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Kendra Doyle

26 Toth Street
Riverview, N.B
E1B 3Y5
Home # 506-382-0272
Cell # 506-878-3540
Oct 11, 1994
Riverview High School French Immersion graduate of 2012
Arts degree from Crandall University (English Major)
Currently enrolled in the Education Program at Crandall University
Work Experience
Times and Transcript, Sept 2005- July 2008
-Paper & Flyers delivery, and collection of payment
Wendys, Oct 2008- Aug 2009
-I worked back cash, kitchen, made food, cleaned, did dishes, and served
Dairy Queen, Aug 2009- June 2011
-I served customers, worked cash, cleaned, did dishes and inventory.
Time Hortons, July 2011- Aug 2016
-I serve customers, work cash, make product (for Tim Hortons as well as Cold
Stone Creamery while it was still open), clean, and do dishes and inventory.
LINKS Literacy Program, July 2016- September 2016
-For the Summer I worked with the LINKS nonprofit literacy program as a
tutor teaching students with learning disabilities. We taught a literacy
curriculum meaning we focused mainly on reading, writing, spelling, and
other components of literacy. While working with this program I acted as a
tutor as well as helping with extra tasks such as creating PowerPoints and
presentations for meetings as well as setting up fundraisers.
Private Tutoring, October 2016- Currently still tutoring
-On Tuesdays and Thursdays I tutor two students one on one for half an hour
sessions each. One I teach English such as reading and writing and the other
I tutor in basic French as both children are elementary level with slight
learning disabilities. Both of these students I had met while teaching with the
LINKS program and was later approached and hired as a private tutor by
their families. I love these classes as my students are amazing and they help
me to hone my teaching skills for the future.
Volunteer experience
MEGMA (The Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area). I helped
out around the classroom and aided with a visually impaired student helping
him to learn both English and brail.
The Boys and Girls Club of Riverview I helped out with cleaning, organizing,
and working/ playing with/ entertaining the children.
shoveling for elders around my neighborhood.

6 years of service in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet corps of 292 Coverdale
(PO1 Doyle. I did sailing, marksmanship, marching. Taught other cadets, as
well as doing stock and inventory of uniforms and equipment)
I love to act and do most things that require you to be artistic such as
drawing, painting, sculpting, and writing (my writing includes poetry, short
stories, as well as a book that I have been working on for the last few years).
I do some fashion design, and once in a while I compete in singing
I baby sit whenever Im needed by family friends or neighbors
Self-Motivated, quick learner, very social, easy to work with, great people
skills, good with children and customers, easy going and approachable, good
leadership skills, computer savvy, hard worker, I have my first aid, ham
radio, and boating licenses, and I am also fluent in both French and English.

Dr. Wendy Bokhorst-Heng
Associate Professor of Education, Crandall University
506-858-8970 ext: 198
Dr. Stacie Reck
Associate Professor of Education, Crandall
506-858-8970 ext: 197
Kenneth Frost
Part-time Lecturer of Education
506-858-8970 ext: 385

Ted (Edward J.) Newell
Associate Professor of Education
Maurice Fournier
Home# 506-386-2932

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