Creating Your Character's Peculiarity: Richard (Yuri) Fao

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Name: Bryan Rodriguez

1. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Richard (Yuri) Fao

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Allows his to travel through walls and incoming objects of fast reflexes
How does your characters ability work?
Activities whenever he wants

Under what circumstances can it be activated?

Can be activated whenever he wants to, for fun dangerous reason, and on missions

2. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Water Girl (Vicky Love)

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Allows her to control and manipulate water at her control

How does your characters ability work?

When she is near water she can use water as weapon or defense
Under what circumstances can it be activated?\
Whenever she is in danger or is on a mission

3. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Wolf Boy (Max Cunningham)

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Superhuman like strength and super speed, is the aggressive one of the team, as anger

How does your characters ability work?

His fangs pop out, and helps the team out.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Can be activated when rush of adrenaline hit him

4. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Rudy Steven

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Excellent in hand to hand combat, learns and adapts quickly
How does your characters ability work?
When he is engaged to an enemy in fights

Under what circumstances can it be activated?

Can be activated when he is against an enemy

5. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Sonic Girl (Liz Welch)

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Her Screams of sonic waves knocks enemys down
How does your characters ability work?
When she screams towards an object

Under what circumstances can it be activated?

When a route needs to be clear or obstacle

Section 7s Home for Peculiar Heros

I remember my mom telling me when i was younger that one day i would strive for
greatness, sometimes I wish she would've never said that. I was just a regular high school
student, well, more like regular high school students exploring the dangerous of our city and
outskirts. The squad, there was me of course, someone's gotta keep these knuckleheads together.
Crazy thing is, all of us met each other in the same year. There was Vicky, gosh did she love
water. She did all water sports in school. And somehow still managed to hang out with us, what
would I do without her. Max, the hot head, you do not want to get on his bad side, trust me from
experience. Rudy, or we like we call him asian bond, he doesn't really talk about his parents, but
we know they both worked for the government. And he sure did love his martial arts. and you
can't forget Liz, her pretty eyes that shine back at you, the way she laughs, her amazing nice hair,
EHHMM, wait what am I doing sorry, back to the story, back to where everything changed our
lives forever. We were the group. Always together, inseparable. Until one night, the unthinkable
happened, we were doing a project of the old industrial revolution outside the city. In the
outskirts, about 20 miles from the main city, it was too early to go back to the city, so we decided
to take walk in the woods. Somewhere we made a wrong turn. While trying to find our way
back. The floor beneath us, was shaking, we tied running but it was useless, the ground ate us
and fell right into a whole. What happened we asked each other. Maybe of all the raining that
happened lately, made the ground unstable suggested Rudy. We were all okay and we noticed a
walkway down the ground. Where are you going Rudy! Whispered yelled Liz. I'm going to
see what's down this creepy walkway, I see light he replied. I don't know what i was feeling, my
stomach felt like it was upside down. We decided to follow Rudy down the walkway. I got my
phone and caught up with Rudy and let him lead the way. We need to go back and find a way
out of here, it's really creepy here. Don't worry Vicky, we'll see what's down here and be on our
way out said Max, Right Richie, said to me. I was wondering what would be down here. Right
I replied. We got to a point where it was not dirt anymore, now it was like metal, a metal
walkway, but the walks were black and with designs i have never seen before. We got to the
light, it was a blur light color flashing, What the heck is a light doing in a tunnel. We all started
to look around. We were in a room now, the wall with the light was still flashing. There was dirt
mixed with this black metal i've never seen before. Might of this been an old mining place or
something. Max started arguing that we should leave but rudy wanted to take pictures of the
place, since Max is so impatient he said no and started raising his voice, there is nothing down
here we should leave before it gets dark and seriously can't find our way back home!! told
Rudy. He's right let's go back, Vicky said, This is not a mining place you dumbo, look at the
walls, you ever seen black metal with strange inscriptions on the back of it What where Rudy!!
Look behind you everyone looked. When were you going to tell us, I said You guys didn't
notice it? No, this is place is getting me the chills i'm going back said Vicky I noticed the blue
light flashing on and off. While Everybody was arguing, I touched it. The wall made a noise. I
looked back with an oopsie face, What did you., and the wall slowly started to open side from
side. I felt like my heart was going to get out and start running. Do said Max as soon as the
door stopped moving. We went in, the room, in the center looked like a stone from top to bottom
connected to the ceiling and in the center of the stone it was bright blue. The walls had
inscriptions all over and the stone as well. What is it, We gotta get back, where are we,
I'm scared, everyone said. As all of us got closer to the stone to peek what was shining in the
middle, I told them slowly. Is this even mad made asked Rudy. I don't know I replied. When we
got closer the light turns brighter and brighter and the middle opened, it transferred into a sorta
like tone table, out of it the center of light got brighter floated in the air, and ran to us. And
knocked us out. After that. I woke up in a bed. Remembered everything that happened and
started panicking, my hands were and legs were strapped. I was wondering why and wanted to
break free when my one of legs did. I saw it go through the belt but thought my dizziness playing
mind games when my other leg did the same, i moved my foot in and out through it. My heart
dropped, Am i dreaming what going on to me, i gotta wake up, whee is everyone, a milion thing
started rushing through my head. I however got free and started walking towards the door, it felt
like i hadn't walked in forever. When i opened the door, i saw staff members in military uniforms
and soldiers and nurses and doctors rushing in and out through multiple rooms. I herd like an
animal or ferocious dog in one room, in another i saw water being levitated from the the ground
and water throwing a soldier across the wall. Then all of a sudden, all you here is a loud scream
that made my ears want to turn inside out and soldiers and equipment broke through the wall,
that's when i saw Liz, she looked at me, and then a nurse injected her with something in her neck
while one arm still tied to the bed. The kid is loose, a guard yelled get him, a guard tried tackling
me i ducked and was to slow to dodge it, he went right through me. I looked back in I touched
my body to realize what just happened. He has powers another nurse yelled. I started running
other were trying to tackle me but same result. As i went down the hall i noticed everyone was
here. Vicky, Max, Liz, and at the end was Rudy. I did not know what was happening, i couldn't
believe what was happening, someone shot a taser at me but my body did not let it go through. I
passed out. Again. I felt something moving me and saying my name but i was having a dream
about what happened that day. Riche...Riche..RICHARD WAKE UP!! I looked up terrified. It
was Rudy. Rudy, it felt like i haven't seen him in forever, Rudy what's going on what happened
who are these people what do they want. Liz, Vicky, Max are they fine. Slow down there buddy,
one question at a time. And all your answers will be answered in a few minutes follow me. I got
up and followed Rudy, behind us were 2 guards heavily armored following my every step. It was
a secret base alright, this did not look anything like Woods Cross, Utah. We passed labs, soldiers
training, super tech computers, glass holograms. Until the guards opened a door for us. Richie
someone exclaimed, it was Liz, then I saw the whole gang. Am i happy to see all of you. Gave
Max and Vicky a hug. And I finally said, What the hell is going on. When someone from another
door accompanied by security men and women in doctors clothes rushed into the room, okke like
a meeting room. Please have a seat all of your questions will be answered shortly speaked what it
looked like to be a general. My name is General Mattis and you are in a base located
somewhere in California. 16 days ago you discovered an ancient ruin buried deep within the soils
of Utahs Scenery. You released an energy artifact known as SARCAB into your bodies that
manipulated your genes. Some of you posse powers. You will me moved to a safe location to
train with you powers and learn how to control them. Just letting you know, you are not the only
ones in the world that possess superhuman abilities. There are evil and good. We are battling a
secret war unknown to the general population. The world is not ready for this yet. Any
Questions? Yeah i asked, where are we being moved? Section 7s Home for Peculiar Heros

To be Continued..

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