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Use state government or regional/metro planning instruments
to develop retirement living policies, which outline:
n What retirement living development is
n How it differs from residential development
ATTITUDE n Constraints of the regulated financial model
Lead from the top. Facilitate cultural
n Preferred housing design ideas
change programs across the state that:
n Importance of integration and co-location with the
n Acknowledge the role of retirement
villages in catering for our ageing community and other uses
population and the need to be
proactive to facilitate supply in the
face of additional constraints on
n Recognise the financial contribution AWARENESS
made by and the broader spin off
benefits from retirement living ACCESSIBILITY
development Through land use planning
instruments, identify:
ATTITUDE ACCESSIBILITY n Retirement living as accepted

As development in all residential

and some other zones including
Community Use zones
OF RETIREMENT n Removal of appeal rights for
LIVING developments where identified
as accepted
n Streamlined planning process for
retirement living developments
Amend state or regional housing
strategies and use land use planning
instruments to:
n Articulate design outcomes for
retirement villages e.g. Use Infill
Development for Older Australian in AFFORDABILITY
South East Queensland or NSW Implement guidance material to assist assessment authorities to understand:
Silver or Gold Liveable Housing
n How regulated financial models operate and implications on delivery
Design guidelines
n Reinforce design guidance rather
n The lower demand retirement villages have on some infrastructure
than mandated outcomes
(and reflect in policy)
n Facilitate redevelopment and
n Significant additional cost imposts on development and therefore the
regeneration opportunities for
existing retirement villages through ability to compete in the highest and best land use challenge
supportive zoning and development Use land use planning instruments to:
provisions n Balance the additional imposts via suite of development yield
incentives, (eg. plot ratio, height, setbacks, carparking, open space,
heritage issues) where it can be demonstrated that it compliments
existing and future land uses or serves locality need
n Establish performance based design outcomes rather than prescriptive

Desiree Houston-Jones
Regional Technical Director - Planning RPS
T (07) 3237 8899

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