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Name(s): Aylish Marchand and Kendra Doyle

Focus (topic) of the Lesson Plan: Author Study: Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games
Universal Design for Learning
1.1 Offer ways of customizing the display of information:
- there will be a Power Point, handouts, and chart paper for displays of information.

3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge:

- students will be given new information for the background of the author of The Hunger

3 Provide options for comprehension:

- providing a variety of informations and learnings such as, a Power Point, handouts, and
chart paper, and quick writes allows a variety of learning

Action and Expression

4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation:
- students will be writing individually, working in partners, and working in groups to respond
and answer questions.

5.1 Use multiple media for communication:

- students will communicate in multiple ways, such as small groups, partners, and whole

6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress:

- Allowing students to work in groups, pairs and have individual writing, will allow teacher to
monitor understanding.

8.3 Foster collaboration and community:
- having students work in groups and pairs will increase collaboration and communication.

7.3 Minimize threats and distractions:

- having students involved in multiple types of activities will decrease distractions.

8 Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence:

- having a variety of activities will allow students to be engaged in each lesson.
GCO: Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify,
and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.

1. Consider and reflect upon the
contribution of others ideas
during discussions
2. Ask questions that probe for
accuracy, relevancy, and validity;
respond thoughtfully and
appropriately to such questions
3. Demonstrate competence in the
frequent use of writing and
representing strategies to extend
learning; to explore their own
thoughts and consider others
ideas; to reflect on their feelings,
values, and attitudes; and to
identify problems and describe
logical solutions.

SWBAT (in student friendly terms):

Students will be able to discuss ideas, write their thoughts and perceptions, and ask questions
while reflecting on their own learnings.

Assessment (formative/summative, self/peer)

What prior data is informing your instruction?
- Students are familiar with reading novels.
- Students are familiar with author studies.
- Students have just started The Hunger Games novel and will be learning about the

What assessment strategies will measure the learning from the outcomes?
- Learning Logs: similar to journals, students will write about their learnings and
readings. Each week students will spend 10 minutes writing their learnings of the
author, and connections about the chapters they read that week.

Summative: Teacher observations:

- Students will work hands on in class to complete their APK activity (explained below),
chart papers.
- Students will be expected to discuss, probe for questions and answer questions about
the author.

Timeline / Elaboration
Before (APK) 10m
Focus Questions:
Start with asking students: Have any of you read The Hunger Games novels? Or seen any of
the films?

Go into APK activity:

APK: Think-Write-Share
- Similar to the above strategy, but the sharing follows the writing. Students think about a
Required Materials, Tools and Technology

- 25 The Hunger Games novels

- 25 Author bio handout
- Chart paper
- Markers
Authors Bio website for background info:

Special Concerns
Sarah Leblanc has visual issues; therefore, ensure she is sitting near the front.

Seating plan will be provided to ensure students are in their proper seats.

Website for authors background information if the handouts are not there for teacher:

If teacher is not there to have Power Point photos of author, novel, and movie pictures, teacher
can google pictures of the author, novel and actors of the film.

There is a visual component (the students will have their novels to refer to, chart paper, and the
author biography handout. There will also be a PowerPoint for photos of the author), an
auditory component (students will be asking questions and discussing together author
information.) There is also a kinesthetic component (writing questions in a group, as well as
the APK activity).

The intelligences touched:

Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal.

The balanced literacy touched:

Independent reading
Shared reading
Shared writing
Oral Language
Word work

In-Class Support

We have Stacie, our EA for Sarah who has low vision. She is a great help if needed!

Cross-curricular Connections
Family health and living. (Life of the author)

Together we were able to agree on every activity we placed in our lesson plan.

One issue we faced was ensuring the UDL was written properly. Ensuring all the MIs and LSs,
and balanced literacy were connected to the activities was also fairly difficult, but was easier
connected after learning about them better.
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