ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

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Multimedia Server
System Installation Debug Manual
Version 1.0

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Revision History

Date Revision Serial No. Description

20100607 R1.0 SJ-20100516133914-005 First Edition
Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Installing SQL Server Database ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 server 129 Installation............................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Starting Server 129 ................................................................................................................................. 14

Chapter 2 Network Management Installation ............................................................................................... 15

2.1 Environment Requirements .................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 File Instructions ...................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Installation Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 Basic Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 18
2.4.1 Starting Configuration................................................................................................................... 18
2.4.2 NE Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.3 Database Configuration ................................................................................................................ 20
2.4.4 Test Connection............................................................................................................................. 20
2.4.5 ID Authentication.......................................................................................................................... 21
2.5 Database Initialization ............................................................................................................................ 24
2.6 Starting EMS Server and Using EMS Client .......................................................................................... 25
2.7 Instructions for NM USS NE Creation ................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup........................................................................................... 41

3.1 RIDC DIP Switch Configuration ............................................................................................................ 41
3.2 Constructing SOMP Boot Version .......................................................................................................... 42
3.3 SOMP Card Boot .................................................................................................................................... 49
3.3.1 Boot Preparations.......................................................................................................................... 49
3.3.2 Boot Procedure.............................................................................................................................. 50
3.3.3 SOMP Boot Check........................................................................................................................ 53
3.3.4 Operations after SOMP Startup..................................................................................................... 54
3.4 Adding NE .............................................................................................................................................. 55
3.5 Cascading Connection Method on Control Plane and Media Plane ....................................................... 57
3.5.1 Single Shelf................................................................................................................................... 57
3.5.2 Double Shelves ............................................................................................................................. 57
3.5.3 Three Shelves................................................................................................................................ 57
Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration ........................................................................................................... 61
4.1 Global Configuration............................................................................................................................... 61
4.1.1 Basic Properties Configuration ..................................................................................................... 61
4.1.2 Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time........................................................................................... 64
4.1.3 ZXUSS NE Properties................................................................................................................... 64
4.1.4 Subscriber Converging Moveback Configuration ......................................................................... 70
4.2 File System Configuration Parameter ..................................................................................................... 71
4.3 Physical Resource Configuration ............................................................................................................ 73
4.3.1 Rack Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 73
4.3.2 Shelf Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 74
4.3.3 Card Configuration........................................................................................................................ 76
4.4 Logic Resource Configuration ................................................................................................................ 82
4.4.1 Module Capacity Configuration .................................................................................................... 82
4.4.2 Unit Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 86
4.4.3 Physical Connection Configuration............................................................................................. 101
4.4.4 Module Share Resource Selection Sequence Configuration ....................................................... 103
4.4.5 USS Node CDN Quota................................................................................................................ 105
4.4.6 USS Node VCDN Quota ............................................................................................................. 106
4.5 Signal Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 107
4.5.1 MLSS Configuration ................................................................................................................... 107
4.5.2 APP Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 109
4.5.3 MLSS Communication Configuration ........................................................................................ 110
4.5.4 APP Communication Configuration............................................................................................ 111
4.5.5 STB Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 112
4.5.6 FTP Server Configuration ........................................................................................................... 113
4.5.7 Streaming Media Numeric Parameter Configuration .................................................................. 115
4.6 Data Transmission ................................................................................................................................. 117

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start ....................................................................................... 119

5.1 Uploading Versions ............................................................................................................................... 119
5.2 Adding Versions .................................................................................................................................... 122
5.3 Uploading Specific Versions ................................................................................................................. 124
5.4 Setting Version ...................................................................................................................................... 128
5.5 Checking Version .................................................................................................................................. 129
5.6 Starting a Card....................................................................................................................................... 130

5.6.1 MSU............................................................................................................................................ 130
5.6.2 MDU ........................................................................................................................................... 131
5.6.3 MSCU ......................................................................................................................................... 131
5.6.4 MSTUKLinux cards............................................................................................................ 131

Chapter 6 IPTV Service-Side Configuration ............................................................................................... 135

6.1 CP Configuration Files.......................................................................................................................... 135
6.1.1 win_mgt.ini Configuration.......................................................................................................... 135
6.1.2 cdn_common.ini Configuration .................................................................................................. 135
6.2 CDN Platform Configuration................................................................................................................ 138
6.2.1 Node Management ...................................................................................................................... 138
6.2.2 Agent Management ..................................................................................................................... 139
6.2.3 POP Unit Management ............................................................................................................... 139
6.2.4 ZXUSS Device Management...................................................................................................... 140
6.2.5 USS Unit FTP Management........................................................................................................ 141
6.2.6 VCDN Management ................................................................................................................... 142
6.2.7 VCDN Node Configuration ........................................................................................................ 143

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration............................................................................................... 145

7.1 Remote Management ............................................................................................................................ 145
7.2 NTP Configuration................................................................................................................................ 149
7.2.1 NTP Server-End Configuration................................................................................................... 149
7.2.2 USS NTP- Side Configuration.................................................................................................... 152
7.3 EMS Tool Box ...................................................................................................................................... 154
7.3.1 Command Line Terminal ............................................................................................................ 154
7.3.2 Probe ........................................................................................................................................... 155
7.3.3 Signal Tracing ............................................................................................................................. 160
7.3.4 Diagnosis Test ............................................................................................................................. 162

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation
The background server software includes the SQL Server 2005 server 129 installation and
the EMS network server and client installation. The proper startup of server 129 is the
prerequisite of the subsequent version installation and startup.

The default database file of SQL Server must be installed in drive D and the free space in
drive C must be greater than 30G.For the detailed modification.

1.1 Installing SQL Server Database

There are two SQL2005 installation disks: CD1 and CD2. Click "Setup" in the CD1 to
start installation. The image snap in installation is shown below. The important parts are
marked with precautions.
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation

If Windows is not installed with the IIS component, it will prompt alarm information. The
SQL Sever 2005 Reporting Services component needs the IIS service. But the EMS
database does not need this component, so ignore this alarm and go to the next step.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

To lessen the server load, install the minimum components required by the EMS database.

Click the "Advanced" button to enter into the advanced function selection interface.
Choose to install the following components:

Database service

Client components (connection tool and management tool only)

Documentation, demonstration and demo database (SQL Server online books only)

Then make sure that the free space of drive D is more than 30. To install the default
database file in drive D, first select "Database service", choose "Data file" in the
directory, and click "browse" to change drive C to drive D and click "OK".

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Select the hybrid mode. The password is determined on site. The password must conform
to the password rule (The password of the "sa" user that EMS uses is "netnumen". If the
"sa" user configuration is not "netnumen", then configure the database password to be the
corresponding password after the installation of EMS mini network management to
perform the database connection test.). The EMS database script needs to use this

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

So far, SQL Server 2005 has been installed. Currently, in order to correct bugs, the
SQLServer2005 SP3 patch has been released. Therefore, we will have to install the SP3 patch
to SQLServer2005. The version information is 9.00.4035.00 (For SQLServer2000, also install
the SP4 patch of SQLServer2000.).

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation

1.2 server 129 Installation

1 Copy the server 129 installation directory "oamback_install (path: \version file
name\oamback_install) to the background server. Double-click the "install.exe" file to run
the installation program. Select the language, as shown in Figure1.21.

Figure1.21 Select a Language

Select the installation mode.

As shown in Figure1.22, for first installation, select "install"; for subsequent upgrade,
select "upgrade. Then click "Next".

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure1.22 Select the installation mode.

3 Input the user name and password same as those of the operation system to be
installed, and verify them, as shown in Figure1.23.

Figure1.23 Verify the System User

4 Select an installation path, as shown in Figure1.2-4.

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation

Figure1.2-4 Select an Installation Path

5 Start the installation, as shown in Figure1.2-5.

Figure1.2-5 Start Installation

6 Select the type of maintenance device. Here select "USS100".as shown in Figure1.2-6.

Figure1.2-6 Select the Type of Maintenance Device

7 Initialize the system running environment, as shown in Figure1.2-7.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure1.2-7 Initialize the System Running Environment

8 For a new system, it is necessary to initialize the database. Tick all the names of the
database system. If it is an upgrade, it is necessary to retain the database contents. Do not tick
them in installation. Select the installed sub-system database. Select all, as shown in

Figure1.2-8 Select Installed Sub-system

9 Communication configuration
Set the foreground and background communication configuration, as shown in Figure1.29.

Figure1.29 Communication Configuration

Chapter 1 Server 129 Installation

1 For the foreground host IP, we can configure a temporary IP first. After the OMP version is started,
view the real IP of eth3 in system B on the SOMP card, change the corresponding IP of the
c:/zxmsg/CommCfg.ini configuration file. Currently, in the initial database of the OMP construction
version, the maintenance IP of the foreground OMP is If OMP started once, the
maintenance IP will be changed to

2 Server IP: Local IP of server 129 which should be configured to the address of 129 network
segment, for example,, subnet mask:


1 Here the SOMP maintenance IP is automatically configured by the program. It is

needless or unable to be manually configured. Before the version is started, if it is
necessary to upload the version file, you can modify the SOMP maintenance IP
temporarily. The process is that after logging onto the SOMP card, use the "ifconfig"
command to modify the IP of eth3.

2 The communication IP of server 129 and the subsequent SOMP server must be in 129

3. After server 129 is installed, the ID authentication mode of SQLServer will be

changed to Windows ID authentication mode. If the D authentication mode of
SQLServer is found to be the Windows ID authentication mode, due to EMS's need,
it is mandatory to change to "SQLServer and Windows ID authentication mode.

4. SQLServer2005 must be installed with the SQLServer2005 SP3 patch. If it is

SQLServer2000, it is necessary to install the SQLServer2000 SP4 patch.

10 Restart the server after installation. as shown in Figure1.210.

Figure1.210 Restart Prompt

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

1.3 Starting Server 129

On the desktop of server 129, find the "Server process scheduling monitoring" icon and
double-click it.

Figure1.31 Server 129 Start Process Icon

After the service is started properly, the status appears, as shown in Figure1.32.Do not close it,
or you will close the 129 service.

Figure1.32 129 Service Process Management

Chapter 2 Network Management Installation
2.1 Environment Requirements
Minimum installation environment requirements:

1 Above Windows 2000

2 1G memory space

3 2GB hard disk space

4. SQl database installation

2.2 File Instructions

Extract the installation package. The files inside are described as follows:

install.bat Installation execution file in Windows operation system

install.sh Installation execution file in Solaris operation system

install_helper.exe Installation auxiliary tool in Windows system, such as free disk space check,
and progress display.

unzip.exe Extraction tool in Windows system

platform*.zip Network platform module packet (file prefixed with platform)

module*.zip NE management module package started with "module" (file prefixed

with "module")

readme.txt text file

2.3 Installation Procedure

1 Copy all files to the local hard disk (Modules started with "module" can be optionally
copied according to instructions of the published file.).
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

2 Run "install.bat" (Windows system) or "install.sh" (Solaris system).

In the Solaris system, it is not authorized to run "install.sh". Modify the authority in a way as
follows and run it again.

chmod 777 install.sh


After "install.bat" runs in Windows system, an operation interface appears, as shown in

Figure2.31. Select a language according to the real situation.

Figure2.31 Select a Language

Then, as shown in Figure2.3-2, input the installation path. Make sure that the free space for the
installation path should be greater than 2G. Otherwise, the installation cannot go on.


Do not install the network management system in a directory with a Chinese path name or
a path with space characters.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.3-2 Select an Installation Path

Press "Enter" to install the NM system to the default path c:/netnumen. Or input "d" to install
the NM system to the path d:/netnumen. Or decide the installation path according to the on-site
server situation. After the path is inputted, select the EMS installation type, as shown in
Figure2.3-3. 1 is for client terminal. 2 is for client terminal and server. It is required to select 2
in the construction site.

Figure2.3-3 Select an Installation Type

After selection, install EMS. The installation procedure is shown in Figure2.34. Extract all zip
packages under the installation directory in order.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure2.34 Installation Snapshot

In a few minutes, the installation is completed, as shown in Figure2.3-5.Start the "config center"
interface. For detailed configuration operations, refer to the instructions in 2.4.

Figure2.3-5 Installation Completion Snapshot

2.4 Basic Configuration

2.4.1 Starting Configuration

After installation, perform the configuration directly. In case of any subsequent modification,
start the configuration center by the means shown in Figure2.41.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.41 Start NM Configuration Snapshot

2.4.2 NE Configuration

Perform the configuration as shown in Figure2.42. Select "Public configuration -> NE

Configuration and select all.

Figure2.42 NE Configuration Options

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

2.4.3 Database Configuration

The database configuration interface is shown in Figure2.43. The database user name and
password need to be consistent with those of SQL. By default, the sa password of SQL Server
2005 is netnumen.The default sa user password configured on the EMS mini NM is netnumen.
If the sa user password is modified previously in SQLServer installation, use the actual
SQLServer sa user password.

Figure2.43 Database Configuration Option

2.4.4 Test Connection

As shown in Figure2.44, click "Test connection (T)" to start connection test. If Database
connection is successful" appears, it indicates that the test is OK. Otherwise, check whether the
SQL Server database is opened, or whether the sa password of the database system
administrator is correct.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.44 Database Connection Test Interface

2.4.5 ID Authentication


If it is EMS, change the Windows authentication mode in MS SQL Server to the hybrid
mode of SQL Server and Windows.Server 129 supports two modes. But for the EMS
server, it must be the hybrid mode.

Enter into the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, as shown in figure 2.46.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure2.46 Start Management Studio

Click "Connect".

Click "Property".

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Select "Security".

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Choose "Server ID authentication" to be SQL Server and Windows. After modification, restart
the database.

2.5 Database Initialization

After the basic configuration, initialize the database, as shown in Figure2.5-1.


After the database is initialized, the original data will all be lost. In a new commissioning
or only when the original data can be discarded, can the database be initialized.

Figure2.5-1 Initialize Database

After initialization, check whether the database in the management studio is the same as the
figure 2.5-2.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.5-2 SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Image

2.6 Starting EMS Server and Using EMS Client

1 On the desktop of Windows, two shortcuts are generated: "NetNumen N31 Server" and
"NetNumen N31 Client", as shown in Figure2.6-1.

Figure2.6-1 EMS Startup Icon

2 Make sure that the server process management has started. Otherwise, restart the PC.
Double-click the "NetNumen N31 Server" shortcut on the desktop to start the NetNumen
UNMS console, as shown in Figure2.6-2.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure2.6-2 Start EMS Server Interface

3 By default, the console will automatically start the NetNumen NM process, CORBA
information service process, FTP process (Auxiliary NetNumen process). After the processes
complete, a green square icon will appear on the window. Wait until three services are started

4 Double-click the "NetNumen N31 Client" shortcut on the desktop to start the NetNumen
UNMS client login interface, as shown in Figure2.6-3.

Figure2.6-3 Start EMS Client Interface

5 In "Server address" of the login window, input the IP address of the machine that the NM server
resides on, "user name", and "password. By default, the admin user's password is empty. Click
"OK". The client terminal continues to start. After the startup, the following interface appears.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn


When starting the machine of the EMS server, do not start other FTP services; or it may
affect the EMS FTP functions.

2.7 Instructions for NM USS NE Creation

To create an USS NE on NM, refer to the descriptions in this chapter, or skip it.

1. Preparations

NMS is installed. Database is installed. The service terminal can start each service process, as
shown in 2.7-1.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure2.7-1NM Service Terminal

The NM client terminal is started properly and the default NM client interface can be displayed,
as shown in figure 2.7-2.3.

Figure2.7-2 NM Client Login Interface

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.73 Default NM Client Interface

2. Creating NE

a) Creating group: To create a group is to manage the NE well and make the NE topology clearer.
Groups can be created on the Topology Tree on the left side of the "Topology Management"
interface, as shown in figure 2.7-4.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure2.74 Create a Group

The Create a group" dialog box appears, as shown in figure 5.

Figure2.75 Create a Group (1)

The "A group is created successfully" interface is shown in figure 2.7-6.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.76 Create a Group

1 Creating NE: NE is created in "group". If a group is not created, the NE will be created in the
default group. There are two methods to create an NE.

Click Main view - Topology root. Select a group and right-click to create an NE, as shown
in figure 2.7-7.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure2.77 Create an NE

Click the panel on the right of topology management. Select a group and right-click to
create an NE, as shown in figure 2.78.

Figure2.78 Create an NE

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

In the prompted dialog box, select "ZXUSS", as shown in 2.7-9.

Figure2.79Create NE

2 Configure NE

Configure the basic property of NE, as shown in figure 2.7-10.

Figure2.710Basic Property of NE


a Domain name: NE display name which is unique in NMS; 20 characters in length; no

characters, such as =/ are allowed.

b Version: For VS8000C, select 1.0; for MS100, select 2.0

c Gateway type: no real meaning, to reserve the default value

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

d Location: A place to mark the device, to fill in any key

e User name, password, confirmation password: Device account for NMS login; Default:
admin; If the password of the admin user at the side of the device, it is necessary to
synchronize there.

f NE module: No actual meaning; reserved default value: 0

Configure NE "protocol property1", as shown in figure 2.7-11.

Figure2.711Basic Property1 of NE


a IP1: Maintenance port address on OMP card; NM manages device through this device.

b Protocol type, link type: Corresponding to the ZXUSS device; to reserve the default

c Port: Corresponding to the ZXUSS device; fixed value: 5057

d EMF IP: IP address and reserved default values of NM server

f EMF module: An unique mark that NM registers on the ZXUSS device; For a same
ZXUSS device, this module must be unique. The value range of this field is 130 - 300. For
one ZXUSS device, there are normally two sets of NMSs. One is for local operation and
maintenance, the other is for a centralized NM. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish
this EMF module number of these two systems.

"Protocol property2" configuration default configuration, as shown in figure 2.7-12

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn

Figure2.712Basic Property2 of NE Protocol

Click "Create" to complete the NE creation, as shown in figure 2.7-13.

Figure2.713New NE

3. Modifying NE

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

On the topology tree or map, select the NE to be modified. Right-click the menu to modify
NE, as shown below:

Figure2.714Modify NE

4. Deleting NE

On the topology tree or map, select the NE to be modified. Right-click the menu to delete NE.

5. Policy Configuration

For ZXUSS management functions, it is necessary to configure "Stream media Abnormal Data
Clearing Policy" and "Service-layer Device_USS100_Performance Data Table Backup Clearing
Policy". Take the "Stream media Abnormal Data Clearing Policy" as an example.
a) On the main interface of the client terminal, select "View" -> "Policy Management" to
open the policy interface, as shown in

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn


b) Click "New" on the "Policy Management" interface to enter into the "Create
Measurement" interface to configure the basic information.



a Policy name: character string of the inputted policy

b Action template selection: To select a policy template to be created

c Other parameters are remained.

c) Click "Next" to configure the policy execution conditions.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual



a Select the start time in a time when the NMS load is small, such as early morning. For
different policies, this time point must be kept at intervals of 30 minutes to avoid multiple
policies from running at the same time.

b Day: 1 indicating to execute the task once a day

c Other parameters are remained.

d) Click "Next" to configure the action template.

Chapter 2 Network Management Installationn



Retention days: Days of abnormal original data of stream media to be retained; When the
number of NEs is less than 10, retain the data for 3 days; less than 20 NEs, 2 days; greater
than 20 NEs, 1 day.

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and
This chapter is to introduce the version software installation procedure of the foreground
SOMP card.

3.1 RIDC DIP Switch Configuration

The RIDC card resides at the lower left corner or lower right corner of the shelf. The RIDC switch
location is defined as follows:

Figure3.11 RIDC Switch Description

Remark: logical shelf number = physical shelf number-1, logical shelf number=physical
shelf number-1


In the following DIP switch diagram, the black block indicates the DIP switch location.
When the switch is at OFF side, it indicates that the switch is set to OFF=1 by default.
When the switch is at ON side, it indicates that the switch is set to ON=0.

Table3.11 ZXUSS VS8000C RIDC Configuration Description

Number Shelf type RIDC Figure

of configuration
1 Control Shelf 1 00000001
shelf rack 2
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Number Shelf type RIDC Figure

of configuration
2 Control Shelf 1 00000001
shelf rack 2

Media Shelf 1 00000100

shelf 1 rack 2

3 Control Shelf 1 00000001

shelf rack 2

Media Shelf 1 00000100

shelf 1 rack 2

Media Shelf 1 00000100

shelf 1 rack 2

3.2 Constructing SOMP Boot Version


Before boot, each rack needs to construct a SOMP boot version. It is not needed later. This
operation procedure needs to be completed on server 129. Upload all versions to server

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

1 First, extract the c:\zxmsg\starttool.exe compression package on server 129 to generate the
msgstrt package.

2 Then copy the version files of the foreground SOMP card to the sub-folder of the msgstart
folder, including CPU-x86 version and FPGA version. Refer to Table3.11.Normally, copy
version files to the c:\zxmsg\msgstart\MSCU\ directory. The directory is specified on site.

3 Run the c:\zxmsg\msgstart\bin\USSstart.exe background tool. A configuration interface

appears, as shown in Figure3.21.

Figure3.21 Version Management Interface

4 Select "Left OMPConfigure Info and right-click it to select "CPU Ver Configure Info

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure3.22 Select CPU Version Construct

Figure3.23 Construct CPU Version Interface

Select a CPU version file in the version directory. The file name is
USS_MSCU_MP_X86_V1.00.04.01U01_H.USS. The interface appears, as shown in

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

Figure3.24 CPU Version Information Configuration

5 FPGA version configuration information

Figure3.25 Select FPGA Version Construct

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure3.26 Construct CPU Version Interface

The small version number should be consistent with that of the configured CPU. The file name
is ZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf. The interface appears, as shown in Figure3.2-7.

Figure3.2-7 FPGA Version Information Configuration

6 Select the MP type. Select OMP, SMP, CSU, and MSCU, as shown in Figure3.29.

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

Figure3.28 Select MP Type

Figure3.29 MP Type Configuration

7 Select "Right OMP Configure Info". Repeat the step 2.

8 After the version information is configured, in Figure3.21, click "Construct OMP Vers Info".
The saved file name is "ompcfg". Please note to use the default "ompcfg.ini" when typing
the file name. The system will automatically add the extended suffix name .uniform details,
refer to Figure 3.2-10.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 3.2-10 Saved Configuration Interface

Figure3.211 Successful Construct Confirmation Interface

Meanwhile, the construction file "_ZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf" is generated.

After constructing, the version directory is shown in Figure3.212.

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

Figure3.212 Constructed Version Directory List

3.3 SOMP Card Boot

3.3.1 Boot Preparations

1 Two CPUs are installed with the operation system (SUSE 9+SP3) on the SOMP card and the
CPUs can be booted successfully.

2 Log into SOMP (Use a terminal directly or use a tool, such as "Secure Shell Client"

3 Get the SOMP version file ready. Obtain the version file from the version server according to
the version list. For the details, refer to Table3.3-1.

Table3.3-1 SOMP Version List

Card Version Type Version Path Version List

SOMP Boot Version \Boot\Linux_Boot\MSCU\ MSCU_Boot.exe
CPU-X86 version \USS\Release\MSCU\MP\ USS_MSCU_MP_X86_V1.00.04.01U01_H.USS
FPGA version \target_hardware\FPGA\ ZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf
Constructed version server 129 _ZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf
Constructed server 129 ompcfg.ini
configuration file
Initial data /DATA1/ 1CfgTable.ZDB
Initial man-machine /oamback_install/mml/CmdIni/ CDInfo.INI
commands ChkSum.INI
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual


3.3.2 Boot Procedure

1. The delivered card has the software version which runs automatically. First, check whether
there are any versions running. Method: Log into the SOMP operation system System B shown in
figure 3.3.1).

Use the "ps -A|grep MSCU" command to check whether there is an _USS_MSCU_MP_X8
procedure. If yes, it indicates that the version has already started. If the version has started, log into
the SOMP operation system. Run "telnet 1026". Username/password: zte/zte. After login,
run the "kill" command to stop the version. Note: stop the active and standby OMP versions first and
perform the following operations.
If a reinforced script is running on the delivered card, roll it back manually. Method: Log into the
card. Use the "su - root" command to switch over to the "root" user and assign the execution
authority to the rollback script "home/rollbak_sec.sh" of the original version, namely, chmod +x

rollbak_sec.sh. Under the home directory, run "ollbak_sec.sh -c no -t mstu y" and delete ALL
files under the /home" directory.

Note: Execute the rollback and deletion operations on both active and
standby OMP cards.

The following step 2 to step 8 should all be performed on active/standby SOMP. Perform
the steps on the active SOMP first and then on the standby SOMP.

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

2. Manually configure SOMP IP. According to

Figure3.31 below, configure the IP of the system B.

Figure3.31 RMSCU Card Interface Diagram

# ifconfig eth3 netmask

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual


1 The IP should be configured on the eth3 network adapter.

2 Configure the IP in command mode instead of yast tool.

3. If the card is in single user mode, connect the monitor to OMP. Carry out the following
command to repair it.

none# swapon /dev/hda2 (according to the real situation, corresponds to the switch
disk of the card.)

none# fsck -y /dev/hda3 (according to the real situation, corresponds to the

system disk of the card.)

3 Create the following directories on SOMP. Pay attention to the case and create the directories
strictly as follows:

1 /home/VER

2 /home/cmdini case sensitive

3 /home/dbs/DATA1

4 Upload the corresponding version files manually to the directory of /home/VER on SOMP
(they are the four constructed version files in chapter 3.2.)


1 When uploading version files, use PC locally or use server 129. The condition is that
eth3 network of SOMP can be reached.

2 When uploading files, use the "SSH Secure" tool in binary system.

3. The uploaded ZDB file must be initialized.

1 CPU version: USS_MSCU_MP_X86_V1.00.04.01U01_H.USS

2 FPGA versionZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf

3 Constructed FPGA version: _ZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf

4 Constructed configuration file: ompcfg.ini

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

5 Copy the initial man-machine command (version path: /oamback_install/mml/CmdIni/)

to the /home/cmdini/ directory of the SOMP card.

6 Copy the initial data /DATA1/ to the directory "/home/dbs/DATA1" of the SOMP card to
ensure that the directory construction is shown in as follows:

1 CfgTable.ZDB


3 VerTable.ZDB

# pwd


# ll

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 7 17:30 DATA1

# pwd


# ll

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 101962542 Apr 7 17:30 CfgTable.ZDB

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10 Apr 7 17:30 DBVer.ZDB

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 196915 Apr 3 02:37 VerTable.ZDB

7 Copy the /Boot/Linux_Boot/MSCU/MSCU_Boot.exe file to the /home/ directory of the

SOMP card and assign authority to it.
8. Start the SOMP software version.


The operations on the standby OMP is the same as described in 2-8.

3.3.3 SOMP Boot Check

The basis to judge whether SOMP is booted is as listed follows:

1 Check whether the eth3 IP is reset to the specified IP:, and whether the
foreground and background can ping each other.

Note: The SOMP IP uses the original ZDB. The first started SOMP maintenance IP is If the SOMP version or system is restarted, the SOMP maintenance IP will be
changed to It is necessary to modify the configuration on server 129 according to
the real situation. Modify two files. The BoardIP field value in the /zxmsg/CommCfg.ini file
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

should be changed to the eth3 IP on the foreground SOMP. The IPAddr field value in the
/zxmsg/IpAddrs.cfg file should be changed to the eth3 IP on the foreground SOMP.

2 From other server SSH to the OMP card

3 Check the SOMP process to see whether there is _USS_MSCU_MP_X8.

4 Check the indictors on the SOMP card. The normal status is: The RUN LED is ON and OFF
alternately; the ALARM LED is OFF. The ACT LED is constantly ON.

5 After an NE is created on EMS, we can see that the NE link status is normal.
6 The foreground and background communication is normal. On server 129, through
Ctrl+Alt+F12, check the communication status between server 129 and the foreground OMC. As
shown in Figure3.32, the Status should be "True".

Figure3.32 View Communication Interface Between 129 and OMC

3.3.4 Operations after SOMP Startup

1. Because the started FTP service on SOMP may prevent cards from obtaining version
information, it is necessary to close the following services. Method:

Log into SOMP with SSH Secure and switch over to the root user. Input "chkconfig | grep ftp", as
shown in figure below.

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

If the status of "pure-ftpd" and "vsftpd" is not OFF, use the chkconfig pure-ftpd off and chkconfig
vsftpd off commands to close it and then use the /etc/init.d/xinetd restart command to effect the

2. If other routes except the following routes are configured on the OMP eth3 interface, delete
them all.

linux:~ # route

Kernel IP routing table

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use

Iface * U 0 0 0
eth1 * U 0 0 0
vlan10 * U 0 0 0
eth3 * U 0 0 0
eth2 * U 0 0 0
vlan10 * U 0 0 0

loopback * U 0 0 0

default UG 0 0 0


3.4 Adding NE
Add an NE on the EMS client terminal. According to Figure 3.4-1 to configure the basic
properties and then configure the NE basis according to Figure 3.4-2.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 3.4-1 Basic Property Configuration Interface

1 Domain name: any

2. Version: select 1.0.

3 Location: any

4 User and password: admin/admin; This is the initial password. It can be modified later.

Figure 3.4-2 NE Information Configuration Interface

1 IP1: The original IP of the foreground SOMP 129 network segment

2 Port: 5057

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

3 EMF module: 156Permitted range of EMS module number: 144 - 254; Default: 156If this
NE is added to multiple NMs (for example, a same NE is created on the big NM and small
NM), it should be noticed that the EMF modules to be filled in should be different when this
NE is created on the different NMs.

3.5 Cascading Connection Method on Control Plane and Media Plane

3.5.1 Single Shelf

In this case, the MSU rear plug-in card does not have to connect the network cables on the
media plane and the control plane.

3.5.2 Double Shelves

The cabling on the control plane is shown in the figure below.

Control Plane 1G

Control Plane 1G



There is only one media shelf, therefore, the media plane does not need to be cascaded.

3.5.3 Three Shelves

The cabling on the control plane is shown in the figure below.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

The cabling on the media plane is shown in the figure below.

Chapter 3 SOMP Card Installation and Startup

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration
Start SOMP and then implement ZXUSS-side configuration. Add cards of all nodes in.
The NEs are supposed to have been added in properly.

4.1 Global Configuration

4.1.1 Basic Properties Configuration

Enter ZXUSS global basic properties configuration interface as shown in Figure below.

Figure 1 ZXUSS Global Properties Configuration

Figure 4.1-1 Configuration Management

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 4.1-2 Global Properties Configuration

Figure 4.1-3 Basic Properties Configuration

Configuration steps:

1NE type: Use USS NE.

2Area number: 0-999 (Default number: 0), which keeps consistant with the areacode of
win_mgt.ini in Section 6.1.1. The following Figure shows the areacode.

Figure 2 Areacode

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

3 Office number: Set local office number for WINTCP (for different USS, the office number
must be different). It is not a dip switch office number. In the rack chart, the card control
plane IP is calculated as the dip switch office number.

4 IP address: Configure the SOMP and background server 129 address used for
communication. To modify the IP address, you must restart the OMP first.

5 MAC address: It can be set to any number. Because our company manages and uses with
00-d0 as the start numbers, in projects, we usually use the address format as 00-d0-office
number-rack/shelf number-slot number-module number to define MAC address. For
example, we use 12 to indicate rack 1, shelf 2 and 22 to indicate rack 2, shelf 2.

6 Maintenance IP address 1: Configure as required. In the labtory, it is not configured. Both

maintenance IP addresses are used by connecting with EMS. The actural IP addresses are
configured in OMC ports.

7 Maintenance IP address 1 mask: Configure as required. In the labtory, it is not configured.

Only the SOMP remote maintenance IP address mask is set.

8 Maintenance IP address 2: Configure as required. In the labtory, it is not configured. Both

maintenance IP addresses are used by connecting with EMS. The actural IP addresses are
configured in OMC ports.

9 Maintenance IP address 2 mask: Configure as required. In the labtory, it is not configured.

Only the SOMP remote maintenance IP address mask is set.
10. Alarm maintenance IP address/mask: Configure as required. In the labtory, it is not
configured. The alarm module IP address is configured

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

4.1.2 Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time

Select time zone +16(GMT+08:00) as shown in following Figure.

Figure 4.1-4 Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Configuration Interface

4.1.3 ZXUSS NE Properties

ZXUSS NE properties configuration is shown in following Figure.

Figure4.1-5 ZXUSS NE Properties Configuration Interface

Configuration steps:

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

1. Media plane IP address prefix: 1-254 (the default number is 127), if the prefix is modified, all
sub-unit media plane IP addresses must be adjusted accordingly in the background.

2. USS certification code: The code is ussed for RTSP certification between USS. The code is
one in range 1-64, no default number.

3. Timeout demolition time: It is the time for STB demolition when the subscriber is at pause
status. The unit is second. The time can be confiugred to one in range 1-300. By default, it is
50 seconds.

4. Program source lack and STB screen malfunction: When the program source which is listed in
the program plan is lost, if it causes STB screen malfunction or typed enum. Default 1: screen

5. VCDN disk alarm threshold: 1-99, 80 by default

6. Transmission packet: 1 is the default configuration. It means to transmit.

7. Preoccupy sources or not while recording: By default, it is 0. 0 means not to preoccupy.

8. Preoccupy sources while live broadcasting or time shifting: It refers to the MDU or MSTU
source preoccupation while in live broadcasting or time shifting. By default, it is 0. 0 means
not to preoccupy.

9. Timeout demolition or not: When the STB pause time is out, USS demolites or not. By default,
the configuration is 0. 0 means not to.

10. Service on or not when disk space is not sufficient: By default, it is 0. 0 means not to provide
service any more.

11. Enable aging policy or not: By default configuraiton, USS does not support aging. The aging
funciton is initiated by MLSS.

12. Temporary channel threshold value: Use percentage to represent the total resources and
unoccupied resources ratio in the MDU sub-card. By default, the percentage is 50.

13. MDU unoccupied resource threshold value: Use percentage to represent the unoccupied
resources and the total resources ratio in the MDU sub-card. Use the default configuration

14. Shift-out subscriber threshold value: Use percentage to represent the shift-out subscriber and
total subscriber ratio. By default, the value is 50.

15. The following condtions must be satisfied when a temporary channel is set up:

aMDU sub-card unoccupied resources > Main channel specified MDU sub-card unoccupied

bMDU sub-card channels are not occupied completely.

cMDU sub-card is not the MDU sub-card which connects with the main channel.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

dMDU sub-card unoccupied resources mduresthreshodthe unoccupied resource threshold

when a temporary channle is deleted or a temporary channel is created in MDU

eMDU sub-card unoccupied circuit number shift-out subscribers

fMDU sub-card unoccupied bandwidth the bandwidth occupied by the shift-out subscribers

gMDU sub-card has not the temporary channel of the channel.

hMDU sub-card has sufficient internal channels and bandwidth.

iMDU sub-card occupied bandwidth + shift-in subscriber occupied bandwidth < temporary
channel threshold value

16. Subscriber shift-in threshold value: If the MSTU external resource occupation rate is lower
than the threshold value, subscribers are allowed to shift in. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
The default value is 70.

17. USS node identity: It must keep consistent with the configuration of MLSS. It has limits on
the upper and lower cases. The unitid created for CDN-Manager is obtained after being
operated in the portal iptvcdn gate. Refer to Figure 6.2-3.

18. USS node protocol type: It can be valued 1 or 2. 1 means WINNTTCP. 2 means SIP. By
default, it is 1.

19. File open frequency: By default, it is 0. 0 means the field is supported by USS on following
aging accumulation.

20. Filing directory: /iptv/Arch/, it cannt be modified once time-shift channel is set up. If it is
modified, the previous filing partition cannt be used any more. Carry out man-machine
commands to modify.

21. NTP local port: It is the NTP local external port. By default configuration, the port ID is 123.

22. Message tracing label: The label can be used for smoking test. By default, the configuratoin is

23. Multi-shelf auto route-selecting label: It is used to configure to select resource shelf MSU
connection automatically or MSU connection specified by physical configuration. 0 means
automatically select. 1 means not to select automatically. By default, it is configured to 0.

24. Time-shift route: /iptv/Tvod/, it cannt be modified once time-shift channel is set up. If it is
modified, the previous filing partition cannt be used any more. Carry out man-machine
commands to modify.

25. Congestion message discard level: When the message volume is very big, discard some
message below a specific level. By default, it is configured 255. 255 means not to discard.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

26. VOD garbage clearance: When the content corresponding to overall routes is not listed in the
content table, the corresponding record in the content table can be deleted. By default, the
configuraiton is 0. 0 means to disable this function.

27. MTU: Set the maximum packet size for MTU. The size ranges from 1400 to 1500. By default,
it is 1500.

28. Maximum high-definition byte rate: Unit: Kbytes, Range: 100-9600, Default: 9600

29. High-definition byte rate limit: 1-9600, Unit: Kbytes, if a byte rate is bigger than the limit
value, it means high-definition. If a byte rate is smaller than the limit value, it means
standard-definition. By default, the limit is valued 2500.

30. Live broadcast pause time-shift time: Unit: s, Range: 1-20, Default: 5

31. Maximum MDU channel number: It refers to the maximum number of access channel or
provided channel in MDU. For the existing number, it is recorded in r_unitex channelnum1 or

32. Sweep garbage channel number: Range: 1-20, Default: 10

33. Sweep garbage frequency: Unit: min, Range: 0-6000, Default: 5

34. Maximum FEC support capability: It refers to the maximum FEC capability supported by
each MSTU. Take encoding and decoding as two capabilities. So a FEC which encodes and
decodes has two capbilities. By default, a FEC has 80 capabilities.

35. Maximum single transcoding channel: It refers to the single transcoding channel supported by
each MSTU. The single transcoding channel refers to transcoding but no time-shifting
channel. By default, it is 70.

36. NAT crossover survival time: By default, it is 5.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Configuration specification:
37. Relay channel subscriber port number: Range: 200-500, Default: 250
38. Enable L3 check or not: Enum type, Default: 1, 1 means enabled. It is recommended to use
the default configuration.
39. Changeover or not in case of L3 check failure: Enum type, Default: 1, 1 means not. It is
recommended to use the default configuration.
40. Corresponding to MLSS version: Range: 1-5, Default: 3, 3 refers to the version 3.03.03U2.
41. Fan temperature check type: Enum type, the value 1 refers to taking the inlet temperature as
the fan temperature. 0 refers to taking the outlet temperature as the fan temperature. The
default value is 0.
42. Partitioning packet default module: Range: 1-32, Default: 1
43. MSTU inlet check: Enable the MSTU inlet packet loss check or not. Default value is 1. 1
means enabled.
44. MSTU inlet check period (s): The period refers to the MSTU inlet packet loss check period.
By default, it is 2.
45. MSTU inlet packet loss threshold value: By default, the value is 10.
46. Chunk verification deletion: The fault value is 1. 1 refers to verification deletion.
47. VOD aging threshold: VOD program ages. According to the capacity percentage, the fault
value is 80.
48. VOD aging interval: It refers to the period between the current time and time of last visit. By
default, the interval is 48.
49. Current node subscriber concurrency number: It refers to the maximum subscriber
concurrency number at a current node. Default number is 4000.
Configure the concurrency number according to the practical commercial requirements and
configuration capability.
Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

50. Service node ID: It is used for live broadcast service menu without default configuration. The
service node is identified by the node ID.

51. IGMP configuration: It refers to the MDU IGMP configuration. By default, the configuration is V2.
52. Node broadcasting type: This configuration consists of two values. One is the unicasting node. If this
parameter is configured, the node provides live unicast service for subscribers. The total capability
and the rest capability reported by VS8000C to MLSS keep the previous the same to MDU+MSTU
concurrency capability and the rest MDU+MSTU concurrency capability. The other is the
muticasting node. If this value is configured, the node does not provide live broadcasting service to
subscribers. And the total capability and the rest capability reported by VS8000C to MLSS only
consist of MSTU capability, not including MDU capability. That means only MSTU total
concurrency capability and the rest MSTU capability are reported.
53. Single node or not: If there is single node, configure YES. If there are multiple nodes, configure NO
by default.
54. Poweroff label enabled or not: This configuration is the shelf poweroff configuration. We suggest
using the NO configuration. If the configuration is YES, the shelf can be poweroff in case a card
reaches the configured poweroff temperature.
55. Node pulling maximum partition number: The number refers to the partition pulling between nodes
and the maximum pulling partition number. By default, it is 100.
56. Channel pulling maximum partition number: Channel pulling by partitions. The single channel
maximum concurrent partition number is four by default.
57. Subscriber data field size: It refers to the maximum RTSP subscriber number. It is 8000 by default.
58. Maximum stream break (s): If it is over stream break, there initiates an alarm. By default, the time is
30 seconds

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

4.1.4 Subscriber Converging Moveback Configuration

Select NetNumen N31 and command line terminal and then enter 4022. Modify subscriber
convergence moveback configuration item (A and U information as shown in following Figure) to be
1, meaning not moveback.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

4.2 File System Configuration Parameter

Figure 4.22-1 Property Configuration Interface

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 4.22-2 Modifying File System Configuration Parameter

Modify MSTU maximum chunk number to be 200,000.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

4.3 Physical Resource Configuration

4.3.1 Rack Configuration

Figure 4.3-1 Physical Resource Configuration Interface

Figure 4.3-2 Adding A Rack

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 4.33-3 Rack Configuraton Interface

Configuration specification:

1 Rack number: Starts with number 1.

2 Rack type: Set the rack type as 240-RT_USS_STANDARD.

3 Global rack number: The global rack number is unique at this node. The rack which
configures the control shelf is identified as number 1.

4 A rack with multiple shelves: The control shelf and resource shelves are set in different

4.3.2 Shelf Configuration

Figure 4.33-4 Adding a Shelf

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure 4.33-5 Shelf Configuration Interface

Configuraiton specification:

1 Single shelf: The shelf must be identified number 2 and the shelf type must be
240-ST_USS_COMMON_BCTC, which refers to the control shelf.

2 Multiple shelves: The control shelf must be rack 1 shelf 2. Except one control shelf, the
type of other shelves must be 240-ST_USS_COMMON_BUSR which refers to the
resource shelf.

3 Global multiple rack: There must be only one control shelf. Other shelves are resource

4 Consistency: The specific configuration must keep in consistency with dip code. For
details, refer to Table Table3.11.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

4.3.3 Card Configuration

Figure 4.33-6 Physical Configuration Shelf Circuit Board

Figure 4.33-7 Physical Configuration Interface

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure 4.33-8 MSU Configuration at Slot 7 and 8

Configuration Specification

1 For each shelf, the MSU card must be configured first. MSU card can only be configured at
slot 7 and 8 as active or standby cards.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 4.33-9 SOMP Active/Standby Configuration at Slot 9 and 10

Configuration Specification

1 Configure SOMP card at slot 9 or 10 as an active or standby card. Configure card type to be

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure 4.33-10 MSCU Active/Standby Configuration at Slot 5 and 6

Configuration Specification

1 Configure multiple MSCU cards as actual service required. And the active/standby MSCU
cards must be configured in control shelf at slot 5/6, 11/13, 12/14, 1/3 and 2/4 sequencely.
Set the card type as 211-BT_USS_MSCU.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure 4.33-11 MDU Active/Standby Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 Add active/standby MDU cards according to the practical card chart.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure 4.33-12 MSTU Configuration Without Backup

Configuration Specification

1 MSTU card must be configured to be no standby card. So the card type must be set as

2 As to a configuration with multiple shelves, the MSTU cards must be set in medium shelf at
slots 1/3, 2/4, 5/6, 9/10, 11/12 and 13/14.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

4.4 Logic Resource Configuration

4.4.1 Module Capacity Configuration

Figure 4.4-1 Module Capacity Configuration Interface

Figure 4.4-2 Creating NG Module

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure 4.4-3 Module 1 Configuration Interface

Module 1 Configuration Specification

1 Enter 1 for module number and select module type as OMP, SMP, MSCU or CSU.

2 Rack/shelf/slot: Rack 1, shelf 2 and slot 9

3 CPU number1

4 Signal forwarding loop selection ratio: For any circumstance, enter 1 for module 1.

Figure4.4-4 Module 2 Configuration Interface

Module 2 Configuration Specification

1 Enter 2 for module number and select module type as SMP or MSCU.

2 Rack/shelf/slot: Rack 1, shelf 2 and slot 9

3 CPU number2

4 Signal forwarding loop selection ratio: In case of two modules at one node, enter 2. In case of four
modules at one node, enter 3.
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-5 Module 3 Configuration Interface

Module 3 Configuration Specification

1 Enter 3 for module number and select module type as SMP or MSCU.

2 Rack/shelf/slot: Configure MSCU slot in the interface as physical configuraiton.

3 CPU number: 1

4 Signal forwarding loop selection ratio: In case of four modules at one node, enter 3. For the
module number over four, the configuration is undetermined.

Figure4.4-6 Module 4 Configuration Interface

Module 4 Configuration Specification

1 Enter 3 for module number and select module type as SMP or MSCU.

2 Rack/shelf/slot: Configure MSCU slot in the interface as physical configuraiton.

3 CPU number: 2

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

4 Signal forwarding loop selection ratio: In case of four modules at one node, enter 3.

After adding all modules, modify module 1 capacity configuration as shown in the following

Click the Modify capacity configuration button to modify the current value to be 120,000.

Click OK in the prompt dialog box:

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Click Yes again.

4.4.2 Unit Configuration

Figure4.4-7 Unit Configuration Interface 1

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-8 Unit Configuration Interface 1

Adding procedure:

Select All current node MSU All current node MDU Medium shelf 1 all MSTU (slot 1 to 14)
Medium shelf 2 all MSTU (slot 1 to 14) MSU Configuration

1Adding a MSU

Figure4.4-9 Configuration Interface - Adding a MSU

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-10 Configuration Interface After MSU Allocation

Configuration Specification

Module number: MSU must be configured at OMP. So select module 1 for MSU

2 Configuring 485 supervision parameter

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-11 Configuration Interface - 485 Supervision Parameter

Configuration Specification

Sub-system configuration:

- Range: 0-255

- Default: 0

Unit number: 1 by default

Fan speed grade default configuration:

- 1: 50

- 2: 60

- 3: 70

- 4: 80

- 5: 90

It is recommended to use the default configuration.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual MDU Configuration

1Adding a MDU

Figure4.4-12 Configuration Interface - Adding a MDU

Figure4.4-13 Configuration Interface After MDU Allocation

Configuration Specification

1 Module number: The current version only supports the MDU being configured to CSU. So MDU
can only be configured to Module 1.

2Sub-unit modification

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-14 MDU Sub-Unit Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 Set 12 sub-unit as the signal interface and sub-unit type as 244-SUT_USS_MDU_SIG. The signal
interface can be set as required only if one node has one signal sub-unit.

2 Set the rest sub-units (18, 19, 20, 10 and 11 as medium interfaces. Set the sub-unit type to be

3External port IP modification

Check network ports in MDU hardware backplane. From top to bottom, the sub-units in
sequence should be 18-19-20-10-11-12.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-15 MDU External Port IP Modification

Configuration Specification

1 Configure external port IP, mask and default next-hop IP (NG IP) addresses as required.

2 MAC address: ZTE uses MAC address with 00-d0 head. In construction project, we suggest
configuring on the following principle: 00-d0 - CO number rack/shelf number slot number
unit number

3 L3 check interval: 0

4 Port properties: Electric

5 External port rate configuration: 1000 M

6 Switch over or not: No.

7 Loop back or not: No.

4 Channel access port allocation

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-16 Configuration Interface - Channel Access Port Allocation

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Configuration Specification (If the node contains unicast channel, perform the following configurations 1-3.
Otherwise, ignore.):

1 The configuration refers to add or delete. When carry out add, enter the starting and terminal
circuits. The circuits range from 0 to 399.

2 The external port circuit configuration refers to the channel access port allocation. That is, the IP
and port of the live broadcast source SDP must be configured when a channel is added. The
configuration mirrors to the foreground data table r_channelset. If the information is not configured
or the configuration does not match, when a channel is created, the return application MDU failure
occurs. The first 400 external port inlet resource configurations must be set for each MDU
none-signal external port sub-unit.

3 When the channel access method is multicasting, idle channels must be provided because the added
circuits cant be the multicast access circuits. That is, when USS edge node needs 100 network
multicasting channels to receive the multicast code stream, with 100 idle channels, 0-299 channels
are to be added.

5Unit Extension Modification

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-18 MDU Extension Modificaiton Configuration

MDU external port status: Up by default


Restart all OMP cards after modifying MDU sub-unit type and forwarding module 1
variation table. And then restart all MDU cards. MSTU Configuration

1Adding a MSTU

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-19 Configuration Interface - Adding a MSTU

Configuration Specification

1 Module number: Allocate MSTU according to physical allocation to avoide cross module operation. In
engineering, evenly allocate MSTUs to all modules.

2External port IP modification

Check network port of MSTU hardware backplane. 11 refers to the downlink port and 12
refers to the uplink port.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-20 MSTU External IP Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 Configure external port IP, mask and default next-hop IP (NG IP) addresses as required.

2 MAC address: ZTE uses MAC address with 00-d0 head. In construction project, we suggest
configuring on the following principle: 00-d0 - CO number rack/shelf number slot number
unit number L3

2 Enable L3 check interval, switchover, loopback or not. These three configurations are not enabled
currently. It is recommended to use the default configuration.

3External port rate configuration: 1000 M

3MSTU parameter configuration

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-21 MSTU Parameter Configuration

1 MSTU disk number: Use the default value.

2 MSTU rear plug-in card: Use the default configuration.

4MSTU resource threshold value configuraiton

Modify the MSTU resource threshold value in NetNumen N31 as shown in the following Figure:

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-22 MSTU Active/Standby Configuration Interface

If the file system IO resource is enough, such four resources as internal input bandwidth
resource, internal output bandwidth resource, external input bandwidth resource, external
output bandwidth resourceare are enough too (except for both internal or both external
ports being faulty). So use the default four configurations.

File system IO resource: Configure as required and ensure: the preserved resource
threshold Max. value + Max. FTP preserved percents = 100%.
The following table lists configuration parameters:
The following table lists file system IO resource allocation respectively for marginal node
MSTU, central node and regional node.

The Preserved Resource The Preserved Resource Min. FTP Preservation Max. FTP Preservation
Node Type
Threshold Min. Value(%) Threshold Max. Value(%) (%) (%)

Central node 0 50 20 50

0 50 50 50
0 80 20 20

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Configure as the following for regional node which is providing much service to many

0 60 40 40

5MSTU Active/Standby Configuration

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.4-23 MSTU Active/Standby Configuration (Adding COUPLEID)

Configuration Specification

1Active and standby MSTU cards are two cards.

2MSTU cards 1/3, 2/4, 5/6, 9/10, 11/13 and 12/14 are working as active and standby cards in pair.

3The cross-card two slots can't work in pair.

4MSTU cards must work in pair. Both active and standby cards must be configured. If only one card
is configured, we reserve the right to acquire the commercial responsibility.

5EPG does not belong to USS unit. Dont configure it. Exchange Network Port Rate Configuration

To ensure successful MSTU external network port adaption, the port must be configured to be

4.4.3 Physical Connection Configuration

Add connection configuration to the three shelves. You must configure rack2 shelf1 MSU and rack2 shelf 2
MSU to be connected. Otherwise, the medium planes of two medium shelves can't connect to each other.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-24 Physical Connection Configuration

Figure4.4-25 Physical Connection Configuration - Adding Multiple Shelves

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Click the Add button and select the two MSU numbers to be connected in MSU
number list and the to be connected MSU list.

4.4.4 Module Share Resource Selection Sequence Configuration

Figure4.4-26 Configuration Interface - Module Share Resource Selection Sequence

Figure4.4-27 Module Share Resource Selection Sequence Configuration Entering the Interface

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.4-28 Module Share Resource Selection Sequence Configuration Module 1

Figure4.4-29 Module 1 Share Resource Selection Sequence Configuration After Configuration

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

For a modules backup modules, select all other cards in sequence. For example, for
module 1, its backup card in sequence is 2-3-4. For module 2, its backup card in sequence
is 3-4-1.

4.4.5 USS Node CDN Quota

Figure4.4-30 USS Node CDN Quota Entering the Configuration Interface

Figure4.4-31 USS Node CDN Quota Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 Capacity number: Configure as actual requirements. The capacity number must be less than the
maximum capacity number the USS CDN node is allowed to release. Its value must be no more than
system content capacity in module configuration. For Jiangsu province, configure 120,000 to the
content number.

2 Channel number: Configure as actual requirements. The channel number must be less than the
maximum channel number the USS CDN node is allowed to create.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

3 Storage space: Configure according to disk configuration of the node. The storage space must be less
than the file space which the USS CDN node is allowed to create. Curretly, it mainly refers to VOD
content size and time shift recording partition size. Configure the maximum value that the interface
allows on site.

4.4.6 USS Node VCDN Quota

Figure4.4-32 USS Node VCDN Quota Entering the Configuration Interface

Figure4.4-33 USS Node VCDN Quota

Configuration Specification

VCDN configuration complies with the rule that the total VCDN capacity cant be more
than the sum of the corresponding configurations in CDN.

1 Node number must keep consistent with the VCDN number in the CDN platform.
Refer to section 6.2.6.

2 Content number and channel number: Configure as actual requirements. The content
number must be less than the maximum content number the USS CDN node is allowed to
Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

release. The channel number must be less than the maximum channel number the USS
CDN node is allowed to create. For Jiangsu province, configure 120,000 to the content

3 Storage space: Configure according to disk configuration of the node. The storage
space must be less than the file space which the USS VCDN node is allowed to create.
Curretly, it mainly refers to VOD content size and time shift recording partition size.
Configure the maximum value that the interface allows on site.


If USS contains multiple VCDN nodes, there must configure multiple records. Otherwise,
it can influence the content release or channel creation. For foreground CDN and VCDN,
there are three more fields with actual value: channel number, content number and usable
space. The value of the three fields are not 0, the record table cant be deleted.


If USS contains multiple VCDN nodes, there must configure multiple records.

4.5 Signal Configuration

4.5.1 MLSS Configuration

Figure4.55-1 CDN-MANAGER Configuration Interface Entering the Interface

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.5-2 CDN-MANAGER Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

For the remote server configuration of CDN-MANAGER, it must be consistent to the configuration of service
Manager/home/zxin10/etc/win_mgt.scr. Refer to section 6.1.1.

1 CDN-MANAGER ID is a numbered label. Currently, we configure 1 to identify. For its name,

configure as you like.

2 IP address: Configure the IP address the same to the floating IP address of the service CDN-Manger

3 Port number: 5000, be consistent to the module 1 supervision port in home/zxin10/etc/win_mgt.scr.

4 CO number and module number: Configure Manager module number and CO number to be the
module number and CO number.

5 CDN-MANAGER processing number: 220

6 Method of deleting a channel and a content: Forceful

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

4.5.2 APP Configuration

Figure4.55-3 APP Configuration Interface Entering the Interface

Figure4.55-4 APP Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

Configure APP which connects with USS node or CP node. Generally, USS test environment is simple. So
APP and CDN-Manager can be configured together.

Configuration Specification

1 APP ID can be configured to be any of 1-255.

2 APP processing number: 273

3 APP port number: 4999, it is the number calculated by CDN-MANAGER port number 1, meaning
that APP and CP connection starts with 4999 + 1.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

4 APP processing number 2: all, fixed number: 463

4.5.3 MLSS Communication Configuration

Figure4.55-5 CDN-MANAGER Communication Configuration Interface Entering the Interface

Figure4.55-6 CDN-MANAGER Communication Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 Communication link ID: Currently, a communication link is created in CSU with CDN-MANAGER.
It is numbered 1.

2 MDU sub-system number and MDU sub-unit number: The MDU sub-unit number is configured to
be the signal sub-unit external port.

3 MLSS port number: It is the port number used to connect USS with MLSS. It can be configured by
any number in condition it is consistent with the port configured at MLSS side. In engineering
practice, configure 6000 to all USS nodes.
Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

4 MLSS module number: It is the module number used to connect with MLSS. It must be configured
to CSU module which is currently configured as the module 1.

5 MDU unit number and sub-unit number: It is determined by Figure Figure4.4-3 and Figure4.4-4 in
section 2.

4.5.4 APP Communication Configuration

Figure4.55-7 APP Communication Configuration Interface Entering the Interface

Figure4.55-8 APP Communication Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1. Communication link ID: Configure any.

2. Module number: It is the MSCU module to communicate with APP.

3. MDU sub-system number and MDU sub-unit number: The MDU sub-unit number is
configured to be the signal sub-unit external port.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

4. MLSS port number: It is the port number used to connect USS with APP. It can be
configured by any number in condition it is consistent with the port configured at APP side.
And it does not conflict with MLSS configuration.

5. Relavant APP ID is labeled by the configured APP ID.

Note: Currently, a module is required to connect with APP. So a module is required to be

configured with an APP link.

Add a communication link according to Table 4.55-. Add first two communication links if there are two
modules. And add four links if there are four modules.

Table 4.55-1 APP Communication Configuration Interface Specification

Communication APP Port APP Field Module Relavant APP ID

link ID Number Name Number
1 6001 1 1 1
2 6002 2 2 1
3 6003 3 3 1
4 6004 4 4 1

4.5.5 STB Configuration

Figure4.55-9 STB Communication Configuration Interface Entering the Interface

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

Figure4.55-10 FTP Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 MDU sub-system number and MDU sub-unit number: The MDU sub-unit number is configured to
be the signal sub-unit external port.

2 STB Port Number: 554

4.5.6 FTP Server Configuration

Figure4.55-11 FTP Configuraiton Interface Entering the Interface

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.55-12 FTP Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 FTP Server user and FTP Server passward are both zxuss.

2 Bandwidth (Kbytes) of single-subscriber user-side: The bandwidth is the bandwidth allocated to one
subscriber. Bandwidth refers to the configuration value. As the bandwidth is larger, the speed is
faster and it occupies more resource. By default, it is 2 M.

3 Key: When the Key is transformed into binary numbers. The quantity of 1 must be the same to the
quantity of code characters.


This configuration is not completely used so far. When the main content is dropped down,
it must gain the bandwidth limit. Then when the USS is used as a server, this configuration
must specify MSTU user, password and maximum links.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

4.5.7 Streaming Media Numeric Parameter Configuration

1Select DLSN parameter and click Modify. Then enter 1 in Parameter Value
column. The following Figure shows the configuration interface.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

2Select SSBI parameter and click Modify. Then enter 40 in the Parameter Value column. The following
Figure shows the configuration interface.

Chapter 4 ZXUSS-Side Configuration

After the parameters are successfully modified, a table must be transmitted through EMS. And then
restart MSTUs one by one to activate these parameters.

4.6 Data Transmission

Figure4.66-1 Data Synchronization

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure4.66-2 Data Synchronization Configuraiton Interface

1Select 1 in Module type list and select Specific module R_CONST table in the Command type field. Tick
both check boxes of Transmission type and click Send. Wait till the saving and synchronizing process over.

2Select 1 in Module type list and select Specific module variation relation table in the Command type field.
Tick both check boxes of Transmission type and click Send. Wait till the saving and synchronizing process


Before a table is sent, the configurations described before section 4.6 must be
accomplished. We are not responsible for faulties caused by deregular operation.

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card
This chaptor describes the installation carried by the production line for the first time. For
other engineering occasions, the installation step sequence changes. And refer to section.0

5.1 Uploading Versions

1 Add a version by selecting NetNumen N31 File management as shown in the following Figure.

2 Select Platform server and click OK.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Copy version files to the directory /USS100/USS100 of the Platform server as listed in Table 5.1-1.There are
23 files in total.

The version is saved in the directory c:\netumen\

ums-svr\zxsscfg\zxsscfg-version.par\VERSIONFILE\USS100\USS100 in EMS. The red part refers to the
EMS software installation directory, which needs to be updated in practice.

The version files to be uploaded are 23 files in total including both Linux and KLinux files. The main files are
listed below:

- MSCU CPU version

- FPGA version

- MSTU CPU version

- Watchdog version

- Streaming media version

- MSU CPU version

- MDU microcode version

- 85xx version

- Xscal version

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start

Table5.11-1 lists the version files and specifications.

Table5.11-1 Version List

Panel CPU Function Version Type Version File Name

New Type
MSCU MP CPU USS_MSCU_MP_X86_V1.00.04.01U01_H
(USS\Release\MSCU\MP) .USS

FPGA ZXUSS_MSCU-080101-FPGA_04_H.rbf

Boot MSCU_Boot_H.exe

Reinforcement script mscu_script_h

MSU MSU CPU USS_MSU_MSU_8260_V1.00.04.01U01.B
(USS\Release\MS IN
(USS\Release\MD 01U01.BIN
Microcode MSG_MDU_MDU_V1.00.04.01U01.UOF
USS\Release\MSTU\bigsmp _H.USS
WatchDog zmsscmd_h
Streaming media version R_ZMSS _H.rpm
File system library version USS_MSTU_LIBIPC.so
target_hardware\Lib USS_MSTU_LIBFS.so

Boot MSTU_Boot_bigsmp_H.exe

reinforcement script mstu_script_bigsmp_h

KLinux) (KLinux) USS\Release\MSTU\bigsmp 0.04.01U01_H.USS

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

WatchDog Klinux_zmsscmd_h
Streaming media version R_KLINUX_ZMSS_H.rpm
File system library version KLINUX_USS_MSTU_LIBFS.so
(target_hardware\Lib) KLINUX_USS_MSTU_LIBIPC.so

Boot klinux_boot_h
Boot KLINUX_MSTU_Boot_bigsmp_H.exe
Operation system version OS_KLINUX_USS_MSTU_MSTU_V1.00.
(USS\Release\MSTU\klinux) 04.01U01_H

5.2 Adding Versions

Figure5.22-1 Version Management Interface Entering the Interface

Select Version Maintenance Adding Versions Preview as shown in Figure


Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start

Figure5.22-2 Adding Version Interface 1

Select all of the versions in the left version list and click >> button to release them to the
Version downloading process table.

Table5.22-2 Adding Version Interface 2

Click Download all versions and then upload them to OMP.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

5.3 Uploading Specific Versions

Specific versions refer to versions released by SOMP module 1 CPU, FPGA and

Figure5.33-1 Uploading Specific Versions Interface

Specifying FPGA versions :

Figure5.33-2 Selecting FPGA Version Interface

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start

Select slot 9 and 10 and CPU 1 (no matte it is online or not) by entering corresponding
number as shown in the following Figure.

Figure5.33-3 Configuration Interface - Uploading Specific Versions

Specifying CPU versions :

Figure5.33-4 Selecting CPU Version Interface

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Select slot 9 and 10 and CPU 1 (no matte it is online or not) by entering corresponding
number as shown in the following Figure.

Figure5.33-5 Configuration Interface - Uploading Specific Versions

Configuration Specification

1 Rack number and shelf number: Enter numbers according to actual configuration. The shelf refers to
the control shelf.

2 Slot number: Enter the slot number where SOMP card locates.

3 CPU number: Enter 1.

After configuration, select >> and click Upload

Specify to upload reinforcement scriptmscu_script_h

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start

Select slot 9 and 10 and CPU 1 (they must be online) by entering corresponding number as shown in the
following Figure.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Configuration Specification

1 Rack number and shelf number: Enter numbers according to actual configuration. The shelf refers to
the control shelf.

2 Slot number: Enter the slot number where SOMP card locates.

3 CPU number: Enter 1.

After configuration, select >> and click Upload.

5.4 Setting Version

After version release, it is necessary to set the version as shown in following

Figure5.4-1 Setting Version 1

Select Preview and then select all versions. Click >> to release these versions as shown in
the following Figure.

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start

Figure5.4-2 Setting Version 2

Click the Execute a batch of commands button and wait because the whole process takes
time. When the process is over, a success message prompts up.

Note : After successful version setting, reboot simuteneously the active and standby OMP.
After OMP reboot (it usually takes 15 minutes), transmit all relation tables of module 1
and implement further operation. In addtion, after OMP reboot, NE OMP address changes
to the global property configuraiton - Basic property - IP address. If this IP address is
previously modified, the corresponding BoardIP in background 129 directory
/zxmsg/CommCfg.ini and IPAddr value in file /zxmsg/IpAddrs.cfg. Use new OMP 129
address to create a NE in EMS.

5.5 Checking Version

It is necessary to check versions after version upgrading. This operation allows to check
specific card version, specific module version, all MP versions and batch reboot check as
shown in Figure Figure5.5-1.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure5.5-1 Checking Version Interface

5.6 Starting a Card

5.6.1 MSU

MSU is the prerequisite of starting other card except for OMP. Control Shelf MSU

1 Reset MSU in rack chart.

2 Check if the MSU RUN light flashes.

3 Check if MSU Fabic light is ON.

4 Check if MSU 128 network segment is connected by command PING.

5 Check if MSU is started through the rack chart.

6 Log in MSU through Telnet and enter i to check the starting process.

7 MSU can start normally after it gets versions from OMP. If fault occurs, start again and again till it
is normal. Medium Shelf MSU

1 Accomplish the logic resource allocation in EMS data configuration. The configuration must be
implemented, logic resource configuration physical connection configuration

2 Data transmission method The tables arrive to the forground and activate the configuration data.

3 Power on and start MSU at slot 7 and 8.

4 MSUs in all shelves can be properly powered on and run normally.

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start


1 Main MSUs are located eighter at left-side slots or at right-side slots.

2 In case MSU card poweron error, carry out command PING in OMP to verify if MSU
of the shelf is connected. Ensure the normal operation of cross-shelf control plane

5.6.2 MDU
1 Reset MDU in rack chart.

2 Check if the MDU RUN light flashes.

3 Check if MDU 128 network segment and external port are properly connected by command PING.

4 Check if MDU address is configured by the command ifshow.

5 Check MDU ARP learning related information by the command PrintfArp.

6 So far, there is no general rule for checking all version upload.

5.6.3 MSCU

1. Reset MSCUin rack chart.

2 Check if the MSCU RUN light flashes.

3 Check if MSCU128 network is properly connected by command PING.

4 Connect to MSCU through SSH from a card or server with a port number, 22222, user
name/password, zxiptv/ZTE@uss100.

5 Check MSCU status in rack chart.

6 Check MSCU processing.

5.6.4 MSTUKLinux cards

MSTU with reinforced version 04.01 uses remote SSH to log in with user name/password, sshd/ZTE@uss100. Basic Configuration

1 Ensure the normal running of operation system.

2 After login, check if the three hard disks have been formatted and partitioned.

# cat /proc/partitions

major minor #blocks name

8 0 156290904 sda

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

8 1 136521 sda1

8 2 2104515 sda2

8 3 154039252 sda3

8 16 732574584 sdb

8 17 732572001 sdb1

8 32 732574584 sdc

8 33 732572001 sdc1

8 48 732574584 sdd

8 49 732572001 sdd1

In case of difference from the above display, implement partition and format operations according to the
following description.

# cat /proc/partitions

major minor #blocks name

8 0 156290904 sda

8 1 136521 sda1

8 2 2104515 sda2

8 3 154039252 sda3

8 16 732574584 sdb

8 32 732574584 sdc

8 48 732574584 sdd

The above informaton tells us that sdb, sdc and sdd are the three hard disks connected
to MSTU.

# fdisk /dev/sdb

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 91201.

There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,

and could in certain setups cause problems with:

1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)

2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs


Command (m for help): n

Chapter 5 Version Configuration and Card Start

Command action

e extended

p primary partition (1-4)

Partition number (1-4): 1

First cylinder (1-91201, default 1):

Using default value 1

Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-91201, default 91201):

Using default value 91201

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.

The kernel still uses the old table.

The new table will be used at the next reboot.

Syncing disks.

Repeat the above operation for sdc and sdd one by one.

# cat /proc/partitions

major minor #blocks name

8 0 156290904 sda

8 1 136521 sda1

8 2 2104515 sda2

8 3 154039252 sda3

8 16 732574584 sdb

8 17 732572001 sdb1

8 32 732574584 sdc

8 33 732572001 sdc1

8 48 732574584 sdd

8 49 732572001 sdd1

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

3 Manually implement format operation on the three new partitions.

linux:/home # mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1

meta-data=/dev/sdb1 isize=256 agcount=32, agsize=5723218


= sectsz=512

data = bsize=4096 blocks=183142976,


= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks, unwritten=1

naming =version 2 bsize=4096

log =internal log bsize=4096 blocks=32768, version=1

= sectsz=512 sunit=0 blks

realtime =none extsz=65536 blocks=0, rtextents=0

Format hard disks sdb, sdc and sdd in turn. Check if the format is successful by
executing the following commands.

# parted -s /dev/sdb1 print

Disk geometry for /dev/sdb1: 0.000-715402.344 megabytes

Disk label type: loop

Minor Start End Filesystem Flags

1 0.000 715402.344 xfs Starting Steps

1Reset cards in rack chart.

2Check the processing.

# ps ef | grep ZMSS

root 9380 9379 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:00 /ZMSS/ZMSSMediaFiled d

root 9397 9396 6 Oct16 ? 02:20:05 /ZMSS/ZMSSMediaProcessd -d

root 9406 9405 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:00 /ZMSS/ZMSSUDPRecvd -d

root 9447 9446 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:08 /ZMSS/ZMSSWinTCPd -d

3 Test FTP function.

# ftp

Both user name and password are iptv. Check if FTP function is OK.

Chapter 6 IPTV Service-Side Configuration
6.1 CP Configuration Files

6.1.1 win_mgt.ini Configuration

In directory /home/zxin10/etc, modify win_mgt.scr file. Decode it into win_mgt.ini file

and modify ismpv3 to be 1


module=133 ; CPM module number

postoffice=100 ; CPM CO number

areacode=25 ; CPM area number

ipaddress= ; CPM IP address






listenport=5000,5001,5002,5003 ; set monitoring port

ismpv3=1 ; ZXINOSV2.1.18 or upper version, this configuration is used

to avoid MP linking mode for purpose of simplifying configurations. The 8000C module
information configuraiton can be saved.


6.1.2 cdn_common.ini Configuration


Before version 3.04.01, the configuration file is cdn.ini. CDNM


CDNActive=1 ;start CDN

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual



CMSActive=1 ; start CMS interface module

OSSActive=1 ; start OSS interface module

CPActive=1 ; start CPAgent module




CDNmodule = 133 ;CDNMgr configuration

CDNpost = 129

CMSmodule = 133 ;local CMS configuration

CMSpost = 129

OSSmodule = 133 ;local OSS configuration

OSSpost = 129

SLPmodule = 133 ;local service logic SLP configuration

SLPpost = 129

CPMmodule = 133 ;CPMgr configuration

CPMpost = 129




TcpThreadNum= 3




MultiPathFlg=0 ;0:not support multiple path, 1:support multiple path

syncTimer=600 ;syncdata timer out threshold, Unit: 100ms


Chapter 6 IPTV Service-Side Configurationt

Mode=3 ;0:

deploymode=1 ;0:POP node deploy mode 1:uss node deploy

mode default is 0

ALARMTimer=100 ;ALARM CHECK Cycle Timer, Unit: 100ms

ALARMTimeOut=20 ;ALARM CHECK Timeout, Unit: 100ms

ALARMLimit=5 ;ALARM CHECK Error Limit CPM+CPA Installation


CDNActive=1 ;start CDN




CMSActive=1 ;start CMS interface module

OSSActive=1 ;start OSS interface module

CPActive=1 ;start CP module



SDFDirect=1 ;use SDF for service logic


Mode = 3 ;1:manager,2:agent,3:manager+agent -----CPMgr and CPAgent

can be set together.

USEGBK=0 ; 0 :use GBK conv, other: not conv

[XSCSM] -----x.c configuration, receiving EPG message

and translating to SLP in transcent mode.

DeviceType = 5

DeviceID =1

TermID =3 -----keep consistent with terminal number

zxin10.ini pno=273

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual


Use 1 for CPMgr independent deployment. If CPAgent is started, x.c terminal number in
zxin10.ini must be configured.

6.2 CDN Platform Configuration

6.2.1 Node Management

Figure6.2-1 Node Management Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 ZXUSS father node should be configured according to field rquirements.

2 Enter node name, bandwidth threshold, storage threshold and cocurrency threshold according to
physical configuration.

3 Node weight: 1

4 IP segment management mode: node-class IP segment management

5 Start POP unit classification management: Disabled

6 Recording mode: Unified storage method

Chapter 6 IPTV Service-Side Configurationt

6.2.2 Agent Management

Figure6.2-2 Agent Management Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 Node name: Select the newly created ZXUSS node.

2 Agent name and IP: Consistent with the SCP IP configured in CDN-MANAGER win_mgt.ini file.

3 Port number: 1555

4 Module number and CO number: Input CDN-Manager module number and CO number.

6.2.3 POP Unit Management

Figure6.2-3 POPUnit Management Configuration Interface

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Configuration Specification

1 POP unit name: self defined

2 USS unit IP address and USS unit signal IP address: Enter the MDU signal IP addrss.

3 USS unit signal port: Enter 554.

4 USS unit logic space limit: 750*3*0.8*n/2, n refers to the MSTU card number.

5 USS unit logic cocurrency stream limit: 400*n, n refers to the MSTU card number.

Figure6.2-4 Configuraiton After Adding POP Unit

After a ZXUSS node POP unit is added, get the unit ID and add it to the USS global
configuration as shown in Figure Figure4.1-53.

6.2.4 ZXUSS Device Management

Figure6.2-5 USS Device Management Configuraiton Interface

Chapter 6 IPTV Service-Side Configurationt

Configuration Specification

1 Node name and POP unit name: Select the same one as used in section 6.2.1 and 6.2.3.

2 Service unit number: 1 for all USSs

3 Module number: 1 for all USSs

4 CO number: Be consistent with the number set in section 4.1.1 and associates with 6.1.1
configuration file. The CO number is unique and starts with 1. Make a good plan beforhand as the
number increases.

5 Thread number: 436

6.2.5 USS Unit FTP Management

Figure6.2-6 USS Node Unit Management

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure6.2-7 USS Unit FTP Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 Node name and POP unit name: Select the same one as used in section 6.2.1 and 6.2.3.

2 FTP address: Enter an any MSTU external network IP address of this USS node.

3 FTP port: 21

4 FTP user name/password: iptv

6.2.6 VCDN Management

Figure6.2-8 VCDN Management

For pilot commissions, ensure VCDN number is consistent with the service operators ID.
Both are digits.

Chapter 6 IPTV Service-Side Configurationt

Ensure the VCDN number is the same to USS-side configuration. For reference, see 4.4.6.

6.2.7 VCDN Node Configuration

Figure6.2-9 VCDN Node Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 VCDN name and node name: Configure according to configurations in section 6.2.5 and 6.2.1.

2 VCDN node name: Self defined, be unified globally.

3 Channel number to be created

4 Preserved space and preserved bandwidth

5 Enable aging function or not: No.

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration
7.1 Remote Management
In engineering, the ZXUSS CO-side 129 is installed together with EMS. Start USS remote maintennace and
manage operations through remote EMS for after-configuraiton maintenance.

1 Configuring local SOMP remote maintenance IP

Figure7.1-1 Entering Global Property Configuration Interface

Figure7.1-2 Basic Property Configuration Interface

Configuration Specification

1 Maintenance IP address 1: Set SOMP remote IP. Usually, it is a public network IP.
ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

2 Maintenance IP address 1 mask code: Set SOMP remote maintenance address mask code.

2 Configuring OMC destination route

Figure7.1-3 Entering OMC Destination Route Configuration Interface

Figure7.1-4 Adding Remote EMS Route Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 Destination IP: Remote maintenance EMS IP address. Usually, it is a public network floating IP of
the service dual-standby EMS.

2 Destination mask: It is determinded by the remote maintenance EMS and can be reached by the

3 Next-hop address: Local SOMP remote maintenance IP network gateway configuration

3 Adding NEs through remote EMS

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

Figure7.1-5 Adding NEs

Figure7.1-6 Adding NEs Basic Property Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 Domain name: Any name

2 Location: Enter its name according to actual location.

3 User name and password: admin, which is the default configuration of NE management, irrelated to
EMS Client user name and password, admin.

4 NE module: Any, which is irrelated to the project

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

Figure7.1-7 Adding NE Protocol Property Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 IP1: Enter management USS node SOMP remote maintenance IP taking reference of Figure7.1-2.

2 Port: 5057 (fixed)

3 EMP module number: 157, which ranges from 144 to 254. For SOMPs of one USS node, the EMP
module number cant conflict over one network. Previously, the local USS SOMP module is
numberd 156. For one newly added remote maintenance EMS and a NE, the EMP is numbered 157
and so on.

4 Checking NE status after it is added

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

Figure7.1-8 Entering Resource Information Maintenance Interface

Figure7.1-9 Checking NE Agent Information Interface

Check specification:

If the addtion is a success, the NE script number is not null, link status is Normal link and link token is valued
by digits but not -1.

After the addition, it supports adding global USS nodes in one remote maintenance EMS and implementing
unified management.

7.2 NTP Configuration

7.2.1 NTP Server-End Configuration

1 After the TP Server is specified, start NTP service and add all network segments with NTP Client.
Otherwise, when NTP Client initiates a query, NTP Server will not response.

# vi /etc/ntp.conf

# Permit time synchronization with our time source, but do not

# permit the source to query or modify the service on this system.

#restrict default nomodify notrap noquery

#Disable all NTPs which require encapsulation.

restrict default ignore

#restrict default ignore notrust

#This Client source is taken as an unbelievable network field unless the Client is

# Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

# be tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of

# the administrative functions.

## Enable the internal recursive network interface lo.


# -- CLIENT NETWORK -------

# Permit systems on this network to synchronize with this

# time service. Do not permit those systems to modify the

# configuration of this service. Also, do not use those

# systems as peers for synchronization.

# restrict mask nomodify notrap

#restrict mask nomodify notrap

#restrict mask nomodify


#Enable the active equipment IP too. For SCP, enter active equipment network card
IP and floating IP at the active equipment and enter standby equipment network card IP
and floating IP at the standby equipment.




#Open to local network segment including IMP/EPG/WEB/CDR. Enter the network

segment where the SCP locates.

restrict mask nomodify

#Configure all agents including the added new ones. Add related configurations for
new agents.

#AGENT configuration uses the active equipment address with the mask address It is prohibited to use network segment method.

#Central node AGENT

restrict CenterAgent_IP mask nomodify

#Marginal node 1

restrict EdgeAgent1_IP mask nomodify

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

#Marginal node 2

restrict EdgeAgent2_IP mask nomodify


#Marginal node N

restrict EdgeAgentN_IP mask nomodify


#Configure Manager visit time server here. Normally it refers to the Internet time
server or other specified server.

#In this example, we use the Internet time server as the synchronization clock source.


server prefer


server prefer

#other time server

server 0.pool.ntp.org

server 1.pool.ntp.org

server 2.pool.ntp.org

#Here configure Manager time server can visit Manager. Otherwise, the time can't be

restrict mask nomodify notrap

restrict mask nomodify notrap

2 Restart NTP service after modification.

# /etc/init.d/ntpd restartturbo

# /etc/init.d/xntpd restartsuse

3 Monitor NTP signal interaction after a few minutes.

# tcpdump upp port 123 -i provides service network card

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

7.2.2 USS NTP- Side Configuration

Figure7.2-1 Entering NTP Server Configuration Interface

Figure7.2-2 Adding NTP Server Parameter Configuration

Configuration Specification

1 Server IP address: Enter the NTP service-end IP address.

2 Protocol port number: 123UDP

3 Use GMT or not: 1 - Yes

4 NTP synchronizing period: 20s by default

5 For backup server IP and the second backup server IP, enter the default if they are not
configured. For backup port number and the second backup port number , enter the default 0 if they
are not configured. It is prohibited to use the IP address the same to the server IP.

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

NTP networking is architecture by multiple levels. USS can be the NTP Server of the
lower level node. In such an occasion, it is necessary to configure the marginal NTP as
shown in Figure7.2-3.

Figure7.2-3 Entering Marginal NTP Configuration Interface

Figure7.2-4 Marginal NTP Configuration

After NTP configuration, check if NTP signal message can be captured by monitoring in
NTP Server. If NTP signal can be captured, that indicates NTP configuration a success. At
USS side, a few minutes wait is needed. Then log in SOMP or MSTU to check time.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

7.3 EMS Tool Box

7.3.1 Command Line Terminal

Figure7.3-1 Entering Tool Box

Figure7.3-2 Command Line Terminal Operation Interface

The following lists the advantages of the command line and terminals:

1 When EMS picture interface does not work due to version error, the operation can be implememted
by command line and terminals.
Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

2 Some specific functions cant be accomplished in the man-machine interface but can be
accomplished by command line. For example, carry out the command line GET_MPTABLE_LIST
to get all foreground tables.

3 Command line terminals can implement batch management operation.

7.3.2 Probe

The functions of probe is to check the foreground database content and foreground equipment status. Foreground Database Introduction

USS1 database management has different data resources including USS node descriptive data, file system data,
USS node internal data, service related data and CDN load balance and resource selection machinism data.

1 USS node descriptive data includes:

1 Rack, shelf, card and CPU configuration table, type table and data table.

2 NE configuration information table

3 Module, unit, sub-unit and circuit configuration table, relation table

4 Card operation version table

5 Subscriber stream resource data and numeric parameter table

2 File system related data includes:

1 FAS equipment system data

2 File naming space data

3 Chunk naming space data

4 FAS data description storage data

3 USS node internal data

1 CDN related table

2 VCDN related table

3 Equipment resource table

4 MDU2400 sub-card statistics table

5 Channel related table

6 Node networking configuration table

7 CDN-MANAGER, APP and FTP configuration table

8 USS node configuration table

4 Service related data

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

1 Content allocation table

2 Channel information table

3 Record and play plan table

4 Play plan description table

5 Program list information table

5 CDN load balancing and resource selection machinism data includes:

1 MSTU specific influence factor table

2 Service description table

3 MSTU resource occupation statistics table Usual Tables

1 Content allocation table R_CDNCAP

Content allocation table R_CDNCAP describes USS node CDN quota information, mainly related to content
service operations. As to protocol, it is managed by CSU. So the table does not contain modules. The reason to
list the occupation and statistics information such as current content and channel in this table is because the
information must be saved as static data and must be differed from the dynamic statistics information such as
the subscriber concurrency stream and bandwidth.

Table7.3-1 Content Allocation Table

Field Name Type Description

NodeID BYTE[NODEID_MAX] Node number, 18 characters
Contentmax DWORD Content number to be added including record and play content
Chnlmax WORD Channel number to be created including virtual channels
Disksize DWORD Max. query allowed storage space
Contentnum DWORD Currently added content number including record and play content
(foreground generation and to be protected while being transmitted)
Chnlnum WORD Currently created channel number including virtual channels (foreground
generation and to be protected while being transmitted)
Useddisksize DWORD Currently occupied storage space, which is different from the actual disk
space in FAS equipment, the space size also depends on the record and
play copy number in case copies are needed (foreground generation and
to be protected while being transmitted)

Use this table to check the rest unoccupied space when channel creation failure occurs because of inadequate
storage space.

2 Content allocation table R_CONTENT

Content allocation table R_CONTENT describes content information of USS node.

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

Table7.3-2 Content Allocation Table

Field Type Description

CID BYTE[20] Content number
Tasked Task number
Nodeid BYTE [NODEID_MAX] Node number
Fullname BYTE [CNAME_LENGTH] Content complete directory, refers to the destination storage directory
at the local USS not including the root directory set by USS for
content storage, CDN-MANAGER needs to be redirected.
Csize DWORD Content size
Mediatype DWORD Media resource coding type
Duration DWORD File length, unit: sec
Donetime BYTE [USS_TIMELENGTH] Content record creation time
Count DWORD Content visit times
Status BYTE Content release status
Sdp BYTE[SDPLENGTH_MAX] File SDP description

This table is used to check VCDN which a program belongs to. Sometimes, VOD and live broadcast failure is
caused by the corresponding VCDN not able to be found. In addition, SDP description can check if the
corresponding MDU media port resource is configured or not.

3 Subscriber stream resource data R_STREAM

R_STREAM describes the resource number occupied by each stream. The information can gained through the
resource type one applies. It records the resource occupation information according to the database stream
record. When the information is released, no judgement based on service type is needed. At the same time, the
Index can be used as the service and MSTU data field ID.

Table7.3-3 Subscriber Stream Resource Data Table

Field Name Data Type Remarks

SubSystem BYTE Sub-system number in the system
Unit WORD Unit number in sub-system
Sunit BYTE Sub-unit number in the unit
Index WORD Circuit number in the sub-unit
Stime DB_SEIZERS_TIME Resource starting time (not configured for dynamic field on the
Time DWORD Resource ending time (not configured for dynamic field on the background)
Status WORD Circuit status (not configured for dynamic field on the background)
Count WORD Circuit being occupied times (not configured for dynamic field on the
udpport WORD UDP number (not configured for dynamic field on the background)
channelcode DWORD Channel number

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

rescpu DWORD CPU capacity occupied this time (not configured for dynamic field on the
resfileio DWORD File system IO capacity occupied this time (not configured for dynamic field
on the background)
resinrev DWORD Internal port input bandwidth occupied this time (not configured for dynamic
field on the background)
resinsend DWORD Internal port output bandwidth occupied this time (not configured for
dynamic field on the background)
resextrev DWORD External port input bandwidth occupied this time (not configured for
dynamic field on the background)
resextsend DWORD External port output bandwidth occupied this time (not configured for
dynamic field on the background)
isvod DBBOOL

R_STREAM table is used to check the circuit status, which can also be checked by watching the physical
circuit status.

4 Sub-unit relation table R_SUNIT

Sub-unit relation table is controlled by such physical devices as the card, DSP and PCM. For a platform,
physical devices also include the unit CPU sub-card. The sub-unit describes their logic information. For the
platform hardware, the CPU sub-unit is numberd from 1 to 8. For other sub-units, they are numbered with 9 as
a starting.

Table7.3-4 Sub-Unit Relation Table

System WORD System Number

SubSystem BYTE Sub-system number
Unit WORD Unit number
Sunit BYTE CPU/DSP/ASIC/E1/T1 number in the unit
SUnitType WORD CPU/DSP/ASIC/E1/T1 sub-unit type
PreQUE WORD When the sub-unit type is modified and the modification causes QUE change, the
field saves the previous QUE information.
QUE WORD Sub-unit number in the same type of sub-units
PreSunitSeq WORD
SunitSeq WORD
IPMedia IPA Sub-unit media plane IP address
MACType BYTE Sub-unit media plane MAC address configuration type
LocalPortNum WORD Sub-unit FE/GE port number corresponding to NEs
Info DWORD Sub-unit working mode corresponding to E1 CRC4,
0: CRC multiframe
1: dualframe
2: CAS multiframe
3: CAS multiframe with CRC
Status DWORD Status label
ExtSUNITTYPE WORD Sub-unit type defined by external equipment

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

tag DWORD Channel associated signaling configuration

tag1 DWORD Channel associated signaling configuration

This table is used to check status. MSTU number 16 sub-unit is streaming media, which can be checked by
checking the sub-unit table.

5 USS sub-unit attachment relation table R_SUNITEX

Sub-unit attachment relation table is controlled by such physical devices as the card, DSP and PCM. For a
platform, physical devices also include the unit CPU sub-card. The sub-unit describes their logic information.
For the platform hardware, the CPU sub-unit is numberd from 1 to 8. For other sub-units, they are numbered
with 9 as a starting. For the access J10 module, the sub-unit number begins with 1.

Table7.3-5 Sub-Unit Attachment Relation Table

System WORD System Number

SubSystem BYTE Sub-system number
Unit WORD Unit number
Sunit BYTE CPU/DSP/ASIC/E1/T1 number in the unit
SUnitType WORD CPU/DSP/ASIC/E1/T1 sub-unit type
macmedia T_MAC Sub-unit media plane (DSP, CPU or ASIC) MAC address
mgpcm BYTE
mghwset WORD hw group corresponding to sub-unit (hw group associates with unit commonly and
here it is for backup use)
MgRackno WORD Management rack number containing the sub-unit
MgShelfno BYTE Management shelf number containing the sub-unit
MgSlotno BYTE Management slot number containing the sub-unit
MgHw WORD HW line corresponding to sub-unit (DT connecting between modules or remote
user unit DT is enabled)
UDPbaseport WORD VTC and RTP sub-units internal starting port 0
UDPportstep BYTE VTC and RTP channel port occupation number
VTCparaid BYTE VTC sub-unit parameter ID and r_vtcpara table associates
RTPIP IPA MDU or MSTU external port IP address
RTPMASK IPA MDU or MSTU external port IP mask
RTPNEXTHOP IPA MDU or MSTU external port next-hop IP address
ExtSUNITTYPE WORD Sub-unit type defined on J10
Tag BYTE 0: Signaling mode
1: COMM mode
Tag1 DWORD Attached properties
Tag2 DWORD Attached properties
payload DWORD Vtc sub-unit coding and decoding capacity
slcingain BYTE
slcoutgain BYTE
vtccapnum WORD Vtc sub-unit comsumed capacity number (not configured for dynamic field on the
pcm BYTE ISUP switching CO PCM number

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

subcard BYTE VTC card sub-card number

dspno BYTE VTC card sub-card DSP number

This table is used to check if the external port IP address is configured or not.

6 MSTU resource occupation statistics table R_MSTURES

Table7.3-6 MSTU Resource Occupation Statistics Table

Field Name Type Description

subsystem BYTE Sub-system number
unit WORD Unit number
restype BYTE Resource type: 1, CPU resource
resmax DWORD Max. resource value
restorehigh BYTE File system Max. preserved percents: 0-100
restorelow BYTE File system Min. preserved percents: 0-100
ftpstorehigh BYTE FTP Max. preserved percents: 0-100
ftpstorelow BYTE FTP Min. preserved percents: 0-100
resblock DWORD[2] Network port blocking number, recording respectively by two network port
filesysused DWORD Resource number occupied by file system
serused DWORD Resource number occupied by service
ftpused DWORD Resource number occupied by FTP
isalarm BYTE Alarm sent or not (to avoid sending an alarm repetively)

This table is used to check such information as isalarm, filesysused, serused and ftpused.
In Restype, 1 refers to CPU, 2 to FTPIO, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively corresponding to
internal and external output and input. If there is not content released but still there is FTP
resource occupied, that means problem. The solution is to restart SOMP.

7.3.3 Signal Tracing

Signal tracing is used to check signals and protocols. The RTSP tracing and WINTCP
tracing are frequently used as shown in Figure Figure7.3-3 and Figure7.3-4.

Chapter 7 Maintenance After Configuration

Figure7.3-3 WINTCP Signal Tracing Interface

Messages sent by CDN-MANAGER are generally based on WINTCP.

Figure7.3-4 RTSP Signal Tracing Interface

Messages sent by STB are generally based on RTSP.

ZXUSS VS8000C (V1.0) Multimedia Server System Installation Debug Manual

7.3.4 Diagnosis Test

Diagnosis test is to test communication of the units in the media server module, to check if
server system hardware works properly, to ensure timely fault location and troubleshooting
and the server's normal operation.

Diagnosis test can implement timely test, routine test and execution of a batch of

This test is often used to timely locate communication fault in the installation system or
when a communication fault is detected. For example, for the internal communication test
between cards, use card diagnosis test or between-card diagnosis test; for card external
port communication, use external stream test to check if the external port is reachable and
its communication status.

Figure7.3-5 Diagnosis Test Operation Interface


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