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Ramirez, Jenyfer

Per. 6
Bloody Hearts
"No! Stop! Please!", Jen cried.
"What a mighty girl." Mocked a blue greenish haired guy.
This story takes place in two worlds one world is named Lorranie where humans without
powers live in. The other world is named Reichdole where beings possessing dark powers live
in. However, one day there was a kind with extreme power, vampires. They began to manage
and control the path between the two worlds. Few humans knew the existence of the dark
Jen lived peacefully in her village that goes by the name Lor. She is a descendant of a
witch named Tatiana. Tatiana passed down two things to her descendants, the power to see the
future and an amulet for good luck. Jen kept seeing a vision of two strange men in front of a
castle. One day she grew tired of it and left her village. To seek her vision but, the Idora Forest
is no safe place for it is the gateway to the other world.
"Hey Jen, you are beautiful as usual.",greeted a villager, "Where are you going?"
"Hello."Jen answered, "I'm going to go pick some medicinal herbs."
"Uh oh. It's too dangerous to go inside Idora Forest alone. You know the Delusive Forest is a
place of confusion. I can escort you if you want." ,offered the villager.
"I'm fine on my own. Thank you." ,responded Jen.
Finished with her conversation she entered the Idora Forest. She walked and walked but
seemed to be lost. She got encircled by trees and that's when it hit her again.
"Oh no!" She cried.
Knowing that she will see a vision because everything in front of her goes blank. In her vision
she sees the same castle with two strange men and a song. It goes black and she gets a big
headache. When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see that she was in front of the
eerie castle she has just seen. She opens the door and walks in.
"This is going to be fun." A mysterious voice said.
Jen enters the castle with hope but a bit of fear.
"Hello?" Jen says.
"Oh. Fresh meat." Whispers a voice.
Jen is walking down a hallway losing hope that this was not her vision. She tries to open doors
one by one. But none have opened. Suddenly, the lights of the candles in the hallway went out.
"Hey." Someone whispered, "do you heeeeear me?"
Even though Jen was looking for someone this in counter gave her fear itself. She felt a cold
blade on her neck.
"Kn-knife?!" She exclaimed. She heard footsteps coming toward her. Right after that she
Jen woke up in a mysterious room.
"A....dungeon?" She whispered.
"Youre awake?" Asked a mysterious voice.
As she tries to get out she sees that she is tied up with thorns. Another man enters the room.
She can't believe those two are from her vision. One men with yellow orange hair with yellow
eyes. The other one with blue green hair and blue green eyes.
"I want to say one thing," spoke the man with blue green hair, "give me your blood." The other
guy said it to. It was synchronized that it gave Jen a chill.
She wanted to speak and yet the man with yellow orange hair grabbed her and put his mouth to
her neck.
"No, please don't!" She yelled. It finally hit her they were...
"Vampires." She whispered.
"Oh my bad," said the guy with blue green hair, "My name is Rupert and my brothers name is
Alfred. We are vampires as you've seen. Alfred put his fangs on her shoulder. While Rupert
drank her blood from her finger. It wasn't long before she fainted.
"Wake up." yelled a voice.
Jen woke up in a bed and saw a cat.
"It wouldn't be?" She asked herself.
"But it can." spoke the cat.
Oh my gosh the cat talks. If I wasn't in a vampires castle I wouldn't believe it.
"Listen to me my name is Spade. You are in trouble! You only have 10 days to find Rosapast the
rose garden. You must drink the evening dew to turn into a human again." explained Spade.
Then, the door opened.
"You come with me! Your getting a job." Yelled Alfred.
"Wh-what!?" Jen yelled in shock.
"I brought her Raymond." Said Alfred
"Very good Alfred" ,Praised the guy named Raymond, "now you, you're going to be a maid. Got
"Uh-" tried to reply Jen
"Got it!" Repeated Raymond.
"Yes." Replied Jen.
That day after work she looked for the rose garden before going to sleep. She kept doing
this for 7 days. Jen was cleaning one room that Alfred told her to clean. Then right before her
went all blank. When she opened her eyes she saw two little boys one was crying while the
other one was slightly smiling.
"It's.....o..kay, Alfred." Said one of the boys to the one crying.
"But Tatiana died and Uncle Harold left!" Cried even louder the boy. When Jen walked closer
she saw that the boy who was crying was......Alfred. Then that meant the other one is Rupert.
"How, how can Alfred shed in tears he is always cruel." Started to think Jen.But then she
remembers that he held Spade with a smile and defended her when she was going to clean the
big hall all by herself. Then, it hit her Alfred isn't that mean then. Her heart began to beat
fiercely. Then in the moment she saw that she had fallen for him. For that kindness he had to
those he, for those he cared about or even, loved.
The next day there was a party in the salon.
"Jen! Here's the tea for the salon." Said Jack one of the people who work in the kitchen. When
she enters the room she spots Alfred, with a smile. Alfred hardly smiled to anyone and next to
him was a girl.
"Over here maid!" She yelled. When Jen started to go he looked surprised. Jen began to serve
them tea.
"You are beautiful as always lady Bridget." Complemented Alfred.
"Thank you Alfred how nice of you to say." Responded Bridget looking at me. She tried to reach
for Alfred's hand and that's when Jen reacted. She put the pot on the table.
"Is something wrong Jen?" Asked Alfred.
"Yes. It's you flirting with her. You tried to make me love you that way you could open the door to
the rose garden. Well guess what you did. I love you Alfred!" Jen yelled.
"What nonsense. You are just a maid while he is in charge argue of you. Right Alfred?" She
asked with a smile.
"I'm leaving!" Yelled Jen and exited the room.
"You, love me." Whispered Alfred. Then he ran out the door.
"Alfred no!" Cried Bridget,"I love you too."
Jen cried as she ran before she could get into the room someone got her by the wrist.
"Let me go!" She yelled.
"I won't because, because I love you too." Explained Alfred. He hugged her and then Jen
wanted to
Push him away but held her tight. Jen stayed still and looked up.Alfred looked at her with a
smile for the first time and kissed her.
It was the last day they went towards the door and laid their hands. The door opened for
the first time. Before the door opened,
"Jen. If you decide to become human I won't stop you." Alfred said, "because I love you." In that
moment Jen realized she doesn't want to be human because she loves Alfred and she will not
leave him.
"I won't, Alfred." She whispered. Once they step in Alfred falls with a whole in his chest.
"Alfred!" Yelled Jen in horror. When she turned around she saw that it was Daniel her neighbor
and Jack.
"I've waited for this time to get my reward for working here for 5 years!"Said Jack.
"You're a fool because Alfred can cure himself!" She explained.
"Or so you think." Responded Jack. He starts wiping his knife and reveals that it is made out of
"NO! Alfred wake up!" She yelled.
"Step aside I have to collect his blood by stabbing him more." Jack explained. Jack raises his
wooden knife.
"Wait!" Yelled Jen, " I'll go with you please don't kill him."Jen goes up to Alfred and hugs him.
Jack pulls her away and runs. As they make it outside, the castle crumbles.
Jen is in a cabin captured by Jack. He takes it as they were married calling her sweet
names like Alfred did but Jen was devastated. Daniel comes into the cabin.
"The castle?" Asked Jack.
"There is no sign of life and no one knows the whereabouts of the vampires." Responded Daniel
with a frown. Daniel signals Jack that they must leave now. They walk out the door. Jen sits
there remembering what Daniel said. She begins to cry but then it goes white. She sees Alfred
unharmed in the middle of the rose garden.
"Jen.... I've been waiting for you. From now on we can stay togetherforever." He says.
"Alfred!" Jen cried. Throwing herself to the vision.
"I'll look for you no matter how long it takes me." Jen whispered,"I'll find you.
Total points: 78/ A+

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