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Access Level 6: Essay Exam (Original)

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Instructions: Mark and correct the errors in the following essay.

Nicaragua is a country that has been growing both economically and culturally in the last
century. Despite its many obstacles, both avoidable and unavoidable, the people of
Nicaragua have fought to preserve their country. From natural disasters that devastated
the country such as the major earthquakes and hurricanes, to civil wars and revolutions,
Nicaragua has been through many trials in its brief history. Today Nicaragua is a relatively
peaceful country in comparison to its neighbors. Many people attribute the lack of
violence to the National Police. The police have diligently prevented drug trade, petty
crimes, and traffic violations which has improved the overall morale of the country.

Despite countries to the north and south of Nicaragua facing deadly problems with drug
gangs, none of this exists in Nicaragua. The police have exercised relative control over
the drug trade in Nicaragua, with a policy summarized as the following: if you dont
cause us problems, we wont cause you problems. It is widely known that drug trade
does pass through Nicaragua. The borders of Nicaragua run from the Atlantic to the
Pacific Ocean. Drug production stretches from Colombia and reaches the United States
somehow. The unwritten national policy is that the drug dealers can pass through
Nicaragua without any problems from the National Police as long as they dont cause any
problems as they move through the country. Once an issue does arise, the drug police
move in quickly to neutralize the problem. Drug dealers know the deal and try their best
to just move their product through the country quietly in order to get it to the United
States, where the real profit is made.

The mortality (death) and crime rate in Nicaragua is relatively low compared to similar
countries as well. This can be attributed to the fact that the population has a rather
peaceful culture. Many people still remember the revolution and do not ever want to see
the country fall back into such violence. As a result, most people try their best to avoid
disagreements. Most crime committed in Nicaragua is considered petty crime, crimes
such as theft and property damage. Most of these petty crimes are committed by
extreme poor people who have no other option but to steal for their survival. The
government has been good about starting social programs to help the poor class,
through programs such as social security (INSS), free education, and free housing. In
cooperation with the National Police, Nicaraguas social climate has greatly improved in
the past few decades.

As the economy continues to grow, more and more people are able to afford a car or
truck. This has increased to amount of vehicles on the road drastically in the past 5
years. The government has diligently built and paved new roads to match the growth in
vehicles. Newer cars, smooth paved roads, and more roads has caused an increase in
traffic accidents. Drivers in newer cars and drive faster. Smooth, paved roads mean cars
can go much faster than on dirt roads. And more roads means more chances for
accidents. The police have worked hard setting up check points to make sure cars are
registered, properly maintained and inspected, and drivers are wearing helmets and have
valid drivers licenses.

Without the hard work of the National Police, Nicaragua would not be able to advance as
a country, culture, and economy. Through preventing drug violence, limited petty crimes,
and protecting our streets, the National Police play a key role in Nicaragua.

Access Level 6: Essay Exam (Answer Key)

Name: Date:

Instructions: Mark and correct the errors in the following essay.

nicaragua was coutry that has been growing both economic and culturally in the last
century. Despite its many obstacles, both avoidable And unavoidable, the person of
nicaragua have fought to preserve his country. From natural disasters that devastated
country such as the major earthquakes and huracans, to civil wars and revoluciones,
Nicaragua has been Through many trials in its brief History. Today nicaragua is a
relatively peaceful country in comparison to its neighbors. many people attribute the lack
of violence to the National Police. The police have diligently prevented drogas trade,
petty crimes, and traffic violacions which has improved the overall morale of the

Despite countries to north and sur de nicaragua facing deadly problems of drug gangs,
none of those exists in Nicaragua. The police have exercises relative control over the
drug trade on Nicaragua, with a policy summarized as the following: if your dont cause
us problems, we wont cause you problems. is widely known that drug trade did pass to
Nicaragua. The borders of Nicaragua run from the ocean Atlantic to the Pacific. Drug
production stretches from Colombia and reaches the United States somehow. the
unwritten national policy were that the drug dealers would pass through nicaragua
without problem from the National Police as long as they doesnt because any
problems as they move on the country. Once a issue do arises: the drug police move on
quickly to neutralize the problem. Drug dealers now the deal and try there worst to just
moves their product through the country quietly in order to get it to United States, where
the real prophet is make.

The Mortality (death) and crime rate in Nicaragua was relatively low comparatively to
similar countries as well, Those can be attributed to the fact that the Population were
the rather peaceful culture. Many people still remember the revolution and does not
ever want to see the country fall back into such Violence. As a result, most people try
their best to avoid disagree. Many crime committed in Nicaragua is considered petty
crime, crimes such as theft and property damage. Most of this petty crimes is
committed by extreme poor people who have no other opcion but to steal for theyre
survival. The Government have been good about start social program to help the poor
classes, thru programs such as social security (INSS), free Education, and free Housing.
in cooperation with the National Police. Nicaraguas social climate has greatly improved
in the past few decades.

As economy continue to grow, more and more person are able to afford a car or truck,
These has increased to amount of vehicles in the road drastically in the past 5 years,
The government has diligently built and paved new roads to match the growth on
vehicles, newer cars, smooth paved roads, and more roads has causes a increase in
traffic accidents. Drivers in newer cars driven faster. Smooth, paved roads mean cars
can go much fastest than on dirt roads. And more roads means more chances for
Accidents. The police is worked hard setting up check points to make sure cars are
registered, properly maintained and inspected, and drivers are wearing helmets and have
valid drivers licenses.

Without Hard Work of the National Police, nicaragua was not be able to advance as a
country, culture, and economy, Through preventing drug violence, limited petty crimes,
and protecting our streets, the National Police play a key role in nicaragua.

Access Level 6: Essay Exam (Exam)

Name: Date:

Instructions: Mark and correct the errors in the following essay.

nicaragua was coutry that has been growing both economic and culturally in the last
century. Despite its many obstacles, both avoidable And unavoidable, the person of
nicaragua have fought to preserve his country. From natural disasters that devastated
country such as the major earthquakes and huracans, to civil wars and revoluciones,
Nicaragua has been Through many trials in its brief History. Today nicaragua is a
relatively peaceful country in comparison to its neighbors. many people attribute the lack
of violence to the National Police. The police have diligently prevented drogas trade,
petty crimes, and traffic violacions which has improved the overall morale of the coutry.

Despite countries to north and sur de nicaragua facing deadly problems of drug gangs,
none of those exists in Nicaragua. The police have exercises relative control over the
drug trade on Nicaragua, with a policy summarized as the following: if your dont cause
us problems, we wont cause you problems. is widely known that drug trade did pass to
Nicaragua. The borders of Nicaragua run from the ocean Atlantic to the Pacific. Drug
production stretches from Colombia and reaches the United States somehow. the
unwritten national policy were that the drug dealers would pass through nicaragua
without problem from the National Police as long as they doesnt because any problems
as they move on the country. Once a issue do arises: the drug police move on quickly to
neutralize the problem. Drug dealers now the deal and try there worst to just moves their
product through the country quietly in order to get it to United States, where the real
prophet is make.
The Mortality (death) and crime rate in Nicaragua was relatively low comparatively to
similar countries as well, Those can be attributed to the fact that the Population were the
rather peaceful culture. Many people still remember the revolution and does not ever
want to see the country fall back into such Violence. As a result, most people try their
best to avoid disagree. Many crime committed in Nicaragua is considered petty crime,
crimes such as theft and property damage. Most of this petty crimes is committed by
extreme poor people who have no other opcion but to steal for theyre survival. The
Government have been good about start social program to help the poor classes, thru
programs such as social security (INSS), free Education, and free Housing. in cooperation
with the National Police. Nicaraguas social climate has greatly improved in the past few

As economy continue to grow, more and more person are able to afford a car or truck,
These has increased to amount of vehicles in the road drastically in the past 5 years, The
government has diligently built and paved new roads to match the growth on vehicles,
newer cars, smooth paved roads, and more roads has causes a increase in traffic
accidents. Drivers in newer cars driven faster. Smooth, paved roads mean cars can go
much fastest than on dirt roads. And more roads means more chances for Accidents. The
police is worked hard setting up check points to make sure cars are registered, properly
maintained and inspected, and drivers are wearing helmets and have valid drivers

Without Hard Work of the National Police, nicaragua was not be able to advance as a
country, culture, and economy, Through preventing drug violence, limited petty crimes,
and protecting our streets, the National Police play a key role in nicaragua.

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