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Reviews and Overviews

Neurobiology of Aggression and Violence

Larry J. Siever, M.D. Acts of violence account for an estimated cated. Insufficient serotonergic facilita-
1.43 million deaths worldwide annually. tion of top-down control, excessive
While violence can occur in many con- catecholaminergic stimulation, and sub-
texts, individual acts of aggression ac- cortical imbalances of glutamatergic/
count for the majority of instances. In gabaminergic systems as well as pathol-
some individuals, repetitive acts of ag- ogy in neuropeptide systems involved in
gression are grounded in an underlying the regulation of affiliative behavior may
neurobiological susceptibility that is just contribute to abnormalities in this cir-
beginning to be understood. The failure cuitry. Thus, pharmacological interven-
of top-down control systems in the pre- tions such as mood stabilizers, which
frontal cortex to modulate aggressive acts dampen limbic irritability, or selective se-
that are triggered by anger provoking rotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which
stimuli appears to play an important role. may enhance top-down control, as well
An imbalance between prefrontal regula- as psychosocial interventions to develop
tory influences and hyper-responsivity of alternative coping skills and reinforce re-
the amygdala and other limbic regions in- flective delays may be therapeutic.
volved in affective evaluation are impli-

(Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165:429442)

H uman aggression and violence are, unfortunately,

ubiquitous phenomena with substantial costs to our soci-
bal, direct or indirect), or cause of aggression (e.g., medi-
cal). The most widely utilized and perhaps most heuristi-
ety. The detrimental effects of aggression and violence are cally valuable classification of aggression is that of
documented daily in the media. Aggressiondefined as premeditated versus impulsive aggression. Premeditated
hostile, injurious, or destructive behavior often caused by violence represents a planned behavior that is not typi-
frustrationcan be collective or individual. The mental cally associated with frustration or response to immediate
health professional is often called upon to evaluate patho- threat. This form of aggression has also been termed pred-
logical forms of individual aggression in the clinical, foren- atory, instrumental, or proactive (24). Premeditated vio-
sic, and school setting, yet the causes and treatment of lence is not invariably accompanied by autonomic arousal
pathological aggression and violence are poorly under- and is planned with clear goals in mind. Sometimes this
stood and understudied (1). While the underpinnings of form of aggression is socially sanctioned, as in wartime. In
human aggression are clearly multifactorial, including po- contrast, impulsive aggression is characterized by high
litical, socioeconomic, cultural, medical, and psychologi- levels of autonomic arousal and precipitation by provoca-
cal factors, it is also clear that some forms of pathological tion associated with negative emotions such as anger or
aggression, such as impulsive aggression (which occurs in fear (2, 3). It usually represents a response to a perceived
the context of emotional arousal and provocation), have an stress. Impulsive aggression, also referred to as reactive
underlying neurobiology that we are only beginning to un- aggression, affective aggression, or hostile aggression, be-
derstand. In this overview, after defining aggression, its comes pathological when aggressive responses are exag-
prevalence, and its phenomenology, we will address the gerated in relation to the emotional provocation that oc-
neurobiology of aggression, particularly pathological curs. When a threat is dangerous and imminent, this
forms of impulsive aggression, by discussing the circuitry, unpremeditated aggression might be considered defen-
both cortical and subcortical, as well as the role of neuro- sive aggression and thus part of the normal repertoire of
modulators in the initiation and suppression of aggression. human behavior. Therefore, the line between pathological
and impulsive aggression and more normal forms of ag-
Definitions of Aggression gression is not hard and fast, and individuals with patho-
logical aggression may experience or rationalize their vio-
Aggression may be classified in a number of ways, for lence or aggression as being within the boundaries of
example, by the target of aggression (e.g., self-directed or normal protective or defensive aggression.
other-directed), mode of aggression (e.g., physical or ver-

This article is the subject of a CME course (p. 545).

Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008 429


FIGURE 1. Susceptibility to Aggression and Psychiatric Phenomenology

As illustrated in Figure 1, the susceptibility to aggres-
Aggression sion may manifest differently depending on the broader
(instrumental) in Cognitive Aggression in
psychosis, deviant psychopathological context in which it occurs. For exam-
antisocial personality impairments/
disorder disorganization behaviors ple, in the context of psychopathy, characterized by a lack
of empathy and glib/callous behavior toward others, this
Psychopathy Susceptibility susceptibility may manifest itself in instrumental aggres-
to Aggression Trauma history sion with the antisocial and even criminal acts character-
istic of antisocial personality disorder. When the suscepti-
Emotional bility is associated with coexisting cognitive impairment
Aggression Aggression
(reactive) in borderline sensitivity/ or disorganization with impairment of reality testing, ag-
dysregulation triggered by trauma
personality disorder in PTSD gression may be manifest in psychotic or highly deviant
behaviors, as in murder, rape, and serial killings. When
such a susceptibility to aggression occurs in an individual
predisposed to anxiety who is later exposed to trauma, ag-
Epidemiology and Genetics gressive acts may be observed when triggered by cues that
evoke the original trauma, as in the context of posttrau-
A recent World Health Organization report provided a matic stress disorder (PTSD). When coupled with extreme
1-year worldwide estimate of 1.43 million people dying emotional sensitivity and dysregulation, impulsive or re-
from either self-inflicted or interpersonal violence (ex- active aggression often occurs in an interpersonal con-
cluding armed conflict), with a much larger number of text, as in borderline personality disorder. A susceptibility
nonfatal victims of violence (1), most of which being un- to aggression may be enabled by an altered mood or anx-
planned acts representing impulsive aggression. Acts of iety state, as in bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety dis-
episodic or intermittent impulsive aggression are charac- order, or panic disorder (21). Episodic aggression and vio-
teristics of intermittent explosive disorder, as determined lence often accompany dementia. Perhaps the most
by integrated research criteria, which has a lifetime popu- common comorbidity is a substance abuse disorder,
lation prevalence of 7.3% (5, 6). It has been reported that which contributes to both the cognitive distortions and
one-quarter of all men and approximately one-half as disinhibition associated with substances of abuse, such
many women report acts of physical aggression after age as alcohol or stimulants.
18 (7). In any of these contexts, impulsive aggression may be
Twin and family studies suggest that aggression, partic- conceived as a lower threshold for activation of motoric
ularly irritable/impulsive aggression (as differentiated aggressive responses to external stimuli without adequate
from premeditated aggression), has substantial heritabil- reflection or regard for the aversive consequences of the
ity (44%72%) (8, 9), consistent with a meta-analysis of behavior. This aggressive diathesis can be conceptualized
more than 20 twin studies (10, 11). Gene-environment in- in terms of an imbalance between the top-down control
teractions play a major role in aggression and antisocial or brakes provided by the orbital frontal cortex and an-
behaviors (8, 12). Environmental factors comprise familial terior cingulate cortex, which are involved in calibration
of behavior to social cues and predicting expectancies of
factors, including observing or experiencing aggression as
reward and punishment (2), modulating or suppressing
a child or adolescent, as well as cultural and socioeco-
aggressive behavior with negative consequences, and ex-
nomic factors that are conducive to aggression (1315). In-
cessive bottom-up drives triggered or signaled by lim-
dividuals with a biological risk for aggression may be par-
bic regions, such as the amygdala and insula. As shown in
ticularly vulnerable to the effect of psychosocial adversity
Figure 2, an emotionally provocative or challenging stim-
(16). For example, genes for the serotonin transporter and
ulus that serves as a trigger to the aggressive event will ini-
monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) interact with child-
tially be processed by auditory, visual, and other sensory
hood maltreatment and adversity to predispose to vio-
processing centers. At this stage, sensory deficits such as
lence (1719).
hearing or visual impairment as well as sensory distor-
Episodic and impulsive verbal and physical aggression tions that might be caused by drugs, alcohol, or metabolic
can be associated with a variety of psychiatric disorders disturbances secondary to illness may result in incom-
and are frequently seen in personality disorders, such as plete or distorted sensory impressions, which can in-
borderline and antisocial personality disorders. The con- crease the likelihood that the stimulus is perceived as
sequences of these behaviors can be serious and include threatening or provocative. After sensory processing, the
spousal abuse and injury, job loss, criminal assault, rape, appraisal of the stimulus will occur in early social infor-
or murder. Among violent offenders, 47% of men and 21% mation processing centers in visual and auditory integra-
of women have antisocial personality disorder (20). tion areas and, ultimately, in higher association regions,

430 Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008


FIGURE 2. Initiation and Modulation of Aggressiona

Cultural/social factors Sensory distortions

Top-down brakes: (perception of (drugs, alcohol, metabolic
suppression/regulation aggressor) disturbances)
(orbital frontal cortex,
anterior cingulate gyrus)

Early information
Sensory Stimulus/challenge
processing (provocative)

Bottom-up drive:
signal, trigger
Cognitive impairment Sensory deficits
(amygdala, insula) (hearing,
(e.g., paranoid ideation,
conspiracy theories) Developmental vision loss)
(negative schema)

a Figure adapted/modified with permission from S.J. DeArmond et al., Structure of the Human Brain: A Photographic Atlas, Third Edition [Ox-
ford University Press, New York, 1989]. Copyright Oxford University Press. A modified version of this figure appeared in Davidson et al., Sci-
ence 2000; 289:591.

including those of the prefrontal, temporal, and parietal FIGURE 3. Brain Circuitry and Neuromodulators Regulat-
cortices. These early information processing stages can ing Aggression
be influenced by cultural and social factors that might
Brain Circuitry Neuromodulators
modulate the perception of the provocation, may become
distorted by cognitive impairment secondary to informa- Cortical
tion processing deficits leading to a propensity to para- Cortical lesion (trauma, Reduced serotonin
noid ideation or referential ideas, and may be biased by
negative schema that might be a function of a develop- Decreased cortical volume
Enhanced dopamine,
mental stress/trauma or enduring negative experiences norepinephrine
leading to diminished trust. Ultimately, processing of cortex processing inefficiency
these stimuli in relation to past emotional conditioning
encoded in the amygdala and related limbic regions will Limbic
trigger the drive to an aggressive action, while the or- Hyperactivity (of amygdala, Reduced GABA
limbic system)
bital frontal cortex and anterior cingular gyrus will pro-
? Reduced amygdalar Enhanced glutamate
vide top-down modulation of these emotional re- volume
sponses and behaviors and serve to suppress behaviors Emotional hypersensitivity Enhanced acetylcholine
with negative consequences. Kindling
An imbalance between limbic drives and prefrontal
control mechanisms may be important for a range of psy-
chiatric pathology provoked by negative stimulation, in-
cluding not only aggressive disorders characterized by ex-
ternally directed behaviors but also withdrawal behaviors anxiety disorders. As shown in Figure 3, a variety of more
associated with anxiety disorders, such as PTSD and mood specific abnormalities in brain structural circuitry and
disorders. More specific genetic and physiological suscep-
neuromodulators that regulate these systems may play
tibilities, in conjunction with an experiential history of ag-
convergent roles in contributing to the susceptibility to
gression, may serve to condition the responses to emo-
aggression. This article elaborates on these domains and
tional provocation in the direction of aggression. For
cites relevant studies. Most of the studies reviewed were
example, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
studies suggest that patients with borderline personality performed in specific populations prone to impulsive ag-
disorder, who often experience anger and aggression dys- gression, including patients with antisocial or borderline
control, are particularly sensitive to faces with angry ex- personality disorders and intermittent explosive disorder,
pressions (22, 23), while a sensitivity to fear inducing stim- as determined by integrated research criteria (24), as well
uli or facial expressions may be particularly salient in as in criminal offenders.

Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008 431


Brain Circuitry results were obtained in a study of murderers (35). An in-

verse relationship has also been reported between the his-
Cortex tory of impulsive aggressive behavior and glucose metab-
The critical role of the prefrontal control in aggressive olism in the orbital frontal cortex and right temporal
and dyssocial behaviors, consistent with the frontal cortex cortex, with reductions of metabolism in prefrontal Brod-
modulating subcortical behavior, was first recognized in manns areas 46 and 6 in patients with borderline person-
the context of prefrontal cortical lesions resulting in disin- ality disorder (36). In a PET study evaluating responses to
hibited aggressive behavior. These lesions may occur as a the probe metachlorophenylpiperazine, decrements in
result of trauma, tumors, or even metabolic disturbances the lateral, medial, and orbital frontal cortices were found
that affect the prefrontal cortex. A prime example of this at baseline in men with a history of physical aggression
disinhibition is found in the often cited case of Phineas and in the orbital frontal cortex for both men and women
Gage, a dependable, stable railroad worker who was in- with a history of physical aggression (37). In an imaging
jured by a tamping rod that penetrated his skull through study of an unrestrained aggressive scenario, healthy vol-
his orbital frontal cortex (the anterior and mesial aspects unteers demonstrated blood flow reductions in the orbital
and anterior cingulate) (25). He became angry, irritable, frontal cortex , suggesting a release of top-down control
and showed poor social judgment following the injury. of aggression (38).While participating in a laboratory de-
Childhood and adult-onset damage to the ventromedial signed to provoke aggression, the Point Subtraction Ag-
prefrontal cortex results in severe disruption of emotion, gression Paradigm, patients with intermittent explosive
which leads to diminished real-world competence (26). disorder, as determined by integrated research criteria,
Patients with frontal lobe injuries, including the orbital and borderline personality disorder made more aggressive
frontal cortex, are more likely to use physical intimidation responses relative to comparison subjects (39). In the
and threats in conflict situations (27). Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm, patients with bor-
The temporal lobe is also implicated in the susceptibil- derline personality disorder who were characterized by
ity to violence and aggression. Most commonly, this rela- anger dyscontrol showed diminished responses to provo-
cation in the medial frontal cortex and the anterior frontal
tionship is manifest in the aggressive behaviors of patients
cortex relative to comparison subjects but greater re-
with tumors of the temporal lobe but can also be associ-
ated with other temporal lesions (28). The temporal lobe is sponses in the orbital frontal cortex, presumably to
often the site of localized seizure activity, and temporal dampen aggressive responses (39). In an fMRI paradigm
lobe epilepsy may be associated with subacute postictal (40), when viewing negative pictures compared with rest,
aggressive behaviors (29). patients with borderline personality disorder showed
greater activity relative to healthy comparison subjects in
Structural imaging. While lesion studies evaluate ef- the amygdala, fusiform gyrus, paraphippocampul gyrus,
fects of damage to specific brain regions, structural imag- cerebellar declive, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, occipi-
ing paradigms measure naturalistic variability in volumes tal visual areas, and regions related to sensory, emotional,
and shapes of brain structures. Reductions in prefrontal and facial processing, while healthy comparison subjects
gray matter that are presumably based in aberrant devel- showed greater activity in the insula, involved in visceral
opment have been reported in individuals with antisocial emotional processing, and the dorsomedial/dorsolateral
personality disorder and are often associated with auto- prefrontal cortex, involved in cognitive processing. When
nomic deficits (30, 31). Significant volume reductions have attempting to suppress negative emotions, borderline
been demonstrated in the left orbital frontal cortex and personality disorder patients showed less activation of the
right anterior cingulate cortex in patients with borderline anterior cingulate, pregenual anterior cingulate, and in-
personality disorder (32), most marked in Brodmanns traparietal sulci relative to comparison subjects (41).
area 24, which has also been implicated in functional im- These anomalous patterns of activation suggest inefficient
aging studies of these patients. The temporal cortex, par- processing by cortical regions in the service of suppressing
ticularly the medial temporal cortex and hippocampus, behaviors with negative consequences triggered by these
has also been demonstrated to have structural alterations, provocative stimuli.
including altered asymmetry in antisocial subjects (33).
Limbic System/Subcortical Structures
Orbital frontal/cingulate cortical processing effi-
ciency. Functional brain imagining permits an assess- Structural/functional imaging. The other critical ab-
ment of brain activation patterns in specific regions of in- normality implicated in impulsive aggression and vio-
terest in individuals with a history of recurrent episodic vi- lence is hyperactivity of the limbic system, including
olent behavior. Initial studies focusing on psychiatric structures such as the amygdala, in response to negative
patients with a history of violence demonstrated de- or provocative stimuli, particularly anger provoking stim-
creased glucose metabolism using a positron emission to- uli. Activation in these systems in the face of diminished
mography with [18]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) para- top-down regulation can lead to disinhibited anger and
digm in the temporal and frontal cortices (34). Similar aggression. Enhanced responses of the amygdala have

432 Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008


been reported in patients with borderline personality dis- outbursts (e.g., outbursts associated with drug use) (55)
order toward negatively valenced pictures (42), faces with that are responsive to the beneficial effects of anticonvul-
neutral, positive, and negative emotions (43), and trau- sants (56). The regions that are implicated in the kin-
matic scenes (44) relative to healthy comparison subjects. dling phenomenon include regions of the limbic cortex,
In more recent studies from our laboratory, increased acti- such as the amygdala and enterorhinal cortex, which may
vation of the amygdala was demonstrated in borderline be implicated in impulsive aggression.
personality disorder patients toward negative pictures
versus a resting state (40, 45). Hyper-reactive responses to Neuromodulators
the amygdala have also been reported in relation to trau-
matic scripts in borderline personality disorder patients Neurotransmitters
(46). Some studies have suggested reduced amygdala vol- Serotonin. Serotonin facilitates prefrontal cortical re-
umes in borderline personality disorder subjects relative gions, such as the orbital frontal cortex and anterior cin-
to comparison subjects (cf. 46), while others have not (37). gulate cortex, that are involved in modulating and often
Emotional responsivity mediated by limbic regions can suppressing the emergence of aggressive behaviors pri-
also be measured with a nonverbal psychophysiological marily by acting on serotonin 5-HT2 receptors in these re-
paradigm measuring affective startle. Research shows that gions. Thus, deficiencies in serotonergic innervation of
while viewing unpleasant stimuli compared with neutral these regions could be expected to result in disinhibited
stimuli, people exhibit greater amplitude of the startle aggression upon provocation. This model is supported by
eye-blink response during the presentation of a brief static studies that have shown that selective serotonin reuptake
noise burst (47). In a recent study from our program, we inhibitors (SSRIs) reduce impulsive aggression (57) as well
found that patients with borderline personality disorder as neurobiological studies that have implicated reduced
exhibited exaggerated startle potentiation relative to concentrations of the serotonergic metabolite 5-hydroxy-
healthy comparison subjects while viewing negative indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and reduced neuroendocrine
words (e.g., suicidal, alone), which is particularly salient responses to serotonergic probes (5860) in aggressive
for people with borderline personality disorder (48). The personality disorder patients or individuals who have had
two groups (borderline personality and healthy compari- violent suicide attempts (61, 62). Animal models in rhesus
son) did not differ on startle amplitude during the presen- and macaque monkeys support an association between
tation of neutral words (e.g., collect, regular). The findings lower serotonergic activity and aggression in freely mov-
also showed that among the borderline personality disor- ing primates (63). Interestingly, serotonin depletion is also
der patients, greater symptom severity was associated implicated in decreased learning of cooperation and di-
with greater affective startle during presentation of un- minished perception of trustworthiness (64).
pleasant words. Consistent with symptoms of affective Antagonists of 5-HT2A receptors reduce impulsivity in
dysregulation, these results suggest that borderline per- animal models (65), and atypical neuroleptics with prom-
sonality disorder patients exhibit hyper-responsivity to inent 5-HT2A antagonism have antiaggressive efficacy in
unpleasant stimuli. In a more recent study utilizing fMRI clinical populations (66). Agonists, on the other hand, re-
during this affective startle task, patients with borderline duce impulsivity at the 5-HT2C receptor (65), suggesting
personality disorder showed greater amygdala activation that the two receptor subtypes may have complementary
and greater startle response when the startle was intro- roles in the regulation of aggression consistent with their
duced during unpleasant words rather than during neu- reciprocal modulation in animal model systems (67).
tral or pleasant words (unpublished data of Hazlett et al., Pharmacological probe studies assess net serotonergic
2007). In contrast, the instrumental aggression character- activity by measuring responses of hormones, such as pro-
istic of psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder is lactin, to serotonergic releasing agents, including d, l-fen-
associated with reduced amygdala responsiveness, auto- fluramine. Blunted prolactin responses are associated
nomic activity, and aversive conditioning (2, 49). with suicide attempts in depressed and personality disor-
Hypothalamic activation has also been associated with der patients and impulsive aggression in personality dis-
aggression in domestic violence perpetrators (50), consis- order patients, more specifically, borderline personality
tent with anterior hypothalamic regulation of aggression disorder and those criteria of borderline personality disor-
(2, 51). Abnormalities in hippocampal function have also der reflecting impulsive aggression (68). Metachlorophe-
been reported in antisocial and violent subjects (33, 52), nylpiperazine, which directly activates the 5-HT2C recep-
consistent with hippocampus modulating aggression (33, tor, has been associated with blunted prolactin responses
53). and increased impulsivity and hyperactivity (6567, 69).
Kindling. The phenomenon of kindling occurs when Ipsapirone and buspirone, which are agonists for the 5-
circuits subjected to repeated stimulation become sensi- HT1A receptor, also produce reduced neuroendocrine re-
tized to future stimulation (54). While generally consid- sponses (11). In paradigms assessing receptors on periph-
ered in the contexts of repeated episodes of bipolar illness, eral blood elements, increased 5-HT2A receptor binding in
kindling can also apply to repeated explosive or violent platelets has been associated with experimentally induced

Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008 433


depletions in serotonergic activity (e.g., in tryptophan de- ing with treatment with the SSRI fluoxetine, which may
pletion paradigms). Such increases are also correlated parallel reductions in aggression symptoms (unpublished
with impulsive aggression in subjects with personality dis- data of Siever et al., 2007), implicating increased 5HT2A re-
orders, suggesting increased aggression in the face of re- ceptor sensitivity associated with aggression and its re-
duced serotonergic activity (70). duction with efficacious treatment.
More recently, imaging studies have pointed to reduced Catecholamines. The catecholamines dopamine and
orbital and ventral medial prefrontal activation in re- norepinephrine may enhance the likelihood of other di-
sponse to d, l-fenfluramine in impulsive aggressive per- rected aggression. Thus, depressed patients with blunted
sonality disorder patients (61), in borderline personality noradrenergic responsiveness do not show the externally
disorder patients (who are often characterized by impul- directed aggression found in personality disorder patients,
sive aggression) (71), and in depressed patients with a his- in whom blunted serotonergic activity is associated with
tory of suicide attempts (72). Personality disorder patients normal to increased noradrenergic activity (60, 78). The
with intermittent explosive disorder, as determined by in- growth hormone response to the alpha adrenergic recep-
tegrated research criteria, characterized by periodic epi- tor agonist clonidine has been correlated with irritability,
sodes of dyscontrol of aggression and violence, demon- although not with aggression per se, suggesting that in-
strated diminished activity in the orbital frontal cortex and creased noradrenergic receptor sensitivity may be related
adjacent ventral medial cortex relative to comparison sub- to hyper-reactivity to the environment, which indirectly
jects but did not necessarily differ in other regions of inter- enhances the likelihood of aggression (79). Dopamine is
est, including the parietal cortex (61). Statistical parameter involved in the initiation and performance of aggressive
mapping suggested that this difference was highly local- behavior (80), and decreased D1 receptors have been im-
ized to a small region of the orbital frontal cortex near the plicated in depressed patients with anger attacks (81).
site of the lesion of Phineas Gage. A study of borderline
personality disorder patients showed reduced activation Acetylcholine. Abnormalities in cholinergic activity
to fenfluramine in similar regions (71). The glucose meta- may contribute to hyperactivity of subcortical limbic re-
bolic response to the selective 5-HT2C agonist metachlo- gions and dysphoria or irritability, which can trigger
rophenylpiperazine was also reduced in patients with in- aggression. The acetylcholinesterase inhibitor physo-
termittent explosive disorder, as determined by integrated stigmine, which has been demonstrated to increase de-
research criteria, particularly in the left hemisphere and pressive affect in patients with major mood disorder, also
anterior cingulate, as opposed to the posterior cingulate induced increases in depression scores in borderline per-
(37). Comparison subjects demonstrated an expected pos- sonality disorder patients compared with placebo but not
itive correlation between the amygdala and prefrontal cor- in healthy comparison subjects, and these increases were
tex activity at rest, while this correlation was zero order to correlated with the trait of affective instability in a per-
negative in borderline personality disorder patients with sonality disorder cohort (82).
intermittent explosive disorder, as determined by inte- Glutamatergic/gabaminergic systems. Imbalance in
grated research criteria (37). glutamatergic/gabaminergic activity may contribute to
PET imaging studies have illuminated the activity-spe- hyperactivity of subcortical limbic regions. Gamma-ami-
cific components of the serotonergic system, including nobutyric acid type A (GABA[A]) receptor modulators may
the serotonin transporter and 5-HT2A receptor. Serotonin enhance aggression (83), and tiagabine, a GABA uptake in-
transporter activity as labeled by [11C](McNeil 5652) was hibitor, decreases aggression, possibly by suppressing re-
reduced in number in the cingulate cortex in patients with actions to aversive stimuli (84). Thus, reduced activity at
aggressive personality disorder relative to comparison GABA receptors may contribute to aggression, while
subjects (73), and interim results using a more cortically glutamatergic enhancement increases aggression (85),
sensitive probe, [11C]DASB, suggest significant reductions raising the possibility of an imbalance in the GABA/
in transporter binding in both the anterior cingulate cor- glutamatergic systems in aggression (86).
tex and orbital frontal cortex in aggressive patients (un-
published data of Siever et al., 2007). Receptor binding of Neuropeptides
5-HT2A, which can be measured by [11C]MDL100907 or al- Vasopressin. Vasopressin is implicated in both affiliative
tanserin, is significantly increased in physically aggressive behaviors and aggression. A positive correlation has been
patients with personality disorders (74) and in female bor- reported between CSF vasopressin concentrations and life
derline personality disorder patients (75), consistent with history of aggression in personality disorder patients (87),
postmortem (76) and platelet studies (77) suggesting in- even when controlling for serotonergic activity, paralleling
creased 5-HT2A receptor binding associated with suicide. animal studies in which higher densities of anterior hypo-
These studies are consistent with 5HT2A antagonism re- thalamic neurons containing vasopressin were associated
ducing impulsivity (65), but such antagonists have yet to with greater selective aggression toward unfamiliar con-
be studied in relation to impulsive aggression in clinical specifics (51). Vasopressin 1b receptor knock-out mice
populations. Pilot data suggest reductions in 5-HT2A bind- conversely show decreases in this type of aggression (88).

434 Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008


FIGURE 4. Pretreatment Abnormalities in the Pathophysi- FIGURE 5. Posttreatment Abnormalities in the Pathophysi-
ology of Aggressiona ology of Aggressiona

Orbital frontal cortex Orbital frontal cortex

Pretreatment Posttreatment
5-HT2C or from baseline


+ +
5-HT 5-HT
5-HT2A receptors 5-HT2A receptors
from baseline

5-HT 5-HT
neurons neurons

Amygdala Amygdala

a Figure adapted/modified with permission from S.J. DeArmond et a Figure adapted/modified with permission from S.J. DeArmond et
al., Structure of the Human Brain: A Photographic Atlas, Third Edi- al., Structure of the Human Brain: A Photographic Atlas, Third Edi-
tion [Oxford University Press, New York, 1989]. Copyright Oxford tion [Oxford University Press, New York, 1989]. Copyright Oxford
University Press. A modified version of this figure appeared in University Press. A modified version of this figure appeared in
Davidson et al., Science 2000; 289:591. Davidson et al., Science 2000; 289:591.

Interestingly, increases in serotonergic activity can reduce opioid receptors, and thus dramatic relief of pain may re-
concentrations of vasopressin centrally (89). sult when opiates are released in the context of self-injuri-
Oxytocin. Oxytocin is implicated in affiliative behavior ous behavior.
and trust (9092). It also reduces amygdala activity in hu- Neurosteroids. While numerous reports have suggested
mans (93), and thus deficits in oxytocin might contribute correlations between plasma testosterone concentration
to the hostility, fear, and mistrust that may provide the and aggression, these relationships have not always been
preconditions for the emergence of aggression. In fact, replicated and have been extensively reviewed elsewhere
oxytocin knock-out mice display exaggerated aggressive (100). High concentrations of testosterone have been re-
behavior (94). Oxytocin concentrations in CSF are in- ported in populations characterized by high aggression,
versely correlated with aggression (unpublished data of
including criminals with personality disorders, alcoholic
Coccaro et al., 2006).
violent offenders, and spousal abusers (101), although
Opiates. Opiates have been related to aggression, partic- these concentrations were not found in a recent study of
ularly self-directed aggression. Increased metenkephalin CSF testosterone in patients with intermittent explosive
has been associated with self-injurious behavior (95), disorder, as determined by integrated research criteria
while opiate antagonists have generally diminished self- (101). Testosterone and steroids may induce aggression
injurious acts (96). Reduced CSF endogenous opioid con- and enhance responsiveness of brain circuitry related to
centrations have been associated with self-injurious be- social aggression (102).
haviors in patients with borderline personality disorder
(97), consistent with the clinical observation of the pro- Hypothalamopituitary adrenal axis. Cortisol concen-
pensity of borderline personality disorder patients to seek trations have generally been found to be low in individuals
relief with opiate pain medications. Reduced opioids may with high aggression, including populations of volunteers,
be associated with increased separation/abandonment adolescents with disruptive behavior, antisocial criminal
distress and rejection sensitivity that may heighten the offenders, and alcoholic perpetrators of domestic violence
likelihood of aggressive behavior (98, 99). Reduced pre- (11), and aggressive behavior has been linked to corti-
synaptic opiate activity may upregulate postsynaptic - cotropin releasing factor reactive autoantibodies (103).

Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008 435


FIGURE 6. Mechanisms of Aggression in Different Psychiat- FIGURE 7. Neurobiological Implications for Pharmacother-
ric Disorders apy of Aggression

Frontal Limbic Striatal Neurobiological Applications: Pharmacotherapy

inhibition irritability hyperactivity
Pharmacologic Target
ADHD Class Drive Brake
Borderline personality
Anticonvulsants (limbic irritability)
substance abuse
Serotonergic reuptake (frontal inhibition)
Antisocial personality
disorder (subcortical dopa-
Atypical neuroleptics (frontal inhibition)
minergic stimulation)
Stimulants (frontal inhibition)

Opiate antagonists (opiates)

Sterols and fatty acids. A number of retrospective stud-

ies of individuals who have attempted suicide suggest that
reduced cholesterol is associated with aggressive behav- sensitive, and more mechanistically specific measure of
ior, including violent crimes (104) and violent suicide at- aggression. It relies on an assessment of aggressive re-
tempts (105), paralleling relationships between low cho- sponses in a computerized game in which subjects believe
lesterol and aggression in monkeys (106). A reduction of that they are playing in a fictitious network of individuals.
cholesterol by drug treatment might increase the likeli- When subjects find that points are being taken from them
hood of suicide or trauma related to aggression, an effect by someone they presume to be another player (generated
possibly mediated by serotonin (107), but this has not by computer), those predisposed to aggression may retal-
been established definitively. iate by taking points from the perceived other subject.
The number of aggressive responses correlates with ag-
Neurocognitive-Neuropsychological gressive behavior and has been validated in violent parol-
Impairment ees (110). The go/no go version of the Continuous Per-
formance Task measures the capacity to inhibit responses
Aggressive behavior has often been associated with poor that may also be relevant to the impulsivity aspect of ag-
executive function and verbal processing in adolescents gression (111). The Immediate Memory Task is a measure
and adults (108). Cognitive performance is particularly im- of impulsivity that has been extensively validated (112).
paired in neuropsychological tests that are sensitive to These laboratory tests as well as self-report measures, in-
frontal and temporal dysfunction (109). Tasks that rely on cluding the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, Barratt
behavioral inhibition were most likely to show deficits in Impulsivity Scale, and Life History of Aggression scales
individuals with aggressive behavior and violence, and re- (113), can be used in both neurobiological and genetic
duced responses in evoked potential tasks have predicted studies. Many of these measures are found to be heritable
impulsiveness in aggressive prison populations (11). in twin studies (unpublished data of Jacobson et al., 2006;
[8]) and to distinguish patients characterized by aggres-
Laboratory/Behavioral Tasks- sion, such as borderline personality disorder patients,
Intermediate Phenotypes from comparison groups (unpublished data of Siever et
A number of laboratory tests that measure more specific al., 2006).
components of impulsive aggression have been utilized to
parse the more global concept of impulsive aggression, Genotypes
and thus the specific mechanisms of aggression could be
investigated more specifically. These tests can serve as in- A number of candidate genes have been explored in re-
termediate phenotypes or endophenotypes that may be lation to impulsive aggression or disorders characterized
more closely associated with genetic substrates than the by high aggression. These include serotonin-related
more inclusive clinical construct. For example, the Point genes, catecholamine-related genes, and other neuro-
Subtraction Aggression Paradigm is a laboratory test for modulator-related genes. For example, the 5-HT2A TYR
aggression that can elicit aggressive responses in individu- 452 allele has been associated with childhood-onset ag-
als susceptible to aggression and therefore assay the pre- gression (114). An allele for low MAO-A activity has been
disposition to aggression that may not always manifest it- reported to be associated with aggression in a Dutch ped-
self in the individuals naturalistic environmentfor igree (115). Subjects with low activity of the MAO-A gene
example, where such an individual isolates themselves or display more aggression and exhibit significant volume re-
avoids provocation. Thus, the Point Subtraction Aggres- ductions in the bilateral amygdala, anterior cingulate cor-
sion Paradigm provides a more objective, less context- tex, and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (116). An al-

436 Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008


lele of MAO-A has also been associated with borderline tonergic activity at the 5-HT2A receptorconsistent with
personality disorder (117). MAO-A activity interacts with 5-HT2A binding assessment in platelet, brain imaging, and
rearing to influence aggressive behavior in rhesus mon- postmortem studiesand decreased 5-HT 2C receptor
keys (118) and humans (1719). Serotonin transporter (5- sensitivityconsistent with reduced responses to
HTT) polymorphisms are also associated with aggression metachlorophenylpiperazine and fenfluraminemay en-
in some populations (119, 120). Differences in allele fre- hance the likelihood of impulsive aggression. Trophic fac-
quency of a single nucleotide polymorphism, rs165599, in tors operating during development may contribute to this
the catecholamine-O-methyltransferase gene (121) have pattern, and reduced cFos responses to fenfluramine, in-
been associated with increased physical aggression and creased 5-HT2A, and reduced 5-HT2C binding have been
aggressive responses on the Point Subtraction Aggression identified in a brain-derived neurotrophic factor knock-
Paradigm in patients with personality disorders (122). The down mouse characterized by aggressive behavior (132).
tryptophan hydroxylase-1 (TPH1) allele has been associ- Genetic variation in serotonergic genes such as TPH2 (133)
ated with aggression in some (123, 124) but not all (125) or 5-HTT (18) may also contribute to altered serotonergic
studies. Alleles in the TPH2 gene, which controls serotonin development. Fluoxetine may reverse this pattern by in-
synthesis in the brain (126, 127), have been associated creasing presynaptic availability, decreasing 5-HT2A bind-
with aggression and borderline personality disorder in ing and enhancing signal at 5-HT2C receptors (Figure 4,
personality disorder patients (unpublished data of Siever Figure 5). While mechanisms of aggression may vary be-
et al., 2007; unpublished data of Kennedy et al., 2007) and tween psychiatric disorders (Figure 6), they tend to involve
are related to emotional instability in healthy volunteers an imbalance of cortical/subcortical regulation.
(128). A number of other genes in the serotonergic and
catecholaminergic systems have been associated with im-
Implications for Treatment
pulse control deficits (129). For example, DRD2 and DRD4
gene variants interact to predict adolescent conduct disor- This review is not intended to assess the clinical evi-
der and adolescent antisocial behavior (130, 131). dence for or against specific interventions, but rather it
These allelic variances may interact with the environ- overviews the neurobiological mechanisms that might be
ment so that, for example, individuals with low MAO-A ac- considered in treatment strategies, both with existing
tivity when exposed to childhood maltreatment are more drugs and those drugs that have yet to be developed.
likely to exhibit antisocial behavior as adults, while severe Deficits in prefrontal inhibition providing insufficient
childhood maltreatment has a more modest effect on in- brakes on impulsive aggressive behavior may be en-
dividuals with high MAO-A activity (18). hanced by SSRIs, which can facilitate inhibition of subcor-
tical regions by increasing serotonin availability in pre-
Model of Neurobiology of Aggression frontal regions, particularly the orbital cortex (134) (Figure
7), while mood stabilizers and anticonvulsants, which al-
Aggression emerges when the drive of limbic-medi- ter glutamatergic/gabaminergic balance, reduce irritabil-
ated affective prefrontal response to anger producing or ity and impulsivity (135). Opiate antagonists can reduce
provocative stimuli is insufficiently constrained by inhibi- self-injurious behavior (97). Psychotherapies, either psy-
tion and is channeled into violent behavior. Excessive re- chodynamic, such as transference-based therapy, or be-
activity in the amygdala, coupled with inadequate pre- havioral, such as dialectical behavioral therapy, may serve
frontal regulation, serves to increase the likelihood of to increase the capacity to delay and inhibit aggressive be-
aggressive behavior. Developmental alterations in pre- haviors, increasing verbal/reflective function capacities as
frontal-subcortical circuitry as well as neuromodulator well as helping to reduce excess sensitivity to emotions.
abnormality appear to play a role. Serotonin facilitates
prefrontal inhibition, and thus insufficient serotonergic
Future Directions
activity can enhance aggression. Gabaminergic activity at
GABA(A) receptors can reduce subcortical reactivity, and As highlighted in a recent commentary in the Journal
therefore reduced gabaminergic activity can increase ag- (136), there is a paucity of research pertaining to the un-
gression. Reductions in oxytocin activity and increases in derlying causes of violence and aggression given the ex-
vasopressin activity also may serve to induce aggression. tensive morbidity associated with these behaviors. A num-
These findings may reflect aberrant development pat- ber of more specific issues need to be further addressed.
terns. For example, developmentally based reductions in First, the circuitry implicated in the regulation of aggres-
serotonergic innervation of the prefrontal cortex reflected sion is closely related to the circuitry involved in fear con-
in reduced transporter binding in the cingulate (76) may ditioning and affective control. A more elaborated delin-
result in less serotonergic facilitation of prefrontal cortex eation of the commonalities and differences between the
regulation. Agonism of 5-HT2A may increase impulsivity, regions and circuits involved in these different paradigms,
while 5-HT2C agonism may decrease it (65), and thus an which have many overlapping and synergistic clinical fea-
imbalance between these receptors with increased sero- tures, needs to be better defined. Second, the precise ways

Am J Psychiatry 165:4, April 2008 437


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Siever); and by the Veterans Affairs VISN 3 Mental Illness Research,
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