GM Transition Portion of Iep

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Student Name: IEP Dato: 03/06/2017 Secondary Transition Considerations ‘Transition Assessments Completed: ‘\ssessments| [Student/Parent Input, [School Observation Data 13/2/2016 Sta-R (Student [Transition lAssessment [Toot - Revised |Supported lindependence| [Student \Version) met jwith nis case manager and her student teacher to lupdate and revise his post lsecondary looals, has answered questions regarding Fis lpreparation for multiple areas of secondary living, lin Career and Employment, has an idea of Iwhat his job choice entails such as skill sets. He \does need more assistance in knowing where to go lor who to contact to learn more information about his Iselected job choice such as what kind of training is Ineeded.” understands what the process of Igetting a job is such as a resume, job application and interview and has experience filing out an application] lbut not participating in an interview.“ . says he Ineeds accommodations/assistance and is aware of lwhich accommodations he needs, and how to ask for lwhen he needs support. =... would lke his post secondary training and leducation to be at a 4 year college. He most likely [sees himself having a job within a community without lservices or accommodations. As an adult hwould like to live in a college dorm while in school, Ithen eventually @ personal living space such as an lapartment or house. s selfadvocacy results |show that he knows his strengths and limitations and Ithet he can communicate his needs when asking for lhelp. He states to be able to handles stress well. Adult Living Skills indicates he can perform ltasks such as use a calculator, write his name, state lhis personal information, know what to do in an lemergency, problem solve, maintain relationships, land communicate with others. 2xpresses he is confident in his dally ving [skills without support or accommodations such as {counting money, household chores, and personal hygiene. Asan adult, —_. wants to be a part of recreational soccer and basketball leagues as well as running as his community participation. He also Istates he can function in doing community activities lsuch as transportation, knowing the location of important city buildings, In the area of Recreation and Leisure, ls laware of recreational centers and activities to attend land currently does so. He does not, however, say he participates in leisure rec classes such as art or (cooking, He has hobbies and enjoys them in his [spare time with friends and family. Parent: IMs. Tupacz recognizes that ~ __ has made many lgains over the last few years in high school, however, [she expresses concern over being able to get| into the college of his choice and then being able to Imanage the demands of college on his own. She is, Inot confident that «ill be ready for a4 year lcollege after high school, Ms. Tupacz reports that [she has faded her support and monitoring so that | can take on more responsibility for his school lwork, meeting deadtines, working on his time |management, and seeking help from teachers and ladvocating for his needs. However, she still has to ~ post secondary goals align with his lstrengths and weaknesses. He has a goal of lattending a 4 year college but is stil in the process of [deciding what is the best option for him. He has a lgeneral idea of what he would like to do for a career Jbut needs to research options to better define his lemptoyment goal -iias improved in the area of| [self advocacy however, he stil relies on teachers and lparent to occasionally prompt him to seek help, Isupport, or fo have questions answered. He will need to increase his self advocacy skils to discuss his disability and need for accommodations at the post Isecondary level with unfamiliar staftiprofessors, will also need to work on managing his time lat college when there is no adult support around to iguide or when employed and a employer expects Ideadiinesitasks to be completed lprompt communicate with teachers and lseek help or clarification when he is having difficulty ith @ concept. Ms. Tupacz would also like to explore work options for this summer to work on lemployment skills. ‘ate of Educational Development Plan (EDP): 03/02/2016 If student did not attend IEP, describe stops taken to ensure consideration of student's preferences/vision: attended his IEP. Student’s Post-Secondary Vision and Transition Activities Career/Employment: As an adult, what kind of work do you want to do? After graduation, will work in a field related to sports such as sports management, sports journalism or sports broadcasting Career/Employment Assessment: Present level assessment related to this vision statement "as a strong interest and participation in the world of sports as well as writing, however, he does not know specifically what kind of sports related job he would like. He also does not know who to contact to get more information ‘about this career choice and needs to research more information on the work training and resources regarding this career field .a8 strong school attendance and will make up his work in a timely manner if absent. has no work experience at this time, Is there a need for activities or services for Career/Employment? £} Yes No i Explanation of Responsible ‘Type of Activity activityserviee Agency/Persons Expected Completion Date “will research further Into the careers related to Employment sports such as journalism, aa and IEP Team 03/05/2018 broadcasting, or management wilcomplte an Functional Vocational Jinerestimventoytrcarer | and EP Team cans2o18 planning wilatend an informational meeting to learn about possible Related Services ‘employment supports and services from MRS (Michigan Rehabilitation Services) and IEP Team 1201/2017 Post-Secondary Education/Training: A‘ter leaving school, what additional education and training do you want? After graduating high school, _* will attend a 2-4 year college/university Post-Secondary Education/Training: Present level assessment related to this vision statement. understands he must attend a 4 year college for his career choice but he needs to research which schools have programs for majors related to sports and writing and are a good ft for his learning needs. Garrett has visited the following collages so far: Hope, Grand Valley, and Siena Heights, Is there a need for activities or services for Post-Secondary Education/Training? (% Yes! | No Explanation of Responsible ‘Type of Activity scuvayiservice agoneyPersons Expected Completion Date “will begin researching which colleges or universities he would like Instruction to apply to that support his |. and IEP Team 03/05/2018 interest of study in sports/writing and support his needs as a leamer. Related Services will atend a and IEP Team ogrosi2018 transition conference offered at WCC of a college of his ‘choice to gain information on disability supports at the college level. ‘Adult Living: As an adult, what kind of living arrangements would you like to have? ‘ter graduating high school, wil ive in a college dorm during his post secondary schooling. After college, ‘would lke to live in an apartment or house. ‘Adult Living Assessment: Present level assessment related to this vision statement. “understands he must live in a dorm or apartment/house while attending college and after college. He reports that he knows how to perform daily lving skills such as household choresiupkeep, money management, personel hygiene, and meal preparation 1s there a need for activities or services for Adult Living? i Yes — No 7 Explanation of Responsible Type of Activity zctivityiserviee AgeneyiPersons Expected Completion Date ~ = will practioe performing more daily living Adult Living skills such as cleaning © seve. and JEP Team, 03/05/2018 around the house, laundry, and cooking meals. «will select a class at Saline High School, like Instruction Business/Personal Finance, | and IEP Team 03/05/2018 that will expose him to money management topics. ‘ommunity Participation: As an adult, how do you want to be involved in your community? fet high school, -. will participate in his community by being a part of recreational soccer and basketball leagues, as well running in SK races. ‘Community Participation: Present level assessment related to this vision statement. "is part of many community groups and activites such as soccer teams, basketball teams, boy scouts and is independently able to participate with peers within the community Is there a need for activities or services for Community Participation?" Yes Course of Study Describe how the student's course of study aligns with the postsecondary vision: >" is completing courses that will meet MMC requirements for graduation. He has taken or will take the following courses this year “3 very involved in sports clubs and activities outside of school, which allow him to pursue his interests in sports for his future goals of studying sports related career fields in college. “tas met his technology and fine arts credits. Next year,” “as elected to take College Writing and Public Speaking to further explore his interest in journalism and broadcasting. He will complete his Foreign Language requirement next year, English 9 World History Basic PEI Digital Photography Health Algebra Orchestra English 10 ‘Academic Support S History Sports Sociology Geometry Physical Science US Government Spanish | Aig. 2 Fundamentals Biology English 11 American Lit Basic PE Il arrett has eamed 18 credits of the 27 needed to graduate. Check Only One: © Michigan Merit Curriculum leading to a high schoo! diploma (beginning with Is a Personal Curriculum on file? class of 2011) Yes @ No Course of Study leading to: Ts Garrett expected to graduate with a Regular Diploma during this IEP year? Yes &@ No wil ‘complete age eligibility for Special Education services? "1 Yes € No ‘Community Agency Involvement ‘Was there @ need to invite a community agency representative likely to provide current or future services? & Yes”) No If Yes, did agency representative attend?’ Yes @3 No Please list any additional steps taken to ensure that the student has made connections with any appropriate outside programs and services: Parental consent was obtained on 2/24/17 to allow MRS to attend 2 meeting. An email, dated, 2/26/17, was sent to Tracey House, MRS representative, to invite her to Garrett's mtg, Parental Rights and Age of Majority Check all that apply: @ The student will be age 17 during this IEP and the student was informed of parental rights that he or she will receive at age 18 |The student has turned age 18 and the student and parent were informed of parental rights that were transferred to the student at age 18, including the right to invite a support person such as a parent, advocate, or friend ‘The student has tuned age 18 and there is a guardian established by court order. ‘The student has tumed age 18 and a legally designated representative has been appointed.

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