STD 6 SST 2nd Sem Study Material

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Std: 10 CHAPTER 1

SIR (Ph): 9429976149

Q 1 Blanks:
1). There are more than 1000 Richasin the Rigveda.
2). Rigveda was written in Praka Sanskrit or Vedic Sanskrit
4). 33 golden beads and conch cells were fond from the grave of a person from
6). Nal sarovar is situated in Ahmedabad district.
7). Ukai, Kadana multipurpose project is constructed on river Tapi.
8). Trees control the expansion of desert area.
9). Trees protect soil erosion.
10). Migrotary bird sanctuary is situated in Velavadar.
11) Flourspar mineral is used for melting metal.
13). Head of the administration of Taluka Panchayat is called Taluka Development
14). Gram Panchayat is formed in the villages having population less than 15000.
15). The candidate must have age of 21 or more to contest the panchayat election.
16). There are minimum 31 member in Jilla Panchayat.
17). A person gets the right to vote at the age of 18 years.
18). The tenure of the Local self Governed institute is 5 years.
19). The administrative officer of Jilla Panchayat is known as District Development
20). Social committee imparts social justice.
21). Lok Adalat is formed at the basic unit for the Local Self Government.
23). AMUL dairy is situated in Anand.
24). Railways started in Gujarat in 1855 between Utaran and ANKLESHWAR.
25). Cumin seeds and Isabgul are exported from UNJHA.
27) Sugar industry is developed in the KODINAR of the Junagadh district of Gujarat.
28) SARDAR SAROVAR is the important irrigation project of Gujarat.
29) The saints who followed Buddhism are called Lama.
30) Buddha attained the knowledge under the peepal tree at night of Vaishakhi
31) The childhood name of Mahavir Swami was Vardhaman.
32) Followers of Jainism are strictly instructed not to steal.
33) Gautam Buddha always preached in Pali language.
34) Lumbinivan was a small village on the foothills of Himalayas.
35) Gautam Buddha preached at Sarnath for the first time.
36) Mahavir Swami is known as 24th tirthankar of Jain religion.
37) Adiguru Shankaracharyaji had promoted the thoughs of Upanishads.
38) Gujarati people are known as Gurjarvasi.
39) Gujarat is famous all over the world for the celebration of Navratri.
40) People of Gujarat are festival lovers.
41) In the eastern area of Gujarat tribal women tuck in pallav of sari on their waist.
42) Gujarati people are very adventurous.
43) Virgin girls celebrate Navratri in Gujarat.
44) The fair organised at every weak is called Haat.
45) Unity in diversity is the characteristic feature of Gujarat.
46) Undhiya and Ghari of Surat are well known
47) Jain and Buddhist saints lived in Sangha and Vihara.
48) Chanakya was versed in Economics.
49) Takshashila and Ujjain were the province capitals of Magadha.
50) The name of Ashokas son was Mahendra.
51) Emperor Ashoka accepted Buddhist religion as his state religion.
52) Emperor Ashoka established his kingdom after the death of Bindusar.
53) Patliputra was the capital of magadh.
54) King ashoka wanted to conquer Kalinga.
55) King ashoka adopted Buddhism because of Upaguptas advice.
56) King ashoka was the son of Bindusar.
57 )Kalinga is now known as Odisa (Orrisa).
63) Samudragupta came to throne after `Chandragupta-I.
64) Samudragupta was shown playing veena on coins.
65) Apart from Patliputra Chandragupta-II made Ujjain his second capital.
66) The king was at the cenre in the administrative system in Gupta empire.
67) Gram was the largest administrative unit at the time of Gupta empire.
68) The credit goes to Chandragupta -I for mining different types of beautiful coins.
69) Samudragupta performed Ashwamegha Yagna.
70) Kumardevi was the wife of Changupta-I.
71) Devgupta was nick named Chandragupta-II.
72) Chandragupta-II started Vikram Samvat.
73) Kalidas was the gem of the royal court of king Vikramaditya

Which of the four Vedas are oldest?

[a]Yajurveda [b]Samveda [c]Atharvaveda [d]Rigveda
2)Which of the following do not perform Yagna in Vedic period?
[a]Dasyu [b]Rakshssha [c]Shudra [d]Vaishya
3)What does the things find during the excavation called?
[a]Seals [b]Remnants [c]Sources [d]Stones
4)Inamgaam is near the bank of river__________near Bhima.
A) SatlujB) Ghod C) Indus d)Beas
5)_______________performed the various yagnas and anushthans in Vedic period.
[a]Pandit [b]Priest(purohit) [c]Rishi [d]Acharya
6)What does the region near Punjab in the ancient time called?
A) Brahmgiri B) Saptasindhu C) Inamgaam D) Beas Region
Q1 Which of the the following is Gujaratis ancient and largest port?
Ans [a]Surat [b]Kandla [c]Mundra [d]Pipavav
Q2 Matchbox is made up of wood of ------ tree.
Ans [a]Sesame [b]Shimlo [c]Saal [d]Neem
Q3 Which mineral is used to produce thermal power?
Ans [a]Lignite [b]Dolomite [c]Graphite [d]Bauxite
Q4 Which multipurpose project is constructed on river Mahi ?
Ans [a]Ukai [b]Unai [c]Dantiwada [d]Kadana
Q5 Which mineral is used to make storage battery ?
Ans [a]Copper [b]Zinc [c]Lead [d]Mica
Q1 What is called the head of the Gram Panchayat?
Ans [a]Member [b]Sarpanch [c]Talati [d]President
Q2 What is the term of the Taluka Panchayat.
Ans [a]5years [b]2years [c]4years [d]1year
Q3 Who is the head of the administration of Jilla Panchayat?
Ans [a]District Development officer [b]District President [c]Deputy President
Q4 The members of ________ are elected by the voters.
Ans [a]Taluka Panchayat [b]Municipality [c]Government [d]Gramsarkar
Q5 The institution which carries out administration at local level is called ________.
Ans [a]Local self Government [b]Municipality [c]Samras Panchayat [d]District
1) Which of the following state of Gujarat produce highest groundnut ? [a]Junagadh
[b]Rajkot [c]Veraval [d]Mehsana
2) Which of the foolowing state occupy first position I cultivation of Bajri? [a]Mehsana
[b]Banaskantha [c]Vadodara [d[Amreli
3) Which region of Gujarat is well-known for cotton cultivation ?[a]Charotar [b]Bhal
[c]Kanam [d]Ghed
4) Which of the following city of gujarat is a centre of textile industry? [a]Vadodara
[b]Surat [c]Ahmedabad [d]Junagadh
5) Where is Gujarat refinery located? [a]Vadodara [b]Surat [c]Ahmedabad
6) In which activity the people of Gujarat are mostly involved ? [a]In agriculture [b]In
occupation [c]In labour work [d]In employment
7) Which of the following place does not have ropr-way facilities?[a]Pavagadh [b]Ambaji
[c]Girnar [d]Saputara
8) Where is the only international airpot situated? [a]Vadodara [b]Surat[c]Ahmedabad
1. Gautam attained the knowledge under the Peepal tree at _______.
a) Kushinara b) Sarnath c) Bodhgaya d) Kapilvastu
2. Gautam Buddha preached in _______language .
a) Sanskrit b) Avadhiu c) Pali d)Prakrit
3. When did the Bhuddism found?
a) 2700 b) 1500 c) 3500 d) 2500
4. Where did the Mahavir Swami born ?
a) Lumbini b) Kundgram c) Ranchi d) Patan
5. What was the name of Mahavir Swamis wife ?

a)_ Trishala b) Gautammi c) Yashodhara d) Yashoda

6. Later on Vardhman was well known as _______________
a) Gautam Buddha b) Siddharth c) Mahavir d) Simandhar
7. Mahavir Swami showed a way of ______to the people.
a) parigraha b) non-violence c) good deeds d) penance
8. What was the name of Mahavir Swamis daughter?
a) Priyadarshana b)Priyavandana c) Priyanka d) Priyadarshini
9. Where did Gautam Buddha attain salvation?
a) Kashi b) Bodhgaya c)Sarnath d) Kushinara
1] Every citizen of India has the right to vote at the of _____ years.
a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 d) 18
2] Which duty do you forget when you pluck flowers from Garden?
a) Freedom b) Protecting Environment c) Equality d) Humanity
3] What type of matter is to give respect to to the elders ?
a) Right b) Duty c) Copy d) Honesty
4] Where did you complain if someone snatches your right ?
a) Police station b) Bus station c) Railway station d) Radio station
1 Where is Ashokas inscription found in Gujarat ?

a)Porbandar b) Jamnagar c) Junagadh d|) Rajkot

2 Which emperor had engraved cave inscriptions to give message to the people?
a) Chandragupta b) Bindusagar c) Samudragupta d) Emperor Ashoka
3 Which intelligent man helped in establishment of Maurya dynasty?

a) Upagupta b)| Chanakya c) Samudragupta d) Gautam Buddha

4 Magadh is_______ now known as.

a) Orissa b) Bihar c)| Karnataka d) Punjab

5 The ________were appointed in the provinces which were far from the capital.
a)Officers b) Priinces c) Ministers d) Amatys
6 By what name orrisa was known as in the mauryan period?

a)Magadha b)Kalinga c)| Kalikat d|) Kausambi

7)What was twas the name of ashokas daughter?
a)Sanghamitra b) Maitrey c) Sadhana d) Manyata
8)Where did ashoka send his children yo propogate religion?
a) Japan b) Srilanka c) Burma d) Tibet
9)Where is the lion statue located?
a) Sarnath b) Ranchi c) patliputra d) kalinga
10)Which war transformed the heart of ashoka?
a) Kalinga b) Panipat c)| Kanpur d) Kolkata
1. Lichchavis were the ruler of ______ Ganrajya.
a) Shakyas b) Vaishali c) MIthila d) Kushinara
2. What was the name of the son of Chandragupta I?
a) Shree gupta b) Samudragupta c) Chandragupta II d) Vikramaditya
3. Which king of the Gupta empire attain the honour of kaviraj?
a) Vikramaditya b) Chandragupta I c) Samudragupta d) Emperor Ashoka
4. Who was commander in chief of vikramaditya?
a) Amrapali b)Amarsinh c) amrakardev d) Varsen Shala
5. ___________ language is stated as main language at the Gupta empire?
a) Prakrit b) Sanskrit c) Avadhi d) Hindi
6. Who was the eminent mathematician in the Gupta empire?
a) Jivram bhat b)Aryabhatta c) Waghbhatta d) Varahmihir
7. The iron pillar in ______________ near delhi is the example of expertise in metallurgy.
a) Mohali b) Bhopal c) Mehrauli d) Ujjaini
8. Who composed Brihadsamhita?
a)Kalidas b) Varahmihir c) Gautambuddha d) Devgupta
46-in which continent eyre lake is situated?
a- Australia
b- South America
c- Europe
d- Africa

47- who gives the land of wool identify to Australia ?

a- Merino
b- Koala
c- Ukalia
d- Kangaroo

48 which continent is known as land of penguins?

a- Antarctic
b- Arctic
c- Australia
d- South America

49-which is the smallest continent of the world ?

a- Arctic
b- Australia
c- Europe
d- Africa

50- which gujarati women explored the north pole to south pole?
a- Preeti sengupta
b- Aparna sen
c- Sunita Williams
d- Kalpana chawla

51- who has given the name Australia to the continent ?

a- James cook
b- Flanders
c- Ronald amonds
d- James washington

53- who was the first adventurer entered in the antactic continent ?

a- Captain james cook

b- Captain fibands
c- Captain emundson

Captain vasco-da-gama

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