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Elbsound Music Font Package for Finale, 2016/12/22, v.1.

The fonts in this package were created through the automatic font remapping proc
ess described on
No manual adjustments were made. The fonts were remapped to match the design of
the Maestro font.
Missing symbols in the SIL OFL (Open Font License) fonts were taken from the SIL
OFL Bravura font.
Missing symbols in the GNU GPL+FE (General Public License with Font Embedding Ex
ception) fonts were
taken from the free Musica and Symbola font.
Empty character slots from the Maestro font were filled with leftover symbols fr
om the source fonts.
These leftover symbols were not metrically corrected, so they might have differe
nt slightly positions / sizes.
Font Samples - Berg Example.pdf includes a musical excerpt rendered with each fo
Font Samples - All Symbols.pdf includes all fonts' symbols compared to Maestro.
Leftover symbols are not included.
The package includes these fonts (license):
Aruvarb -> based on Bravura (SIL OFL)
BetvnFIN -> based on Beethoven (SIL OFL)
CadncFIN -> based on Cadence (GNU GPL+FE)
EmntlFIN -> based on Emmentaler (GNU GPL+FE)
EuterpeFIN -> based on Euterpe (SIL OFL)
FreeSerifFIN -> based on FreeSerif(GNU GPL+FE)
GotvlFIN -> based on Gootville (SIL OFL)
GtbrgFIN -> based on Gutenberg-1939 (SIL OFL)
GldngFIN -> based on LV-GoldenAge (SIL OFL)
HayFIN -> based on Haydn (SIL OFL)
ImprvFIN -> based on Improviso (SIL OFL)
JzBscFIN -> based on JazzyBasic (SIL OFL)
LibouFIN -> based on Lilyboulez (SIL OFL)
LeipFIN -> based on Leipzig (SIL OFL)
LijazFIN -> based on LilyJAZZ (GNU GPL)
PrfndFIN -> based on Profondo (SIL OFL)
PagniFIN -> based on Paganini (GNU GPL+FE)
RoFIN -> based on Ross (SIL OFL)
ScrltFIN -> based on Scorlatti (SIL OFL)
SbstnFIN -> based on Sebastiano (SIL OFL)
Unifont UpperFIN-> based on Unifont Upper (GNU GPL+FE)
Thanks for designers of the fonts for releasing them under a public/open/free li
Thanks to Ben Laenen for providing the rights to use the name "Euterpe" for the
All trademarks, products or name brands from these and other manufacturers refer
enced on
this page are the property of their respective owners.
This is the WINDOWS ONLY package.
For MacOS or full Windows/MacOS compatibility, but WITHOUT unicode symbols,
you must download the v1.0 Windows/MacOS package.
Full Maestro-compatibility AND unicode compatibility is currently only possible
on Windows,
because of a (confirmed) bug on Finale/MacOS.
Installation on Windows
1.) Install the true type fonts from the Windows/TTF or Windows/OTF folder to yo
ur PC.
Both work fine in Finale, but you should only install one of these.
I would suggest to use the TTF versions. From my own personal experience they wo
rk better
with some PDF printers.
For a quick installation, select all font files, right-click and select "Install
2.) Copy the font annotation files from the Windows/Font Annotation Files direct
ory and
paste them into Finale's font annotation directory.
You can find the directory in Finale's Preferences->Folders->Font Annotation
For Finale 2014.5 it is probably:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MakeMusic\Finale 2014.5\Font Annotation
(replace USERNAME with your Windows username)
3.) Don't add the font names to MacSymbolFonts.txt on Windows !
You should also NOT put the font names into Finale's MacSymbolFonts.txt list.
Doing this would result in cutting off all music symbols from the upper unicode
4.) If Finale is still running, close and restart it.
This will load the new font annotation files.

How to use the fonts in Finale

Change the font in Finale with Document->Set Default Music Font.
Keep the music font size at 24. All new fonts are scaled to 24 points.
This will update most of the required settings in Finale.
For fine tuning you should consider:
1.) Centered Articulations may not be centered anymore after changing the font.
To correct this apply Utilites->Change->Articulations->Position all articula
tions (or select individual)
2.) To update font elements that were not updated automatically (e.g. chord font
use one or more of these Finale font changer functions:
a.) Chord->Change Chord Suffix Fonts
b.) Document->Data Check->Font Utilities
c.) Plugins->Miscellaneous->Change Fonts
3.) More document settings may need to be updated depending on the house style.
Consider for example changing the line widths, the flag settings (especially for
the handwritten fonts LijazFIN,
JzBscFIN and ImprvFIN), the text fonts etc.
Or use the upcoming JA House Style Changer plugin which will update all necessar
y document
settings with one click (->
How to use the fonts in Sibelius
Sibelius uses a different font standard, but you can use at least the "Common Sy
mbols" of these fonts
through the Sibelius "Maestro"-style.
1.) Open "Edit all fonts"
2.) Select "Maestro" for "Main Music Font"
3.) Select the desired font for "Music Text Font" (e.g.HayFIN)
4.) Close the dialog
5.) Open "Edit Text Styles"
6.) Set "Music Text" to a font size of 19.5pt in score and parts.
7.) Set "Common Symbols" to your desired font (e.g. HayFIN)
That's it. The "Special" and "Special Extra" fonts are currently not supported.
But I am planning a dedicated font conversion for the Sibelius font standard in
a later release.
You can find more on changing fonts in Sibelius here:

1.) I am seeing weird symbols on MacOS
Make sure you
a.) installed the MacOS fonts (not the Windows fonts)
b.) installed the correct font annotation files (2012 or 2014.5+) into the corre
ct (!) folder from Finale's preferences
c.) added the font names to MacSymbolFonts.txt in the correct (!) folder from Fi
nale's preferences
2.) Articulations and expressions have a huge distance to the notes
The font annotation (FAN) files are not installed correctly.
Also make sure you restart Finale after installing the FAN files.
3.) Problems with FAN files
Should you encounter any problems with the font annotation files, you can also a
these files from within Finale. Just go to Preference->Font Annotation, select t
he font,
click on "Auto-annotate all" and then on "Save".
4.) Why is the MacSymbolFonts.txt used on Mac OS only ?<br>
The MacOS and Windows fonts in the font package are not compatible.
Since Finale 2012/MacOS it's not possible to have unicode fonts that are compati
ble to
non-unicode fonts like Maestro (a "confirmed bug"). So to have full compatibilit
y with Maestro,
you must add the font to the MacSymbolFonts list and thus can only access the fi
rst 256
characters of the font.
On Finale/Windows it's possible to access all unicode symbols AND the Maestro-co
mpatible symbols.
I.e. the Aruvarb font includes all (!) symbols from Bravura.
The only Windows limitation is that the unicode symbols from the unicode blocks
0xFFFF can't be accessed, if the font is set to Maestro-compatibility.
5.) Installation on older Finale version on Windows
If you are using the fonts on an older Windows installation of Finale, please us
e the fonts from
the MacOS/Fonts folder and also add the font names to the Windows MacSymbolFonts
The fonts were not tested on older installations, so they might not work.
Especially the "upper unicode block" fonts (FreeSerifFIN, Unifont UpperFIN and E
uterpeFIN) might
not work in versions before 2014.
6.) Inconsistens symbols ?
All fonts were created fully automatically from the original fonts.
No new symbols were designed, but a few composite symbols were derived automatic
from existing symbols (e.g. marcato-staccato, tenuto-staccato, ottava clefs, com
dynamics, arpeggio etc.).
If a symbol doesn't match the style of the font (e.g. the niente 'n' in LijazFIN
it is because a matching symbol was not available in the used fonts.
7.) Combining the Maestro-compatible symbols with the characters from the unicod
e blocks
On Finale/Windows (not on MacOS!) you also have access to the unicode symbols fr
om these fonts.
For example the full Bravura range is available in Aruvarb,
or all Lilypond symbols are available in CadncFIN.
But don't forget: these unicode symbols were not rescaled or repositioned, so th
ey might require
some fine-tuning if you want to integrate them into your score or match the Maes
tro-like symbols.
8) Why these abbreviated font names for the SIL OFL fonts ?
Because the full font names are reserved in the SIL OFL and may not be reused.
9.) Some flags in the musical example Berg look different than in my own scores.
Yes, some flag settings were optimized for some fonts. Especially those fonts th
at have very different
metrics than Maestro require a tiny flag optimizaton.
Those are mainly the handwritten fonts. To fine-tune the flag settings go to Doc
ument Options->Flags
or use the upcoming House Style Changer plugin which already includes the correc
t flag settings.
10.) Why are the quarter-tone accidentals different than in Maestro ?
The quarter-tone accidentals in Maestro are very buggy: compared to the standard
accidentals they
have a different size, a different design and a different baseline which makes t
hem more or
less unusable (another "confirmed bug").
To have quarter-tone accidentals that can actually be used, I decided to have th
em match the standard
accidentals in size and baseline, so that they can be easily used in Finale.
Unfortunately some original fonts do not have these "digit 4"-quarter-tone accid
entals (e.g. the Cadence font).
In these cases a quarter-tone accidentals from one of the fallback fonts (Bravur
a, Musica and Symbola)
was used which slightly differs in design.
11.) Why does the MacOS font folder not include an OTF font like the Windows fol
der ?
As MacOS has a very smooth handling anyway, it's not necessary to have an OTF fo
nt on MacOS.
12.) Can I exchange Finale documents with the fonts between MacOS and Windows ?
Yes. You should only make sure that either the MacOS fonts are installed on both
(see Installation on MacOS & Windows above).
Or you should only use the symbols 32-255, but no upper unicode symbols (256 and
as these are not available on the MacOS fonts.
To avoid problems you should embed the fonts in PDFs if they will be viewed cros
13.) Known Bugs
-The rests in SbstnFIN still look a bit squeezed -> will be updated in the next
-The two-bar repeat in LeipFIN doesn't connect to the top barline -> will be upd
ated in the next release
-The 16th note flag down in EuterpeFIN has a white dot caused by merging overlap
ping symbols -> no automatic fix possible (not supported in FontForge)
-The space symbol in GotvlFIN doesn't have the correct width. -> will be updated
in the next release
14.) Systems tested
Finale's font handling depends on the current OS (Mac/Windows), its version and
Finale's version.
Make sure you have the correct font file and font annotation file installed,
updated the MacSymbolFonts.txt if necessary and restarted Finale.
The fonts were tested on Windows 10 with Finale 2014, 2014.5 and 25 and MacOSX E
l Capitan
Finale 2012, 2014.5 and 25.
Changes in v1.11 to v1.10:
SymbolaFIN: The three tremolo symbols had wrong metrics in the font annotation f
Contact: Jan Angermueller,
Copyright (c) 2016 Jan Angermueller, Jevenstedter Str. 80, 22547 Hamburg, German
The SIL OFL/GNU GPL license is limited to all ttf and otf font files included in
this package.
All other files (PDFs, Read Me.txt, Font Annotation Files) included in this font
package are
under the copyright of Jan Angermueller and may not be redistributed, resold, pu
blished or made
available for download anywhere.

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