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John Childers WEALTH AGADEMY www johachilderscom OPENING “DON’T FENCE ME IN” QUESTIONS Can you get excited about. 41. Wouldn’t it open doors if. Do you see the value o 42. Isn’t it worth... Do you see the benefit of. 43. Wouldn’t you benefit by Can you see the merit i 44, Can you gain from... Wouldn’t it be terrific 45. What do you think about Aren’t you glad that. 46. Isn't it exciting. Aren’t you looking forward to. 47. Wouldn't you feel better if. Doesn’t it make sense to... 48. If the results were Don’t you agree...... 49. Wouldn’t it change your mind if. Isn’t it going to be fun when...... 50. Wouldn't you reach the top quicker Isn’t it about time that...... by... Doesn’t it give you confidence to know... 51. Wouldn’t it help your career if. Wouldn’t it be worth while to fin 52. Do you feel the power in. Can you see the advantage of. 53. Isn't it stimulating when Wouldn't it be reassuring to. 54, Don’t you know that. Don’t you feel that...... 55. Wouldn’t a highlight be. Wouldn't it be great to save money by... 56, Couldn’t it light up your life. Aren’t you really excited that. 57. Aren't you delighted that Won't it be gratifying when. 58. Doesn’tit thrill you to know Isn°t it good to know. 59. Wouldn’t you be pleased if. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to. 60. Wouldn’t you take pride in Haven’t you enjoyed...... Haven’t you benefited by Wouldn’t you be happy to find... Aren’t you happy to know Aren’t you anxious to know...... Isn°t it fantastic to know...... Wouldn't it be motivating to. Wouldn't you love to grow by Isn’t it inspiring to know Wouldn’t it make a difference if. Wouldn’t your success be guaranteed if, Isn't it wonderful to find...... 66, Wouldn't Wouldn’t it be satisfying to know 67. Do you re Isn’t it worth considering that 68. Wouldn’t your fami - Wouldn’t you prefer 69. Can you see the potential of. 32. Don’t you feel that it is best if. 70. Wouldn’t it be comforting to know... 33. Don’t you feel knowing that. 71. Wouldn't it be an exciting challenge Can’t you see how this would. if. Wouldn’t it be significant if...... 72. Isn’t it going to be ineredible when Wouldn’t you like to strive for. 73. Could you reach more of your potential Wouldn’t a higher quality life be by worth. 74, Can you visualize the monetary gain 38. Wouldn’t it be tremendous if. of. 39. Wouldn’t you agree 75. Can you get excited about a training 40. Couldn’t it be great program based on smiling, nodding, and asking questions to defi income in 21 days? itely raise your

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