Improving The Reliability of Breaker-And-A-half Substations Using Sectionalized Busbars

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Improving the Reliability of Breaker-and-a-Half

Substations Using Sectionalized Busbars

M. B. Stevens
S. Santoso
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX, USA

AbstractIn utility power system substation design, the created by considering every situation in which the station
breaker-and-a-half topology is frequently used, primarily fails.
because it is considered very reliable. This paper aims to
demonstrate that by adding sectionalizing circuit breakers into The components usually considered include transmission
the busbars of the breaker-and-a-half configuration, the lines, transformers, reactors, buses, circuit breakers, reclosers,
reliability of this substation design can be improved. Using a and switches. Each component has several associated failure
combinatorics-based approach to combining reliability indices states, as applicable, including fault, preventative
of substation component failures, combined with using minimal maintenance, false trip, and stuck. Failures are distinguished
cut sets of reliability graphs to identify failure scenarios, overall as either passive, when they do not trigger the operation of
system failure rates were calculated for various substation adjacent protective devices, and active, when they do. Two
topologies. The results demonstrate that the sectionalized or more component failures occurring in sequence, with the
breaker-and-a-half topology reduces the substations failure rate subsequent failures occurring before the initial failure is
by 70.8% and its total annual downtime by 28.9% compared to repaired, are referred to as second- and higher-order failures.
a typical breaker-and-a-half scheme, although at the cost of Many papers on substation reliability only concern
increasing the mean time to repair of a substation failure by 2.49 themselves with limited types of third- or higher-order failure
hours. events, or neglect them entirely [2], as the likelihood of
failures drops off steeply as the order increases.
Index Terms-- Power Systems, Power System Reliability,
Substations. Reliability indices evaluated usually include failure rate,
average outage duration, and total annual outage time. Each
I. INTRODUCTION component has an associated value for each index, with
average outage duration being a function of the average repair
Reliability studies of utility power system substations time and total outage time being the product of the other two
have often concerned themselves with comparisons of indices. Then each first- and second-order failure event can
different architectures used within the substation to connect be given a set of reliability indices by probabilistically
incoming (source-side) lines to outgoing (load-side) lines. As combining the indices of the components involved in each
substations can potentially supply power to a very large event. Finally, a set of overall substation reliability indices
number of downstream customers, it is very important that can be derived by combining the indices of each failure event
they be very reliable. In most reliability studies, the breaker- that results in substation failure [1].
and-a-half topology is identified as among the most reliable
configurations [1]. A wide variety of approaches to modeling these indices
have been developed, including the use of state enumeration
Many approaches have been developed for the modeling through minimal cut sets [3] or fault tree analysis [4], and
of substation reliability and the derivation of accompanying calculation of reliability indices through combinatorics-based
reliability indices. Of these, most concern themselves probability models [1], [5], Markov chains [2], [6], sequential
primarily with the failure rate of individual components Monte Carlo methods [7], [8], and treating reliability indices
within the substation, identifying which components or as random variables [9]. This paper will utilize a minimal cut
combinations of multiple components failures would cause set approach to enumerating failure states and a
the substation as a whole to fail. In substation reliability, combinatorics-based probability model to calculate reliability
system failure is defined as no paths existing between the indices.
incoming and outgoing lines. Assigning each component a
set of reliability indices, aggregate reliability indices can be
The work presented herein is supported in part by the U.S Office of Naval
Research Contract Number: N0014-08-1-0080.

978-1-4799-1303-9/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE

To ensure a more direct comparison between topologies, The ring bus configuration consists of four busbars
all configurations considered will have two incoming and two arranged into a ring, with each bus sectionalized by a circuit
outgoing lines. breaker (Fig. 3). This configuration contains sufficient
redundancy that no first-order failure will cause the system to
A. Single Bus, Single Breaker fail.
The most basic substation arrangement is the single bus,
single breaker. Sources are attached to a single busbar that
feeds the outgoing lines, each line protected by a single
circuit breaker (see Fig. 1). Cursory inspection shows that
this topology is very vulnerable to failures, as any single
active failure of any of the circuit breakers or the busbar will
result in system failure. This arrangement will therefore be
used as our baseline of reliability against which we will
compare other, more robust, arrangements.

Figure 3. Ring Bus arrangement.

D. Breaker-and-a-Half
The Breaker-and-a-Half arrangement consists of two
parallel busbars, connected by two lines. Each connecting
line contains three circuit breakers, an incoming line and an
outgoing line (Fig. 4). This configuration contains a
significant amount of redundancy, even more than the ring
bus. However, this increased redundancy also means more
Figure 1. Single Bus, Single Breaker arrangement. components are involved, increasing the number of possible
failure points. Like the ring bus, the breaker-and-a-half
B. Sectionalized Bus arrangement cannot fail due to a first-order failure.
The sectionalized bus arrangement is simply the single
bus, single breaker configuration with the addition of a
sectionalizing circuit breaker on the busbar separating the two
pairs of incoming and outgoing lines (Fig. 2). This adds a
layer of protection, ensuring that if a bus fault occurs, or if
there is a short circuit in one of the line breakers, only one
side of the substation will be taken down, while the other side
remains operational. A short circuit in the bus breaker will
still result in system failure, as will a number of second- and
higher-order failures, but this topology nonetheless represents
an improvement in reliability over the single bus, single
breaker arrangement.

Figure 4. Breaker-and-a-Half arrangement.

E. Breaker-and-a-Half with Sectionalized Buses

This configuration takes the breaker-and-a-half design
and adds a sectionalizing circuit breaker onto each busbar,
separating the two connecting lines (Fig. 5).

Figure 2. Single Bus, Single Breaker arrangement with a sectionalized bus.

where 8766 is the number of hours in a 365.25 day year.
Similar logic applies to calculating third-order failure
rates. If we wish to calculate the failure rate for a scenario in
which failures A, B, and C occur before failure A is repaired,
we calculate the second-order failure rate for failures A and
B, then multiply by the failure rate of failure C (in #/MTTR-
A). For example, the failure rate of a third-order failure in
which the second-order failure described above occurs,
followed by a second circuit breaker experiencing an active
fault before the busbar can be repaired can be calculated as
bus+CB-P+CB-A = bus+CB-P (CB-A MTTRbus/8766). (2)
Figure 5. Breaker-and-a-Half arrangement with sectionalized buses. As mentioned in the footnote of Table I, stuck breaker
failures are modeled as a simple probability. The failure rate
III. METHODOLOGY of a second- or third-order failure involving a stuck breaker
condition is equal to the failure rate of the corresponding
Each potential component failure is assigned a set of first- or second-order failure without the stuck breaker
reliability indices, failure rate (), mean time to repair multiplied by the stuck breaker probability shown in Table I.
(MTTR), and total annual downtime, as shown in Table I [1], For example, the failure rate of a second-order failure in
[4], [10]. Only circuit breakers and busbars are considered as which a busbar experiences an active failure and an adjacent
substation components. As their number and position does circuit breaker experiences a stuck condition is given by:
not vary between different topologies, incoming/outgoing
lines, transformers, fuses and other components are bus+CB-S = bus CB-S. (3)
considered to be outside of the substation and thus irrelevant Fourth- and higher-order failures are not considered.
to our comparison. Busbars can experience only active
failures, such as a fault. Circuit Breakers can experience Failure scenarios are enumerated using minimal cut sets.
three kinds of failures: active failures, such as insulation A reliability graph is constructed, each node representing a
breakdowns resulting in a fault, passive failures, such as false component and each edge identifying which components are
tripping, and stuck conditions, when a breaker fails to open adjacent to each other. Two nodes on opposite ends of the
during an adjacent active failure. graph represent the sources and the outgoing lines,
respectively. Failure scenarios are identified by removing
exactly as many nodes, as well as the edges incident upon
them, as is needed to disconnect the source node from the
Reliability Index load node. The sets of nodes removed are called minimal cut
Component Failure MTTR Total Downtime Failure Rate sets. Different failure types follow different rules for node
(hours) (hours/year) (#/year) and edge removal, with passive failures removing only that
Busbar Active 12 0.288 0.024 components node and incident edges, while active failures
and any accompanying stuck breakers remove all adjacent
Circuit Breaker Active 12 0.12 0.01 nodes and their incident edges (as well as further nodes and
edges if an adjacent node represents a busbar, which behaves
Circuit Breaker Passive 12 0.12 0.01 in the same manner as a stuck breaker).
Circuit Breaker Stuck 1 0.005a Fig. 6 shows an example of a reliability graph and the
representation of two fault scenarios. Fig. 6a is a Single Bus,
a. Stuck condition is modeled as a probability. That is, there is a 0.5%
chance that a given breaker will not open when needed. Single Breaker arrangement with a sectionalized bus
represented by a reliability graph. Fig. 6b shows a first-order,
Second- and third-order failures are modeled by active failure in circuit breaker 2. The arrows show the
multiplying probabilities. All failures are assumed to be failure propagating through bus 2 to circuit breakers 4 and 5,
independent and uniformly distributed throughout the year. which open, containing the fault. As can be seen, there still
From this assumption, the failure rate (in #/year) for a exists a path between the source and load nodes, thus this
second-order failure is the failure rate of the first component failure does not constitute a cut set. Fig. 6c shows a second-
(in #/year) times the failure rate of the second component (in order failure: circuit breaker 2 experiences an active failure,
#/MTTR). This represents the chance that the second as in Fig. 6b, and circuit breaker 5 becomes stuck, allowing
component fails before the first can be repaired. For the failure to propagate through to bus 1 and circuit breakers
example, the failure rate of a second-order failure in which a 1 and 3. The source and load nodes are disconnected in this
busbar experiences an active failure, followed by a circuit scenario, so this second-order failure is a minimal cut set of
breaker experiencing a passive failure before the busbar can the graph, and thus is a substation failure.
be repaired can be calculated as follows: Because each failure scenario is a minimal cut set of the
bus+CB-P = bus (CB-P MTTRbus/8766), (1) reliability graph, the set of component failures included in a
second- or third-order failure does not contain any proper MTTR of the substation is the average of the MTTRs of the
subsets of component failures that themselves represent a failure scenarios, each scenarios value weighted by its
substation failure. From this fact and our assumptions that corresponding failure rate.
failures are uniformly distributed and independent, the MTTR
for a second- and third-order failure is 6 and 4 hours, IV. RESULTS
respectively. These times represent, on average, the time The reliability indices of the five substation topologies
between the final components failure and the repair of the considered are summarized in Table III, as well as Figs. 7-9.
first component that failed, which will return the substation to
operation. Any failure involving a stuck breaker has a MTTR

Reliability Index
Arrangement MTTR Total Downtime Failure Rate
(hours) (hours/year) (#/year)
Single Bus, Single
11.999974 0.768001643 0.06400027
Single Bus, Single
Breaker with 11.657036 0.120340567 0.01032343
Sectionalized Bus
Ring Bus 1.0675151 0.000440691 0.00041282

Breaker-and-a-Half 2.4432985 1.04285E-05 4.2682E-06

5.9297684 7.41002E-06 1.2496E-06
with Sectionalized Bus



Figure 6. (a) A reliability graph of the Single Bus, Single Breaker with
sectionalized bus topology. (b) A first-order failure, which the substation
survives. (c) A second-order failure, which the substation does not survive.

Substation reliability indices of failure rate and total

downtime are calculated by summing the respective indices
Figure 7. Substation failure rates.
of each failure scenario. Mean time to repair is calculated
through an average of the MTTR of each failure scenario,
The two Single Bus, Single Breaker configurations are
weighted by each scenarios failure rate.
inferior to the other three configurations in terms of all three
Table II shows the calculation of the overall substation reliability indices. However, these configurations contain
reliability indices for the Single Bus, Single Breaker fewer busbars than the other three topologies, and fewer
topology. Second-order failure rates are calculated using (1). circuit breakers than the two Breaker-and-a-Half topologies.
Note that there are no third-order minimal cut sets for this In situations where cost is of greater importance than
arrangement. The total failure rate and total downtime of the reliability, then, these configurations may be preferable.
substation are the sums of the failure rates and total
The Ring Bus topology has the lowest mean time to repair
downtimes of the individual failure scenarios listed. The total

Total Downtime Failure Rate
Failure 1 Failure 2 Failure 3 MTTR (hours)
(hours/year) (#/year)
Bus (A) 12 0.288 0.024
CB1 (A) 12 0.12 0.01
CB2 (A) 12 0.12 0.01
CB3 (A) 12 0.12 0.01
CB4 (A) 12 0.12 0.01
CB1 (P) CB2 (P) 6 8.21355E-07 1.36893E-07
CB3 (P) CB4 (P) 6 8.21355E-07 1.36893E-07
TOTAL 11.99997433 0.768001643 0.064000274
of the five substations, though it fails more often than either of The sectionalized breaker-and-a-half topology, then,
the Breaker-and-a-Half configurations. This is due to the fact would be most useful in a situation where one is trying to
that the majority of the failure scenarios in a Ring Bus minimize the number of failures that occur, regardless of their
substation involve stuck breakers. Stuck breaker conditions duration. The traditional breaker-and-a-half topology
occur more frequently than overlapping active or passive represents a middle ground between the ring bus and
failures, but can be repaired much more quickly, as can be sectionalized breaker-and-a-half.
seen in Table I. Therefore the ring bus may be preferable in
situations in which the loads being served can sustain a greater V. CONCLUSIONS
number of short failures better than a lesser number of failures A minimal cut set approach to failure state enumeration
of a greater duration. The low MTTR of a ring bus topology and a combinatorics-based probability model of reliability
as compared to a breaker-and-a-half arrangement has been indices leads to the conclusion that the Breaker-and-a-Half
observed in previous studies [1], [6]. substation topology can be made more reliable by including
sectionalizing circuit breakers in the busbars. This
configuration has a lower failure rate and total annual
downtime than the four other topologies modeled, though it
has a higher mean time to repair than the ring bus and the
breaker-and-a-half scheme without sectionalized busbars. Of
these three topologies, the ring bus has the lowest MTTR and
the highest failure rate and total annual downtime, with the
traditional breaker-and-a-half falling between the other two
topologies in all three indices.
In the future, the comparison made here between the
sectionalized breaker-and-a-half topology and other substation
arrangements can be corroborated and refined though the use
of other established approaches to reliability modeling. The
Figure 8. Substation Mean Times to Repair. comparison can be further refined though the inclusion of
economic concerns or comparisons against other, more
complex substation arrangements.

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