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Lesson 6 Worldview

Subject: Social Studies Grade: 9
Topic: Essential Question (from unit, if applicable): What is worldview? What
factors shape different worldviews in a society?

Whiteboard and writing utensils

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
The students will have to understand the concept of society and community. They will
know that cooperation is not always the heart of society. They will have to be able to
keep an open mind and be able to have respectful and mutually beneficial

Broad Areas of Learning:

Sense of Self, Community, and Place: students will understand the diverse cultures of
our Country and Province, and understand that each have their own worldview. By
understanding worldview students will begin to understand, respect, and appreciate,
themselves and others.
Lifelong Learners: students will understand and appreciate not only their own worldview,
but the worldview of our Aboriginal Peoples as well. They will engage in inquiry and
collaborate to discover experiences that interest themselves and others.
Engaged Citizens: Students will feel more confident standing up for themselves and
others, and act for the common good as engaged citizens after learning about worldview
and the different lenses through which we see the world.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Develop Thinking: students will think contextually and critically about their own
worldview and how they view others for theirs.
Develop Identity and Independence: students will learn how to care for themselves by
understanding how they see the world might sometimes be different than others, but
every worldview deserves respect.
Develop Literacies: students will construct an understanding of worldview through
articles and conversation.
Develop Social Responsibility: students will gain responsibility by understanding that
everyone sees situations through different lenses. They will feel more ready to take
social action because they will be educated on worldview.

IN9.2 Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place,
culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.
IN9.2 b. Define the concept of worldview

PGP Goals:

1.3 a commitment to social justice and the capacity to nurture an inclusive and equitable environment for the
empowerment of all learners

I will achieve this goal by letting the students be catalysts in their own understanding. We will observe
how different people might view the article differently based on their culture, background, knowledge
I will make sure that students are being respectful and feel safe to give their responses in my classroom.

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
I will walk around and listen to each groups discussion of the article.
At the end of the lesson, as a group, we will discuss how our worldview affected how we
read this story. By this discussion I will be able to tell who understands worldview and
how each person sees the world through a different lens, and why that is.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.
I will take in each groups notes. They will not be graded, just checked for
Stage 3- Procedures:

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

Write our indicator for the lesson on the board: What is worldview? What factors shape
different worldviews in a society?
(10 min) Begin by asking the class, what is world view? (they should have done an exit
slip on this the day before to get them thinking about it). May begin as a very broad
answer, make it more specific (its the glasses we view the world through) how we view
right from wrong etc., explain different kinds of lenses. (explain from article: - Each of us has adopted onewhether we realize it or not.
Principles and precepts shape the way we view the world around us. Those principles are
imprinted upon us through what we have learned, heard and experienced. Once a
worldview is established we interpret everything around us dependent on what has
shaped on our lenses. Unlike optical lenses, however, our worldview impacts not only
what we see but also what we hear and experience. Everything that enters our mind for
consideration enters through the lens of our worldview and we will respond accordingly.

Main Procedures/Strategies:
(20 min): Brainstorm:
Ask what shapes our worldview? What institutions in our society shape the way
we think? What affects how you think? (record answers on board)
Add anything that might have been missed (time and place, culture, socio-
economics, education, language, religion, gender identity)
(30 min): Have all students read the attached article that some people found
offensive. Have them discuss the article in small groups (2-3) they can choose their
own groups, must say why they feel a certain way (teacher can discuss their stance on
the story to get conversation going) have groups write down their thoughts and take
these papers in.

Closing of lesson:

(10-20 min) Closing: how did your worldview affect the way you read the story? Why do
you think some people might have been offended?
Bring forward ideas of treaties. What do we know about treaties? We are all treaty
people. We all benefit differently from treaties. The Indian act (bringing to light the fact
that treaty signing was meant to be mutually beneficial, but it was very one sided). We
live on Treaty 6, what does that mean to you? Who really owns this land?

Personal Reflection:
*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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