Lesson 3 - Individuals in The Community

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Individuals in the Community

Subject: Social Studies Grade: 9
Topic: Essential Question (from unit, if applicable): What are the roles of different
individuals in a community? How does worldview affect individuals?

4 large sheets of paper with communities on them from last class
Phones, computers, iPads for padlet brainstorming activity & blogging
Create Your Own Society rubric and handout

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Prior to this lesson students will have learned what a community is and how
communities differ. They will know that different communities benefit differently from
societal institutions. Students will understand what roles different individuals have in
different communities. They will know multiple roles/expectations/responsibilities
different individuals have in the community.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Sense of Self, Community, and Place: by researching the different individuals in a
community the students will gain a sense of self and how they fit into their community
and greater society.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Develop Thinking: Students will think critically about how different communities use
different institutions and the people within those institutions. They will consider how
roles in communities change dependent on the kind of community these people are in.
Develop Identity and Independence: By researching roles in the community,
students will begin to understand their role in the community. By being given the choice
to research a role of their choice and teach it to other students they will gain
responsibility and independence within their own learning.

IN9.1 Explain what constitutes a society
IN9.1 b. Investigate the roles of individuals in the institutions of the local community, including the expectations
attached to those roles (e.g., school: student, principal, teacher, caretaker, secretary; hospital: doctor, nurse,
traditional healer, receptionist, paramedic, medical technician, patient).

PGP Goals:
2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately use of
computers for research, use of padlet for brainstorming
4.3 the capacity to engage in program planning to shape lived curriculum
that brings learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables together in
developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive and meaningful ways
allowing the students to research roles that are important to them, and then learning
about new roles from other students. Applying their knowledge to real-life situations
and thinking critically about what they have learned and how it applies to their lives and
the lives of others.

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
Checking in with groups during research and JIGSAW and asking them questions:
Why do you think your role is important
What do you need to be able to accomplish your goal
Do you think that the kind of community this individual lives in would influence
how well they can perform their responsibilities and complete what is expected of

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.
Exit slip: (this is done on the class blog on Wix) after reading their exit slip I will be able
to tell if they understood the indicator. These will not be marked, but rather just read for
Stage 3- Procedures:

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

Write our indicator for the lesson on the board: Investigate the roles of individuals in the
institutions of the local community, including the expectations attached to those roles
(10 min): Bring out the 4 large sheets of paper that the students have filled out from last
class on different kinds of communities & the institutions that are within them.
Brainstorm as a class the individuals who make up these institutions (doctors,
teachers, lawyers, families, workers)
** Use Padlet for this (password is social9) https://padlet.com/mcmurtryleah/utlknkdtbmjl

Main Procedures/Strategies:
(30-45 min): The students will pair up based on ability to ensure that the work load is
being shared equally. Each pair will pick a role (that we brainstormed earlier) to
research together.
They will be expected to make a summary of the role/individual and their
expectations/responsibilities they hold within the community.
(20 min) JIGSAW: We will then make groups of 4 and have each pair explain their
role/responsibilities/expectations as if they are that person

Closing of lesson:
(10 min): Exit Slip: Write on board for them to copy and answer:
Pick one person that you know and discuss their role in our community.
How does what they do effect your life? How does it effect the lives of other
people? How does it effect our society? Our world?
Do you think the community this person lives in depends on how well they can
perform their role?

(5 min): Split into Create Your Own Society groups and have the students decide how
they will split up the responsibilities of the project. Have them hand in a
Responsibilities paper (can be just a rough copy on loose leaf)

Personal Reflection:
*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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