April 2017

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April 2017

Heimdals Happenings
Happy Birthday!

Dales Birthday April 13th

Tristons Birthday April 13th
Alikas Birthday - April 23rd

Whats Happening in 1H?

Math Our class is starting a new unit in mathematics called Twos, Fives, and Tens.
We will be working on counting and writing numbers to 100 and beyond. Students will
also be working on mastering the combinations that make 10 (5 _ 5, 3 _ 7, etc.).
Throughout this unit, students will be working toward these goals.
v April 3rd Book-it forms due
1. Identify, read, write, and sequence numbers to 105. v April 4th PTO Meeting
2. Begin to count by groups in meaningful ways. v April 13th 1:30 release
3. Gain fluency with the 2-addend combinations of 10. v April 14th - No school Good Friday
Reading In our final unit of our basal reading book we will be focusing on the
v April 17th No School Easter Monday
difference a great idea can make. This units phonics skill focuses on vowel patterns v April 21st Pizza Bingo
ow, ou, oo, oi, oy, aw, au and the prefixes un- and re-. The guided comprehension skills v April 28th - Memories with Mom @ 8:20
for this unit are: character, setting, plot, drawing conclusions, compare and contrast, v May 10th First Grade music concert
main idea and details, sequence and theme. Please continue to review ALL first-grade v May 13th Field Day
high-frequency words. Each child will be assessed over every high frequency word
learned in first grade. SIGHT WORDS
All first-grade sight words will be assessed to pass quarter
The reading benchmark for quarter 4 is to be able to read fluently and comprehend 4. Below is a list of 4th quarter words.
at a level 16. Students will be assessed on both fiction and non-fiction texts. While about enjoy give surprise worry
reading these texts, the students will be timed. Your child must be able to read the would colors draw drew great
level 16 books in the allotted time to be considered fluent on that level. over show sign found mouth
once took wild above eight
Spelling I will continue to include a sentence on each spelling test. The students laugh moon touch picture remember
have been doing very well. Please continue to practice their words with them! room stood thought across because
dance only opened shoes told
Science We will be studying plants. The students will identify the parts of a plant along behind eyes never pulling
and how a plant uses its part to survive. Students will also study the elements toward door loved should wood
needed for a plant to survive. We will also look at the life cycle stages of both among another instead none against
plants and animals. goes heavy kinds today built
early learn science through answered
Handwriting Students have shown beautiful handwriting in their handwriting
carry different poor
practice books. Continue to encourage your child to transfer their handwriting skills
into their daily work.

Writing The students have learned nouns, verbs and adjectives. I have been trying Memories with Mom:
hard to get them to use these parts of speech in their writing. Adjectives are To celebrate Mothers Day we will be having all of our
sometimes hard for students to incorporate. As always, we will be working on the moms come in and do an activity with us. Please try to
appropriate use of capital letters and punctuation. All students struggle with keep the morning of April 28th at 8:20 free so you can
transferring the correct spelling of word wall and spelling words into their everyday come and visit our classroom for approximately and hour.
writing. Please encourage your child to spell these words correctly when doing More information will be coming out in Tiger Tuesday.
daily work.

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in the world!

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