Beginning and Intermediate Guitar Syllabus

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Booker T.

Washington High School

Beginning and Intermediate Guitar Techniques
Course Syllabus

Teacher: R. Burton

Course Name: Beginning Guitar Techniques

Course Description: Students will be instructed in learning all aspects of

producing sound on the acoustic guitar along with music reading, music theory,
and selected historical, cultural and technical contributions.

Guitar Method Hal Leonard

Major requirements for each student in this class will be:

1. Daily participation in all learning activities
2. Turning in assignments on time
3. Refrain from using profanity in classroom
4. Refrain from the use of electronic devices during instruction
5. Measurable progress in guitar performance sight reading studies

Required Materials:
No. 2 Pencil ONLY when notating music, and Pen is acceptable on selected
Mastery Log: This is a folder or binder with a three-ring holder that holds all notes
taken in class, turned in assignments and projects, and selected copied music.
Mastery logs should be brought to class during every class meeting. This folder
will be checked periodically (announced) and can be used to take on SELECTED
TESTS given.

Learning Activities: The ability to sing chorally is a technical skill, which will be obtained
through a series of carefully designed singing activities. In order to properly master acceptable
singing techniques, it is essential that each student fully participate in all classroom learning
Vocabulary study of music terminology (word wall) and rhythm drills
Oral testing audio and visually recorded
Proper executions of strumming exercises
Execution of easy to difficult rhythmic patterns
Written and aural theory assignments
Discussion sessions, research assignments based on composers and historical perspective

Rules & Expectations: Non Negotiables

1. Students must enter class with all supplies (pencil and mastery log folder).
2. Students must enter on time and be on task when bell sounds.
3. Students are expected to enter quietly and complete the sponge (located on
the lesson board).
4. Students who enter late will be marked late. Additionally, students will first
face a verbal or written warning, teacher-student conference, then a phone
call home, and later detention if tardiness continues.
5. Students must be actively engaged in class 100% of the time. Students not
in compliance with this policy will face consequences of a warning, phone
call home, and then detention.
6. Students are expected to come to class in proper uniform.
7. Students must refrain from using personal electronic devices.
8. Students must maintain order and neatness in the choir room.
9. Students cannot leave during the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes of
the class.
Failure to follow rules of the chorus classroom can result in after school
teacher detention, and eventually a referral to an administrator.

Evaluation Criteria
Each students final grade will reflect the following
Daily Participation 30%
Final Exam 20%
Projects 20%
Test/Quiz 20 %
Homework 10%

Students will receive extra credit for participation in Governors Honors and other
performances outside of school. Students who also attend school choral performances will be
given extra credit.

Daily Participation 30%

Smart Music
Rhythm Exercises
Guitar Proficiency Exercises
Theory Sheets
Final Exam 20%
Test/Quizzes 20%
Post Test 1
Post Test 2
Quartet 1
Quartet 2
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Projects 20%
Guitar Project One
Guitar Project Two
Homework 10%
Edmodo Assignments
Mastery Log Check

No makeup work will be given unless there is an excused absence given to attendance
office. Make sure that assignments are turned in on time in order to receive full credit for
assignments. This is a performance based class, therefore, the majority of the grade will be
based on daily participation in class.

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