersk Oil chain and are an essential part of the Earths plugging by biomass during waterflood operations
Copenhagen, Denmark biota.1 Microbes catalyze important transforma- was another early negative effect of microbes.3
tions in the biosphere, produce key components However, not all of the early production-
Brian W.G. Marcotte of the atmosphere and represent a large fraction related experiences with microbes were nega-
Titan Oil Recovery, Inc. of the genetic diversity on this planet. The num- tive. Some operators found that injection of
Los Angeles, California, USA ber of microbial cells on Earth has been esti- sugar-based materials that resident microbes
mated at 4 to 6 1030 cells, and this aggregate could use as food caused an increase in oil pro-
Jan Scheie
mass contains 350 to 550 1015 g of carbon. duction, although results were often temporary
Stavanger, Norway Microbes are distributed everywhere, including and inconsistent.4 In the past several decades,
places that are hotter, colder, drier and deeper much of the oilfield research on microbes focused
Torben Lund Skovhus than humans can tolerate. This wide distribution on short-term strategies to either mitigate nega-
Danish Technological Institute suggests that oil exploration and production tive effects or enhance positive onesbut that
Aarhus, Denmark operations must always contend with microbes. work was based on a partial understanding of
Microbes have a long history in the oil field. microbiological mechanisms.
Egil Sunde Analysis of produced water from shallow reser- The ability to control and harness microbes is
Statoil voirs in the 1930s and 1940s showed abundant key to some of the major advances in microbial
Stavanger, Norway populations.2 Despite these findings, scientists at oilfield science. This progress has been aided
the time believed that temperature, pressure and by new analytical methods that give a more
Oilfield Review Summer 2012: 24, no. 2.
Copyright 2012 Schlumberger. salinity in most reservoirs were too hostile for complete picture of microbe identity, quantity,
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Sonny Espey,
M-I SWACO, Houston; and Dietmar Schumacher, 1. Whitman WB, Coleman DC and Wiebe WJ: Prokaryotes: 3. Chang CK: Water Quality Considerations in Malaysias
Geo-Microbial Technologies Inc., Ochelata, Oklahoma, USA. The Unseen Majority, Proceedings of the National First Waterflood, Journal of Petroleum Technology 37,
Academy of Sciences 95, no. 12 (June 9, 1998): 65786583. no. 9 (September 1985): 16891698.
AERO is a registered trademark of Glori Energy, Inc.
2. Bass C and Lapin-Scott H: The Bad Guys and the Good 4. Rassenfoss S: From Bacteria to Barrels: Microbiology
Guys in Petroleum Microbiology, Oilfield Review 9, no. 1 Having an Impact on Oil Fields, Journal of Petroleum
(Spring 1997): 1725. Technology 63, no. 11 (November 2011): 3238.

4 Oilfield Review
behavior and function. Advances include simple
chemicals added to injection water that provide
environmentally safe control of reservoir souring
and associated corrosion as well as new direc-
tions for microbiologically enhanced oil recovery This article focuses on microbes in the oil field positive characteristics. Case studies from Canada
(MEOR). Other progress includes bioremediation and describes techniques for their analysis and for and the US demonstrate how these techniques are
research that allows safe disposal of oilfield solid controlling their negative effects and harnessing employed in production environments.
waste into ordinary soil.

Summer 2012 5
Bacteria Archaea Eucarya The Microbial World
Biological classification systems have evolved in
Entamoeba Slime Animals
tandem with methods for microbe detection. In
Green molds
filamentous the early 1800s, what was not a mineral or plant
Spirochetes Methanosarcina
Gram- Fungi was considered an animal. The discovery that
Proteobacteria positive Methanobacterium Halophiles bacteria could be considered either plant or ani-
bacteria Plants
Methanococcus mal led to reformulations of the biological classi-
Thermococcus Ciliates fication system for living organisms that continue
Planctomyces to the present era. Proposed more than 30 years
Thermoproteus Flagellates
ago, todays accepted classification into three pri-
Bacteroides Trichomonads mary domains has its roots in molecular analysis
Thermotoga Microsporidia methods, including genome sequencing.5 The
three domains are bacteria, archaea and eucarya
Aquifex Diplomonads
(left). Bacteria and archaeacollectively called
prokaryotesare the organisms that affect the
oil field (below left).
> Tree of life. Life on Earth is divided into three primary domainsbacteria (left, blue), archaea Fossils of prokaryotic organisms that lived
(middle, pink) and eucarya (right, green). This classification encompasses the entire realm of living 3.5 billion years ago have been found in Western
organisms, from the proteobacteria that contain the digestive disease salmonella to the more familiar Australia and South Africa; for 2 billion years
plants and animals. Branch order and length are based on genetic sequencing.
they were the only form of life on Earth. Larger
and more-complex eucaryotic cells did not
appear until much laterabout 1.5 to 2 billion
years ago. The archaea and bacteria that consti-
tute the prokaryotes differ from the cells in com-
plex eucaryotic organisms such as plants and
animals. Prokaryotic cells have no compartmen-
Plasma Cell wall Capsule talized nucleus, and each cell is capable of inde-
membrane pendent existence.6 Unlike plants and animals,
prokaryotes are not typically thought of as organ-
Ribosome isms able to interact with their environment, but
Plasmid that view may be changing. Researchers have
shown that many bacteria have cell to cell com-
munication through signaling molecules called
autoinducers. This signaling is called quorum
sensing and allows the microbes to monitor and
respond to their surroundings.7
Prokaryotes are found everywhere on Earth
and thrive in extreme habitats. From hot springs,
Flagellum arid deserts and ocean depths to polar caps and
underground formations, these single-cell organ-
10 3 isms withstand conditions that humans cannot.8
Eukaryotes These microbes may remain dormant for thou-
Nucleoid 10 4
sands of years but can reactivate rapidlyoften
10 5
Prokaryotes in days or weeks. Their wide distribution in a vari-
10 6 ety of habitats and conditions means that
Size, m

microbes are always present during E&P activi-
10 7
ties. Some microbes are indigenous to reservoirs,
10 8 Proteins while others may be introduced during drilling,
10 9 workover or waterflood. These single-cell life
Small molecules
forms have an innate tendency to cling to rock
10 10 Atoms
and metal surfaces and may assemble into
> Bacteria. The bacterial cell is enclosed by a capsule, cell wall and plasma membrane. The interior of masses called biofilms. Microbe-generated bio-
the cell is filled with cytoplasm, a homogeneous, gel-like substance. The primary interior component is films provide a safe harbor for growth and may
the nucleoid, which contains the chromosome material. Plasmids, containing deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA), and ribosomes, containing ribonucleic acid (RNA), are other essential interior components. eventually lead to serious problems in both
Although not all bacteria are motile, many use a whip-like flagellum to move in aqueous media. equipment and reservoirs (next page).
Bacteria and other prokaryotes range in size from 105 to 106 m.

6 Oilfield Review

Metal or rock surface

> Biofilm formation. The growth of biofilms is a stepwise process that begins with the transport of microbes to a metal or
rock surface (A). The microbes absorb organic molecules from their surroundings to form a film (B) composed of
exopolymerssugarsthat allow the microbes to stay attached to the surface as well as to each other (C). As the biofilm
expands (D), its size gives the interior microbes protection from biocides. Eventually, when the biofilm grows to a certain
size, some microbes are released (E) to form new areas of growth.

New methods for enumeration and identifi- nized only in the recent past. In the fight against formation surfaces as a biofilm.12 This biofilm is
cation of bacteria and archaea have led scien- infectious diseases, bacteria were identified the glue that holds the microbes together. Given
tists to a better understanding of microbial about 150 years ago as one of the culprits.9 As the right conditions, the microbes will continue
behavior and chemistry. Their efforts, in turn, industrial allies, microbes played a key role in the to grow, divide and plug rock pores, thus decreas-
have led to more accurate identification of prob- leaching of copper from mine drainage water, ing the effectiveness of water injection in displac-
lems caused by microbes as well as better means a practice in the Mediterranean region about ing oil. As a result, early water quality control
for their solution. Taken together, these meth- 1000 BCE, but their role in the process was methods included membrane filtration and the
ods give the operator tools to control microbes unknown until the 1950s.10 use of strong oxidizing agents as biocides.13 Later
in places where their effects are harmful and to The bulk of experience with microbes in oil waterflood control applications employed nonox-
exploit their positive characteristics. and gas exploration and production has occurred idizing biocides.
in the past 75 years. One of the early encounters Shortly after operators learned to manage
Enemy and Ally with microbes in a production environment microbe plugging during waterflooding, they
Although microbes and humans have existed as occurred in the late 1950s during waterflooding.11 encountered another significant problem
both enemy and ally for ages, the roles of Microbes produce high molecular weight polysac- microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)
microbes in those relationships have been recog- charides that deposit on the sandface and other corrosion caused by microbial action.14 This type
5. Woese CR and Fox GE: Phylogenetic Structure of the 8. Bass and Lapin-Scott, reference 2. 11. Lee D, Lowe D and Grant P: Microbiology in the Oil
Prokaryotic Domain: The Primary Kingdoms, Danish scientists have discovered microbes living in Patch: A Review, paper 96-109, presented at the Annual
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 74, undisturbed sediments that are more than 86 million Technical Meeting of The Petroleum Society, Calgary,
no. 11 (November 1, 1977): 50885090. years old. The microbes consume oxygen in quantities June 1012, 1996.
Woese CR, Kandler O and Wheelis ML: Towards a too small to be directly measured. For more: Bhanoo SN: 12. Polysaccharides are long carbohydrate molecules
Natural System of Organisms: Proposal for the Domains Deep-Sea Microbes That Barely Breathe, The New composed of repeating units and are common sources
Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya, Proceedings of the York Times (May 21, 2012), http://www.nytimes. of energy for bacteria. For more: Todar, reference 5.
National Academy of Sciences 87, no. 12 (June 1, 1990): com/2012/05/22/science/deep-sea-microbes-that-barely- 13. Mitchell RW and Bowyer PM: Water Injection
45764579. breathe.html (accessed May 22, 2012). Methods, paper SPE 10028, presented at the SPE
Todar K: Todars Online Textbook of Bacteriology, 9. Santer M: Joseph Lister: First Use of a Bacterium as a International Petroleum Exhibition and Technical (accessed Model Organism to Illustrate the Cause of Infectious Symposium, Beijing, March 1724, 1982.
May 24, 2012). Disease of Humans, Notes & Records of the Royal 14. The literature on microbes associated with oilfield
6. Although the bacteria and archaea that make up the Society 64, no. 1 (March 2010): 5965. environments uses numerous acronyms for microbe-
prokaryotes are similar in size and structure, their 10. Brierley CL: Microbial Mining, Scientific American 247, driven processes such as MIC or MEOR. It is not
genome structures and metabolism differ. no. 2 (1982): 4250. uncommon to encounter both microbial and
7. Taga ME and Bassler BL: Chemical Communication microbiologically as the initial term in these acronyms,
Among Bacteria, Proceedings of the National Academy depending on the referencethe terms are essentially
of Sciences 100, supplement 2 (November 25, 2003): equivalent.

Summer 2012 7

Water injection

32 km

9 km
13 k

Oil storage
Water injection
Gas lift

> Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Operated by DONG E&P, the Siri platform (center) is located in the North Sea 220 km [137 mi] west of the
Danish coast and is flanked by the smaller Cecilie (left) and Nini (right) satellite platforms. Five fieldsSiri, Nini, Nini East, Cecilie and Stineproduce from
reservoirs 1,800 to 2,200 m [5,900 to 7,220 ft] below sea level. Seafloor lines between the three structures and wells carry oil and gas, gas for lift, and
injection water for pressure support. In 2007, a 25.4-cm [10-in.] water injection line ruptured (inset) 3 km [2 mi] from the Siri platform. Subsequent
investigation revealed that the MIC deposit at the rupture site was a mixture of iron sulfide and other corrosion by-products plus microbes and polysaccharide
slime. These deposits allow sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRPs) and other troublesome microbes to grow protected from biocides. (Adapted with
permission from DONG E&P.)

of corrosion can occur anywhere in the produc- as nutrients, oxidizing the nutrients while reduc- MIC is a common occurrence in the oil field,
tion environmentin downhole tubulars, in top- ing the sulfate in the water to H2S. The role of and to control it, operators usually treat injected
side equipment and in pipelines. This type of SRB in initiating MIC is complex and involves not and produced water to mitigate microbial action.
corrosion can cause ruptures that seriously only biofilms that trap corrosive microbial waste Complete sterilization of the water is impossible,
impede operations (above). Reports in the 1980s products but also electrochemical reactions at and microbe control strategies have usually been
showed that sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) the metal surface. Early explanations pointed directed toward disinfectionthat is, reduction of
were the cause of MIC.15 SRB typically live in an toward an SRB produced enzyme that removes microbe numbers to acceptable levels by killing a
anaerobic, aqueous environment and use organic cathodic hydrogen from steel, which causes rapid large portion of the population with a biocide.
acids and hydrogen from decomposing biomass pitting of the surface.16
15. Cord-Ruwisch R, Kleinitz W and Widdel F: Sulfate- 17. Campbell S, Duggleby A and Johnson A: Conventional 18. Maxwell S and Campbell S: Monitoring the Mitigation
Reducing Bacteria and Their Activities in Oil Application of Biocides May Lead to Bacterial Cell Injury of MIC Risk in Pipelines, paper NACE 06662, presented
Production, Journal of Petroleum Technology 39, no. 1 Rather Than Bacterial Kill Within a Biofilm, paper at the NACE Corrosion Annual Conference and Exposition,
(January 1987): 97106. NACE 11234, presented at the NACE Corrosion Annual San Diego, California, USA, March 1216, 2006.
16. Lee et al, reference 11. Conference and Exposition, Houston, March 1317, 2011. 19. Eckert R and Skovhus TL: Using Molecular
Microbiological Methods to Investigate MIC in the Oil
and Gas Industry, Materials Performance 50, no. 8
(August 2011): 5054.

8 Oilfield Review
If the biocide is a strong oxidizing agent such
as chlorine, it is added to the injection water con- 5 1,000

tinuously. Nonoxidizing biocides, typically used

in current operations, are added intermittently 4 800

(right). Each batch of biocide kills a portion of

Biocide, ppm
Sulfide, ppm
the microbe population, but the survivors may 3 Biocide 600
recover between doses. Recent research has
shown biocides may not be as effective as previ- 2 400
ously thoughtthey may only injure or inhibit
but not kill microbes.17 1 200
Although biocides can be effective in combat-
ing MIC, there are reports of equipment failure in 0 0
spite of treatment, and examination of these inci- Start Stop 1 2 3
Biocide Time, d
dents revealed that the biocide application was
erratic and haphazard.18 Until recently, unlike > Biocide treatment. Offshore topside equipment is commonly treated with
with common corrosive agents, there were no biocides to prevent MIC and precipitation of iron sulfide from produced
H2S. In the North Sea, engineers treated a reclaimed oil sump tank with
effective tools to predict and quantify the risk of glutaraldehyde to obtain data showing how the biocide and H2S
corrosion influenced by microbes. The juncture concentrations changed with time. The sump tank effluent was analyzed
of genome-based test methods and the inadequa- for residual glutaraldehyde and sulfide as a marker for H2S. Data from the
cies of biocides and their risks has led to a new study show expected results after biocide treatment. As the high
concentration of biocide kills troublesome microbes, the sulfide
approach in managing MIC in production envi- concentration drops sharply. At the highest concentration of biocide, the
ronments. This approach uses molecular micro- sulfide concentration reaches a minimum. Both trends reverse as the
biological methods (MMMs) and represents a biocide is flushed from the system. Biocide is reapplied when the sulfide
fundamental change in assessing microbe returns to a threshold level.
effects.19 These methodsfluorescence in situ
hybridization (FISH), quantitative polymerase
chain reaction (qPCR) and a microbe staining
technique using a fluorescent stain known as Microbe Characterization and Relative Proportions
4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)allow
scientists to gain a more complete understanding MPN: most probable number
of identities, quantities and behaviors of the FISH: flourescence in situ
microbes involved in MIC. hybridization
To appreciate the significance of these meth- DAPI: 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
ods, it is important to understand how microbes qPCR: quantitative polymerase
were handled in the laboratory prior to the intro- Dead chain reaction
duction of MMMs. Traditional microbiological
methods for identification and enumeration Active
relied on serial dilution and cultivation in nutri-
ent media for relatively long periodsoften up to
30 days. Even after these long periods, less than Inactive
10% of the viable microbes could be cultured. It is
no surprise that laboratory results based on tradi-
tional serial dilution and culturing methods did
not correlate well with field results.
In contrast, results from application of FISH,
DAPI and qPCR techniques reveal nearly com-
plete identities and distribution of the microbes
of interest in oil production systems. These new
methods utilize a combination of microscopy, > Molecular microbiological methods. These laboratory methods allow characterization and determination of
analysis of cell genetic material and enzymatic the relative proportions of microbes present in oil production systems. Traditional microbe culturing using serial
reactions to give a complete enumeration of dilution produces the most probable number (MPN) of microbes, which may represent only a small fraction of
the total number actually present. In contrast, MMMs represent a trio of new methodsFISH, DAPI and
microbes present in the sample (right). In addi-
qPCRthat divide the microbe population into organisms that are active, inactive and dead. FISH analysis
tion, the results are available in days rather than involves staining and microscopy to examine living, or active, microbes. The fluorescent stain, DAPI, binds to
weeks. These methods permit scientists to more DNA and quantifies both active and inactive microbes. The qPCR method employs an enzymatic reaction that
completely understand the chemistry of MIC on a gives additional information on all the microbial groups. When these methods are used together, scientists
obtain a complete enumeration and characterization of the microbes in a sample. (Adapted with permission
from DTI Oil & Gas, Danish Technological Institute.)

Summer 2012 9
showed high corrosion rates in the carbon steel outlet.27 New research relies on data that show
H2S Sulfate- water outlet piping. The pipe showed severe the amount of H2S produced is consistent with
prokaryotes metal pitting and scaling, and scientists deter- production only in the immediate vicinity of the
SO42 mined that MIC was the cause (next page).21 The wellbore but not throughout the formation.
FeS CO2 microbes responsible for corrosion problems at Scientists have concluded that elevated levels of
H+ CH4 Halfdan field are not the only varieties that can heavy metals, water-soluble hydrocarbons and
Fe 2+
e H2 Methanogens cause MIC in production systems. Acid-producing microbe activity by-products inhibit microbe
bacteria (APB) are microbes that produce growth in the reservoir. Another result of this
Fe0 Metal organic acids under certain conditions. These research is a model showing how H2S produced
acids can cause the pH to drop enough to create in the vicinity of the wellbore moves through
Net reactions conditions favorable to corrosion on metal the reservoir. Early theories relied on a simple
   surfaces such as those of submersible pumping mixing-zone model that predicted rapid H2S
4Fe0 + 3H2S + SO42 + 2H+ 4FeS + 4H2O
components.22 Control of APB is typically accom- breakthrough. Data show the oppositeseveral

  n plished by biocide disinfection that may aid in reservoir pore volumes must be displaced before
4Fe0 + 4H2S + CO2 4FeS + 2H2O + CH4
control of SRB as well.23 H2S breakthrough. This newer model assumes
that most of the H2S generation takes place in a
> Corrosion reactions. A complex set of reactions
New Theories and Solutions biofilm near the injector and that the reservoir is
underlies the production of MIC on a metal
surface. These reactions are strongly influenced The H2S produced during MIC in the wellbore merely a zone for transport and adsorption.
by sulfate-reducing prokaryotic and methanogenic and reservoir by sulfate-reducing prokaryotes Regardless of how it occurs, souring creates
respiration (blue and red paths, top). This set of (SRPs) contributes to reservoir souring.24 There many problems for the industry, including corro-
reactions is best illustrated by listing the net
reactions for sulfate reduction and CH4 production
are new and effective ways to control souring, but sion of pipelines and topside equipment, reser-
(bottom). In the net sulfate reduction reaction, iron souring is not a new problem for producers. Some voir plugging from sulfides, health risks from H2S
[Fe], H2S and the sulfate ion [SO42] combine to reservoirs are sour as a result of high levels of H2S toxicity and increased refining costs.28 The effects
give FeS and water. In the net CH4 production that have been present over geologic time frames. of souring are serious enough that oilfield pro-
reaction, Fe, H2S and carbon dioxide [CO2]
combine to give FeS, water and CH4. (Adapted Many reservoirs are sour, however, as a conse- ducers have investigated several ways to control
from Larsen et al, reference 20.) quence of seawater injection for secondary recov- it. These include biocides, nanofiltration to
ery.25 The SRPs that live near the wellbore and in remove sulfate and manipulation of injection
the reservoir have simple needs for growththey water salinity levels to inhibit microbe growth.
require sulfate, carbon and nutrients. Seawater Because processes such as nanofiltration have
is rich in sulfate, and reservoir formation water high capital costs, biocides have usually been the
metal surface. By using MMMs, scientists discov- usually contains abundant short-chain fatty acids first choice for controlling microbial growth to
ered that corrosion involves not only SRB but also that supply the carbon and other nutrients.26 Add prevent souring.
other microbes that contribute to H2S and meth- a suitable temperature regime, inject seawater New methods employed for control of reser-
ane [CH4] production (above).20 and the end result is inevitablesouring. voir souring have helped scientists further under-
This complexity in MIC is illustrated by recent Exactly how and to what extent souring stand microbial identities and their chemistry
laboratory work on topside equipment in the occurs have been recently challenged, and the during secondary recovery. Although earlier inves-
Danish sector of the North Sea. In 2008, a pro- picture may not entail simple microbe growth tigations into souring focused almost exclusively
duced water separator in the Halfdan field from water injector all the way to produced water on SRB, seawater and reservoir formations con-
20. Larsen J, Rasmussen K, Pedersen H, Srensen K, 24. Larsen J, Srenson K, Hjris K and Skovhus TL: 29. SRB use anaerobic respiration while NRB use anoxic
Lundgaard T and Skovhus TL: Consortia of MIC Significance of Troublesome Sulfate-Reducing respiration.
Bacteria and Archaea Causing Pitting Corrosion in Top Prokaryotes (SRP) in Oil Field Systems, paper 30. Thorstenson T, Bdtker G, Lilleb B-LP, Torsvik T,
Side Oil Production Facilities, paper NACE 10252, NACE 09389, presented at the NACE Corrosion Annual Sunde E and Beeder J: Biocide Replacement by
presented at the NACE Corrosion Annual Conference and Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Nitrate in Sea Water Injection Systems, paper
Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 1418, 2010. March 2226, 2009. NACE 02033, presented at the NACE Corrosion Annual
21. Skovhus TL, Holmkvist L, Andersen K, Pedersen H and 25. Kuijvenhoven C, Bostock A, Chappell D, Noirot JC and Conference and Exposition, Denver, April 711, 2002.
Larsen J: MIC Risk Assessment of the Halfdan Oil Khan A: Use of Nitrate to Mitigate Reservoir Souring in 31. Rassenfoss, reference 4.
Export Spool, paper SPE 155080, presented at the Bonga Deepwater Development Offshore Nigeria,
32. Zahner RL, Tapper SJ, Marcotte BWG and Govreau BR:
SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Oilfield paper SPE 92795, presented at the SPE International
What Has Been Learned from a Hundred MEOR
Corrosion, Aberdeen, May 2829, 2012. Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston,
Applications, paper SPE 145054, presented at the
22. Adams DL: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of February 24, 2005.
SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference, Kuala Lumpur,
Electrical-Submersible-Pumping-System Components 26. Bass and Lapin-Scott, reference 2. July 1921, 2011.
Associated With Acid-Producing Bacteria and 27. Sunde E and Torsvik T: Microbial Control of Hydrogen 33. Brisbane PG and Ladd JN: The Role of Microorganisms
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria: Case Histories, paper Sulfide Production in Oil Reservoirs, in Ollivier B in Petroleum Exploration, Annual Review of
SPE 136756, presented at the SPE Latin American and and Magot M (eds): Petroleum Microbiology. Microbiology 19 (October 1965): 351364.
Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Lima, Washington, DC: ASM Press (2005): 201214.
Peru, December 13, 2010. 34. Tucker J and Hitzman D: Detailed Microbial Surveys
28. Youssef N, Elshahed MS and McInerney MJ: Microbial Help Improve Reservoir Characterization, Oil & Gas
23. Bagchi D, Periera AP, Chu J, Smith JP and Scheie J: Processes in Oil Fields: Culprits, Problems, and Journal 92, no. 23 (June 6, 1994): 6568.
Successful Mitigation of Microbiologically Influenced Opportunities, in Laskin AI, Sariaslani S and Gadd GM
Corrosion in Waterflood Pipelines and Process (eds): Advances in Applied Microbiology, vol. 66.
Equipment, in Blackwood DJ (ed): Proceedings of Burlington, Vermont, USA: Elsevier (2009): 141251.
Corrosion Asia 2000. Singapore: Corrosion Association
Singapore (2000): 5565.

10 Oilfield Review
tain several other species of microbes, including out, but it also distributes the nutrients through- nutrients stimulate microbes that outcompete
nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB). SRB and NRB out the system. Data show that MEOR can SRPs for food and thereby depress SRP growth.
can live and thrive in the wellbore and formation, enhance recovery in reservoirs with a wide These trials demonstrate that MEOR processes
provided they have a sufficient carbon source range of oil densitiesfrom 16 to 41 degree API can economically free up oil trapped in mature
such as short-chain fatty acids. gravity and with reservoir temperatures as high fields. Although most work to date has been on
On the molecular level, SRB reduce the sul- as 93C [200F] and salinities as high as mature, noneconomic wells, there is potential
fate to sulfide, and NRB reduce the nitrate to 142,000 parts per million (ppm) total dissolved for application of MEOR at an earlier stage in
nitrogen.29 SRB and NRB compete for food, and solids. It is also possible to apply MEOR to dual- the life of a producing reservoir.
where it is limited, that competition is intense. In porosity reservoirs if the added nutrients are In addition to using microbes to stimulate pro-
the wellbore and reservoir, if oxygen is absent, able to penetrate the matrix and not bypass the duction and mitigate reservoir souring and corro-
introduction of nitrate, via injection water, favors formation via high-permeability streaks. In sion, scientists are using them in exploration via
NRB growth over SRB growth. Nitrate, in the some cases, MEOR treatment may reduce reser- biomonitoring.33 In one application of biomonitor-
form of calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], is added to voir souring in addition to stimulating produc- ing, a grid of shallow soil samples was analyzed for
injection water to prevent souring.30 This form of tion. Scientists theorize that the added specific microbes.34 Elevated amounts of the target
nitrate may be used in place of biocide and has
minimal health and environmental impacts.
Although nitrate may not completely eliminate
the need for biocides, it can reduce the amount of
other chemicals needed.31 Using their increased
knowledge of SRB and NRB microbe species and
chemistry, scientists have improved treatment
techniques for souringthe same is true for
microbiologically enhanced oil recovery.
Operators have employed MEOR for decades. Water separator pipe
Much of the past work relied on trial and error
and produced mixed results. A more complete
understanding of microbe behavior and chemistry
is resulting in a resurgence of MEOR field trials.
These trials have two common objectivesiden-
tify the indigenous microbes in the formation and 2 to 3 cm of corrosion scale Inner
design formulas for nutrient injection to
stimulate their growth; that is, find the helpful
microbes and feed them what they like. Outer solids Pitting corrosion
Inner solids
Just as there are many types of indigenous
microbes, there are several mechanisms
microbes employ that may stimulate oil produc-
tion from mature wells. First, natural microbe
metabolic processes produce downhole gases Pipe metal
that may increase pressure and decrease oil vis-
cosity. Second, microbes produce surfactants
that decrease the surface tension between oil
and water. In addition, biomass and polymers
from microbes selectively plug oil-depleted areas
in the reservoir, diverting fluids into oil-rich
zones. Successful MEOR projects typically
depend on a combination of these mechanisms
rather than any single one.
After reviewing MEOR field trial results, sci- > Halfdan corrosion. Visual examination of a cross section of the produced-
entists have made important observations water separator pipe (top) revealed a 2- to 3-cm [0.8- to 1.2-in.] layer of
corrosion scale (middle). The scale had an orange outer layer and a black
regarding its application.32 Although MEOR tech-
inner layer adjacent to the metal (bottom). Scientists observed areas of
nology has been used in both oil-producing and severe pitting corrosion at various points on the inner layer. Laboratory
water injection wells, it probably has the best studies, including examination by the new MMMs, showed that the outer
chance of success in reservoirs with active water scale layer was composed of salts, iron oxides and decomposed biomass
primarily SRB and sulfate-reducing archaea (SRA). The inner scale layer
injection programs for secondary recovery. Not was composed of salts, iron sulfides and decomposed biomass that had
only does the water provide the energy to push oil high levels of methanogens. (Adapted from Skovhus et al, reference 21.)

Summer 2012 11
Smoothed Microbial Concentrations Contoured Microbial Concentrations


Presence of
microbes Low


0 km 1 0 km 1

0 mi 1 0 mi 1

> Microbial surveys. Soil samples in Osage County, Oklahoma, USA, were analyzed to detect the
abundance of butane-utilizing microbes. More than 1,200 samples were analyzed from a grid
measuring 3.5 mi [5.6 km] by 7.5 mi [12.1 km] (left). The orange circles indicate samples with the
highest 30% of the microbe concentration; the size of the circle is proportional to concentration. The
smoothed data are contoured to provide a more informative picture of the microbe distribution (right).
The strongest microbial anomaly (purple) corresponds to structural data from a 3D seismic survey
covering the same grid area. Several years after the microbial survey was conducted, an operator
drilled and completed a producing oil well at the microseepage anomaly. (Adapted with permission
from Geo-Microbial Technologies Inc.)

microbes indicated microseepage of oil and in 1979, this field produces about 30,000 m3/d Although Statoil employed stringent filtration
gas from underground formations (above). [189,000 bbl/d] of oil from three large plat- and biocides to control injected water quality at
Operators use this type of data to rank drilling formsGullfaks A, B and C.36 The platforms Gullfaks, those approaches were not entirely
prospects, characterize heterogeneities and iden- started production in the late 1980s and cur- effective. In the early 1990s, Gullfaks A experi-
tify bypassed oil. rently use seawater injection for pressure sup- enced high H2S levels in produced gas and water.
port. The seawater intake depth for Gullfaks A The high H2S levels, coupled with laboratory data
Controlling and Harnessing Microbes and B is 70 m [230 ft] below the surface; the that showed rapid increases in the Gullfaks SRB
Armed with these new insights on microbe Gullfaks C intake depth is at 120 m [394 ft]. population from 1994 to 1996, gave Statoil reason
behavior and chemistry, producers are putting Injection water volumes vary from 30,000 m3/d to rethink the microbe control strategy.37 A suc-
this knowledge to work in the oil field. Statoil is [189,000 bbl/d] to 70,000 m3/d [440,000 bbl/d]; cessful application of nitrate added to injected
using nitrate to control corrosion and H2S at its the pressure downstream of the pumps is about seawater at Statoils Veslefrikk platform in early
Gullfaks platforms in the North Sea.35 20 MPa [2,900 psi]. Injection water undergoes 1999 provided engineers with the confidence to
The Statoil Gullfaks field is located 175 km vacuum deaeration to remove oxygen, and the use it at Gullfaks.38
[109 mi] northwest of Bergen, Norway. Discovered final water temperature downstream of the
deaerator is 25C [77F].

12 Oilfield Review
In late 1999, Statoil switched from biocide to
Gullfaks field
nitrate to treat the injected seawater for reser-
voir microbe control at the Gullfaks B and C plat-
forms.39 Nitrate was added to the injection water
at 30 to 40 ppm as a 45 weight percent solution of ort

h Se
Ca(NO3)2. At both platforms, scientists observed a
decreases in SRB counts about one month after
the start of nitrate injection. Decreases in the 1.2 25
Nitrate added, Gullfaks B
SRB population were accompanied by increases 1.0 UK 0 km 200
Corrosion rate 20
in the NRB counts. These changes in microbe dis- 0 mi 200
SRB activity

Corrosion rate, mm/yr

tribution are consistent with how these two 0.8

g H2S/cm2/d
SRB activity,
microbe groups compete for nutrients. As nitrate
injection continued, the changes in microbe dis-
tribution led to major changes in the corrosion 0.4
rate (right). Engineers also noted decreases in
H2S levels in the produced water at Gullfaks 0.2

(below right). Tangible benefits for Statoil 0 0

include reduction of H2S in the produced water in April May February February
1994 1997 2000 2003
most parts of the field and a 50% decrease in cor-
rosion rates on metal coupons in the seawater
> Gullfaks microbe activity. Before nitrate was used in injection water at Gullfaks B, enrichment
injection system.
cultures from water and biofilm showed a stable and diverse SRB population. Although at lower
Nitrate controls certain undesirable aspects concentrations, NRB were also present (not shown) and used the same carbon sources as nutrients.
of microbe behavior, but MEOR does the oppo- After nitrate addition, SRB activity significantly decreased and NRB numbers in the biofilm increased
siteit exploits microbes positive characteris- by three orders of magnitude (not shown). Corrosion measurements on carbon steel coupons in the
water injection system showed similar trends. Beginning in early 1994, corrosion rates at Gullfaks B
tics. The rationale for bringing microbes into the
rose, peaking shortly before nitrate addition was started. After nitrate addition, corrosion rates
oil recovery process is simpleabout 80% of the trended downward and were reduced by at least half. (Adapted from Sunde et al, reference 35.)
oil currently produced is from fields discovered in
the early 1970s. More than 50% of the oil in these
fields remains trapped and cannot be economi-
cally recovered.40 In the last few years, scientists
have developed MEOR processes that use new
analytical technology to selectively identify and 10
Nitrate added, Gullfaks C
exploit beneficial microbes living in oil reser-
voirs. These MEOR processes have given opera- 8

tors a new tool to inexpensively free oil trapped

in mature reservoirs. Husky Energy Inc. used this 6 Predicted H2S
Measured H2S
H2S, mg
water, L

approach in a pilot oil recovery project in Canada.

35. Sunde E, Lilleb B-LP, Bdtker G, Torsvik T and 4
Thorstenson T: H2S Inhibition by Nitrate Injection on the
Gullfaks Field, paper NACE 04760, presented at the
NACE Corrosion Annual Conference and Exposition, 2
New Orleans, March 28April 1, 2004.
36. Hesjedal A: Introduction to the Gullfaks Field, 0
introduksjon.html (accessed May 24, 2012). Nov July Feb Oct
37. Statoil collected samples of injection water downstream 1997 1999 2001 2002
of the vacuum deaerator using a bioprobe. Bioprobes Date
allow collection of samples from a biofilm that deposits
> Gullfaks H2S production. Statoil engineers measured H2S in the produced
on a metal surface within the probe. These instruments
are commonly used in oil and gas systems to detect water before and after nitrate addition. At Gullfaks C, produced water H2S
corrosion-causing organisms. levels were slowly increasing prior to introduction of nitrate. After nitrate
38. Thorstenson et al, reference 30. addition, H2S levels fell significantly but only after a delay. This delay is a result
39. Statoil started nitrate injection at Gullfaks B in of the time it takes H2S to equilibrate in the reservoir. Statoil scientists estimate
October 1999 and about a month later at Gullfaks C. that several pore volumes must be displaced in the reservoir before a new or
40. Marcotte B, Govreau B and Davis CP: MEOR Finds Oil reequilibrated H2S value is observed in the producers. Statoil researchers
Where It Has Already Been Discovered, E&P, have also developed a reservoir souring modelpredicted H2S values are
(November 4, 2009),
shown for Gullfaks C. The predicted values indicate levels that would have
already-discovered_47917 (accessed July 15, 2012). been experienced had there been no nitrate addition. (Adapted from Sunde et
al, reference 35.)

Summer 2012 13
The Husky pilot MEOR project is located
within a field in the southwest corner of
Saskatchewan, Canada (left).41 This field, discov-
ered in 1952, has a reservoir depth of about
1,200 m [3,940 ft] and an average temperature of
Well A
Saskatchewan 47C [117 F]. Current production from the field
Pilot area
is 60 m3/d [380 bbl/d] of 22 to 24 degree API
gravity oil and 4,250 m3/d [150 Mcf/d] of gas.
MEOR pilot Well E Husky began waterflooding in 1967, and current
water injection is 1,300 m3/d [8,200 bbl/d]. In
Well C 2010, cumulative oil production from this field
U N I T E D S T A T E S reached 3.3 million m3 [21 million bbl] since
Well D discoveryestimated to be about 29% of the
original oil in place (OOIP).
Injector B Husky teamed with Titan Oil Recovery to
investigate the feasibility of using MEOR to
recover crude oil trapped in this field. The Titan
technology is simpleidentify and quantify
Water injector 0 km 1 microbes that are indigenous to the reservoir.42
Producing well 0 mi 1 Using these data plus results from other field
tests, Titan engineers formulated a nutrient mix-
ture to release in the reservoir by way of the
> Husky-Titan pilot location. The pilot area encompassed four producing
water injection system. The engineers theorized
wells and one water injector in the Saskatchewan, Canada, field. Nutrient
that the injected nutrients would stimulate
injection was carried out in two steps. Husky first used Well A to confirm
the laboratory-derived nutrient formula by batch treating the well. The changes in certain species of resident microbes,
operator next used Injector B to deliver the nutrients while production was allowing the microbes to affect the interfaces
monitored at nearby Wells C, D and E. (Adapted from Town et al, reference 41.) between oil, water and rock to release small
droplets of oil into the active flow channels.
Husky applied the Titan process in two
stepsbatch nutrient treatment of a single well
Nutrient Injections at Injector B followed by water injection to spread nutrients to
Treatment Treatment Treatment nearby wells. For the single-well treatment,
1 2 3 Husky injected 1.3 m3 [8.2 bbl] of nutrients and
14 13 m3 [82 bbl] of injection water through the
wellbore, then shut in the well for a week. When
12 90
the well was returned to production, results were
Oil production 85 encouragingoil production increased from 1.2
Oil production, m3/d

Water cut
to 4.1 m3/d [7.5 to 25.8 bbl/d] and water cut
Water cut, %

8 decreased from 94% to 80%. Because these results

showed that the nutrients were appropriate for
6 70 the reservoir and its resident microbes, Husky
65 shifted its focus to the water injector for treating
nearby wells in the pilot area.
Starting in early 2008 and using procedures
55 similar to treatment of the single well, Husky
0 50 injected the custom nutrient via the water
Jan Aug Feb Sep Mar
2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 injector in the pilot area. After three weeks, the
Date closest producing well showed a significant
> Husky-Titan pilot results. From early 2007 until the beginning of 2008, oil oil production increase and a corresponding
production at Well C in the Saskatchewan MEOR pilot was reasonably decrease in water cut (left). After an appropriate
steady, between 2 and 4 m3/d [13 and 25 bbl/d]. The water cut for the same interval to allow underground transit of nutri-
period was about 95%. After the first and subsequent nutrient injections at
Injector B, oil production at Well C increased to 7 to 9 m3/d [44 to 57 bbl/d]. ents, engineers observed these positive results at
For the same period, water cut fell to about 88%. Because Well C was not
treated directly, the pilot confirmed response through the reservoir from
injector to producer. (Adapted from Town et al, reference 41.)

14 Oilfield Review
other wells in the pilot area. In addition, engi- Rock grain Microbes
neers used the same treatment in wells and
injectors outside the pilot area, achieving posi- Oil trapped Oil released
in pore into pore
tive results, which confirmed the response from
injector to producer. Water
Success with microbe stimulation to enhance
oil production from a mature waterflood was also
seen at a field in Kansas, USA.43 The Stirrup field, Flow path
discovered in 1985, is located in the southwest
corner of Kansas. The reservoir depth is about
5,200 ft [1,600 m], and current production is
490 bbl/d [78 m3/d] of 38 to 41 degree API gravity
oil. The initial reservoir pressure was 1,650 psi
[11.4 MPa] and had declined to less than 100 psi
[0.69 MPa] at the start of waterflood in 2003.
Primary recovery from the Stirrup field was cal-
culated at 19.1 million bbl [3.04 million m3] of oil, Microbes reduce Microbes affect
and waterflood is estimated to add another oil-water tension. preferential flow.
2.8 million bbl [0.44 million m3], for an ultimate
recovery of about 15% of the OOIP. In mid-2010,
Glori Energy, in collaboration with Statoil, tested
the AERO activated environment for recovery of
oil technology in the Stirrup field to see if there
was potential to boost recovery based on micro-
bial stimulation (right).
Detailed characterization of the existing
microbe population using both traditional and
genome-based techniques was the first step in
implementing the AERO technology at Stirrup.
Once Glori Energy had characterized the indig-
enous microbe population, engineers devel-
oped a custom nutrient formulation and micro-
bial inoculant.
Glori Energy started the AERO technology
pilot at Stirrup in May 2010 by continuously
injecting the custom nutrient using two of the Microbes disperse. New water flow
water injectors. The initial test pattern for the paths open.
pilot included two injectors and five producing > AERO technology. Glori Energy has theorized that the AERO technology stimulates oil production in
wells. After several months of operation, it was four steps. The microbes in the reservoir use existing oil as a carbon source to produce surfactants
clear that water from one of the injectors was not that reduce the oil-water surface tension, helping to release trapped oil (top left). The microbes then
multiply and block some existing water flow paths, thereby forcing the opening of new flow paths that
entering the test pattern, so that injector was move trapped oil out of the reservoir (top right). When some of the trapped oil has been released and the
withdrawn from the pilot. Some of the five test local carbon source depleted, the microbes disperse and former water flow paths reopen (bottom left). If
wells experienced similar problems when follow- the stimulated microbes are active and have sufficient nutrients, the process is continuously repeated
until trapped oil is brought to the surface and production increases (bottom right). (Adapted with
up work showed that injectors not included in the
permission from Glori Energy.)
test pattern program were influencing perfor-
mance. Since this field does not have a dedicated
system for separation and testing, evaluation can
be made only on a well-by-well basis. Stirrup
Well 12-2 demonstrated the predominant response.
Analysis of the data from Well 12-2 suggests that

41. Town K, Sheehy AJ and Govreau BR: MEOR Success in 42. Analysis for resident microbes is typically carried out on 43. Bauer BG, ODell RJ, Marinello SA, Babcock J, Ishoey T
Southern Saskatchewan, paper SPE 124319, presented produced water samples. and Sunde E: Field Experience from a Biotechnology
at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Approach to Water Flood Improvement, paper SPE
New Orleans, October 47, 2009. 144205, presented at the SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery
Conference, Kuala Lumpur, July 1921, 2011.

Summer 2012 15
the AERO treatment, when properly applied, is posed of in a safe and environmentally responsi- Although researchers have shown that heavily
capable of significantly boosting ultimate recov- ble manner. Microbes are currently playing an weathered, highmolecular weight hydrocar-
ery (below). important role in disposal of these waste streams, bons are essentially nonbiodegradable, these
particularly in the realm of solid waste. Two solid same hydrocarbons can be rendered less detri-
Microbes on the Surface waste streams that arise from oil and gas produc- mental by treatment with a mixture of nutrients
While many microbe applications are designed tion may be amenable to bioremediation: hydro- and cultured microbes.44 Currently, bioremedia-
for the subsurface, others contribute to shallow carbon-impacted soil and drilling waste. tion is usually the preferred method for dealing
and surficial processes such as the management During the last 100 years, some production with crude oilimpacted soil.45 Because not all
of oilfield waste or remediation of production facilities have experienced contaminated soils crude oils respond to bioremediation in the
from oil sands and spills. because of leaks or uncontrolled discharges of same way, engineers have developed predictive
Oil and gas production generates a variety of crude oil and other liquids. Natural weathering models to allow quick assessment of ex situ bio-
vapor, liquid and solid waste that not only must can significantly reduce the hydrocarbon con- remediation without resorting to time-consum-
meet governmental regulations but also be dis- centration in soil but does not eliminate it. ing laboratory trials.
Drilling waste, a by-product of oilfield opera-
tions, is mostly nonhazardous, although the vol-
umes of such waste are significant for both marine
and onshore operations. For example, a midsize
operator in the Gulf of Mexico may routinely gen-
erate 250 tonUS [227,000 kg] of waste monthly.46
100 Some operators dispose of water-base drilling
Estimated increase
50,000 to 55,000 bbl wastes from marine operations directly to the
Before AERO nutrient addition ocean. Although harm to the ecosystem from this
After AERO nutrient addition type of disposal has not been demonstrated, it
remains a controversial practice.47
90 As in marine environments, onshore drilling
generates a significant volume of waste. A 509-m
Water cut, %

[1,670-ft], 61/2-in. hole produces 21 m3 [130 bbl] of

cuttings, and disposal of onshore cuttings pres-
ents a different challenge from that of marine
80 environments. Scientists are designing synthetic
AERO nutrient start drilling muds that, when added to soil, enhance
soil quality and stimulate more rapid bioremedia-
tion.48 In addition, engineers have developed a
standardized screening protocol for drill cut-
70 tings. This protocol compares rates of bioreme-
75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
diation using greenhouse-scale models to
Cumulative production, 1,000 bbl
simulate field conditions (next page). Scientists
> AERO technology results. Data from the Stirrup Well 12-2 are plotted as at M-I SWACO, a Schlumberger company, use
water cut versus cumulative production from the well with approximate
results from the greenhouse simulations to pre-
trend lines drawn for periods both before and after nutrient injection. When
these trend lines are extrapolated to constant 95% water cut, they imply a dict the length of time for treatment, final condi-
50,000- to 55,000-bbl [7,950- to 8,740-m3] oil production increase as a result tion of the material following treatment, the
of the treatment. (Adapted with permission from Glori Energy.) capability of the material to comply with environ-
mental targets and the likelihood of technique

44. Adams RH, Daz-Ramrez IJ, Guzmn-Osorio FJ and 46. Louviere RJ and Reddoch JA: Onsite Disposal of 48. Curtis GW, Growcock FB, Candler JE, Rabke SP and
Gutirrez-Rojas M: Biodegradation and Detoxification Rig-Generated Waste via Slurrification and Annular Getliff J: Can Synthetic-Based Muds Be Designed to
of Soil Contaminated with Heavily Weathered Injection, paper SPE/IADC 25755, presented at the Enhance Soil Quality?, paper AADE 01-NC-HO-11,
Hydrocarbons, presented at the 13th Annual SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, presented at the AADE National Drilling Conference,
International Environmental Petroleum Conference, February 2225, 1993. Houston, March 2729, 2001.
San Antonio, Texas, October 1620, 2006. 47. Neff JM: Composition, Environmental Fates and Clements K, Rabke S and Young S: Development of a
45. Hoffman R, Bernier R, Smith S and McMillen S: Biological Effects of Water Based Drilling Muds and Standardized Screening Procedure for Bioremediation
A Four-Step Biotreatability Protocol for Crude Oil Cuttings Discharged to the Marine Environment: of Drill Cuttings, presented at the 14th International
Impacted Soil, paper SPE 126982, presented at the A Synthesis and Annotated Bibliography. Report Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston,
SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and prepared for the Petroleum Environmental Research November 69, 2007.
Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Forum and API, January 2005, 49. Orwig J: Scientists Grow Bacteria to Improve Oil Sands
Rio de Janeiro, April 1214, 2010. APIPERFreport.pdf (accessed August 2, 2012). Remediation, EARTH 57, no. 4 (April 2012):18.
50. Phan CM, Allen B, Peters LB, Le TN and Tade MO:
Can Water Float on Oil?, Langmuir 28, no. 10
(March 13, 2012): 46094613.

16 Oilfield Review
Total petroleum hydrocarbons, weight percent

Linear paraffins
Diesel oil
Mixed olefins

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time, d
> Bioremediation. Scientists at M-I SWACO in Houston use a greenhouse to study bioremediation rates by composting tub-sized
samples of drill cuttings (right). These specialists have developed bioremediation protocols using 2.7- to 4.0-ft3 [0.08- to 0.1-m3] size
samples of a drill-cutting mix containing sand, bentonite clay, an additional nonswelling silica clay and water, followed by coating with
hydrocarbons at the 10 weight percent level. Typical soil amendments and nutrients are added to the resultant hydrocarbon-compost
mix before it is allowed to sit for long periods under greenhouse conditions. During this extended period, constant conditions for the
compost are maintained by introducing oxygen via periodic mixing and adding water and nutrients as required. Bioremediation as
measured by total petroleum hydrocarbons is plotted for three hydrocarbon proxies (left). These data show that after 30 days, linear
paraffins and mixed olefins have nearly completely dissipated, while diesel oil is significantly reduced but does not fall below about
1 weight percent. M-I SWACO uses this test to screen onsite remediation as well as to train field personnel to maintain optimal
compost conditions.

Microbe Frontiers reintroduced to shorten the current 20- to 30-year volume, water droplets can float on an oil sur-
The ubiquity of microbe distribution on the compound breakdown time. Researchers are face.50 Acceleration of aerobic biodegradation of
planet ensures that scientists associated with the making progress; by simulating tailings pond con- spills is one application of this findingsmall
oil and gas industry have an abundance of oppor- ditions, they have reproduced 30% to 60% of the water droplets that float on the oil surface have
tunities ahead of them. These opportunities microbes in the sludge and expect to have pilot more contact with airborne oxygen, thus acceler-
include oil sands remediation and cleanup of bioreactors running in a few years. ating the microbe-driven cleanup.
ocean oil spills. Drillers and producers in offshore operations New analytical methods and scientists
Production of hydrocarbons from Canadian oil must take significant precautions to avoid spills increased understanding of microbes have led to
sands has been successful in adding to the worlds and must be prepared to deal with them if they developments in controlling souring and corro-
sources of petroleum, but such hydrocarbon pro- occur. Use of dispersants remains controversial sion and improving oil recovery from mature
duction is not without environmental cost. Tailings because the dispersants may have environmental wells. These advances are stimulating further
ponds, which must be fenced off to protect wild- impacts. Researchers in Australia, studying the work in the use of microbes for bioremediation in
life, are one consequence of oil sands production. physical chemistry of oil-water interactions, have both onshore and offshore settings. Today, engi-
Biologists and engineers have found that certain reported a seemingly contradictory finding that neers are bringing the negative characteristics of
microbes thrive on potentially hazardous com- may improve the odds in oil spill cleanup. These microbes in the oil field under tighter control and
pounds in that environment.49 These scientists researchers found that, given certain values of are increasingly able to harness their positive
theorize that if the microbes could be cultured, interfacial tension, oil density and water droplet aspects for improved hydrocarbon production
identified and grown into biofilms, they could be and solutions to environmental concerns. DA

Summer 2012 17

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