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Israel Moore

Mrs. Vickrey
Brit Lit/3rd
March 29 2017
The seven Commandments (animal farm)

1. No Israelite shall lie

2. No Israelite shall steal
3. No Israelite shall curse
4. Israelites should always be thankful
5. Treat every other person the way you would want to be treated
6. No Israelite shall disrespect an elder
7. NO Israelite shall commit adultery
I based my rules on how most people should live their lives. Some of my commandments reflect
the golden rule. In life if you were to follow my rules you live a happy and constructive life.
Each of my commandments are simple but powerful enough to grant you a prosperous lifestyle.
My first commandment states that No Israelite shall lie, in my community integrity is
key to a happy life for everyone in the long run. There is a saying that says if you lie you steal,
and if you steal you kill. Lying is a root for many altercations making it a huge rule in my
My second rule is one that feeds off the first and is just as important. It states that NO
Israelite shall steal. If we were to live in peace then we couldnt have a community of thieves. A
lot of people would become untrustworthy, but my commandments would make sure no one
would take something that isnt theirs. My second Commandment is a part of the golden rule
which makes it one of my most important.
Cursing is a crude way of expressing yourself, so my third commandment is No cursing.
Cursing just shows that you have nothing smarter to say and it illustrates how you go about
yourself. If you wouldnt have the audacity to say in front of your parents then why would say it
at all? Now everyone might slip up here and there but if you are a person who thinks cursing is
cool or shows how serious you are then my community isnt a place for you.
The fourth commandment on my list shines light on showing gratitude so you always be
thankful in my community. It doesnt hurt to say thank you if someone does something nice for
you or for the community as a whole. My fourth commandment also reassures you to be humble
and to not take anything for granite. You should always be thankful for what you have because
someone else might not be as fortunate as you.
Commandment number 5 is one of the most important rules even know its not one of the
first rules on my list. In order to have an equal society, everyone must treat each other with true
respect. Kindness is key and if you wouldnt want someone to disrespect you then why do it to
someone else. To have true equality everyone must be treated with equal meaning make this
commandment a strong rule to inforce.
Listening to your elders is very important they have been here for far longer than you
have and deserve respect. The fact that they have been alive longer than you have automatically
means that they have been here long enough to have experienced what you either have been
through or what youre going through.

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