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List of Contacts Tools once you all get back to Oroth as provided by Fergus

Name: Dr. William Bell

Occupation Professor of Civil Engineering
Location Imperial University, Oroth
Arrogant. Belligerent. Self Absorbed.
Intimate knowledge on Orot public works and infrastructure.
Brown noser to current regime.
Is really (and secretly) the bastard son of Abraham Stokely Orot author/revolutionary
Will do most anything to keep this information from coming out.

Name: Dr. Henry Sugarberry

Occupation Professor of Political Science
Location Imperial University, Oroth
Very shrewd minded. Very political. Like McDonovan
Loves chaos. Loves causing problems for statesman of all cuts.
Not to be trust as he loves being a broker of information.
Universally loved and hated by the state.

Name: Senator Clive Perez

Occupation Senator of Garrison BBW (Brotherhood of the Blacken Wall)
Location Garrison Proper
No nonsense senator who will do anything to allow more aid/assistance to his fellow Darkenguards
Spent 10 years at the wall. Has recd numerous medals or decorations
Removed from service for disobeying a direct order from the Baron. Stripped of Rank.
Most statesman want to remove him from power but he has recd overwhelming votes from the DGs

Name: Senator Goran Siebert

Occupation Senator of Brady LLD (League of Lumen Design)
Location Brady Proper
Handpicked by the church to bring together the Church and Darkenguard culture.
He is a man of compromise willing to give to get
Has a drinking problem.

Name: Senator Anna Ripley

Occupation Senator of Whitefall PAK (Party of Avery Kheres)
Location Tessmaker Hills, Whitefall
Wealthy heiress whose father was senator before her. Fiercely political.
Former romantic interest of Fergus.
Manipulative. Will use you if given a chance.
Her constituency consists of the mid level merchant class and the wealthy.

Name: Manion Klimchek

Occupation Captain of the 377
Location Lesterville, Ericshome
Drinker, Gambler and Hater of All things Orot
Grandfather was Baron of Shandaken Grandfather was dethroned by the Clarkes.
Oroth (Nigel Kheres) did not come to aid of grandfather.
Family fled to Khorsland and has been here ever since.
Completed a tour of duty at Iron Hold where he had occasion to meet Fergus. Begrudging respect.

Name: Wilson Tapps

Occupation Commander of the Unwavering Front
Location Brady Proper, Brady

Name: Sir Arny Raymundo

Occupation Former Knight. Questing of Oroth, Kingdom of Oroth
Location Roscoe, Olive
Manipulated by a Agee woman to sell weapons secrets (new cannon technology)
Close to King Graham. Should have been executed instead Graham banished him from Oroth.
Returned to his love only to be scorned after information had been provided.
A waste of a man.

Name: Terry Frost

Occupation Playboy
Father invented cotton gin and sewing machine.
Card buddy of Fergus. Owes Fergus for getting him out of more than one fight.

Name: Merlin Sox

Occupation Weightman AG Imperial Gamming Commission
Location AG Proper, Aarons Gate
Javelin, Shot, Hammer and Disc
Refuses to move onto the over 40 events which he would dominate. Still very good against young folk

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