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22 The Patriarchal Corporation of Phallic-Bloated Egos

Since 9000 BCE elite males, believing themselves to be above all others, put our species
on a sex-track to sacred male-bias. The Sumer named the penis Supreme Creator with the names
us, ah, u, and el. From Ptah (3000 BCE) to Allah (6th Century CE), from Zeus to Deus to Jesus, to
Manu and to Emanuel, Phallic-Bloated Egos seized power over life and death by embedding
male bias in names. Grab-the-pussy-Trump recently popularized the bias.
Does the 9000 BCE act of naming the penis divine affect us today? That's so long ago.
We don't see patriarchy as 'a body' of elite males, who titled themselves Lords, acting in
concert on the belief that males are superior, due Sacred Phallus. Acting in concert the Lords act
as entity-onto-itself. We likely don't want to see patriarchy's elite males as a corporation. And we
don't believe the male-biased language is what keeps the corporation alive. Because we don't
know that it does.
We can take apart and undo almost all of patriarchy by radical changes in the language
about our species. We are the speech-making-and-using species. Language plays a big part in
naming us and what we are as a species.
Since the Sumer divinized the Phallus in 9000 BCE thousands of male-biased names
ejaculated from Phallus. Many 13th, 14th and 15th century books have drawings of man with two
tongues: one in his mouth and one between his groins.
But ... what has this to do with us today? Well ... it is about names embedding male-bias.
They define our species. To this day we use the language patriarchy developed in its 11,000 year
rule. The newest name, android, a smart phone, andre, Gr., man. In patriarchy's language man is
mind, the "opposite" sex is body. This is male politics.
Political/male-biased names developed towards political parties. You have to take sides.
Well then, let's have a party. You're all invited. Warning: Some of you won't like this
party. I would like people purposely confused-by-Lords to see that purposeful confusion was the
aim, so that people can live a more mentally comfortable 'inner' life, the life of the thinking-and-
feeling being. I would like people to have the kind of life possible when one is born into the
language-making-and-using species, and what this means.
I will assume you read "Patriarchy's Timeline" on and/or Scribd. This
paper looks at the events that created, expanded and solidified patriarchy's right to develop
language as they saw fit to do them proud in their greedy grab for power.
Patriarchy developed language in its own self-interest. Language about our species is
peppered with male-bias, free propaganda for the male sex. That is, almost all of language about
our species is politically male. One can hardly express an opinion about our species without
lauding the male and doing male propaganda.
Manu's subjugation of the whole feme gender to the whole male gender by law, in 2400
BCE, is a direct result of divinizing Phallus in 9000 BCE. The politics of Divine Phallus under
Manu's law, eventually brought about the re-naming of fem and wer, man and (wo) man in the
11th to 13th Centuries. W-o man today is seminally testified Absolute Truth!
The belief is: man (species) consists of man and woman, as human. As the whole species
the Corporation is man. He acts alone-with-other-males as possessor of Divine Phallus.
Why should we accept names that do political mileage for elite males? In reality w-o
+man breaks all the rules of logic, cause-and-effect relationships and natural laws in reality. So,
she can be blamed for all the evil done " in man." She is the sin in mankind. Seldom can one use
the "all" or "nothing" in an argument, but at this party, it's a fact. Here's the seminal cake with
testicle-sworn Truth and a cherry on top decorated with phallic candles. So, let's party.
Man(kind) must be the theory of man. But I found that this is just a very confident
assumption, because no male writer has ever admitted, in any literature, that "man is a theory."
There's a good reason for this. No premise can be made showing that man is a theory. And here's
Premise: Being man in reality entails only being male.

This premise has never been articulated. Why? Because the holes in any theory of man would
shine like bright suns in the sky.
a, in the assumed theory man is both-entities-in-himself1, leading to
b, man is both male and not-male2
c, there is no such entity in existence as a not-male man3
d, adding 'wo' to man does not change male-man into a not-male man4
e, sounds do not change physicality5
f, the radical/precise definition of (w-o) +man is a man-that's-not-a-
g, adding w-o to man as a lexical law dictates that a man-that's-not-a-man actually
exists in our species7: purposeful ignorance is planted in the mind
h, prescribing (wo) man dictates that our species consists of "2 men-of-opposites sexes"
called mankind8
i, the imperative in "opposites" prescribes that, as opposites there are only two
sexes on planet earth9 (when there may be as many as 10 or 12)
j, "opposites" prescribe one is male and one is not-male10. (The descriptive 'other' or basic
sex in this case, cannot be used here. Names were put out of usage in the
11 and 13th Century when they were changed and wo +man became lexical
'law') k, feme, the name fem gave her sexuality up to 11th C, was changed to fe +male
for the sake of rhyme in the 13th Century, also became lexical law11 (lex L.,
law) l, fe+male had people believe she was a deviant 'male' of some kind, a not-
male maleness, a maleficent opposite, malevolent in nature12
m, the (sound) 'Hu' tacked to man in the 13th Century made people believe that a man-
that-is-a-man and a man-that-isn't-a-man were both included in humanity13

"Hu" is the fabulous tongue of Ptah, who (first) said, "Let there be land, and lo ... there
was land." The Ro man God imitated this magic 3000 years later... 13 Fault-lines. Man,
whole species, is a Lord-begotten phallic-bloated show of greed and power.
Man in wo man and hu man means male being. The species is male.
Pertinent to the assumed theory of mankind is the prescriptive aspect in being opposites.
Male, and not-male, the wedge inciting hatred of the feme as fem in the species sapiens. Feme
and fem were de-lexicalized. Patriarchy had to keep a hard-ear vigilance over efforts to bring
back the names fem, feme and sapiens. These names are prime names in making the assumed
'theory of man' crumble into 13 strains of purposeful ignorance, courtesy of Divine Phallus.
If you want to understand misogyny, violence to (w-o) men, the murder of wives,
prostitution, rape culture, porn, sex discrimination in all shapes and sizes, and male politics, you
need look no further than the phallic fantasy that mankind is solidly built on the male. He is
whole species, his opposite, the not-male-man Phallus gave him for sexual purposes, whom he
now has to put up with, is his nemesis. Patriarchy's testified (fr. testes) seminal (fr. semen) Holy
Truth is a tangle of male-biased lies that fit together making them appear to be Truth.
Holy Truth, two-men-of-opposite-sexes, worshipping Phallus, destroyed millions of
the common truths about our species, available to us through sight and insight. Destroying fem
as fem destroyed the basic truth that our species evolved as two co-creative members having the
capabilities to make many sounds and give these sounds meaning. Rather, patriarchy developed
language along fault-lines of male-bias to benefit itself. A fatherload of purposeful ignorance put
the mind off track.
Patriarchy destroyed the truth that developing language was for the purposes of
communicating true-to-reality information about our species to and between ourselves. It
destroyed the truth that forthright, precise, true-to-reality communication, respecting the laws of
logic in cause-to-effect relationships at the same time, defined good communication.
Patriarchy's hu +manity almost destroyed us as a species of sapiens. As partners we
would have developed language along the truth-lines of fem and man as sapiens. Instead we were
radicalized out of being sapiens to being hu +man, a species praising the superior male.
We can, and must, return to being sapiens. Patriarchy will have a baby-loud tantrum over
this. But there's no alternative here. Good effective truth-bearing language cannot be separated
from logic and what exists in reality. Fem and man exist as fem and man, and so can quite easily
return to the rules that make being sapiens sapiens again.
May you live a pleasant life engaged in the millions of truths about ourselves. We are fem
and man, partners in the enterprise of life lived using sight and insight to make and use fact-
based names as fully conscious animals having the capabilities to do this.

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